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Seafood in the Greater Atlantic Region

In the past several years, the groundfish industry in the Greater Atlantic region has been operating under several low quotas due to the poor condition of key stocks of cod and yellowtail flounder. In 2011, NOAA Fisheries Regional Administrator, John Bullard, established the Groundfish Economic Coordinating Committee to generate ideas to help this fleet maintain its viability through these challenging times. For more information on this committee, Click Here.

As part of this effort, a Seafood Marketing Committee was formed to promote U.S.  seafood and to inform the public about the benefits of consuming locally and responsibly caught seafood. Current members include seafood processors, dealers, distributors, and retailers, restaurant owners, aquaculture farmers and researchers, governmental entities and non-governmental organizations from Maine to Virginia.

Membership is open to any interested party and participation is voluntary. This group is not a formal governmental advisory body and it does NOT provide advice on regulatory matters or governmental policy.

NOAA Fisheries’ role is to provide a forum for information sharing and potential project development. Webinar meetings are convened several times throughout the year so that members can present their work and discuss opportunities for collaboration. The group meets in person annually at Seafood Expo North America in Boston.

To join this committee, contact Olivia Rugo, Regional Office, at or call her at 978-675-2167.