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Welcome to the Analysis And Program Support Division

The Analysis and Program Support Division provides permit services and fisheries data to the public.  Data and analytical products are also provided to support quota monitoring and management decisions, as well as briefing materials for senior officials in NMFS, NOAA, and DOC.  The division is organized into three sections, which are responsible for the following programs.

Permits and Limited Access Programs Section

The section provides the permits (vessel, dealer and operator permits) and other fishing authorizations that are required in order to participate in the Northeast Region’s fisheries.  The section also responds to data requests and maintains fishing vessel catch histories.  The section implements the region’s limited access vessel permit programs and maintains the vessel eligibility and allocation records.  The section oversees the region’s transferable allocation programs, including the days-at-sea transfer program, individual fishing quota transfer programs, and scallop trip exchanges.  The section makes eligibility determinations and initial allocations when new limited access permits or catch share programs are established.

Monitoring and Analysis Section

The section provides data reports and analyses to support and evaluate the region’s fishery management programs.  Catch and landings reports are provided to the public on a weekly basis and internal users as needed to monitor fishery performance against the thresholds defined by the fishery management plans for the region’s fisheries.  These plans often specify in-season management adjustments that are triggered when specific harvest levels are attained, and the section provides projections and recommendations to support in-season management decisions

Data Processing and Quality Section

The section is responsible for the collection of fishery-dependent information from fishery operations (vessel, dealers) regulated by the region’s fishery management plans, and the quality assurance program for these collections.  This section coordinates its activities with other NOAA Fisheries offices, state marine fisheries agencies, and the Atlantic Coast Cooperative Statistics Program. 

Contact Information

  • Baselines & Vessel Replacements: 978-283-8483
  • Data Requests 978-281-9133
  • Days-At-Sea Information: 978-281-9234
  • Days-At-Sea & IFQ Leases: 978-283-8483
  • Dealer Data Corrections 978-675-2160
  • Dealer Reporting / SAFIS Help 978-281-9212
  • Fish-On-Line / Data Requests 978-281-9133
  • Permits 978-282-8438
  • IVR Issues / Problems 978-281-9209
  • IVR Reporting 888-284-4904
  • Scallop Broken Trips Adjustment Authorization: 978-283-8483
  • Scallops Trip Exchanges: 978-283-8483
  • Reporting Forms /Logbooks 978-281-9157
  • Vessel Monitoring System 978-281-9213
  • Vessel Trip Reporting 978-281-9246

Other Contact Information