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Distance Learning Dataset Training

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The Distance Learning Dataset Training System (DLDT) is an online, interactive tool that allows users to learn about NCES data across the education spectrum and evaluate it for suitability for particular research purposes. The DLDT computer-based training modules are designed to introduce users to many NCES datasets, their design, and considerations for analysis to facilitate successful analyses.

The modules provide information about the specific datasets and tools needed to find published reports, acquire, access, and explore data, and create data files. The modules also explain how to conduct analyses using selected statistical software packages and/or by using data tools provided by the NCES. Additionally, they provide instruction on how to correctly use NCES Public-use and Restricted-use datasets.

NCES data and the DLDT modules, are appropriate for use by researchers, students, policy specialists, education professionals, and any users who are interested in student and school outcomes at all levels of education. The DLDT allows users to access information at no cost and is a self-paced system.

There are two types of NCES DLDT modules available: common modules and dataset-specific modules. The common modules provide information to help users understand NCES data across the education spectrum. They provide general information about NCES, its research methods, the Center’s surveys, published data products and reports, how to access public- and restricted-use datasets and provides an overview of many tools that are available help users analyze NCES data. The dataset-specific modules provide more detailed information about specific studies conducted by NCES, and how to use and analyze the particular datasets appropriately.

Use Internet Explorer 9.0+ and Flash Player 10 to access the full functionality of the DLDT modules. Consult the Technical Issues NCES Help documentation for additional information and helpful links for download at Contact dataset-specific staff with training content inquires and questions.

Click on a title below to show the list of available modules. Then, click on any module displayed to begin.

Click on the "NCES Facebook" link at the top of the page to ask questions and share knowledge with other NCES DLDT users.