Tribal Relations


NOAA's Tribal Relations Team

NOAA is committed to developing policies and procedures that improve its relations and cooperative activities with Federally-recognized Indian tribes on a government-to-government basis.  NOAA’s Tribal Relations Team works to ensure an accountable process for meaningful and timely consultations on policies with tribal implications.  Please click here for a list of NOAA's Tribal Team Members [PDF].


Nominations for Advisory Committee

Nominations are being sought for open positions on the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee -- accepted through February 6, 2017. For additional information please go here:


Coastal Resilience Grants

NOAA will issue a call for proposals under the joint-federal funding opportunity issued for the recently integrated Coastal Resilience Grants Program.  The estimated $15 million in funding for this program is based on the FY 2016 appropriated funding level. The Coastal Resilience Grants Program will support efforts to prepare coastal communities and ecosystems to withstand the impacts of extreme weather and climate-related hazards and make our Nation safer and economy more secure.

The Federal Funding Opportunity will be accessible through, with applications due on March 15, 2017.  Eligible funding applicants include nonprofit organizations, private (for profit) entities, institutions of higher education, regional organizations, and local, state, and tribal governments.  Each proposal may request between $100,000 to $2 million in federal funds. 

NOAA will be reaching out to state partners and other organizations that have expressed an interest in this program. Additional information about the program will be available at:


NOAA Fisheries Releases National Climate Science Strategy

NOAA Fisheries' has released a National Climate Science Strategy. The purpose of the strategy is to increase the production, delivery, and use of climate-related information in fulfilling NOAA Fisheries’ mission. This and the full report are posted online at The Strategy is part of NOAA Fisheries proactive approach to collect and provide information to resource managers and affected sectors to help them better prepare for and respond to changing climate and ocean conditions. Implementation will help reduce impacts to and increase resilience of marine resources and the many people, businesses and communities that depend on them. While the strategy is focused on strengthening the NOAA Fisheries science enterprise needed to prepare for and respond to a changing climate, NOAA Fisheries depends on many science partners inside and outside of the agency to meet these needs. Input, engagement, and support for the Strategy from science and non-science sectors is critical to its success. In 2015-16, Science Centers and Regional Offices will lead development of Regional Action Plans to implement the Strategy at the regional level over the next 3-5 years. We are committed to working with science and management partners in development of these Regional Action Plans. For more information, please contact Roger Griffis, Climate Change Coordinator at 301-427-8134 or


Tribal Resource Guide to the Department of Commerce

The U.S. Department of Commerce is pleased to make available the Tribal Resource Guide to the Department of Commerce.  This guide is an important first step in revamping the Department’s work with tribes to spur even greater collaboration with tribes and native business enterprises. In addition, the guide introduces the Secretary's new Senior Advisor for Native American Affairs,  the policy of the Department regarding tribes (which include references to the United States’ trust responsibility to the tribes and native peoples of the United States and the advances tribes have made in the Self-Determination Era), and includes contact information for each of the bureaus’ tribal liaisons in order to make it easier for tribes to interact with the Department. In addition this guide includes working links to other resources (web pages, our tribal consultation policy, etc.) within NOAA and the Department.