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Steel Erection eTool

Arrow Site Preparation
Arrow Cranes
Arrow Structural Stability
Arrow Metal Buildings
Arrow (Non-Hoist) Overhead Hazards
Arrow Fall Protection
Arrow Training
Despite being covered since 1971 under the original steel erection standard, America's 56,000 steel erectors continue to suffer 35 fatal accidents per year, a rate of one death per 1,600 workers. OSHA estimates that 30 of those deaths, as well as nearly 1,150 annual lost-workday injuries, will be averted by compliance with provisions of the new standard, developed with industry and labor through negotiated rulemaking. To that end, this eTool* has been created to educate employers and workers about the revised standard (Subpart R).

*eTools are "stand-alone," illustrated, Web-based training tools on occupational safety and health topics. As indicated in the disclaimer, eTools do not create new OSHA requirements.
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