United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Public Involvement in Rulemaking

The NRC welcomes public participation in the rulemaking process. The following are useful resources for those who would like to become involved:

On this page:

Using the Federal Register

The Federal Register is the Federal Government’s official vehicle for informing the public about rulemaking. The NRC publishes notices of rulemaking in the Federal Register to solicit public comment and may also publish a notice of a meeting or workshop to be held regarding a rule. We may also issue a news release for rules that have strong public interest.

Finding an NRC Federal Register notice by year

Daily Table of Contents

  1. Go to Federal Register index for the appropriate year
    2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
  2. Select the date
  3. Scroll down until you reach Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Finding a Federal Register notice when you don't know the date

  1. Go to Federal Register GPO Access database
  2. Select Advanced Search
  3. Select the year(s) you are searching
  4. Continue down and select section(s) of interest
  5. Enter a date range or specific date
  6. Fill in the search terms using identifiers such as NRC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and/or a specific citation
  7. Click on Submit

Go to Federal Register: Search Tips for further information.

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NRC Rulemaking

  • The Rulemaking page facilitates public participation in the rulemaking process by providing a means for members of the public to access NRC rulemaking documents. The page links to proposed rules and petitions for rulemaking recently published by the NRC in the Federal Register, and other types of documents related to rulemaking proceedings.
  • The NRC Regulatory Agenda (NUREG-0936) is a semiannual compilation of all rules on which the NRC has recently completed action, has proposed action, or is considering action. It includes a summary of all pending petitions for rulemaking.
  • The Potential Rulemakings page identifies opportunities for public involvement in the regulatory and technical basis for specific rulemakings

The Rulemaking Petition Process

The rulemaking petition process is the system by which any member of the public can request that NRC develop, modify, or rescind a regulation.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, October 21, 2014