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Additional Resources

The following list identifies useful documents, publications, and information related to resource conservation in public housing.

Other Government Agency Sites



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Rebuild America
A voluntary DOE program that helps community partnerships make profitable investments in existing buildings through energy-efficient technologies. Partnerships tailor their programs to local needs, choosing which buildings to renovate, how much energy to save, and the best technologies to use. Rebuild America focuses on several areas, including public and multi-family housing. Website includes a toolbox, information on establishing a partnership, success stories, and more. HUD and DOE Rebuild Regional Office Contacts.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
DOE's comprehensive resource for energy efficiency and renewable energy information.

Smart Communities Network
A DOE website focusing on sustainable communities. Includes useful information on conserving energy in buildings, among other topics.

DOE Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Conducts a Residential Energy Consumption Survey to evaluate how energy is used in residential housing units, data for which is available at this website.

DOE Office of Building Technology, State and Community Programs
Provides technical leadership, promotes energy efficiency, and stimulates collaborative activities to make U.S. buildings more efficient, comfortable, affordable, and sustainable. Website provides users with information about advanced building technology systems and partnership opportunities that promote energy efficiency and pollution prevention.


State Energy Efficiency Index
The Alliance to Save Energy?s list of funding, tax credits, and energy-saving tips by state.

State Energy Offices

Public Housing Associations and Resident Groups

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
A national, membership-based, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and improvement of public housing. Members receive the CLPHA newsletter, as well as regular updates on legislative, budget and program issues via broadcast fax and access to "members-only" sections of the CLPHA website, providing the latest information on a wide range of public and assisted housing issues. Some information is available on the website to non-members, as well.

National Assciation of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO)
A housing and community development advocate for the provision of adequate and affordable housing and strong, viable communities for all Americans-particularly those with low and moderate incomes. Website includes a variety of useful information on public housing, including news, resources, publications, legislative information, and training opportunities.

National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA)
A national, nonprofit organization that assists its members in advancing the interests of lower-income and underserved people through the financing, development, and preservation of affordable housing. Website includes information on housing finance agencies (including a list of state finance housing agencies), as well as an on-line bookstore and a list of conferences.

National Low-Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC)
A national organization dedicated solely to ending America's affordable housing crisis. NLIHC provides up-to-date information, formulates policy, and educates the public on housing needs and the strategies for solutions.

Public Housing Directors Association (PHADA)
A membership-based organization that represents the professional administrators of approximately 1,900 housing authorities in the U.S. PHADA works closely with Members of Congress in efforts to develop sensible and effective public housing statutes, and obtain adequate funding for low-income housing programs. The association also serves as an advocate before the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on a variety of regulations governing public housing nationwide. Provides a website, newsletter, e-mail and fax alerts, training and conferences, and more. Some information on the website is available to non-members. See PHADA?s list of Housing Authority Websites


Alliance to Save Energy
A nonprofit organization that promotes the efficient use of energy to strengthen America's economy, improve the environment, make housing more affordable, and move the country toward energy independence. Its website offers a variety of useful information, including information on the Alliance's programs, energy-saving tips, publications, and a list of links related to energy efficiency.

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)
A nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as a means of promoting both economic prosperity and environmental protection. Produces a number of publications, including Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings, which discusses the entire spectrum of home energy savings and residential appliances, including a list of the most energy-efficient equipment and appliances available.

Association for Energy Affordability
A nonprofit training, research and technical services organization that promotes energy efficiency, energy management, and customer aggregation in low-income residential, commercial, and multifamily buildings.

Consortium for Energy Efficiency
A national, non-profit organization that promotes energy-efficient products and services. Website includes useful fact sheets on a number of residential technologies such as heating, lighting, and appliances. Also includes a publication titled CEE Multifamily Housing 2002 Program Summary, which identifies programs across the nation that are offering technical, financial, and other assistance for multifamily housing.

Energy Center of Wisconsin
Conducts and sponsors research on the efficient use and management of energy. Sample areas of interest include low-income energy services, building codes, building design, energy efficiency and management, HVAC applications, and controls.

Energy Central
A daily compilation of energy-related news headlines from across the nation and around the world. Topics addressed include energy rates, energy policy, technologies, conferences, publications, product providers, and related web links.

Energy Crossroads
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's array of 650 web links to energy efficiency resources. Links include federal and state government resources, energy and environmental news, conservation programs, and more.

Energy and Environmental Building Association (EEBA)
Promotes the awareness, education, and development of energy-efficient buildings and communities.

Energy Ideas Clearinghouse
The Energy Ideas Clearinghouse address Northwest regional and national energy topics including regional and national energy news; energy technologies and applications; economics related to financing, fuels, and costs; and resources and web links.

Global Green USA
Offers training, publications, and more to encourage efficient use of resources including energy. Its programs include the Greening Affordable Housing Initiative and the Sustainable Energy program. The site includes a Public Housing Authority Toolbox with information on weatherization, appliances, lighting, low-VOC paint, and heating and cooling.

Home Energy
Includes a variety of information on conserving energy in homes, including remodeling information, home energy guides, and a contractor training guide. Also provides back issues of Home Energy magazine, which reports on the latest energy-efficiency technologies for the home-from weatherization, to heating and cooling systems, to lighting, windows, appliances, and indoor air quality.

Housing Assistance Council (HAC)
HAC is a national nonprofit corporation created to increase the availability of decent and affordable housing for low-income people in rural areas throughout the United States. Website includes information on loans, publications, training, and more.

National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
Includes resources related to home building, maintenance, and remodeling.

National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) Multifamily Program
Serves those companies that develop, manage, finance and own one-fourth of the nation's housing.

National Association of State Energy Officials
Provides links to U.S. state energy offices, which can provide information to assist with improving efficiency in buildings. Website also offers buildings-related information, such as HERS Technical Guidelines and Status of State Energy Codes.

Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Includes a host of useful information related to energy efficiency, including information on specific projects and resources.

Rocky Mountain Institute
Offers a number of publications on conserving energy and water. Program areas include Energy, Water and Buildings and Land.

Housing Authority Resource Center
A project of the Local Initiatives Support Corp. (LISC), this resource center includes articles and publications on affordable housing and other topics. LISC provides loans and grants. Also see the PHECC list of funding sources.

Utility Industry Sites

Edison Electric Institute (EEI)
EEI is an investor-owned electric utility organization composed of utilities that generate more than 80 percent of the nation?s electricity. Its website addresses utility operations, deregulation and restructuring, utility terminology, and energy management for all classes of customers, as well as links to individual electric utilities, energy service companies, press releases, training, and publications.

American Public Power Association (APPA)
An organization comprised of municipal, state, and federal electric utilities. Its website addresses municipal utility operations, electric energy services, utility terminology, energy management, and deregulation and restructuring. Additionally, the site provides links to individual municipal electric utilities, press releases, training, and publications.

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
An organization composed of member owned rural oriented electric utilities (cooperatives or coops). The NRECA site will address rural electric utility operations, utility terminology, energy services and management, and deregulation and restructuring. Additionally, the NRECA site provides links to individual member utilities and associate members, press releases, training, and publications.