GSA Forms Library

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Number Name Revision
FORMSINSTO Stocked Standard Forms SF Available from GSA Global Supply 2015 10/2014
HANDBOOK Standard and Optional Forms Procedural Handbook 07/2009
SF1 Printing and Binding Requisition to the Public Printer 01/2014
SF1C Printing and Binding Requisition for Specialty Items 01/1960
SFLLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities 07/1997
SFLLL1 Registered Lobbyist Contact Disclosure 04/2009
SFLLLA Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Continuation Sheet 07/1997
SF2 U.S. Government Lease for Real Property 06/2003
SF8 Notice to Federal Employee About Unemployment Insurance 06/1987
SF15 Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference 10/2013
SF17 Facilities Available for the Construction or Repair of Ships 09/1996
SF18 Request for Quotations 06/1995
SF24 Bid Bond 08/2016
SF25 Performance Bond 08/2016
SF25A Payment Bond 08/2016
SF25B Continuation Sheet for Standard Forms 24, 25 and 25A 10/1983
SF26 Award/Contract 03/2013
SF28 Affidavit of Individual Surety 06/2003
SF30 Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract 11/2016
SF33 Solicitation Offer and Award 06/2014
SF34 Annual Bid Bond 08/2016
SF35 Annual Performance Bond 08/2016
SF39 Request for Referral of Eligibles 04/2011
SF39A Request and Justification for Selective Factors and Quality Ranking Factors 04/2011
SF44 U.S. Government Purchase Order - Invoice - Voucher 10/1983
SF50 Notification of Personnel Action 07/1991
SF52 Request for Personnel Action 07/1991
SF59 Request for Approval of Noncompetitive Action 01/1979
SF61 Appointment Affidavit 08/2002
SF62 Agency Request to Pass Over a Preference Eligible or Object to an Eligible 04/2011
SF66 Official Personnel Folder 01/1989
SF66C Merged Records Personnel Folder (MRPF) 11/1983
SF66D Employee Medical Folder 04/1985
SF75 Request for Preliminary Employment Data 08/1998
SF76 Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request: Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) 08/2013
SF81 Request for Space 02/1989
SF81A Space Requirements Worksheet 10/1983
SF85 Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions 12/2013
SF85P Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions 09/1995
SF85PS Supplemental Questionnaire for Selected Positions 09/1995
SF86 Questionnaire for National Security Positions 12/2010
SF86C Standard Form 86 Certification 07/2008
SF87 Office of Personnel Management Fingerprint Card 03/2013
SF88 Medical Record - Report of Medical Examination 10/1994
SF91 Motor Vehicle Accident Report 02/2004
SF93 Report of Medical History 06/1996
SF95 Claim for Damage, Injury, or Death 02/2007
SF97-1 The United States Government Certificate to Obtain Title to a Vehicle 09/2013
SF98 Notice of Intention to Make a Service Contract and Response to Notice 02/1973
SF98A Notice of Intention to Make a Service Contract and Response to Notice (Attachment A) 02/1973
SF100 Equal Employment Opportunity Employer Information Report EEO-1 04/1992
SF113A Monthly Report of Federal Civilian Employment 07/1997
SF113G Monthly Report of Full-Time Equivalent/Work Year Civilian Employment 07/1997
SF114 Sale of Government Property - Bid and Award 05/2003
SF114A Sale of Government Property - Item Bid Page - Sealed Bid 11/2002
SF114B Sale of Government Property - Item Bid Page - Sealed Bid 01/1994
SF114C Sale of Government Property - General Sale Terms and Conditions 04/2001
SF114D Sale of Government Property Amendment of Invitation for Bids/Modification of Contract 01/1994
SF114E Sale of Government Property - Negotiated Sales Contract 04/1997
SF114F Sale of Government Property - Item Bid Page - Spot Bid or Auction 09/2002
SF115 Request for Records Disposition Authority 03/1991
SF115instr Instructions for Standard Form 115 03/1991
SF118 Report of Excess Real Property 05/1996
SF118A Buildings, Structures, Utilities, and Miscellaneous Facilities - Schedule A Supplement to Report of Excess Real Property 05/1996
SF118B Land Schedule B - Supplement to Report of Excess Real Property 05/1996
SF118C Related Personal Property Schedule C - Supplement to Report of Excess Real Property 05/1996
SF120 Report of Excess Personal Property 10/2016
SF120A Report of Excess Personal Property (Continuation Sheet) 11/2016
SF122 Transfer Order Excess Personal Property 09/2014
SF123 Transfer Order Surplus Personal Property 11/2015
SF123A Transfer Order Surplus Personal Property (Continuation Sheet) 11/2015
SF126 Report of Personal Property For Sale 11/2016
SF126A Report of Personal Property For Sale (Continuation Sheet) 11/2016
SF127 Request for Official Personnel Folder (Separated Employee) 02/2011
SF133 Report on Budget Execution 07/1976
SF135 Records Transmittal and Receipt 07/1985
SF135instr Instructions for SF135 form 07/1985
SF144 Statement of Prior Federal Service 10/1995
SF144A Statement of Prior Service - Worksheet 07/2008
SF152 Request for Clearance or Cancellation of a Standard or Optional Form 11/2000
SF153 COMSEC Material Report 09/1988
SF180 Request Pertaining to Military Records 11/2015
SF181 Ethnicity and Race Identification 08/2005
SF182 Authorization, Agreement and Certification of Training 12/2006
SF186 Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) 08/2013
SF215 Deposit Ticket (OCR) 05/1990
SF245 Passenger and Cargo Manifest 06/1977
SF252 Architect-Engineer Contract 10/1983
SF256 Self-Identification of Handicap 07/2010
SF258 Agreement to Transfer Records to the National Archives of the United States 09/1995
SF261 Crew Time Report 05/1978
SF270 Request for Advance or Reimbursement 01/2016
SF271 Outlay Report and Request for Reimbursement for Construction Programs 01/2016
SF273 Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Performance Bond 04/2013
SF274 Reinsurance Agreement for a Miller Act Payment Bond 04/2013
SF275 Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States 10/1998
SF279 Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) Individual Contract Action Report 01/2002
SF281 Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) Summary Contract Action Report ($25,000 or Less) 10/2000
SF282 Mandatory Title Check 04/1979
SF294 Subcontracting Report for Individual Contracts 08/2016
SF295 Summary Subcontract Report 09/2015
SF298 Report Documentation Page 08/1998
SF299 Application for Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on Federal Lands 05/2009
SF308 Request for Wage Determination and Response to Request 02/2013
SF311 Agency Security Classification Management Program Data 03/2016
SF312 Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement 07/2013
SF314 Instructions for Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) Program Office System Revalidation for Service Users 12/2007
SF315 Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System Request for Service Users 12/2007
SF317 Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System Action Appeal for Service Users 12/2007
SF318 Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System Service Confirmation for Service Vendors 12/2000
SF319 Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System Service Reconciliation for Service Vendors 12/2007
SF326 Semiannual Report of Payments Accepted from a Non-Federal Source 02/1998
SF326A Semiannual Report of Payments Accepted from a Non-Federal Source - Continuation 02/1998
SF328 Certificate Pertaining to Foreign Interests 06/2008
SF329 Administrative Wage Garnishment 01/2005
SF329A Wage Garnishment Letter and Important Notice to Employer 01/2005
SF329B Wage Garnishment Order 01/2005
SF329C Wage Garnishment Worksheet 11/1998
SF329D Employer Certification 01/2005
SF329E Notice of Termination of Wage Garnishment Order 01/2005
SF330 Architect-Engineer Qualifications 08/2016
SF330Ex1.1 Extra Page 1 Part 1 of SF330 08/2016
SF330Extr1 Extra Part 1 of SF330 08/2016
SF330Extr2 Extra Part 2 of SF330 08/2016
SF330_SE Extra Section E for SF330 Form 08/2016
SF330_SF Extra Section F for SF330 Form 08/2016
SF330_SG Extra Section G for SF330 Form 08/2016
SF330_SH Extra Section H for SF330 Form 08/2016
SF336 Continuity of Operations (COOP) -- Continuity Facility Identification/Certification 05/2014
SF344 Multiuse Standard Requisitioning/Issue System Document 02/1993
SF364 Report of Discrepancy (ROD) 02/1980
SF368 Product Quality Deficiency Report 05/2011
SF424 Application for Federal Assistance 10/2005
SF424A Budget Information - Non-Construction Programs 07/1997
SF424B Assurances - Non-Construction Programs 07/1997
SF424C Budget Information - Construction Programs 07/1997
SF424D Assurances - Construction Programs 07/1997
SF425 Federal Financial Report 06/2010
SF425A Federal Financial Report Attachment - for Reporting Multiple Grants 06/2010
SF429 Real Property Status Report - Cover Page 01/2016
SF429A Real Property Status Report - Attachment A - General Reporting 01/2016
SF429B Real Property Status Report - Attachment B - Request to Acquire, Improve, or Furnish 01/2016
SF429C Real Property Status Report - Attachment C - Disposition or Encumbrance Request 01/2016
SF429I Real Property Status Report - Instructions 01/2016
SF502 Medical Record - Narrative Summary (Clinical Resume) 07/1991
SF503 Medical Record - Autopsy Protocol 07/2000
SF504 Medical Record - History 02/2001
SF505 Medical Record - History - Parts 2 and 3 12/2002
SF506 Medical Record - Physical Examination 02/1999
SF507 Medical Record 07/1991
SF508 Doctor's Orders 03/1994
SF509 Medical Record - Progress Report 07/1991
SF510 Medical Record - Nursing Notes 03/2000
SF511 Vital Signs Record 07/1995
SF513 Medical Record - Consultation Sheet 04/1998
SF514 Clinical Record - Laboratory Report 10/1975
SF515 Medical Record - Tissue Examination 08/1997
SF516 Medical Record - Operation Report 05/1983
SF518 Blood or Blood Component Transfusion 09/1992
SF519 Medical Record-Radiologic Consultation Request/Reports 02/1989
SF519A Radiologic Consultation Request/Report 08/1989
SF519B Radiologic Consultation Request/Report (Radiology/Nuclear Medicine/Ultrasound/Computed Tomography Examinations) 08/1983
SF523 Medical Record - Authorization for Autopsy 12/1980
SF523A Disposition of Body 12/1993
SF526 Medical Record - Interstitial/Intercavitary Therapy 02/1995
SF527 Medical Record - Group Muscle Strength, Joint R.O.M. Girth and Length Measurements 09/1994
SF528 MUSCLE FUNCTION BY NERVE DISTRIBUTION: Face, Neck, and Upper Extremity 06/1994
SF529 MUSCLE FUNCTION BY NERVE DISTRIBUTION: Trunk and Lower Extremity 06/1994
SF531 Medical Record - Anatomical Figure 06/1995
SF533 Medical Record - Prenatal and Pregnancy 12/1999
SF536 Medical Record - Pediatric Nursing Notes 02/1995
SF541 Medical Record - Gynecologic Cytology 11/1977
SF545 Laboratory Report Display 10/1975
SF546 Medical Record - Chemistry I 08/1977
SF549 Medical Record - Hematology 07/1978
SF550 Medical Record - Urinalysis 04/1977
SF551 Medical Record - Serology 06/1977
SF553 Medical Record - Microbiology I 03/1977
SF557 Medical Record - Miscellaneous 03/1977
SF558 Medical Record - Emergency Care and Treatment 09/1996
SF559 Medical Record - Allergen Extract Prescription - New and Refill 04/1994
SF600 Chronological Record of Medical Care 11/2010
SF601 Immunization Record 10/1975
SF602 Medical Record - Serology Record 08/1998
SF603 Medical Record - Dental 10/1975
SF603A Medical Record - Dental - Continuation 11/2002
SF700 Security Container Information 04/2001
SF701 Activity Security Checklist 11/2010
SF702 Security Container Checksheet 11/2010
SF703 Top Secret (Coversheet) 08/1985
SF704 Secret (Cover Sheet) 08/1985
SF705 Confidential (Cover Sheet) 08/1985
SF706 Top Secret (Label) 01/1987
SF707 Secret (Label) 01/1987
SF708 Confidential (Label) 01/1987
SF709 Classified (Label) 01/1987
SF710 Unclassified (Label) 01/1987
SF711 Data Descriptor (Label) 01/1987
SF712 Classified SCI (Label) 10/1987
SF713 Consent for Access to Records 05/2002
SF714 Financial Disclosure Report 02/2015
SF715 U.S. Government Declassification Review Tab 08/2005
SF716 Agency Security Classification Costs Estimates 07/2011
SF813 Verification of a Military Retiree's Service in Non-Wartime Campaigns or Expeditions 04/2013
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Number Name Revision
SF1034 Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal 10/1987
SF1035 Public Voucher for Services Other than Personal (Continuation Sheet) 09/1973
SF1038 Advance of Funds Application and Account 10/1977
SF1047 Public Voucher for Refunds 09/1973
SF1080 Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds 04/1982
SF1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits 09/1982
SF1094 United States Tax Exemption Form 04/2015
SF1094A Tax Exemption Accountability Record 04/2015
SF1103 U. S. Government Bill of Lading 09/2003
SF1109 U. S. Government Bill of Lading - Continuation Sheet 09/1998
SF1113 Public Voucher for Transportation Charges 11/1986
SF1113A Public Voucher for Transportation Charges 11/1986
SF1145 Voucher for Payment Under Federal Tort Claims Act 01/1992
SF1147 Request for Issuance of Replacement Check Due to Error in Name and/or Designation of Payee 03/1982
SF1150 Record of Leave Data 12/1977
SF1152 Designation of Beneficiary - Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Civilian Employee 09/2011
SF1153 Claim for Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Civilian Employee 08/2011
SF1154 Public Voucher for Unpaid Compensation Due a Deceased Civilian Employee 09/1967
SF1156 Public Voucher for Fees and Mileage of Witnesses 1970
SF1157 Claims for Witness Attendance Fees, Travel, and Miscellaneous Expenses 04/1980
SF1170 Redemption of Unused Tickets - Original 04/2001
SF1174 Claim for Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Member of the Uniformed Services 09/1992
SF1184 Unavailable Check Cancellation 10/2005
SF1186 Transmittal for Transportation Schedules and Related Basic Documents 09/2011
SF1187 Request for Payroll Deductions for Labor Organization Dues 03/1989
SF1188 Cancellation of Payroll Deductions for Labor Organization Dues 04/2011
SF1190 Foreign Allowances Application, Grant and Report 07/2009
SF1198 Request by Employee for Allotment of Pay for Credit to Savings Account with a Financial Organization 03/1982
SF1199A Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form 08/2012
SF1200 Government Bill of Lading Correction Notice 08/1982
SF1402 Certificate of Appointment 10/1983
SF1403 Pre-Award Survey of Prospective Contractor - General 01/2014
SF1404 Pre-Award Survey of Prospective Contractor - Technical 01/2014
SF1405 Pre-Award Survey of Prospective Contractor - Production 01/2014
SF1406 Pre-Award Survey of Prospective Contractor - Quality Assurance 01/2014
SF1407 Pre-Award Survey of Prospective Contractor - Financial Capability 01/2014
SF1408 Pre-Award Survey of Prospective Contractor - Accounting System 01/2014
SF1409 Abstract of Offers 09/1988
SF1410 Abstract of Offers - Continuation 09/1988
SF1413 Statement and Acknowledgment 04/2013
SF1414 Consent of Surety 05/1997
SF1415 Consent of Surety and Increase of Penalty 07/1993
SF1416 Payment Bond for Other than Construction Contracts 10/1998
SF1418 Performance Bond for Other than Construction Contracts 02/1999
SF1423 Inventory Verification Survey 05/2015
SF1424 Inventory Disposal Report 05/2015
SF1428 Inventory Disposal Schedule 01/2016
SF1429 Inventory Disposal Schedule - Continuation Sheet 01/2016
SF1430 Inventory Schedule C (Work-In-Process) 12/1996
SF1431 Inventory Schedule C - Continuation Sheet (Work-in-Process) 07/1989
SF1432 Inventory Schedule D - Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment 12/1996
SF1433 Inventory Schedule D - Continuation Sheet (Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment) 07/1989
SF1434 Termination Inventory Schedule E (Short form for use with SF1438 Only) 12/1996
SF1435 Settlement Proposal (Inventory Basis) 03/2016
SF1436 Settlement Proposal (Total Cost Basis) 05/2004
SF1437 Settlement Proposal for Cost - Reimbursement Type Contracts 09/1997
SF1438 Settlement Proposal (Short Form) 05/2004
SF1439 Schedule of Accounting Information 07/1989
SF1440 Application for Partial Payment 01/1995
SF1442 Solicitation, Offer and Award (Construction, Alteration or Repair) 08/2014
SF1443 Contractor's Request for Progress Payment 07/2009
SF1444 Request for Authorization of Additional Classification and Rate 04/2013
SF1445 Labor Standards Interview 12/1996
SF1446 Labor Standards Investigation Summary Sheet 04/2013
SF1447 Solicitation/Contract 08/2016
SF1449 Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items 02/2012
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Number Name Revision
SF2050 Reconstitution Questionnaire 05/2014
SF2800 Application for Death Benefits - Civil Service Retirement System 11/2011
SF2800A Documentation and Elections in Support of Application for Death Benefits When Deceased was an Employee at the Time of Death 03/2012
SF2801 Application for Immediate Retirement CSRS 06/2013
SF2802 Application for Refund of Retirement Deductions - CSRS 09/2013
SF2803 Application to Make Deposit or Redeposit - CSRS 04/2010
SF2804 Application to Make Voluntary Contributions - CSRS 07/2006
SF2804a Information Regarding Voluntary Contributions - CSRS 02/1999
SF2808 Designation of Beneficiary - CSRS 06/2011
SF2809 Federal Employee Health Benefits Election Form (FEHB) 11/2015
SF2810 Notice of Change in Health Benefits Enrollment 06/1995
SF2812 Report of Withholdings and Contributions for Health Benefits, Life Insurance, and Retirement 11/2013
SF2812A Report of Withholdings and Contributions for Health Benefits by Enrollment Code 11/2013
SF2817 Life Insurance Election 11/2011
SF2818 Continuation of Life Insurance Coverage as an Annuitant or Compensationer (FEGLI) 02/2012
SF2819 Notice of Conversion Privilege - Federal Employees' Life Insurance Program 05/1995
SF2820 Certificate of Insured Employee's Retirement Status 07/2000
SF2821 Agency Certification of Insurance Status - Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program 05/1995
SF2822 Request for Insurance - Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program 12/2013
SF2823 Designation of Beneficiary - FEGLI 05/2014
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Number Name Revision
SF3100A Individual Retirement Record (FERS) 01/1987
SF3102 Designation of Beneficiary - FERS 02/2012
SF3104 Application for Death Benefits - FERS 05/2013
SF3104B Documentation and Elections in Support of Application for Death Benefits when Deceased was an Employee at the Time of Death (FERS) 04/2012
SF3106 Application for Refund of Retirement Deductions - FERS 08/2011
SF3107 Application for Immediate Retirement FERS 05/2014
SF3108 Application to Make Service Credit Payment (FERS) 06/2013
SF3109 Election of Coverage - Federal Employees' Retirement System 07/1989
SF3110 Former Spouse's Consent to FERS Election 06/1990
SF3111 Request for Waiver, Extension, or Search In Connection with Election of FERS Coverage 06/1990
SF3112 Documentation in Support of Disability Retirement Application 05/2011
SF3112-1 Information About Disability Retirement (CSRS) 03/1996
SF3112-2 Information About Disability Retirement (FERS) 03/1996
SF3113 Applying for Immediate Retirement Under the FERS System 05/2012
SF3881 ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form 02/2003
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Number Name Revision
SF5510 Authorization Agreement for Preauthorized Payments 02/2005
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Number Name Revision
SF13327 Report of Real Property Available for Transfer to Federal Agencies 05/2008
SF13327A Report of Real Property Available for Transfer to Federal Agencies (Continuation Sheet) 05/2008