Contact Us

We regret that we cannot diagnose diseases, offer specific treatment recommendations, or provide physician referrals. Please consult a medical professional about your health condition. How to find an eye care professional.

Eye Diseases Health and Research Information

The National Eye Institute's Office of Science Communications, Public Liaison and Education responds directly to requests for information on eye diseases and vision research in English and Spanish. We cannot provide personalized medical advice to individuals about their condition or treatment.

Phone: (301) 496-5248—English and Spanish
Mail: National Eye Institute
Information Office
31 Center Drive MSC 2510
Bethesda, MD 20892-2510

Stay Connected with NEI

Connect with us through social media, like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Media Inquiries

Please call 301-496-5248. Visit our News Page.

Research Funding and Training

For specific grant and application assistance contact the Division of Extramural Research, (301) 451-2020.

Specific Staff Members

Locate individuals in the NEI Staff Directory. For departments, see the organizational phone list.

Website comments and questions

Technical questions about this website can be addressed to the NEI Website Manager.