MLN FFS National Provider Calls

Welcome to the CMS National Provider Calls website. National Provider Calls are educational conference calls conducted for the Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) provider and supplier community that educate and inform participants about new policies and/or changes to the Medicare program. National Provider Calls offer participants:

  • In-depth presentations by CMS subject matter experts providing the latest information on topics specific to Medicare FFS providers and suppliers
  • Slide presentations and other related materials posted to the CMS website prior to the call that participants can download and reference during the call
  • Opportunities to ask questions of CMS subject matter experts
  • 24/7 access to all National Provider Call training materials on the CMS website in various formats, e.g., written transcripts, audio recordings, and podcasts, as well as video slideshow presentations that are accessible on the CMS YouTube Channel
  • On-line registration for all calls
  • Opportunities to provide CMS with feedback by:
    • responding to topic specific polling questions during the registration process
    • completing an anonymous evaluation of the on-line registration process and NPC experience after each call

How to Register for a National Provider Call

To register for a National Provider Call, please visit CMS Upcoming National Provider Calls.

Continuing Education Credits

Continuing education credits may be awarded by professional organizations such as the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), the American Medical Billing Association (AMBA), and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), and the Professional Association of Health Care Office Management (PAHCOM) for participation in certain CMS National Provider Calls. Please select the Continuing Education Credit menu tab on the left to learn more.

Subscribe To Receive Notification of Upcoming NPCs

Subscribe now to receive the weekly CMS Medicare FFS Provider e-News for the latest Fee-For-Service program information, event announcements (including National Provider Call announcements), claims and pricer information, and MLN educational product updates.

Questions or Comments

If you have questions or comments related to CMS National Provider Calls or would like to suggest a topic for consideration for future calls, please e-mail us at

Twitter – Follow us @CMSGov, #CMSNPC, on Twitter.

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