OSTI's Vision, Mission, and Goals


As detailed in the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information 2015-2019 Strategic Plan, following are OSTI’s vision, mission, and goals:



The Office of Scientific and Technical Information will fulfill a critical U.S. Department of Energy mission to ensure long-term preservation of and access to the results of DOE research and development (R&D) investments.  Across the full spectrum of DOE R&D programs, OSTI will provide accountability for all DOE scientific and technical information—in its many forms—through electronic, efficient, and user-friendly tools and technology.



The mission of the Office of Scientific and Technical Information is to advance science and sustain technological creativity by making R&D findings available and useful to Department of Energy researchers and the public.




  • 1. Accountability for the collection and acquisition of  DOE unclassified R&D results
  • OSTI will:

    • implement the acquisition aspects of the DOE Public Access Plan for scholarly publications;
    • target comprehensive electronic submission of technical reports and other textual forms of scientific and technical information (STI);
    • increase the volume of searchable multimedia forms of STI; and
    • increase acquisition, registration and usability of DOE R&D datasets.


  • 2. Long Term Preservation of DOE R&D Results
  • OSTI will:

    • increase the digitization of legacy holdings through partnership and collaboration;
    • support preservation through migration and interoperability;
    • preserve DOE STI hosted in a distributed environment through dark archiving; and
    • ensure the preservation of unclassified DOE R&D results through validated testing of disaster recovery and contingency plan elements.


  • 3. Collection, Protection, Preservation, and Secure Access to Classified R&D Results, Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI), and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)
  • OSTI will:

    • achieve comprehensive electronic submission of classified and UCNI STI;
    • deploy secure, need-to-know-based search and retrieval for classified and UCNI STI;
    • ensure preservation of classified R&D information and UCNI through validated testing of disaster recovery and contingency plan elements;
    • develop specialized information tools and services to support the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and DOE;
    • review, catalog, mark, and disseminate classified and UCNI STI according to DOE and national requirements; and
    • life-cycle management of CUI.


  • 4. Maximum Use of and Visibility for DOE R&D Results
  • OSTI will:

    • ensure high visibility and use of the DOE public access model, DOE PAGESBeta;
    • benchmark National Library of EnergyBeta and constituent products as “best in class” from government, academia, and industry;
    • leverage partnerships to promote and support DOE R&D priorities; and
    • establish communications as a driver of visibility.


  • 5. Strong Foundations, Partnerships, and Agility
  • OSTI will:

    • provide leadership and organizational structure that clearly defines vision and performance expectations and facilitates efficient operations and camaraderie;
    • ensure a technology and cyber infrastructure that serves both OSTI’s programmatic requirements and internal business needs;
    • offer a physical infrastructure that provides a safe, secure, efficient, and healthy environment for OSTI’s workforce and information assets; and
    • be committed to flexibility as opportunities for new collaborations and business lines emerge.


Last updated on Monday 06 June 2016