Industrial Products & Services

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The Industrial Products and Services category offers goods and services and can include those used in the production of a final product (e.g., Basic or raw materials and components, instruments, hardware or tools). Additional information can be found on the Acquisition Gateway.


Basic Materials

This subcategory accounts for areas in development and processing of raw materials and includes mining and refining of metals, chemical producers, and forestry products.

Fire / Rescue / Safety / Environmental Protection Equipment

This subcategory includes fire, rescue and safety equipment which protects the public in emergency situations. It also includes personal protective equipment.

Hardware & Tools

This subcategory includes a wide variety of hand-held, powered, and non-powered tools as well as tool kits and Tool Management Services. Rental and leasing options are also available.

Industrial Products Install / Maintenance / Repair / Rebuild

This subcategory encompasses lifecycle management of equipment across various industrial, technical, and military applications.


Machinery & Components

This subcategory includes commercially available Woodworking and Metalworking Machinery including but not limited to the equipment and services in support of and ordered in conjunction with industrial machinery.

Test & Measurement Supplies

This includes antennas and receivers which are used to radiate waves generated by a transmitter. Includes instrumentation amplifiers and active filters for laboratory and testing applications.


Contact the National Service Help Center at or 800-488-3111 for assistance. The Industrial Products and Services team is also available to help with additional information.

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Last Reviewed 2017-01-19