
The BLM manages lands and resources across the nation, from renewable and traditional energy to cultural and natural resources to beautiful landscapes for recreation.  Through the links below, find more information about our programs nationally and near you.  

Energy thumbnailEnergy and Minerals

Including Renewable Energy, Oil and Gas, Mining and Minerals, Coal, and Helium.

Public safety and fire thumbnailPublic Safety and Fire

Including Fire Management, Law Enforcement, Hazardous Materials Management, and Abandoned Mine Lands.

Cultural heritage thumbnailCultural Heritage and Paleontology

Including Archaeology, Tribal Consultation, and Palentology. 

Natural resources thumbnailNatural Resources

Including Native Plants, Rangeland Management and Grazing, Forests and Woodlands, and more.

Sagegrouse thumbnailFish and Wildlife

Including Greater Sage-Grouse, Threatened and Endangered Species, Wildlife, and Fisheries and Aquatics.