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“I wasn’t given the ‘Gift of Life’ to live in a glass house.” -- Donald and Kathy Wong A career dedicated to organ donation and transplantation. -- Denise Alveranga, MD, FASN, FACP A dedicated advocate for organ and tissue donation and transplantation. -- Kenneth P. Moritsugu, MD, MPH image. “… there is no greater love than the altruistic love of sharing, and giving, a life.” -- Yeon Won Bae, Ph.D. image. Transplant recipient provides hope to those waiting for the gift of life. -- Mireya Vallina "The real heroes are the donor families." -- Amelia Brown-Wilson Lifesaving liver transplant at five months old inspires family to give back to their community. -- Mikey Weathersby (far left) and Family He was "a wonderful husband and a very humble man." -- Gene Ushiroda Transplanted kidney enables medal–winning performance. -- Ken Sutha A driving commitment to saving and healing lives through organ donation. -- Stacy Alvarez-Underwood The nation’s oldest organ donor. -- Carlton Blackburn "She knows what it's like to have another chance at life." -- Aliyah Boatwright A donor continues to touch people's lives. -- Johnny H. Brown “We are alive. We are here and we thank you, thank you, thank you.” -- Linda Cheatham World champion martial arts competitor, continues her winning ways... -- May Chen Twelve-year-old transplant recipient masters the art of living. -- Gabriel Clark A nine-year-old's legacy of love and giving. -- Jazmyne Davis Two liver transplants. One amazing life. -- Debbie Delgado-Vega “Through donation, we have found peace. Rhonda is our guardian angel.” -- The Family of Rhonda Kay Flores “My personal objective is to become the helmsman of the transplant community …” -- Tommy Frieson Working tirelessly to create awareness about organ donation... -- Debbie Mann Gibbs "With his donation, five lives have been saved. He did a great thing." -- Ernest Goh “I’m alive today and doing what I love to do most: helping others.” -- Sergio Gomez Goal is to educate how making the decision to donate can save lives. -- Alvin Grant A new heart helps a young girl continue living and loving. -- Shutong Hao “Someone said ‘yes’ to donating life so that I might have a second chance.” -- Bobby Height, Sr. “The giving oneself is just the ultimate way of saying thank you for being created.” -- Christina Janis Saving lives by advocating for donation. -- Reverend Charles Jenkins One gift of life inspires countless more. -- U.S. Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones People of faith, loving acts of donation. -- Cardinal Stephen Kim Sou-hwan Her donation transformed the lives of several recipients and their families. -- Anne Laumer image. A young woman gives the gift of life. -- Daisy Lobos Organ donation touches the life and the work of a Texas surgeon. -- Ruben Lopez, MD “There is no gift more profound.” -- Jessica Melore “Any age, any ethnic group: you are needed.” -- Janet Ocasio image. “We think of Kelly’s donor family and thank them in our hearts every day.” -- Kelly Olmo and her mother, Cathy “I wish I were eloquent enough to express the gratitude I feel to my donor family.” -- Patrick Pruitt A mother and daughter live inspiring lives. -- Klarissa Ramirez and her mother “Manuel has taught me a lot about courage. Life goes on and he goes on with it.” -- Manuel Salazar An organ donor truly saves lives and gives hope. -- Sabrina Smith Always ready to lend a hand to those in need. -- Lorraine Spradling “My story would be quite different. So life is good once again …” -- Stephen Sprague Surgeon, professor, and passionate donation advocate. -- Clive O. Callender, MD A chance to be just like other children. -- Khalieghya Dandie-Evans '67 Chevy Impala dedicated to his second chance at life. -- George Rivera With a new heart, a young girl does anything she can talk her way into. -- Carlee Baladez A kidney donation transforms a young boy’s life. -- Caleb Davy A loving daughter is inspired by her father’s gift of life. -- Jillian Carroll and her mother, Judy “He always felt it was his duty to come to someone's aid or assistance.” -- Brandon Spight Granddaughter and grandfather saved by “selfless gift.” -- Cheyenne Arnold and Harrison Black A new heart changed lives forever. -- Jason Zhao image. At just 4 months, he received a liver transplant. -- Nicholas Sambilay “He now has the opportunity to see the world and all its beauty.” -- Alejandro Ortiz Teen continues to thrive many years after receiving a new kidney. -- Yatska Diaz Revered high school football player saved four lives through donation. -- Bill Falafasa Ala'ilima I know I’m reaching my goals and yours as well. -- Brittany Plater One person can save eight lives and improve 50 others. -- Photo of Abhishek T.

April is National Donate Life Month
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people are waiting for an organ
 18 people will die each day waiting for an organ
 1 organ donor can save up to 8 lives

> More statistics and figures

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