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Discovering the causes of cancer and the means of prevention


DCEG offers a range of fellowships and research training opportunities in our research Branches and with specific investigators.

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Scientific Position Openings

Chief, Integrative Tumor Epidemiology Branch
DCEG's Human Genetics Program is recruiting a visionary senior investigator to serve as Chief of the newly-formed Integrative Tumor Epidemiology Branch. Learn more about this opportunity.

Chief Data Scientist in the Office of the Director, DCEG
The DCEG Office of the Director is recruiting an accomplished, senior investigator to serve as Chief Data Scientist. Learn more about this opportunity.

Deputy Director for Scientific Resources
The Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) of the National Cancer Institute is recruiting an accomplished, senior scientist to serve as Deputy Director for Scientific Resources. Learn more about this opportunity.

Tenure-track, Tenure-eligible Investigator in Biostatistics
DCEG's Biostatistics Branch is recruiting a tenure-track, tenure-eligible investigator. Learn more about this opportunity.

Staff Scientist, Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch
DCEG's Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch is recruiting a Staff Scientist. Learn more about this opportunity.

Staff Clinician, Clinical Genetics Branch
DCEG's Clinical Genetics Branch is recruiting a physician to serve as Staff Clinician. Learn more about this opportunity.

Environmental Exposure Assessor
DCEG's Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch is recruiting a scientific investigator to conduct environmental exposure assessments. Learn more about this opportunity.

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Scientific Meetings & Events

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New Model More Accurately Predicts Breast Cancer Risk in Hispanic Women

Dr. Mitchell Gail and collaborators have developed the first breast cancer risk model based exclusively on data from Hispanic women. The model will become part of NCI’s online tool that helps providers calculate breast cancer risk in individual patients.

Learn more about the model
View Dr. Gail's biography

The Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) is a research program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The Division is the world’s most comprehensive cancer epidemiology research group. Its renowned epidemiologists, geneticists, and biostatisticians conduct population and multidisciplinary research to discover the genetic and environmental determinants of cancer and new approaches to cancer prevention. The Division’s research impacts public health policy in the United States and around the world.