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Acquisition of iPS Cells in the IRP (MOU)

Instructions to NIH IRP Investigators for Obtaining iPSC Lines (December 21, 2011)

  1. Contact your technology transfer representative - forward all Material Transfer Agreements to that representative. Technology transfer representatives are found at staff/tdc.aspx.
  2. Obtain OHSR exemption - if OHSR exemption is not an option you will need to get IRB approval. OHSR review request form is found at
  3. Fill out iPSC Checklist and submit to Dr. Melissa Colbert. Please attach applicable OHSR or IRB documentation to the checklist.
  4. Fill in appropriate documentation to import biological materials into the United States and submit to the NIH Quarantine Permit Service Office - required if a non-U.S. provider. Permit to Import Biological Agents or Vectors of Human Disease into the United States is found at this site:

The page was last updated on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 5:24pm