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Visor de contenido web (JSR 286)


Visor de contenido web (JSR 286)


Visor de contenido web (JSR 286)


Visor de contenido web (JSR 286)


Visor de contenido web (JSR 286)


About FSIS

Mission Statement: The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is the public health agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture responsible for ensuring that the nation's commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe, wholesome, and correctly labeled and packaged.

Booklet Cover

One Team, One Purpose -- Protecting Public Health and Preventing Foodborne Illness
FSIS is announcing the publication of a new agency mission book — One Team, One Purpose — Protecting Public Health and Preventing Foodborne Illness. This publication provides a brief overview of how the agency prevents foodborne illness and protects public health.

Structure and Organization of FSIS

Organization chart and a listing of the different offices that make up the Food Safety and Inspection Service.

Advisory Committees 

FSIS manages the National Advisory Committees on:

FSIS Biographies / Agency Leadership

Members of FSIS' management team, biographical information, photos.

Faces of Food Safety

Consumer confidence in our food supply comes as a result of the work of the men and women of FSIS. "Faces of Food Safety" introduces you to employees who play a key role in making our food safe.

Information for FSIS Employees

Career development information and other announcements of particular interest to FSIS employees.

Strategic Planning 

Like all organizations, FSIS uses the strategic planning process to pave the way for meeting organizational goals and objectives over a future period of time. Also includes information on enterprise governance

Workplace Violence Prevention

It is USDA’s policy that every customer and employee be treated fairly and equitably, with dignity and respect. This section provides contact information, policy statements, and resources related to the prevention of and response to incidents of workplace violence. 

Associated Agencies

This page lists FSIS' partners in securing the safety of the American food supply. Section also lists applicable memoranda of understanding between FSIS and other government agencies.

FSIS Statistics by State

Links to individual State fact sheets that contain facts about FSIS' presence in that State. 

Agency History

This section notes milestones in FSIS' evolution, from the early days of USDA through passage of the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) and other Acts to the creation of a modern science-based inspection system.


Short URL for this page: http://www.fsis.usda.gov/aboutfsis

Last Modified may 06, 2016