JDRF is the leading global organization funding T1D research

Millions of people around the world live with type 1 diabetes (T1D), a life-threatening autoimmune disease that strikes both children and adults. There is no way to prevent it, and at present, no cure. JDRF works every day to change this by amassing grassroots support, deep scientific knowledge and strong industry and academic partnerships to fund research. Learn more

Get T1D resources and support

Dedicated JDRF staff and volunteers can offer you guidance and support at all ages and stages of the disease.

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JDRF One Walk®

Our flagship fundraising event draws more than 900,000 people who raise money for T1D research each year. Many have T1D themselves, and many more are friends, family or coworkers of someone with the disease. Come walk with others who believe together we can turn Type One into Type None.