New Updated Glaucoma Patient Guide

New Updated Glaucoma Patient Guide

Doctor I Have a Question, a comprehensive updated 28-page guide for glaucoma patients and their families, has just been published by The Glaucoma Foundation.

The first step in understanding glaucoma is to know the basic facts.  Prepared with the input of TGF's distinguished Medical Advisory Board, Doctor I Have a Question covers all aspects of the disease and treatment options, including how the eye works, what is glaucoma, the different types of glaucoma, risk factors for the disease, diagnosis and what's new in diagnostic tools, detailed information about medications currently in use, laser surgery, traditional surgery and more.

With this information, patients can more easily discuss their condition with their eye doctor and work together as a team to protect their vision.  Explore the booklet for answers to your questions here.  

Scott Christensen, President of The Glaucoma Foundation, interviewed at the United Nations
October 2, 2009
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