NASA’s SDO Witnesses a Double Eclipse

Early in the morning of Sept. 1, 2016, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, caught both Earth and the moon crossing in front of the sun. SDO keeps a constant eye on the sun, but during SDO’s semiannual eclipse seasons, Earth briefly blocks SDO’s line of sight each day – a consequence of SDO’s geosynchronous orbit. On Sept. 1, Earth completely eclipsed the sun from SDO’s perspective just as the moon began its journey across the face of the sun.

Planning Your Eclipse Party

Many eclipse enthusiasts host parties in local community centers, museums, observatories, parks or open fields. Even your own backyard is a good place to throw a party. It is always a good idea to choose place that has access to shade and facilities. You may also want to check weather-related Web sites for forecasts of your area. If the clouds move in, don’t worry! You can always connect to NASA’s live streaming event.

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