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Avoiding Foreclosure: When a Lender Won't Work with You

You've done all your homework, explored workout options, talked to a housing counselor and tried to talk to your lender. But, the lender won't work with you. What do you do now?

For an FHA-insured loan
Your lender has to follow FHA servicing guidelines and regulations for FHA-insured loans. If your lender is not cooperative, contact FHA's National Servicing Center toll free at (877) 622-8525,or via email. Whether by phone or email, be prepared to provide the full name(s) of all persons listed on the mortgage loan and the full address of the property including city, state and zip. We may be able to help you more quickly if you can also provide your 13-digit FHA case number from the loan settlement statement.

For a VA-insured loan
First, visit the VA Foreclosure Alternatives page. If you need assistance or have additional questions, talk to a Loan Service Representative.

For conventional loans
If you have a conventional loan, first talk to a HUD-approved housing counselor at (800) 569-4287. They may be able to help you with your lender. You can also contact HOPE NOW or call the Homeowners Hope Hotline at (888) 995-HOPE to ask for assistance in working with your lender.