United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Operating Experience Smart Sample (OpESS) Program

The OpESS program is designed to provide NRC inspection staff a detailed synopsis of selected operating experience which the agency considers to have generic safety implication. The OpESS is designed as an additional tool to be used by agency staff in ROP baseline inspection preparation. The information and trends identified from OpESS inspections may provide further indication that a specific issue warrants additional agency action.

Operating Experience Smart Samples

Each OpESS has a unique and sequential identifier. The designator FY is "Fiscal Year," which will support tracking by the NRR Operating Experience Branch for determining OpESS utilization and effectiveness.

2000s: FY2012 | FY2010 | FY2009 | FY2008 | FY2007

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012