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Tox21 Researchers Publish Analysis of Potentially Toxic Chemicals

The data can be used to predict the potential effects of 10,000 chemicals on human biological functions.

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The Tox21 program is designed to improving toxicity testing methods for the entire scientific community. Learn more about how you can get involved.

Contact Anna Rossoshek

Toxicology in the 21st Century (Tox21)

Improving toxicity testing methods to enable faster and more efficient evaluation of chemicals' effects on human health. Learn more.

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About Tox21

Learn more about the Tox21 program and its goal to test 10,000 chemicals for toxic effects.

Scientific Capabilities

Discover Tox21's state-of-the-art expertise, tools and technologies for assay development and toxicology screening.

Work with Tox21

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    Tox21 Projects

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    Toxicology and Human Health

    Throughout their lives, people are exposed to thousands of chemicals in food, household cleaning products, medicines and the environment. However, scientists know little about the potential for most of these substances to be hazardous to human health (i.e., their toxicity). In fact, more than 30 percent of promising pharmaceuticals have failed in human clinical trials because they are determined to be toxic, despite promising pre-clinical studies in animal models. New methods to assess chemical toxicity have the potential to improve how scientists evaluate environmental chemicals and develop new medicines. Learn more about the Tox21 program's focus on improving toxicity testing.