Center for Mental Health Services

The Center for Mental Health Services leads federal efforts to promote the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. Congress created CMHS to bring new hope to adults who have serious mental illness and children with emotional disorders.

The Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS):

  • Strengthens the Nation's mental health system by helping states improve and increase the quality and range of their treatment, rehabilitation, and support
  • Makes it easier for people to access mental health programs
  • Encourages a range of programs such as systems of care to respond to the increasing number of mental, emotional, and behavioral problems among America's children
  • Supports outreach and case management programs for the thousands of Americans who are homeless and the improvement of these services
  • Ensures that scientifically-established findings and practice-based knowledge are applied in preventing and treating mental disorders

Contact Information

Center for Mental Health Services
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857


Office of the Director

Consumer Affairs

  • Keris Myrick, Director, CAS

Office of Program Analysis and Coordination

  • Patricia Gratton, Director

Division of Prevention, Traumatic Stress, and Special Programs

  • Nainan Thomas, Acting Director

Emergency Mental Health and Traumatic Stress Services Branch

  • Captain Maryann Robinson, R.N., Ph.D., Chief

Mental Health Promotion Branch

  • Ingrid Donato, Chief

Suicide Prevention Branch

  • Richard T. McKeon, Ph.D., M.P.H., Chief

Division of State and Community Systems Development

  • Cyntrice Bellamy, M.S., M.Ed., Director

State Grants Eastern Branch

  • Tison Thomas MSW, LMSW, Chief

State Grants Western Branch

  • Eric Weakly, Chief

Division of Service and Systems Improvement

  • Luis Vasquez, Director

Child, Adolescent and Family Branch

  • Gary Blau, Ph.D., Chief

Homeless Programs Branch

  • Jayme Marshall, M.S., Chief

Community Support Programs Branch

  • Cynthia Kemp, Chief
Last Updated: 03/29/2016