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Evaluating HUD's Progress
High-Value Data Score: Meets Expectations
Rationale: HUD published five data sets on as follows:

12/4/09 - MFH Physical Inspection Scores

The Physical Inspection Scores datasets provide a full historical view of the results of those inspections, providing point-in-time property scores. Results are available for download as a comma-delimited dataset. Separate datasets are available for public housing and for multifamily assisted properties. The results represent the inspections conducted from 2001 through September 2009. The datasets include property identifiers and location information. This is the first time HUD has made this data viewable by the public.

12/4/09 - PHA Physical Inspection Scores

HUD's Real Estate Assessment Center conducts physical property inspections of properties that are owned, insured or subsidized by HUD, including public housing and multifamily assisted housing. About 20,000 such inspections are conducted each year to ensure that assisted families have housing that is decent, safe, sanitary and in good repair. The Physical Inspection Scores datasets provide a full historical view of the results of those inspections, providing point-in-time property scores. Results are available for download as a comma-delimited dataset. Separate datasets are available for public housing and for multifamily assisted properties. The results represent the inspections conducted from 2001 through September 2009. The datasets include property identifiers and location information.

This is the first time HUD has made this data viewable by the public.

1/11/10 - FHEO Filed Cases

The dataset is a list of all the Title VIII fair housing cases filed by FHEO from 01/01/2006 to the run date including the case number, case name, filing date, state and county of the alleged violation, and the bases for the alleged discriminatory acts. The Federal bases are race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, familial status and retaliation for filing a fair housing complaint. The data can be aggregated to the county or state level to show patterns in the quantity and bases of fair housing complaints filed. This is the first time HUD has made this data viewable by the public.

1/20/10 - SEMAP Performance

The section eight management assessment program (SEMAP) measures the performance of the public housing agencies (PHAs) that administer the housing choice voucher program in 14 key areas. SEMAP helps HUD target monitoring and assistance to PHA programs that need the most improvement. This data formerly resided on HUD's internal network, but this is the first time HUD has made this data viewable by the public.

1/20/10 - Public Housing Authorities (PHA) Inventory

The Section 8 Rental Voucher Program increases affordable housing choices for very low-income households by allowing families to choose privately owned rental housing. Some of the public will want to view this data to learn which PHA's are located in their area, increasing efficiencies in wait-listing. This data formerly resided on HUD's internal network, but this is the first time HUD has made this data viewable by the public.

Data Integrity Score: Meets Expectations
Rationale: Meets Expectations HUD's OCIO led a review and validation of the data in each of the data sets prior to posting the data. The data sets were then reviewed with GSA after posting to to ensure it's integrity.
Open Government Webpage Score: Meets Expectations
Rationale: HUD's open government Web site went live on January 28. It is available at
Public Consultation Score: Meets Expectations
Rationale: HUD's open government dialog tool went live on February 5.
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