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Employment - Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How do I find a job with the Department of the Treasury?
  2. How do I apply for a job in the Department of the Treasury?
  3. What if I don't have a computer?
  4. What if I don't have email?
  5. What if I need help applying on line?
  6. Will the Department of the Treasury accept paper applications for positions that require an online application?
  7. What if someone submits false information?


  1. How do I access USAJOBS?
  2. As an applicant, can I access the system from home?
  3. Can I apply for jobs online using my office computer?
  4. I am uncomfortable using my SSN to establish my account in the system. Is there any way I can apply for a position online with out my SSN?


  1. How do I find out more information about applying for jobs through USAJOBS?
  2. If the system only accepts online applications, how do I send other attachments, such as my college transcripts, SF-50'S, etc.?
  3. Since the system will rate me according to my self-assessment and response to the questions, what prevents me from selecting those choices that give me the highest scores?
  4. Is there any way I can see which positions I have applied for or find out the status of vacancies?


  1. Why are you changing our current recruitment process?
  2. How will we implement CareerConnector at the Department of the Treasury?
  3. How will CareerConnector impact me as a Selecting Official and / or Subject Matter Expert(SME)?
  4. I routinely send my vacancy announcements to local and national organizations. Can CareerConnector help me with this?
  5. I understand that the system is based on applicants' self-certifying their responses to the questions. How do I verify that they are answered honestly and that I receive quality candidates?


A. General Information

Q: How do I find a job with the Department of the Treasury?
  A: The Department of the Treasury does not have a centralized hiring office. Each of the Department's 12 bureaus work independently in hiring employees to work for them. The good news is that all Federal agencies are required to post their announcements to the general public on the Office of Personnel Management's USAJOBS website Persons interested in finding jobs at the Department of Treasury, or within a specific Treasury bureau, can search by agency or occupation to find a variety of positions. USAJOBS also has a personal search agent that notifies you of job openings matching your specific search criteria.

2. Q: How do I Apply for a job in the Department of the Treasury?
  A: All positions available in the Department of Treasury are listed at: Treasury bureaus use a variety of application processes, so it is important that you read the “How to Apply” section of each vacancy announcement to which you wish to apply. There are, however, many Treasury positions that require an online application collected via USAJOBS.

3. Q: What if I don't have a computer?
  A: All Department of the Treasury human resources offices will have computers available for current employees to use in applying for jobs. In addition, most career resource centers, unemployment offices, public libraries, college placement centers and job search agencies have computers and Internet access for their patrons to use at no charge.

4. Q: What if I don't have email?
  A: There are several Internet Service Providers that offer free email accounts, such as Hotmail, Lycos and Yahoo. You can access one of these providers to register for a free email account.

5. Q: What if I need help applying online?
  A: For assistance in applying for a vacancy, you may contact the Human Resources Specialist listed on the vacancy announcement. If applying online poses a hardship to you, you must call the Human Resources Specialist before the closing date of the announcement to request assistance

6. Q: Will the Department of the Treasury accept paper applications for positions that require an online application?
  A: No. Exceptions will be made in the instance of extreme hardship cases (e.g., applicant lives in a remote area where it would pose a major hardship for the applicant to get to a computer in any location). Applicants requesting an exception must contact the HR Specialist listed in the vacancy announcement prior to the closing date. Applicants who are given an exception must also respond to the same vacancy questions as those applying on-line. The HR Office will input the data into the system on the applicant’s behalf for the specific job for which the applicant has received an exception.

7. Q: What if someone submits false information?
  A: Providing false information, creating fake IDs, or failing to answer all questions truthfully and completely may be grounds for not hiring, for disbarment from federal employment, or for dismissal after a person begins work. Falsifying a federal job application, attempting to violate the privacy of others, or attempting to compromise the operation of this system may be punishable by fine or imprisonment (see US Code, Title 18, section 1001).




1. Q: How do I access USAJOBS?
  A: The applicant web address is

2. Q: As an applicant, can I access the system from home?
  A: Yes. As an applicant, you can access the web site from any location, whether at home or at work.

3. Q: Can I apply for jobs online using my office computer?
  A: Yes. The Department of the Treasury's policy permits employees to use their office computers and email to apply for jobs. However, you are reminded that you may use government property/resources to apply for jobs only if it does not interfere with the performance of your regular duties. If you work for another federal agency or in the private sector, contact your employer's human resources office for information on whether or not this is acceptable.

4. Q: I am uncomfortable using my SSN to establish my account in the system. Is there any way I can apply for a position online without my SSN?
  A: No. Your SSN is one of the few reliable means that government agencies have of distinguishing one applicant from another. The SSN is the identifier suggested for use by the Office of Personnel Management for federal job applications, and is the only way we can definitively differentiate between applicants. If someone else attempts to open a new account with your SSN, the system administrator will be alerted that your SSN already exists with a specific User ID and Password and that a new account is trying to be established with the same SSN.


1. Q: How do I find out more information about applying for jobs through USAJOBS?
  A: To learn more about the USAJOBS online application process, go to

2. Q: If the system only accepts online applications, how do I send other attachments, such as my college transcripts, SF-50's, etc.?
  A: Unless otherwise stated on the vacancy announcement, do not send these documents until they are requested. If requested, veterans' preference documents will need to be faxed to the appropriate office within 48 hours of the closing date of the vacancy announcement. The hiring manager or Human Resources Specialist may request other documentation from you through email or telephone. These documents (such as SF-50's and college transcripts) will only be requested from candidates who will be referred to the hiring manager for consideration.

3. Q: Since the system will rate me according to my self-assessment and response to the questions, what prevents me from selecting those choices that give me the highest scores?
  A: Nothing will prevent you from doing this. However, falsifying or answering questions to mislead the system's automated process is no different than providing false or misleading information on your application under the old process. Applicants are reminded that this is a federal job application system. Providing false information, creating fake ID's or SSN's, or failing to answer all questions truthfully and completely may be grounds for not hiring you, for disbarment from federal service, or for dismissal after being hired. Falsifying a federal job application, attempting to violate the privacy of others, or attempting to compromise this system is punishable by fine or imprisonment (U.S. Code, Title 18, section 1001).

4. Q: Is there any way I can see which positions I have applied for or find out the status of these vacancies?
  A: In order to keep track of the vacancies for which you have applied, you should elect to receive an email confirmation of your application when you apply for jobs in CareerConnector. Keep this as a record of your application and save it. You should also print out a copy of the vacancy announcement itself, or at a minimum, note the vacancy announcement number and title and the name, telephone number, and email address of the Human Resources Specialist listed as the contact person. If you have any questions, please contact the Specialist in charge of your vacancy.


D. Questions and Answers for Managers and Supervisors

1. Q: Why are you changing our current recruitment process?
  A: Our current recruitment process is cumbersome for applicants, managers and human resources staff and does not lend itself to being competitive with private industry or other federal agencies already using new technology. CareerConnector will help the Department of the Treasury's human resources offices increase timeliness, reduce paper, and improve customer service in the recruitment process.

2. Q: How will we implement CareerConnector at the Department of the Treasury?
  A: CareerConnector will be implemented by Bureaus individually using a deployment plan developed by the Department's HR Connect team. In addition to the Department, former Treasury Bureaus, Alcohol,Tobacco, and Firearms and Secret Service, will also use CareerConnector to recruit for positions. Once fully deployed at all the Bureaus, CareerConnector will provide consistency in the recruitment process throughout the Department of the Treasury.

3. Q: How will CareerConnector impact me as a Selecting Official and/or Subject Matter Expert (SME)?
  A: As the selecting official or SME, your role in the process is critical. Who knows better than you what knowledge, skills, and abilities the perfect candidate should have? In order to develop the questions in CareerConnector, it will be more important than ever to ensure that a proper job analysis is done. Your job analysis affirms the job tasks of the position, as well as the importance and frequency. Applicants are rated and referred based on their responses to the position-specific questions, the resume and an interview are used to verify that they have answered the questions truthfully.

4. Q: I routinely send my vacancy announcements to local and national organizations. Can CareerConnector help me with this?
  A: Yes, the Job Notification feature in CareerConnector allows the human resources office to load, save, categorize and store multiple recruitment sources in the system. As each vacancy is prepared for announcement, the Human Resources Specialist can select specific appropriate professional associations, educational institutions, or community organizations to receive the vacancy announcement. The system then automatically sends an email message to the designated organizations informing them of the vacancy.

5. Q: I understand that the system is based on applicants' self-certifying their responses to the questions. How do I verify that they are answered honestly and that I receive quality candidates?
  A: Applicants will be reminded in the vacancy announcement about the penalties for providing false or misleading information. Additionally, the Human Resources Specialist will conduct a quality review on the top rated applicants prior to issuing the certificate to the hiring manager. The quality review will be a comparison of the applicant's responses to the questions and the applicant's resumé. Human Resources Specialists can also request any additional information, e.g., college transcripts, SF-50's and verification of veterans' preference. The true test is during the interview process with the applicant. Hiring managers should ensure that the interview process is used to ask clarifying questions and to do a reference check on potential hires.
Last Updated: 1/11/2013 6:18 PM

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