Requisition Programs Overview

Requisition is a simple method for agencies to acquire a broad range of products, supplies, and equipment directly from GSA. GSA conducts a competitive procurement, and complies with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and other relevant regulations.

Agencies submit a requisition to GSA for a simple government-to-government transfer that is quick, safe and compliant. GSA offers product fulfillment, order status, billing support and comprehensive customer service for agencies using the requisition method.

GSA Global Supply

GSA Global Supply offers approximately 400,000 office supplies, computer products and tools via requisition based ordering. Customers may use a SmartPay 2® purchase card or arrange direct billing using their Activity Address Code (AAC/DoDAAC) or the equivalent.

DoD Customers

When requisitioning products, DoD customers can also use Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (MIPRs). MIPRs are funding documents used to obligate funds to meet a specific need for a definitive period of time. These orders provide supplies for special projects requiring a high level of technical expertise, or high dollar requirements or both.

The correct document for submitting a MIPR is DD448, which must contain a valid DoDAAC and fund code.

Next Step

To see more than 400,000 products available via requisition, or to order, visit GSA Global Supply. Users can browse by category (office supplies) or search for a specific item.

Last Reviewed 2016-07-14