Organic Agriculture

Latest Releases

  • 2014 and 2015 Organic Certifiers Survey - released December 13, 2016:
  • 2015 Certified Organic Survey - released September 15, 2016:
    Report | Highlights | Executive Briefing | FAQs
  • 2014 Organic Survey (2012 Census of Agriculture Special Study) - released September 17, 2015:
    Data Tables | Highlights | Executive Briefing
  • 2011 Certified Organic Production Survey - released October 4, 2012:
  • 2008 Organic Production Survey (2007 Census of Agriculture Special Study) - released February 3, 2010:
    Data Tables

Future Surveys

(updated December 2016)

NASS has partnered with USDA’s Risk Management Agency to conduct the 2016 Certified Organic Survey. Data collection will begin in January 2017 and results will be available in September 2017.

Contact Information

For more information on NASS’s Organic Program contact Adam Cline at (202) 690-8818 or by email at

About the Organic Program

The organic surveys provide acreage, production, and sales data for a variety of organic crop and livestock commodities as well as organic marketing and agricultural practices. The first survey was initiated in 2008 to support an emerging organic industry. The 2008 and 2014 organic surveys were conducted as part of the Census of Agriculture as a Special Study. These data collection efforts surveyed all known certified, exempt, and transitioning organic operations. The 2011 and 2015 organic surveys were conducted in cooperation with the USDA’s Risk Management Agency in an effort to expand the number and variety of premium price elections for certified organic crops. The survey in these years were restricted to only certified organic operations.

Last Modified: 12/13/2016