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Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Working for Youth Justice and Safety
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Local Measures: The Need for Neighborhood-Level Data in Youth Violence Prevention InitiativesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report describes some of the most promising resources and suggests the type of work needed to provide communities with accurate, localized crime trend data with which to judge the effects of multi-jurisdictional violence prevention initiatives. January 2017. 23 pages. NCJ 250534
Juvenile Drug Treatment Court GuidelinesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This report presents juvenile drug treatment courts with evidence-based treatment guidelines, provides summaries of the research that underlies each guideline, and offers relevant implications for practice and implementation. December 2016. 60 pages. NCJ 250368
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2016Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . In this issue's video message, Administrator Listenbee discusses how OJJDP has helped reform the juvenile justice system during his nearly 4-year tenure. December 2016. 10 pages. NCJ 250455
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National Gang Center Newsletter, Fall 2016Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue features articles on gang-involved girls, female delinquency and effective programs, and breaking the cycle of gang violence. December 2016. 12 pages. NCJ 250457
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Gun Violence and YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review focuses on intentional gun violence involving youths ages 10 to 24, which includes homicides (victimization and perpetration), nonfatal injuries, suicides, community violence, and school violence/school shootings. December 2016. 24 pages. NCJ 250462
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Implementing the SPEP: Lessons from Demonstration Sites in OJJDP's Juvenile Justice Reform and Reinvestment InitiativeTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report describes implementation of the Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP™) rating system as an important element of the Juvenile Justice Reform and Reinvestment Initiative (JJRRI) work at three demonstration sites in Delaware, Iowa, and Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. December 2016. 54 pages. NCJ 250482
Understanding Research and Practice Gaps in Juvenile Justice: Early Insights from the Bridge ProjectTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report provides an overview of the Bridge Project approach in four stages. December 2016. 10 pages. NCJ 250489
Bridging Research and Practice for Juvenile Justice: Systematizing the ApproachTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Using a systematic approach, the Urban Institute team identified Applying a Child and Adolescent Developmental Approach to Practice as a pressing gap in the field. December 2016. 29 pages. NCJ 250490
Future Selves, Motivational Capital, and Mentoring Toward College: Assessing the Impact of an Enhanced Mentoring Program for At-Risk YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the results of a 4-year evaluation of an enhanced mentoring program developed by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta (BBBSMA) called Mentoring Toward College (MTC). December 2016. 42 pages. NCJ 250499
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Child Labor TraffickingTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review focuses on child labor trafficking, which requires the presence of force, fraud, and/or coercion. December 2016. 13 pages. NCJ 250502
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Delinquency Cases Involving Hispanic Youth, 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. This bulletin provides an overview of juvenile court handling of delinquency cases involving Hispanic youth. November 2016. 12 pages. NCJ 249915
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The Role of Technology in Youth Harassment VictimizationTop  
 NIJ, OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Justice Research Series. This bulletin discusses key findings from the National Institute of Justice-sponsored Technology Harassment Victimization study. The study examines technology-involved harassment within the context of other types of youth victimization and risk factors to improve current policy and practice regarding the issue. November 2016. 12 pages. NCJ 250079
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OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice, Volume 5, Issue 2, Fall 2016Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Journal of Juvenile Justice. This is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by OJJDP. This issue features articles on the variables that are associated with the juvenile justice system and recidivism for youth, reasons for the 20 percent turnover rate among correctional officers in juvenile facilities, and research into trauma and adversity found among justice-involved youth. November 2016. 140 pages. NCJ 250370
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Defend Children: A Blueprint for Effective Juvenile Defender ServicesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This Blueprint is a call to action to uphold and enforce the right to counsel for every child facing prosecution and to adequately fund and support effective systems of juvenile defense. November 2016. 60 pages. NCJ 250388
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Family Drug CourtsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review focuses on family drug courts, specialized courts within the justice system, which handle cases of child abuse and neglect that involve substance use by the child's parents or guardians. November 2016. 9 pages. NCJ 250421
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Developing Juvenile Drug Court Practices on Process Standards: A Systematic Review and Qualitative SynthesisTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The objective of this study was to systematically review the evidence on implementation barriers and facilitators, and other process issues related to juvenile drug courts, including systemwide contextual factors. November 2016. 63 pages. NCJ 250441
Juvenile Drug Courts: Policy and Practice ScanTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. A policy and practice scan (sometimes referred to as an environmental scan) was conducted to provide data on a sample of local juvenile drug treatment courts (JDTCs) in the United States. The objectives of the scan were to collect data from a sample of JDTCs on their current operations and structures, challenges to implementation, and perceived or measurable successes. November 2016. 94 pages. NCJ 250442
Final Technical Report: An Evaluation of Advocacy-based Mentoring as a Treatment Intervention for Chronic DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The primary goal of the proposed research project was to provide estimates of the effectiveness of youth advocacy in general, and more specifically as delivered through the Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. (YAP). This report presents an overview of the research conducted and outcomes. November 2016. 139 pages. NCJ 250454
Systematic Review of Factors That Impact Implementation Quality of Child Welfare, Public Health, and Education Programs for Adolescents: Implications for Juvenile Drug Treatment CourtsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. To inform the development of juvenile drug treatment court guidelines, this study reviewed the evidence on factors that impact implementation quality and fidelity in other youth-serving systems, namely, child welfare, public health, and education programs delivered to adolescents or adolescents and their families. November 2016. 36 pages. NCJ 250483
OJJDP Juvenile Drug Court Guidelines Project: Juvenile Drug Court Listening SessionsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents a summary of findings from data and information gathered during listening sessions between five juvenile drug treatment courts and the American Institutes for Research team. November 2016. 117 pages. NCJ 250491
OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2016Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue’s top story and video Q&A between Administrator Listenbee and OJJDP Associate Administrator Kellie Blue highlight President Obama’s proclamation of October 2016 as National Youth Justice Awareness Month and OJJDP’s efforts to reform the juvenile justice system to ensure better outcomes for system-involved youth. October 2016. 10 pages. NCJ 250280
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Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2014: Selected FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Conducted biennially by OJJDP, the Juvenile Residential Facility Census collects information about facilities in which youth charged with or adjudicated for law violations are held. Findings from the 2014 census show that the population of justice system-involved youth dropped 11 percent from 2012 to 2014, to the lowest number since 1975. September 2016. 20 pages. NCJ 250123
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National Gang Center Outreach Worker Safety TipsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource from the OJJDP-supported National Gang Center was developed for those who work with gang members in the community. September 2016. 1 pages. NCJ 250264
Street by Street: Cross-Site Evaluation of the OJJDP Community-Based Violence Prevention Demonstration ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. With funding support from OJJDP, the Research and Evaluation Center at John Jay College of Criminal Justice conducted a process and outcome evaluation of the Office's Community Based Violence Prevention (CBVP) demonstration in five cities. This report describes the efforts of each city and the lessons learned during implementation of CBVP. September 2016. 168 pages. NCJ 250383
The Unique Role of the Judge in Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts: Advice From the FieldTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This benchcard summarizes the advice focus group participants would give to new juvenile drug treatment court (JDTC) judges and/or to JDTC judges who are trying to better understand their role in this problem solving court. September 2016. 4 pages. NCJ 250393
Developing and Implementing a Tool To Evaluate and Improve Underage Drinking and Driving PoliciesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report provides information about a data-based model (SIM-DUI) built to help policy makers explore policy changes and forecast alternative outcome scenarios in terms of reduced crashes and saved lives. September 2016. 42 pages. NCJ 250438
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Field-Initiated Research and Evaluation (FIRE) Program, Identifying Effective Environmental Strategies: Final Technical ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report outlines what is understood about the factors that influence the prevention of underage drinking, the enforcement of underage drinking laws, and individuals' and communities' attitudes and behaviors about underage drinking. September 2016. 38 pages. NCJ 250492
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Field-Initiated Research and Evaluation (FIRE) Program, Identifying Effective Environmental Strategies: An Overview for PractitionersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The purpose of the study is to enhance the understanding of the environmental strategies that are most effective in changing alcohol-related attitudes and behaviors of underage youth. September 2016. 6 pages. NCJ 250493
OJJDP 2014 Annual Report--Coming Into Focus: The Future of Juvenile Justice ReformTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This report details the Office's major activities and accomplishments during fiscal year 2014 (October 1, 2013, to September 30, 2014). August 2016. 64 pages. NCJ 248957
OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2016Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue's top story and video Q&A between Administrator Listenbee and OJJDP Senior Policy Advisor Georgina McDowell highlight the agency’s efforts to prevent youth violence. August 2016. 10 pages. NCJ 250148
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National Youth Violence Prevention Update: 2010-2016Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides a survey of the salient features and impacts of the OJJDP-supported National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention, Community-Based Violence Prevention program, and Defending Childhood initiative. July 2016. 16 pages. NCJ 250083
The Statewide Juvenile Justice Improvement Initiative: Improving Outcomes for Youth Under the Supervision of Nevada's Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. This overview highlights recent trends in Nevada that the Statewide Juvenile Justice Improvement Initiative Task Force and Council of State Governments Justice Center staff will be exploring as part of the state's initiative to improve outcomes for youth in the juvenile justice system. July 2016. 2 pages. NCJ 250177
The Second Chance Act: Juvenile ReentryTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. This fact sheet provides information about the Second Chance Act grant program and highlights funding to grantees working to make a youth's transition from system supervision to the community safer and more successful. July 2016. 2 pages. NCJ 250178
Building State Advisory Group Capacity: A Toolkit for Effective Juvenile Justice LeadershipTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This toolkit is intended to be used by State Advisory Groups (SAGs) and related state agencies to help gauge their current strengths, identify challenges, and find solutions to help them strengthen their position as juvenile justice leaders in their states. July 2016. 44 pages. NCJ 250226
Increasing State Advisory Group Effectiveness: Building Capacity for State LeadershipTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Through this report, based on a process of analyzing and engaging SAGs, their leadership and the context in which they operate, the Coalition for Juvenile Justice, in partnership with The Tow Foundation and OJJDP's Center for Coordinated Assistance to the States, hopes to identify and gauge those factors that contribute to SAG effectiveness on a state-by-state basis. July 2016. 28 pages. NCJ 250227
OJJDP Listening Session Report: Creating and Sustaining Fair and Beneficial Environments for LGBTQ YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This report summarizes the information, ideas, and perspectives that were shared at an OJJDP-sponsored listening session on improving the care of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth who are involved, or at risk of becoming involved, in the juvenile justice system. June 2016. 57 pages. NCJ 245321
Child Victims of Stereotypical Kidnappings Known to Law Enforcement in 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. NISMART Series. This bulletin summarizes findings on the incidence and characteristics of stereotypical kidnappings of children in 2011 and compares them with 1997 findings. June 2016. 20 pages. NCJ 249249
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2016Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue's Message from the Administrator highlights OJJDP’s commitment to ensure that every youth involved with the juvenile justice system has early access to well-qualified counsel and quality postdisposition representation. June 2016. 10 pages. NCJ 249928
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The AMBER Advocate, Spring 2016Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate newsletter features articles on the 20th anniversary of the abduction and murder of Amber Hagerman, the inspiration for the AMBER Alert program, a look back at the career of a former AMBER Alert Program Manager, and how a Nebraska police department made a save through AMBER Alert and teamwork. June 2016. 12 pages. NCJ 249959
Durable Collaborations: The National Forum on Youth Violence PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report is based on a survey of community leaders in the 15 cities participating in the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention on their perceptions and attitudes about youth violence prevention. June 2016. 14 pages. NCJ 249995
Evaluation of Friendly PEERsuasionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report evaluated the effectiveness of the Friendly PEERsuasion program, a prevention program designed to help girls ages 11 to 14 acquire knowledge, skills, and support systems to avoid substance use. June 2016. 85 pages. NCJ 250126
National Gang Center Newsletter, Summer 2016Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. This issue features articles on gang tattoos, a successful partnership between business and youth job-training programs, review of NGC's collaborative Webinar, planning for program sustainability, and NGC's 2015 gang legislation update and Spanish Parents’ Guide to Gangs (Guía sobre las pandillas para los padres) resource. June 2016. 12 pages. NCJ 250141
Report on the Evaluation of Judicially Led Responses To Eliminate School Pathways to the Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This research report discusses findings and lessons learned from a process and outcome evaluation of a judge led collaborative model to keep kids in school and out of court. June 2016. 54 pages. NCJ 250164
Drug CourtsTop  
 NIJ, OJJDP-Produced, BJA. After a brief overview of the features and effectiveness of drug courts, this paper presents summaries of drug court program development, research, and information dissemination performed by various agencies and organizations. May 2016. 2 pages. NCJ 238527
Juveniles in Residential Placement, 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. The OJJDP-sponsored Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement details the characteristics of youth held for delinquency and status offenses in public and private residential facilities in every state. The 2013 data show that the number of youth in placement continues to decline. May 2016. 16 pages. NCJ 249507
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Enhanced Resource Guidelines: Improving Court Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect CasesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource covers all stages of the court process, from the preliminary protective hearing until juvenile and family court involvement has ended, which leads to the child safely being returned home or placed in a new, secure and legally permanent home. May 2016. 417 pages. NCJ 249918
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Arts-Based Programs and Arts Therapies for At-Risk, Justice-Involved, and Traumatized YouthsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on arts-based programs and arts therapies, specifically those that are used with at-risk youths, justice-involved youths, and traumatized youths. May 2016. 11 pages. NCJ 250140
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Protecting Children Online: Using Research-Based Algorithms to Prioritize Law Enforcement Internet Investigations, Technical ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This project used data from 20 Internet Crimes Against Children task forces to develop empirically-based recommendations to assist law enforcement conducting Internet investigations. May 2016. 54 pages. NCJ 250154
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2016Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . In honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month in April, this issue’s top story and video message focus on OJJDP’s efforts to promote the safety and well-being of our nation’s children. Other features highlight an OJJDP-sponsored roundtable on the unintended consequences of mandatory and pro-arrest policies on girls, OJJDP's support for tribal youth, the addition of three sites to the Violence Reduction Network, and the Department of Justice's designation of April 24–30 as National Reentry Week. April 2016. 10 pages. NCJ 249801
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Tribal Youth in the Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on tribal youth in the juvenile justice system. April 2016. 10 pages. NCJ 249809
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OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice, Volume 5, Issue 1, Spring 2016Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Journal of Juvenile Justice. This is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by OJJDP. This issue features articles on the impact trauma has on youth and the importance of a trauma-informed juvenile justice system. April 2016. 116 pages. NCJ 249840
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Meta-Analysis of Research on the Effectiveness of Juvenile Drug CourtsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This systematic review and meta-analysis quantitatively synthesized findings from the most current evidence base of juvenile drug court effectiveness research. April 2016. 73 pages. NCJ 250439
Adolescent Substance Use Treatment Effectiveness: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This meta-analysis quantitatively synthesized findings from the most current evidence base of adolescent substance use treatment effectiveness research. April 2016. 76 pages. NCJ 250440
Youth Involvement in the Sex Trade: A National StudyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings from nearly 1,000 youth interviews conducted across six sites, a population estimate for underage youth in the sex trade in the United States, arrest patterns and prosecution and recidivism outcomes for these youth when they encounter the juvenile or criminal justice systems, and findings from interviews with service providers and police officers. March 2016. 166 pages. NCJ 249952
Experiences of Youth in the Sex Trade in Atlantic CityTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report discusses the context, methodology, and findings from in-depth interviews conducted with nearly 100 youth in the sex trade in Atlantic City, New Jersey. March 2016. 50 pages. NCJ 249953
Experiences of Youth in the Sex Trade in Chicago: Issues in Youth Poverty and HomelessnessTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report discusses the context, methodology, and findings from in-depth interviews conducted with over 200 young people, ages 13-24, in the sex trade in Chicago, Illinois. March 2016. 54 pages. NCJ 249954
Experiences of Youth in the Sex Trade in North Texas: Shattered LivesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings from a study that included interviews with youth, ages 13-24, who were engaged in the sex trade in Dallas, Texas. March 2016. 58 pages. NCJ 249955
Experiences of Youth in the Sex Trade in Las VegasTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report discusses the context and findings from 169 in-depth interviews conducted with youth ages 24 and younger in Las Vegas, Nevada. March 2016. 54 pages. NCJ 249956
Experiences of Youth in the Sex Trade in MiamiTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study of youth engaged in the sex trade in Miami, Florida, included 264 interviews with young people ages 13-24. March 2016. 38 pages. NCJ 249957
Experiences of Youth in the Sex Trade in the Bay AreaTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study included 136 interviews with youth engaged in the sex trade in San Francisco and Oakland, California. March 2016. 39 pages. NCJ 249958
OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2016Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue’s top story focuses on January’s National Mentoring Summit, cosponsored by OJJDP. In the video message, Administrator Listenbee, in honor of the 40th observance of National African American History Month, discusses OJJDP’s ongoing efforts to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system. February 2016. 5 pages. NCJ 249742
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Access to Safety: Health Outcomes, Substance Use and Abuse, and Service Provision for LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YQSW Who Engage in Survival SexTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report focuses on youth who engage in survival sex and are self-identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ); young men who have sex with men (YMSM); and young women who have sex with women (YWSW). February 2016. 70 pages. NCJ 249782
Guia sobre las pandillas para los padres (Parents' Guide to Gangs)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This Spanish-language guide is designed to provide parents with answers to common questions about gangs to enable them to recognize and prevent gang involvement. January 2016. 4 pages. NCJ 249746
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AMBER Alert Training and Technical Assistance Program Fact SheetTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides information about the AMBER Alert Training and Technical Assistance Program, its training activities, and the impact the AMBER Alert Program has had on the recovery of abducted children. January 2016. 2 pages. NCJ 249752
Findings From the Economic Analysis of JDC/RF: Policy Implications for Juvenile Drug CourtsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This brief provides findings from the National Cross-Site Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts and Reclaiming Futures (JDC/RF) describing JDC/RF program costs and estimated net economic benefits. January 2016. 6 pages. NCJ 249769
Effects of Adolescent Development on PolicingTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This online brief is designed to help law enforcement who interact with youth in the field to better understand normal adolescent development and behavior. 2015. 8 pages. NCJ 248649
OJJDP Annual Report 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This report details the Office's major activities and accomplishments during fiscal year (FY) 2013 (October 1, 2012, to September 30, 2013). December 2015. 64 pages. NCJ 248570
OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue's top story and video message highlight some of OJJDP's major accomplishments in 2015. December 2015. 5 pages. NCJ 249506
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National Gang Center Newsletter, Fall 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue features articles on diagnosing a community's gang problem, Boys & Girls Clubs gang intervention efforts through targeted outreach, promoting adolescent behavioral adjustment in violent neighborhoods, Glen David Curry, using the developmental perspective to better serve youth, and the National Gang Center's Parents' Guide to Gangs resource. December 2015. 12 pages. NCJ 249517
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Protective Factors Against DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on protective factors against delinquency. December 2015. 14 pages. NCJ 249718
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Risk Factors for DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on risk factors for delinquency. December 2015. 15 pages. NCJ 249723
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National Cross-Site Evaluation: Juvenile Drug Courts and Reclaiming Futures: Final Report: 7/1/2011-6/30/2015Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings from an evaluation of the Juvenile Drug Courts/Reclaiming Futures initiative. December 2015. 177 pages. NCJ 249744
National Cross-Site Evaluation: Juvenile Drug Courts and Reclaiming Futures: Executive Summary: 7/1/2011-6/30/2015Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This executive summary presents high-level findings from an evaluation of the Juvenile Drug Courts/Reclaiming Futures initiative. December 2015. 11 pages. NCJ 249745
Cross-Site Report: Perceptions of Changes to Juvenile Drug Court Service Matching During Reclaiming Futures Model Implementation - July 2015: Five Site ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report summarizes perceived changes to the process of matching youth to services that occurred during the implementation of Reclaiming Futures at juvenile drug courts. December 2015. 4 pages. NCJ 249771
Evaluation of Radius: A Program for Justice-Involved Girls in the Twin CitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings of and recommendations from an evaluation of Radius, a Volunteers of America-Minnesota program. Radius serves justice-involved girls ages 12 through 18 and combines multiple best practice approaches for working with this population. December 2015. 74 pages. NCJ 249775
The Facts on Children's Exposure to ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Developed as part of the Defending Childhood Initiative, this fact sheet provides statistics that detail the prevalence of children's exposure to violence in their homes, schools and communities. December 2015. 4 pages. NCJ 249811
OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue's top story and video highlight President Obama’s proclamation of October 2015 as National Youth Justice Awareness Month. Other features showcase the youth and law enforcement leaders recognized as "Champions of Change," new sites added to the Violence Reduction Network, OJJDP's recently held family drug court listening session, and highlights of OJJDP's fiscal year 2015 awards. November 2015. 5 pages. NCJ 249231
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Locked Out: Improving Educational and Vocational Outcomes for Incarcerated YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. This resource provides findings from a survey of juvenile correctional agencies in all 50 states on the extent to which they provide incarcerated youth access to educational and vocational services. November 2015. 16 pages. NCJ 249462
The AMBER Advocate, Winter 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The AMBER Advocate Winter Edition 2015 introduces the new Program Director, Jim Walters, who shares how he hopes to keep the momentum moving for the AMBER Alert program. November 2015. 12 pages. NCJ 249508
Cross-Site Report: Modifications and Adaptations from Planned to Actual JDC/RF Integration and Implementation - September 2015: Five Site ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings from an evaluation of Juvenile Drug Court (JDC): Strategies in Practice and Reclaiming Futures (JDC/RF) programs implemented in five JDCs in the United States. This report focuses on the modifications and adaptations that occurred at the evaluation sites during the implementation of the JDC/RF integrated model. November 2015. 3 pages. NCJ 249759
Cross-Site Report: JDC/RF Programmatic Processes – September 2015: Five Site ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents an analysis of site-specific process data on Juvenile Drug Court/Reclaiming Futures program enrollment and treatment initiation. November 2015. 3 pages. NCJ 249760
Community Engagement in Juvenile Drug Court: Lessons LearnedTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This brief offers recommendations for one of the components of the Juvenile Drug Courts/Reclaiming Futures initiative that goes beyond the relationship between the court and the youth: community engagement. November 2015. 6 pages. NCJ 249770
National Cross-Site Evaluation: Juvenile Drug Courts and Reclaiming Futures - Formal Training Report, Five Site ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report summarizes formal training activities of the five evaluation sites that participated in the National Cross-Site Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts and Reclaiming Futures. November 2015. 11 pages. NCJ 249772
Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. National Report Series. This fact sheet presents statistics on delinquency cases handled in U.S. juvenile courts between 1985 and 2013. October 2015. 4 pages. NCJ 248899
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Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice: 2015 Recommendations to the President, Congress, and OJJDP AdministratorTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents recommendations developed by the FACJJ subcommittees and approved by the full FACJJ focusing on the following areas: Issues related to the confidentiality, sealing, and expungement of juvenile records; Priorities for research and education supported by OJJDP; and Reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. October 2015. 5 pages. NCJ 249243
The Concurrent Evolution and Intertwined Nature of Juvenile Drug Courts (JDC) and Reclaiming Futures (RF) Approach to Juvenile Justice ReformTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The purpose of this presentation was to describe the need for more and better adolescent treatment, review the history and evolution of juvenile drug courts (JDC), provide an overview of Reclaiming Futures (RF), and describe how JDC and RF have come together. October 2015. 23 pages. NCJ 249761
Psychiatric Disorders in Youth After DetentionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Beyond Detention Series. This bulletin examines the results of the Northwestern Juvenile Project—a longitudinal study of youth detained at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center in Chicago, IL. The authors discuss the findings related to the prevalence and persistence of psychiatric disorders in youth after detention. September 2015. 20 pages. NCJ 246824
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Detained Youth Processed in Juvenile and Adult Court: Psychiatric Disorders and Mental Health NeedsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Beyond Detention Series. This bulletin presents results of a study of the prevalence of psychiatric disorders among youth transferred to adult criminal court compared with those processed in juvenile court. September 2015. 16 pages. NCJ 248283
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Violent Death in Delinquent Youth After DetentionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Beyond Detention Series. This bulletin examines the results of the Northwestern Juvenile Project—a longitudinal study of youth detained at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center in Chicago, IL. September 2015. 14 pages. NCJ 248408
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Perceived Barriers to Mental Health Services Among Detained YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Beyond Detention Series. This bulletin is one in a series of bulletins presenting findings from the OJJDP-sponsored Northwestern Juvenile Project—a longitudinal study of youth detained at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center in Chicago, IL. The authors examined youth’s perceptions of barriers to mental health services, focusing on youth with alcohol, drug, and mental health disorders. September 2015. 12 pages. NCJ 248522
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Children's Exposure to Violence, Crime, and Abuse: An UpdateTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence Series. This bulletin discusses the second National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV II), which was conducted in 2011 as a followup to the original NatSCEV I survey conducted in 2008. September 2015. 16 pages. NCJ 248547
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Child Forensic Interviewing: Best PracticesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This bulletin consolidates the current knowledge of professionals from several major forensic interview training programs on best practices for interviewing children in cases of alleged abuse. September 2015. 20 pages. NCJ 248749
OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . The top story highlights the recent White House Tribal Youth Gathering, while Administrator Robert L. Listenbee's video message discusses OJJDP's efforts to encourage and learn from youth voices. Other features show how OJJDP is helping to rethink school discipline; encourage children to stand against violence; train youth leaders of the juvenile justice system; and more. September 2015. 5 pages. NCJ 249004
 More News @ a Glance
OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice, Volume 4, Issue 2, Fall 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Journal of Juvenile Justice. This is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by OJJDP. This issue features articles on substance use treatment programs for system-involved and at-risk juveniles, parenting stressors and family management techniques, stress-reduction training for juvenile justice officers, and truancy prevention. September 2015. 139 pages. NCJ 249190
 More Journal of Juvenile Justice
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Status OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on status offenders. September 2015. 11 pages. NCJ 249727
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Studying Deterrence Among High-Risk AdolescentsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Pathways to Desistance. In this bulletin, the authors present some key findings on the link between perceptions of the threat of sanctions and deterrence from crime among adolescents who have committed serious offenses. August 2015. 16 pages. NCJ 248617
 More Pathways to Desistance
Mentoring in Juvenile Treatment Drug Courts: Strategies and TipsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The purpose of this brief is to provide tools, tips, and strategies to jurisdictions interested in beginning mentoring programs and those that have current mentoring programs within juvenile treatment drug courts. August 2015. 24 pages. NCJ 249119
The AMBER Advocate, Summer 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue shares lessons learned from the former Program Director, Phil Keith, who provided leadership for the national AMBER Alert program for more than a decade. The issue also shows the critical role social media played in safely finding a baby abducted from a Quebec hospital. August 2015. 12 pages. NCJ 249142
Prevalence of Childhood Exposure to Violence, Crime, and Abuse: Results From the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This article provides healthcare professionals, policymakers, and parents current estimates of exposure to violence, crime, and abuse across childhood and at various developmental stages. August 2015. 9 pages. NCJ 249358
OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue’s top story and video message from OJJDP Administrator Robert L. Listenbee highlight the Office’s efforts to address and prevent youth violence and victimization. Other features include the Justice Department’s commemoration of National Missing Children’s Day, the Coalition for Juvenile Justice Conference, and the OJJDP-sponsored National Law Enforcement Training on Child Exploitation. July 2015. 10 pages. NCJ 248901
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America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report is a compendium of 41 indicators depicting the condition of our Nation's young people. July 2015. 219 pages. NCJ 248963
Parents' Guide to GangsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide is designed to provide parents with answers to common questions about gangs to enable them to recognize and prevent gang involvement. July 2015. 4 pages. NCJ 248989
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Juvenile Court Statistics 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report draws on data from the National Juvenile Court Data Archive to profile nearly 1.1 million delinquency cases and 109,000 petitioned status offense cases handled in 2013 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. July 2015. 114 pages. NCJ 249164
Assessing Fidelity to a Logic Model: The National Cross-Site Evaluation of Juvenile Drug Courts (JDC) and Reclaiming Futures (RF) ExperienceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This presentation provided an overview of logic models and how to develop them; how to use logic models to assess program implementation fidelity; how to link program fidelity to outcomes; the JDC/RF logic model; and specific lessons learned. July 2015. 28 pages. NCJ 249762
Merging Reclaiming Futures Into Juvenile Drug Courts: Lessons Learned for ImplementationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This information brief highlights recommendations for policymakers and program managers seeking to improve or create a Juvenile Drug Court/Reclaiming Futures site and may have broader implications for juvenile drug courts in general. July 2015. 5 pages. NCJ 249767
Missing Children, State Care, and Child Sex Trafficking: Engaging the Judiciary in Building a Collaborative ResponseTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This online brief provides information for juvenile and family court judges about missing children’s resources that can help juvenile justice and child welfare agencies, law enforcement, legal guardians, and other stakeholders involved in efforts to locate and recover children missing from care. June 2015. 14 pages. NCJ 248940
Weapon Involvement in the Victimization of ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined the prevalence of the use of weapons in the victimization of children and youth, focusing on weapons with a "high lethality risk" and how children's and youth's weapons-related victimization impacts their broader victimization and life experiences. June 2015. 10 pages. NCJ 249203
Family Engagement in Juvenile Drug Court: Lessons LearnedTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This brief offers recommendations for one of the components of the Juvenile Drug Courts/Reclaiming Futures initiative that goes beyond the relationship between the court and the youth: family engagement. June 2015. 5 pages. NCJ 249768
Tribal Legal Code Resource: Juvenile Justice - Guide for Drafting or Revising Tribal Juvenile Delinquency and Status Offense LawsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. The purpose of this guide is to assist tribal nations in drafting and/or revising their juvenile statutes (also known as ordinances, codes, or code provisions) as part of the development and/or reform of their juvenile justice systems. June 2015. 533 pages. NCJ 250289
Juvenile Drug Courts: A Process, Outcome, and Impact EvaluationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This bulletin provides an overview of an Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention-sponsored evaluation of drug court intervention programs, their processes, and key outcome features. May 2015. 12 pages. NCJ 248406
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue’s video message from OJJDP Administrator Robert L. Listenbee and top story highlight the Office’s Smart on Juvenile Justice Initiative. May 2015. 5 pages. NCJ 248712
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OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice, Volume 4, Issue 1, Winter 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Journal of Juvenile Justice. This is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by OJJDP. This issue features articles on behavior therapy for incarcerated females, juvenile justice in rural areas, the impact of child protective services on reoffending, reducing social distance between minority youth and law enforcement, youth recommendations on desistance from gangs, and how guardians of system-involved youth can address adolescent sex education. April 2015. 105 pages. NCJ 248734
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Preparing for a Trauma Consultation in Your Juvenile and Family CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This OJJDP-funded guide highlights trauma consultation and how it can help juvenile and family courts become more trauma-informed across environment, practice, and policy. April 2015. 29 pages. NCJ 248757
National Gang Center Newsletter, Spring 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue features articles on two communities' strategies for planning successful summer programs, online activity among street gangs, constitutional policing, adolescent development and policing, Highlights of the 2012 National Youth Gang Survey, and updates to the National Gang Center Gang-Related Legislation page. April 2015. 12 pages. NCJ 249518
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Implementation ScienceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on implementation science. April 2015. 7 pages. NCJ 249709
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2014 AMBER Alert Report: Analysis of AMBER Alert Cases in 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children presents an update on AMBER Alert Cases in 2014. April 2015. 43 pages. NCJ 249755
Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2012: Selected FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Conducted biennially by OJJDP, the Juvenile Residential Facility Census collects information about facilities in which juveniles are held and reports the number of youth who were injured or died in custody during the past 12 months. March 2015. 16 pages. NCJ 247207
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Psychosocial Maturity and Desistance From Crime in a Sample of Serious Juvenile OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Pathways to Desistance. This bulletin presents key findings on the link between psychosocial maturity and desistance from crime in males in the Pathways to Desistance study, which followed more than 1,300 adolescents for 7 years following their convictions as they transitioned from midadolescence to early adulthood (ages 14–25). March 2015. 12 pages. NCJ 248391
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2015Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue’s top story and video message from OJJDP Administrator Robert L. Listenbee highlight the new OJJDP National Mentoring Resource Center and, in light of National Mentoring Month in January, the impact of evidence-based mentoring practices. March 2015. 5 pages. NCJ 248633
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Youth Focused Policing: Agency Self-Assessment ToolTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource seeks to assist law enforcement agencies assessing their current state of policy and practice in prevention and response strategies to reduce youth crime, delinquency, and victimization. March 2015. 29 pages. NCJ 248825
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Alcohol and Drug Prevention and Therapy/TreatmentTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on alcohol/drug prevention and treatment. March 2015. 15 pages. NCJ 249688
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Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators Toolkit: Reducing the Use of IsolationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This Toolkit was developed for states to use as a guide to reduce the use of isolation in youth correctional detention facilities. March 2015. 33 pages. NCJ 249748
Testing the Impact of Mentor Training and Peer Support on the Quality of Mentor-Mentee Relationships and Outcomes for At-Risk YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This evaluation investigated the impact of enhanced mentor training and peer support for mentors on the quality of mentor-mentee relationships and mentee outcomes. February 2015. NCJ 248719
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Risk/Needs Assessments for YouthsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on risk/needs assessments for youth. January 2015. 10 pages. NCJ 249724
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Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States: A Guide for Providers of Victim and Support ServicesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The intended audience for this guide is providers of victim and support services for children and adolescents who have experienced or are at risk of commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. 2014. 52 pages. NCJ 247651
Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States: A Guide for the Health Care SectorTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide is designed for professionals in the health care sector who interact with victims, survivors, and perpetrators of commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of minors. 2014. 42 pages. NCJ 248472
Desktop Guide to Quality Practice for Working With Youth in ConfinementTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This web-based guide for computers and mobile reading devices allows facility leadership and staff to search across 19 chapters for information on principles, concepts, and practices in use in custody facilities. 2014. 4 pages. NCJ 248589
Highlights of the 2012 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet provides an overview of trends in gang activity, law enforcement designations of gang membership, factors influencing local gang violence, and anti-gang measures. December 2014. 4 pages. NCJ 248025
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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. National Report Series. This fact sheet presents statistics on delinquency cases handled in U.S. juvenile courts between 1985 and 2011. December 2014. 4 pages. NCJ 248409
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Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. National Report Series. This fact sheet presents the estimates of the number of petitioned juvenile delinquency cases waived to criminal court between 1985 and 2011. December 2014. 4 pages. NCJ 248410
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue's top story and video message from OJJDP Administrator Listenbee highlight the release of "Ending Violence So Children Can Thrive." December 2014. 0 pages. NCJ 248512
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Juvenile Arrests 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Part of the Juvenile Offenders and Victims National Report Series, this bulletin summarizes 2012 juvenile crime and arrest data reported by local law enforcement agencies through the country as cited in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program and the report Crime in the United States 2012. December 2014. 12 pages. NCJ 248513
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Cross-Site Evaluation of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Tribal Green Reentry Program: Final Technical ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings of a cross-site evaluation conducted to document the implementation of the Green Reentry programs and to determine the extent of the initiative's impact on the tribal youth and communities served. December 2014. 89 pages. NCJ 248537
Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 2014 National ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This OJJDP-funded report presents data and research on juvenile offending and victimization and explores the juvenile justice system’s response. December 2014. 244 pages. NCJ 248587
Twelve-Year Professional Youth Mentoring Program for High Risk Youth: Continuation of a Longitudinal Randomized Controlled TrialTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study investigated impacts of a professional mentoring program, Friends of the Children (FOTC), during the first 5 years of a 12 year program. December 2014. 62 pages. NCJ 248595
Model Programs Guide Implementation Guides: Background and User Perspectives on Implementing Evidence-Based ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document provides a summary of background information gathered to inform the development of Implementation Guides for OJJDP's Model Programs Guide. December 2014. 29 pages. NCJ 248631
Attorney General's Advisory Committee on American Indian/Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence: Ending Violence So Children Can ThriveTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee's policy recommendations on the current epidemic of violence and evaluated suggestions for preventing violence and alleviating its impact on American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children. November 2014. 258 pages. NCJ 248500
Incorporating Green Programming in Juvenile Justice Settings: Lessons Learned from OJJDP's Tribal Green Reentry InitiativeTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report highlights key considerations relevant to incorporating "green" activities in juvenile justice settings and is of particular relevance to practitioners who work with tribal youth. November 2014. 24 pages. NCJ 248584
Parent and Family Involvement with Youth in the Tribal Juvenile Justice System: Perspectives from OJJDP's Tribal Green Reentry InitiativeTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents qualitative perspectives on parent and family involvement among justice-involved youth who participated in Green Reentry programs. November 2014. 17 pages. NCJ 248585
National Gang Center Newsletter, Fall 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue features articles on one community's efforts in curtailing gang-related crime and violence by going beyond gang suppression and building community and police partnerships, law enforcement strategies to reduce gang problems, tips for gang investigators using social media effectively, and National Gang Center's street gang intelligence online training course. November 2014. 10 pages. NCJ 249519
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Disproportionate Minority ContactTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on disproportionate minority contact. November 2014. 16 pages. NCJ 249700
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue's top story and video message from the OJJDP Administrator highlight the 40th anniversary of the passage of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. October 2014. 0 pages. NCJ 248243
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Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States: A Guide for the Legal SectorTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide is designed for law enforcement professionals, attorneys, and judges who interact with victims, survivors, and perpetrators of commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of minors. October 2014. 48 pages. NCJ 248447
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Family TherapyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on family therapy. October 2014. 9 pages. NCJ 249703
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Home Confinement and Electronic MonitoringTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on home confinement and electronic monitoring. October 2014. 6 pages. NCJ 249708
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RoundUp Predictive Tool (RPT) Project: Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report summarizes the results of the RoundUp Predictive Tool (RPT) Project. September 2014. 4 pages. NCJ 248596
Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks, Final Technical ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper examines observations of peers sharing known child pornography (CP) on the eMule and Gnutella networks, which were collected by law enforcement using forensic tools that was developed. September 2014. 19 pages. NCJ 248597
RoundUp Report for Month Ending 8-31-14, RoundUp Predictive Tool (RPT) ProjectTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report summarizes the results of the RoundUp Predictive Tool (RPT) Project for Month Ending 8-31-14. September 2014. 7 pages. NCJ 248598
Changing Lives: Prevention and Intervention to Reduce Serious OffendingTop  
 NIJ, OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Justice Research Series. This bulletin assesses early childhood, juvenile, and early adulthood programs that have demonstrated measurable impacts on offending in early adulthood or up to age 29. August 2014. 8 pages. NCJ 243993
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Juveniles in Residential Placement, 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention sponsors the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement (CJRP), a biennial survey of public and private juvenile residential facilities in every state, which presents a detailed picture of the young people in residential placement nationwide—including age, race, gender, offenses, adjudication status, and more. August 2014. 16 pages. NCJ 246826
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue’s lead story highlights a Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention meeting on strategies for successfully transitioning youth from juvenile justice systems to communities. August 2014. 0 pages. NCJ 247631
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Experiences with Incorporating Culture into Tribal Green Reentry Programs: From the Cross-Site Evaluation of OJJDP's Tribal Green Reentry ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This brief discusses the cross-site efforts and strategies that each of OJJDP's Tribal Juvenile Detention and Reentry Green Demonstration Program grantees is using to infuse culture into their Green Reentry Programs. August 2014. 16 pages. NCJ 248586
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Alternatives to Detention and ConfinementTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on alternatives to detention and confinement. August 2014. 7 pages. NCJ 249689
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children/Sex TraffickingTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on commercial sexual exploitation of children/sex trafficking. August 2014. 14 pages. NCJ 249694
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: LGBTQ Youths in the Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on LGBTQ youth in the juvenile justice system. August 2014. 13 pages. NCJ 249711
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Positive Youth DevelopmentTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on Positive Youth Development. August 2014. 7 pages. NCJ 249715
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Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Detained YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Beyond Detention Series. Summarizes the methods, findings, and implications of a study on suicidal thoughts and behaviors among detained youth ages 10–18 who were part of the Northwestern Juvenile Project, a longitudinal study of juvenile detainees. July 2014. 12 pages. NCJ 243891
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Recognizing When a Child's Injury or Illness Is Caused by AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Provides information about the many indicators of child maltreatment and abuse to help first responders and investigators differentiate between physical abuse and accidental injury. July 2014. 28 pages. NCJ 243908
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America's Young Adults: Special Issue, 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This Special Issue of Key National Indicators of Well-Being provides data on young adults, focusing on their demographic characteristics, living situations, health and safety, and overall well-being. July 2014. 100 pages. NCJ 247293
Core Principles for Reducing Recidivism and Improving Other Outcomes for Youth in the Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. This Bureau of Justice Assistance- and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention-sponsored white paper was written to guide leaders across all branches of government; juvenile justice system administrators, managers, and front-line staff; and researchers, advocates, and other stakeholders on how to better leverage existing research and resources to facilitate system improvements that reduce recidivism and improve other outcomes for youth involved in the juvenile justice system. July 2014. NCJ 247756
PDF (Executive Summary)PDF (Full Report) 
Preparing and Responding to Cyberbullying: Tips for Law EnforcementTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This factsheet presents tips that law enforcement administrators can use to help prepare for a cyberbullying incident. July 2014. 2 pages. NCJ 248203
PDF (English)PDF (Spanish) 
Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice: 2013 Recommendations to the President, Congress, and OJJDP AdministratorTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents recommendations developed by the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice (FACJJ) subcommittees and approved by the full FACJJ. July 2014. 32 pages. NCJ 248442
Juvenile Court Statistics 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report draws on data from the National Juvenile Court Data Archive to profile more than 1.2 million delinquency cases and 116,000 petitioned status offense cases handled in 2011 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. July 2014. 102 pages. NCJ 248475
School Discipline Consensus Report: Strategies From the Field To Keep Students Engaged in School and Out of the Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report builds on the foundation of the Supportive School Discipline Initiative and breaks new ground by integrating strategies from the fields of education, health, law enforcement, and juvenile justice. July 2014. 462 pages. NCJ 249214
National Gang Center Newsletter, Spring/Summer 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue features articles on Homeboy Industries, long-term consequences of adolescent gang membership, National Gang Center resources, and an update from the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model Training. July 2014. 8 pages. NCJ 249520
Behavioral Health Problems, Treatment, and Outcomes in Serious Youthful OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, . Pathways to Desistance. Presents findings from the Pathways to Desistance study on the overlap between behavioral health problems and the risk of future offending as well as the delivery of mental health services to young offenders in institutions and in the community after release. June 2014. 16 pages. NCJ 242440
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue's lead story highlights Administrator Robert L. Listenbee's testimony at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. June 2014. 0 pages. NCJ 246825
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Understanding the Role of Parent Engagement To Enhance Mentoring Outcomes: Final Evaluation ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report provides an evaluation of the impact of a parent mentoring intervention on mentoring relationships and youth outcomes in a youth services agency. June 2014. 28 pages. NCJ 247571
Advancing Use of Risk Assessment in Juvenile ProbationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This demonstration project used a quasi-experimental vs. comparison design to study the impact of implementing validated tools for assessing risk for violence and screening for behavioral health problems. June 2014. 202 pages. NCJ 249155
Normative Expectations of the Integrated JDC/RF Drug Court Logic ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides a framework for integrating two models used in juvenile drug court practice: Juvenile Drug Courts: Strategies in Practice (JDC) and Reclaiming Futures (RF). This logic model provides a global view of JDC/RF based on the evaluation team's interpretation of successful components and traditional performance measures. June 2014. 2 pages. NCJ 249765
Criminal Career PatternsTop  
 NIJ, OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Justice Research Series. This bulletin discusses the criminal careers of offenders, specifically the links between offending patterns in adolescence and in adulthood. May 2014. 2 pages. NCJ 242545
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Explanations for OffendingTop  
 NIJ, OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Justice Research Series. This bulletin describes five broad theoretical perspectives that explain patterns of offending: (1) static theories, (2) dynamic or life-course developmental models, (3) social psychological theories, (4) the developmental psychopathological perspective, and (5) the biopsychosocial perspective. May 2014. 2 pages. NCJ 243975
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Prediction and Risk/Needs AssessmentTop  
 NIJ, OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Justice Research Series. This bulletin discusses the ability to predict whether a young adult will commit crimes based on information available from his or her juvenile years and reviews assessment tools used to make these predictions. May 2014. 2 pages. NCJ 243976
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OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice, Volume 3, Issue 2, Spring 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Journal of Juvenile Justice. This is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by OJJDP. May 2014. NCJ 246951
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2013 AMBER Alert Report: Analysis of AMBER Alert Cases in 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children presents an update on AMBER Alert Cases in 2013. May 2014. 42 pages. NCJ 249754
Guiding System-Level Change: Developing a Comprehensive Plan for Integrating Innovative Programs Into Drug CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This presentation covered information about program implementation, how to involve individuals and maximize buy-in, how to guide system-level change, and how to track and evaluate progress. May 2014. 34 pages. NCJ 249763
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue's lead story highlights OJJDP Administrator Robert L. Listenbee's keynote speech at the Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development Conference. April 2014. 0 pages. NCJ 245451
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The AMBER Advocate, Spring 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate highlights mock abductions, the largest AMBER Alert activation ever, and AMBER Alert's international expansion. April 2014. 12 pages. NCJ 245772
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Gang PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on gang prevention. April 2014. 9 pages. NCJ 249704
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Wraparound ProcessTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on the wraparound process. April 2014. 7 pages. NCJ 249732
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Case Studies of Nine Jurisdictions that Reduced Disproportionate Minority Contact in their Juvenile Justice SystemsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Funded by OJJDP's Field Initiated Research and Evaluation (FIRE) Program beginning in 2009, this project identified promising and best practices to reduce racial and ethnic disproportionality and disparities at arrests, referrals to court, pre-adjudicated diversion, and placement in secure detention and confinement based on various systems improvement strategies. March 2014. 97 pages. NCJ 250301
Delays in Youth JusticeTop  
 NIJ, OJJDP-Produced, . Justice Research Series. This bulletin reviews a research effort in juvenile case processing that looked at two information sources, a nationwide sample of counties and an indepth investigation of three Midwestern courts. February 2014. 5 pages. NCJ 237149
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Young Offenders: What Happens and What Should HappenTop  
 NIJ, OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Justice Research Series. Examines policies that affect young offenders who cross over from the juvenile to the criminal justice system. February 2014. 3 pages. NCJ 242653
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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. National Report Series. This fact sheet presents statistics on delinquency cases processed between 1985 and 2010 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. February 2014. 4 pages. NCJ 243041
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Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. National Report Series. This fact sheet presents estimates of the number of cases transferred from juvenile court to criminal court through the judicial waiver mechanism between 1985 and 2010. February 2014. 4 pages. NCJ 243042
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2014Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue's lead story highlights the National Mentoring Summit, held in Arlington, VA. February 2014. 0 pages. NCJ 244623
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Investigation of the Effectiveness of a Developmental Mentoring Model as an Intervention/Prevention Strategy for Juveniles of Varying Levels of Risk for Delinquency among Middle School Youth in Metro LouisvilleTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study determined whether cross-age mentoring is an effective model for preventing juvenile delinquency among middle-school children (sixth graders) with varying degrees of risk for delinquency. January 2014. 46 pages. NCJ 244758
T.E.A.M., Teach, Empower, Affirm, Mentor, A Risk Reduction Mentoring Curriculum, Instructor's ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This is the instructor’s manual for a curriculum designed for mentors and mentees in the T.E.A.M. mentoring program (Teach, Empower, Affirm, Mentor), which is a cross-age mentoring program for middle school students with varying degrees of risk for delinquent behavior. January 2014. 253 pages. NCJ 244759
An Impact Evaluation of Three Strategies Created To Reduce Disproportionate Minority Contact and the Detention PopulationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study evaluated the effectiveness of three strategies developed by the Maricopa County (Arizona) Juvenile Probation Department to reduce disproportionate minority contact (DMC) and the number of youth placed in detention. 2013. 47 pages. NCJ 241506
The AMBER Advocate, Spring 2013Top  
 OJP, OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate presents information and updates on the AMBER Alert system. 2013. 12 pages. NCJ 241625
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents key national indicators of child well-being for the year ending 2012. 2013. 224 pages. NCJ 242943
The AMBER Advocate, Fall 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue features four articles: one article that examines whether proposed changes by the Federal Communications Commission may limit the use of AMBER Alerts in several Western States; an article that describes the effective use of an AMBER Alert in Ohio; an article that profiles the use of AMBER Alert in Indian Country; and a fourth article that explains how Mexico and the United States are cooperating to stop child abductions through AMBER Alert International. 2013. 8 pages. NCJ 243597
Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United StatesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report examines current approaches addressing commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of children. 2013. 478 pages. NCJ 243838
Mentoring Children of Incarcerated Parents: A Synthesis of Research and Input from the Listening Session Held by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the White House Domestic Policy Council and Office of Public EngagementTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report provides a summary of research presented at the listening session held by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the White House Domestic Policy Council and Office of Public Engagement. 2013. 63 pages. NCJ 244198
OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice, Volume 3, Issue 1, Fall 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Journal of Juvenile Justice. This is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by OJJDP. 2013. 128 pages. NCJ 244254
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Myths and Facts about Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United StatesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource presents some myths and the associated facts regarding sex trafficking of minors. 2013. 1 pages. NCJ 248538
Developmental Sequences of Girls' Delinquent BehaviorTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. Girls Study Group Series. Summarizes the findings on developmental patterns of girls' offending from childhood through adolescence. December 2013. 16 pages. NCJ 238276
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Functional Impairment in Delinquent YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Beyond Detention Series. Provides findings from the Northwestern Juvenile Project, the first large-scale, prospective longitudinal study of drug, alcohol, and psychiatric disorders in a diverse sample of juvenile detainees. December 2013. 12 pages. NCJ 239996
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OJJDP Annual Report 2012: How OJJDP Is Working for Youth Justice and SafetyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This report provides an overview of the Office's activities in fiscal year (FY) 2012. December 2013. 60 pages. NCJ 241584
Juvenile Arrests 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Summarizes 2010 juvenile crime and arrest data reported by local law enforcement agencies throughout the country as cited in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting program and the report Crime in the United States 2010. December 2013. 24 pages. NCJ 242770
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Highlights the first of four public hearings that the Task Force on American Indian/Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence will hold to examine the impact of violence on children in Indian country. December 2013. 0 pages. NCJ 244167
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Juvenile Arrests 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Summarizes 2011 juvenile crime and arrest data reported by local law enforcement agencies. December 2013. 12 pages. NCJ 244476
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Comparison of Risk Assessment Instruments in Juvenile JusticeTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study evaluated nine risk assessment instruments for juveniles in 10 jurisdictions by comparing their predictive validity, reliability, equity, and utility. December 2013. 492 pages. NCJ 244477
Exploring Outcomes Related to Legal Representation for Parents Involved in Mississippi's Juvenile Dependency System, Preliminary FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study compared the outcomes of child abuse and neglect cases for parents who did and did not have legal representation in two Mississippi counties (Forrest and Rankin). December 2013. 40 pages. NCJ 244704
Exploring Reasonable Efforts in Child Welfare Cases that Include Domestic Violence (Site A)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined how domestic violence (DV) cases are treated in juvenile dependency court in Reno, NV, and whether they are processed differently compared to cases without domestic violence. November 2013. 20 pages. NCJ 244701
National Gang Center Newsletter, Fall 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue features articles on building credibility in street outreach, gang graffiti resources, a G.R.E.A.T. officer spotlight, Highlights of the 2011 National Youth Gang Survey, OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model training, and a report titled Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership. November 2013. 9 pages. NCJ 249521
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: BullyingTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on bullying. November 2013. 9 pages. NCJ 249691
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Children's Exposure to Violence and the Intersection Between Delinquency and VictimizationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence Series. Presents survey results from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) regarding the co-occurrence of victimization and delinquency among children who are exposed to violence. October 2013. 12 pages. NCJ 240555
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Highlights a listening session organized by the White House Domestic Policy Council and OJJDP on how to improve or enhance mentoring services for children of incarcerated parents, and more. October 2013. 1 pages. NCJ 243534
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Examining the Referral Stage for Mentoring High-Risk Youth In Six Different Juvenile Justice SettingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report discusses issues and provides guidance in referring juvenile offenders processed in teen courts/youth courts to a mentoring program, in which a non-parental adult forms a relationship with the youth for the purpose of being an example, guide, and support for the youth’s positive development. October 2013. 16 pages. NCJ 244241
Exploring Reasonable Efforts in Child Welfare Cases that Include Domestic Violence in Portland, OregonTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined how domestic violence (DV) cases are treated in juvenile dependency court in Portland, OR, and whether their treatment of DV cases differs from cases without domestic violence (non-DV). October 2013. 15 pages. NCJ 244702
Exploring Reasonable Efforts in Child Welfare Cases that Include Domestic Violence in Princeton, West VirginiaTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined how child abuse and neglect cases with co-occurring domestic violence (DV) are treated in the family court of Princeton, WV, as well as whether this treatment differs from cases without domestic violence. October 2013. 19 pages. NCJ 244703
Models for Success: An Integrated Approach for Juvenile Drug CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This presentation provides information about the OJJDP-sponsored evaluation of the Juvenile Drug Court/Reclaiming Futures initiative. October 2013. 15 pages. NCJ 249766
Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2010: Selected FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s biennial Juvenile Residential Facility Census (JRFC) collects information about facilities in which juvenile offenders are held. September 2013. 20 pages. NCJ 241134
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Highlights of the 2011 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet presents findings from the National Gang Center’s National Youth Gang Survey, which collects data from a large, representative sample of local law enforcement agencies to track the size and scope of the national gang problem. September 2013. 4 pages. NCJ 242884
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Building a Prevention Framework to Address Teen "Sexting" BehaviorsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Findings and methodology are presented for a multi-State, mixed-method study of youth and adult perspectives on teen “sexting” behavior, defined as teens’ “self-production and distribution of sexually explicit visual content via cell phones, social media, and other forms of digital communications.” September 2013. 186 pages. NCJ 244001
Marion County Fostering Attachment Treatment Court Follow-Up Process and Outcome Evaluation ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents process and outcome evaluation findings for the Marion County (Oregon) Fostering Attachment Family Treatment Court (FATC), which is a family drug court that serves substance-abusing parents of children under 9 years old at the time of referral who are at risk of not reunifying with their family. September 2013. 98 pages. NCJ 244165
OJJDP News @ a Glance July/August, 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . This issue's lead story highlights a presentation by members of the National Research Council on the findings and recommendations of an OJJDP-funded report on recent advances in scientific understanding of adolescent brain development that should be more fully incorporated into juvenile justice policies and practices. August 2013. 1 pages. NCJ 242652
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Juvenile Drug Court Strategies in Practice and Reclaiming Futures: An Integrated Logic ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This presentation provided information about the development of an integrated Juvenile Drug Court/Reclaiming Futures logic model. August 2013. 9 pages. NCJ 249764
OJJDP Family Listening Sessions: Executive SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. During the spring and summer of 2011, OJJDP, in collaboration with the Campaign for Youth Justice and the Education Development Center, convened four listening sessions with families and youth who have had direct experiences with the juvenile justice and criminal justice systems. July 2013. 64 pages. NCJ 241379
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 7 Issue 2, Summer 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate highlights a May 2013 Family Roundtable, efforts of truckers in Tennessee, and AMBER Alert activities in Indian Country and other countries. July 2013. NCJ 242951
2012 AMBER Alert Report: Analysis of AMBER Alert Cases in 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children presents an update on AMBER Alert Cases in 2012. July 2013. 42 pages. NCJ 249753
OJJDP Annual Report 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP’s activities and accomplishments during fiscal year 2011. June 2013. 84 pages. NCJ 238638
PTSD, Trauma, and Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Detained YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Beyond Detention Series. Examines the results of the Northwestern Juvenile Project—a longitudinal study of youth detained at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center in Chicago, IL, cosponsored by OJJDP. June 2013. 16 pages. NCJ 239603
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Nature and Risk of Victimization: Findings From the Survey of Youth in Residential PlacementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Survey of Youth in Residential Placement Series. Presents key findings from the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement (SYRP) on youth’s victimization in placement, including their experiences of theft, robbery, physical assault, and sexual assault. June 2013. 16 pages. NCJ 240703
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Juveniles in Residential Placement, 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Presents information from the 2010 Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement (CJRP), a biennial survey of public and private juvenile residential facilities conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau and sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. June 2013. 16 pages. NCJ 241060
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June, 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . In an interview in this issue's lead story, OJJDP Administrator Robert L. Listenbee discusses plans and priorities for the Office and the juvenile justice field. June 2013. 0 pages. NCJ 242021
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OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice, Volume 2, Issue 2, Spring 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Journal of Juvenile Justice. This Journal is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by OJJDP. June 2013. 101 pages. NCJ 242400
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Juvenile Court Statistics, 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Tracks trends in delinquency cases between 1985 and 2010 and in petitioned status offense cases processed between 1995 and 2009. June 2013. 116 pages. NCJ 244080
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue's lead story highlights defense attorney Robert L. Listenbee’s assumption of the leadership of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention in March 2013. April 2013. 0 pages. NCJ 241367
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Safe Start Promising Approaches Communities: Improving Outcomes for Children Exposed to ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This booklet describes Safe Start Promising Approaches communities and outlines how the programs are integrating evidence-based or promising practices as well as other complementary interventions within their geographical, agency, and community context. March 2013. 36 pages. NCJ 248420
Northwestern Juvenile Project: An OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Beyond Detention Series. Provides an overview of the Northwestern Juvenile Project, the first large-scale, prospective longitudinal study of drug, alcohol, and psychiatric disorders in a diverse sample of juvenile detainees. February 2013. 16 pages. NCJ 234522
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2013Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Grant. News @ a Glance . This issue's lead story describes OJJDP’s ongoing efforts to combat child sex trafficking in the United States. February 2013. 12 pages. NCJ 240749
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Getting Out of Gangs, Staying Out of Gangs: Gang intervention and Desistence StrategiesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This article identifies the pivotal life points at which targeted gang interventions may be the most effective, and strategies for getting youth out of gangs (“desistence”) at these points are recommended. January 2013. 10 pages. NCJ 242012
Healing the Invisible Wounds: Children's Exposure to Violence - A Guide for FamiliesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides guidance and resources for families who believe a child they know has witnessed or experienced violence. 2012. 32 pages. NCJ 227353
The AMBER Advocate, Spring/Summer 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate reports on an April 2012 symposium on trafficking in persons; a profile of Dick Novik, a broadcaster who assisted in creating the New York AMBER Alert Plan; AMBER Alert international activities; AMBER Alert in Indian Country; and news on various efforts in the implementation and advancement of AMBER Alert. 2012. 16 pages. NCJ 240102
The AMBER Advocate, Fall/Winter 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate contains four main articles on issues pertaining to AMBER Alerts. 2012. 12 pages. NCJ 240724
Sanemos las Heridas Invisibles: Ninos Expuestos a Violencia - Guia para familias (Healing the Invisible Wounds: Children's Exposure to Violence - A Guide for Families)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides guidance and resources (in Spanish) for families who believe a child they know has witnessed or experienced violence. 2012. 32 pages. NCJ 248417
Identifying Polyvictimization and Trauma Among Court-Involved Children and Youth: A Checklist and Resource Guide for Attorneys and Other Court-Appointed AdvocatesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource guide was developed to help lawyers and other legal advocates for children recognize the prevalence and impact of polyvictimization and perform more trauma-informed legal and judicial system advocacy. 2012. 12 pages. NCJ 248419
National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NATSCEV I), Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence Series. This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the incidence and prevalence of children’s exposure to violence in the United States. 2012. 63 pages. NCJ 248444
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Women, Girls, & the Criminal Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This facilitator’s guide, which is based on lessons rooted in three documentary films, opens up discussions and personal exploration on issues such as decision-making and resiliency, as it specifically relates to girls and women impacted by the criminal justice system. 2012. 0 pages. NCJ 248997
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Girl Scouting in Detention Centers: Finding Freedom Through Learning to LeadTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The Girl Scouting in Detention Centers (GSDC) remains the only national, gender-specific program to serve girls in all ranges of the justice system, including secure detention, residential treatment, probation, and alternative high schools, as well as in community troops. 2012. 20 pages. NCJ 248998
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Girl Scouting in Detention Centers: From Labeled to LeaderTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Through the national program, Girl Scouting in Detention Centers (GSDC), girls discover new ways of viewing themselves: as leaders full of potential. 2012. 16 pages. NCJ 248999
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Girl Scouts Beyond Bars: Incarcerated Mothers, Empowered Daughters--and a Better Future for AllTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The Girl Scouting in Detention Centers (GSDC) program has served thousands of girls across the country, offering mother/daughter troop meetings at the correctional facility, opportunities for the strengthening of relationships and leadership development. 2012. 21 pages. NCJ 249000
Girl Scouts Beyond Bars: Providing a Better PathTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The Girl Scouts Beyond Bars program (GSBB) is a national program that equips girls ages 5 to 17 whose mothers are incarcerated with the tools they’ll need to succeed—all the while strengthening the mother/daughter bond through regular visits. 2012. 16 pages. NCJ 249001
Transfer of Juveniles to Adult Court: Effects of a Broad Policy in One CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Pathways to Desistance. Presents findings from the Pathways to Desistance study about the effects of transfer on a sample of serious adolescent offenders in Maricopa County, AZ. December 2012. 20 pages. NCJ 232932
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OJJDP Annual Report 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP’s activities and accomplishments during fiscal year 2010. December 2012. 120 pages. NCJ 237051
OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . OJJDP's bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. December 2012. 11 pages. NCJ 240178
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Dependency Drug Court: Evaluation ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the results of an evaluation of San Francisco Superior Court’s Dependency Drug Court project. December 2012. 18 pages. NCJ 241056
Report of the Attorney General's National Task Force on Children Exposed to ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report details the task force's findings and provides policy recommendations to address the issue and reduce the impact of trauma on children. December 2012. NCJ 241563
Ethnic Identity and Offending Trajectories Among Mexican American Juvenile Offenders: Gang Membership and Psychosocial MaturityTop  
 NIJ-Sponsored, OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined the association of joint trajectories of ethnic identity and criminal offending to psychosocial maturity. December 2012. 15 pages. NCJ 241734
OJJDP In Focus Fact Sheet: Disproportionate Minority ContactTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. In Focus. This fact sheet provides an overview of OJJDP's efforts to reduce disproportionate minority contact (DMC). The publication includes a description of OJJDP's DMC Reduction Model, which helps states determine whether disproportionality exists and, if it does, guides the establishment of multipronged intervention strategies to ensure equal treatment of all youth. The fact sheet also includes a summary of states' DMC-reduction activities derived from compliance plans submitted in fiscal year 2011. November 2012. 4 pages. NCJ 239457
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Understanding the "Whys" Behind Juvenile Crime TrendsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings of a multiyear project designed to examine the various explanations offered for the drop in juvenile crime during the 1990s and to assess how useful they were in developing leading indicators of future trends. November 2012. 170 pages. NCJ 248954
Community Supervision of Underage Drinking OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This bulletin provides a theoretical overview on which to base policies, procedures, and practices to help professionals effectively supervise underage drinkers in the community. October 2012. 12 pages. NCJ 237147
Underage Drinking: Practice Guidelines for Community CorrectionsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This bulletin offers such 10 such guidelines to help professionals develop a plan for screening youth, determine appropriate responses, create a case plan, and provide treatment. October 2012. 16 pages. NCJ 237231
OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . OJJDP's bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. October 2012. NCJ 238981
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Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. National Report Series. This fact sheet presents estimates of the number of cases transferred from juvenile court to criminal court through the judicial waiver mechanism between 1985 and 2009. In 2009, juvenile courts waived an estimated 7,600 delinquency cases, 45 percent fewer than in 1994. October 2012. 4 pages. NCJ 239080
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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. National Report Series. This fact sheet presents statistics on delinquency cases processed between 1985 and 2009 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. From 1985 through 1997, the number of delinquency cases climbed steadily (63 percent) and, from 1997 through 2009, the delinquency caseload dropped 20 percent. October 2012. 4 pages. NCJ 239081
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Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. National Report Series. This fact sheet presents statistics on delinquency cases resulting in probation between 1985 and 2009. Between 1985 and 2009, the number of cases placed on probation increased 29 percent. During that time, the overall delinquency caseload increased 30 percent. October 2012. 2 pages. NCJ 239082
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OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice, Volume 2, Issue 1, Fall 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Journal of Juvenile Justice. This Journal is a semi-annual, peer reviewed journal sponsored by OJJDP. October 2012. 97 pages. NCJ 240461
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Researching the Referral Stage of Youth Mentoring in Six Juvenile Justice Settings: An Exploratory AnalysisTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This final report presents the results of a study that examined the referral stage in youth mentoring in six juvenile justice settings. October 2012. 190 pages. NCJ 240820
Effects and Consequences of Underage DrinkingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This bulletin presents findings from a literature review that investigated the effects of how underage drinking on youth’s physical, emotional, and neurological health. It also discusses the personal, legal, and economic consequences of underage drinking. The bulletin is part of OJJDP’s underage drinking bulletin series, which provides guidelines for communities developing treatment and prevention programs. September 2012. 12 pages. NCJ 237145
Victimization and Trauma Experienced by Children and Youth: Implications for Legal AdvocatesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This Issue Brief translates emerging research and program practice into action steps for dependency and delinquency judges, attorneys, and legal advocates. September 2012. 16 pages. NCJ 239687
Sonoma County Dependency Drug Court (DDC): Year Three Evaluation FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the results of an evaluation of Sonoma County’s Dependency Drug Court. September 2012. 58 pages. NCJ 241057
Referring Youth in Juvenile Justice Settings to Mentoring Programs: Effective Strategies and Practices to Improving the Mentoring Experience for At-Risk and High-Risk YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The research reported here used multiple methods in obtaining data from mentoring and juvenile justice systems in order to determine how juvenile justice systems refer youth to mentoring, challenges faced during the referral process, examples of effective strategies for addressing these challenges, and action steps. September 2012. 162 pages. NCJ 241485
Domestic Violence Agencies and SheltersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This Issue Brief explains the importance of domestic violence agencies and shelters in addressing exposure to violence to ensure the well-being of children from birth to age 18. September 2012. 12 pages. NCJ 248418
OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . This issue of OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. August 2012. 16 pages. NCJ 238982
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America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Provides annual updates on the well-being of children and families in the United States across a range of domains. July 2012. 24 pages. NCJ 238797
Juvenile Court Statistics, 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Tracks trends in delinquency cases between 1985 and 2009 and in petitioned status offense cases processed between 1995 and 2009. July 2012. 152 pages. NCJ 239114
Trafficking in Persons Symposium Final Report (April 10-13, 2012, Salt Lake City, UT)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report summarizes best practices for responding to child trafficking, as identified by the 127 participants of the April 2012 Trafficking in Persons Symposium, as well as their recommendations for addressing current challenges. July 2012. 100 pages. NCJ 250199
OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue of OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter highlights of the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) National Missing Children’s Day ceremony; DOJ’s joint project with the U.S. Department of Education to keep youth in school and out of court; National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day; OJJDP’s efforts to engage families of incarcerated youth as valued partners in the juvenile justice system; the latest activities of the Defending Childhood initiative’s eight demonstration sites; and more June 2012. 19 pages. NCJ 238636
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Street Outreach and the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. This bulletin provides an overview of best practices developed for street outreach in the context of the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model. June 2012. 10 pages. NCJ 239076
Exploring the Role of the Internet in Juvenile Prostitution Cases Coming to the Attention of Law EnforcementTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper examines the role of the Internet in juvenile prostitution cases coming to the attention of law enforcement. June 2012. 16 pages. NCJ 240399
AMBER Alert Best PracticesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This guide is a compilation of the most effective and efficient strategies, provided by AMBER partners and practitioners, for recovering missing or abducted children. May 2012. 64 pages. NCJ 232271
No Estás Solo: El Camino del Secuestro al EmpoderamientoTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This is the Spanish-language version of You're Not Alone: The Journey From Abduction to Empowerment. May 2012. 74 pages. NCJ 237774
¿Y yo? Cómo Sobrellevar el Secuestro de un Hermano o una HermanaTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This is the Spanish-language version of What About Me? Coping With the Abduction of a Brother or Sister. May 2012. 70 pages. NCJ 237775
2011 AMBER Alert Report: Analysis of AMBER Alert Cases in 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children presents an update on AMBER Alert Cases in 2011. May 2012. 43 pages. NCJ 238756
Child and Youth Victimization Known to Police, School, and Medical AuthoritiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence Series. Presents the survey results from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) regarding authorities' knowledge of victimization incidents involving children and youth, particularly police, school, and medical authorities. April 2012. 8 pages. NCJ 235394
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Highlights of the 2010 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. Provides an overview of findings from the 2010 National Youth Gang Survey. April 2012. 4 pages. NCJ 237542
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . This issue of OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter features an indepth interview with Melodee Hanes, OJJDP's Acting Administrator; features on the second annual summit of the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention; findings of an OJJDP-supported study on serious juvenile offenders; and more. April 2012. 1 pages. NCJ 238120
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OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice, Volume 1, Issue 2, Spring 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Journal of Juvenile Justice. This Journal is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by OJJDP. April 2012. NCJ 238336
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2012Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . OJJDP's bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. February 2012. 16 pages. NCJ 237146
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Social Networks, Delinquency, and Gang Membership: Using a Neighborhood Framework to Examine the Influence of Network Composition and Structure in a Latino CommunityTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study explored the network and social variable that affect relations among youth in predominantly Latino neighborhoods. February 2012. 274 pages. NCJ 238538
Voices From the Field: Findings From the NGI Listening SessionsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents results and recommendations from "listening sessions" across the Nation that solicited information on the needs of State, tribal, and local entities regarding their services to girls and their families. January 2012. 32 pages. NCJ 241405
Impact of the Nurse-Family Partnership on Neighborhood Context, Government Expenditures, and Children's School FunctioningTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the methodologies and findings of three studies: an economic analysis of the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) through age 9 for children in the Denver trial of the NFP; an assessment of children’s school functioning using teacher reports of third-grade children’s grade point averages and behavior in the Denver trial of the NFP; and a study of the NFP in neighborhood contexts in the Elmira, Memphis, and Denver trials. 2011. 68 pages. NCJ 233277
Underage Drinking: Intervention Principles and Practice Guidelines for Community CorrectionsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report from the Council of State Governments and the American Probation and Parole Association presents intervention principles and practice guidelines for dealing with underage drinking. 2011. 111 pages. NCJ 238632
Children Exposed to Violence: Tips for Agencies and Staff Working with YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides tips on how youth workers can identify youth exposed to violence and give them the sympathetic care they need. 2011. 3 pages. NCJ 248421
Children Exposed to Violence: Tips for Agencies Working With Immigrant FamiliesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides tips for agencies working with immigrant families who may encounter cases of children being exposed to violence. 2011. 5 pages. NCJ 248422
Children Exposed to Violence: Tips for Child Welfare StaffTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides tips for child welfare staff on how to work with children exposed to violence. 2011. 3 pages. NCJ 248423
Children Exposed to Violence: Tips for Domestic Violence and Homeless SheltersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides tips for domestic violence and homeless shelters on how to work with children exposed to violence. 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 248424
Children Exposed to Violence: Tips for Early Childhood ProvidersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides tips for early childhood providers on how to work with children exposed to violence. 2011. 3 pages. NCJ 248425
Children Exposed to Violence: Tips for Engaging Men and FathersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides tips for engaging men and fathers on how to work with children exposed to violence. 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 248426
Children Exposed to Violence: Tips for Parents and Other CaregiversTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides tips for parents and other caregivers on how to work with children exposed to violence. 2011. 3 pages. NCJ 248431
Children Exposed to Violence: Tips for Pregnancy Prevention ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides tips for pregnancy prevention programs on how to work with children exposed to violence. 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 248432
Children Exposed to Violence: Tips for Staff and Advocates Working With Children: PolyvictimizationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource provides tips for staff and advocates working with children on how to work with children exposed to violence. 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 248433
Children Exposed to Violence: Tips for TeachersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resources provides tips for teachers on how to work with children exposed to violence. 2011. 3 pages. NCJ 248434
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Day TreatmentTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on day treatment. 2011. 3 pages. NCJ 249699
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Bullying in Schools: An OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Examines the connection between different types and frequencies of bullying, truancy, and student achievement, and whether students’ engagement in school mediates these factors. December 2011. 12 pages. NCJ 234205
OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . OJJDP's bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. December 2011. 10 pages. NCJ 236316
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Juvenile Arrests 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This report summarizes 2009 juvenile crime and arrest data reported by local law enforcement agencies across the country and cited in the FBI report, Crime in the United States 2009. This information is used to characterize the extent and nature of juvenile crime that comes to the attention of the justice system. December 2011. 24 pages. NCJ 236477
Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics on delinquency cases resulting in probation between 1985 and 2008, based on data from nearly 2,300 jurisdictions containing 82% of the U.S. juvenile population. The national estimates were generated using information contributed to the National Juvenile Court Data Archive. The fact sheet is based on the report, Juvenile Court Statistics 2008. December 2011. 2 pages. NCJ 236478
Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics on delinquency cases processed between 1985 and 2008 by U.S. juvenile courts for public order, person, and property offenses and drug law violations. The estimates are based on data from more than 2,300 courts with jurisdiction over 82% of the nation’s juvenile population. The fact sheet is based on the report, Juvenile Court Statistics 2008. December 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 236479
Person Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics on person offenses (including assault, robbery, rape, homicide, and other crimes involving force or threat of force against persons) handled by juvenile courts between 1985 and 2008. The estimates are based on data from more than 2,300 courts with jurisdiction over 82% of the nation’s juvenile population. The fact sheet is based on the report, Juvenile Court Statistics 2008. December 2011. 2 pages. NCJ 236480
Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics on petitioned delinquency cases waived to criminal court between 1985 and 2009. U.S. juvenile courts handle approximately half of delinquency cases formally (i.e., a petition is filed requesting an adjudication or waiver hearing). This fact sheet is based on the report, Juvenile Court Statistics 2008. December 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 236481
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 5, Issue 3, December 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue features six articles which provide nationwide and international examples of AMBER Alert success stories. December 2011. 12 pages. NCJ 237248
OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . OJJDP's bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, fund opportunities, and upcoming events. November 2011. 10 pages. NCJ 235961
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Hot Spots of Juvenile Crime: Findings From SeattleTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the findings of a study that mapped the location of all juvenile crime incidents (incidents in a juvenile was arrested) in Seattle between 1989 and 2002 to determine the distribution of juvenile crime and identify hot spots of juvenile crime. October 2011. 16 pages. NCJ 231575
Children's Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Other Family ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence Series. Explores in depth the survey results from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) regarding exposure to family violence among children in the United States, including exposure to intimate partner violence, assaults by parents on siblings of children surveyed, and other assaults involving teen and adult household members. October 2011. 12 pages. NCJ 232272
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OJJDP's Major Grant ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. In Focus. This fact sheet discusses OJJDP's grant programs, which are authorized by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended. October 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 234072
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OJJDP: An OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. In Focus. Provides an overview of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and describes its divisions and programs. October 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 234073
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Emergency Planning for Juvenile Justice Residential FacilitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides information about how facilities can ensure that youth receive the supports and services they require as they experience the disruptions that emergencies inevitably cause. October 2011. 50 pages. NCJ 234936
Questions and Answers About the National Survey of Children's Exposure to ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence Series. Presents an overview of the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV), the most comprehensive nationwide survey to date of the incidence and prevalence of children's exposure to violence, sponsored by OJJDP and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and carried out by the Crimes Against Children Research Center of the University of New Hampshire. October 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 235163
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Polyvictimization: Children's Exposure to Multiple Types of Violence, Crime, and AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence Series. Presents the findings of the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) regarding children's direct exposure to multiple types of violence, crime, and abuse, also known as polyvictimization. October 2011. 12 pages. NCJ 235504
 More National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence Series
National Center for Youth in CustodyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides an overview of the mission, objectives, and services of the recently launched National Center for Youth in Custody. October 2011. 2 pages. NCJ 235770
OJJDP Journal of Juvenile Justice, Volume 1, Issue 1, Fall 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Journal of Juvenile Justice. This Journal is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by OJJDP. October 2011. 127 pages. NCJ 236317
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Judicial and Probation Outreach Project, Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document presents the closeout report for the Judicial and Probation Outreach Project which identifies and disseminates strategies on underage drinking to the judicial and probation communities. October 2011. 257 pages. NCJ 238792
Communities Working Together To Help Children Exposed to Violence: Findings from Phase I of the Safe Start InitiativeTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource presents the program developments, outcomes, and recommendations derived from the demonstration sites involved in Phase I of the OJJDP-funded Safe Start Initiative, which involves national, state, and local public and private agencies in a cooperative effort to prevent and reduce childhood exposure to violence and its effects. October 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 249503
Trying Juveniles as Adults: An Analysis of State Transfer Laws and ReportingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. National Report Series. This bulletin, part of the Juvenile Offenders and Victims National Report Series, provides the latest overview of state transfer laws and practices as well as examining available state-level data on juveniles adjudicated in the criminal justice system. September 2011. 28 pages. NCJ 232434
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The AMBER Advocate, Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate highlights international AMBER Alert activities, the AMBER Alert partnership with Facebook, state AMBER Alert efforts, and more. September 2011. 12 pages. NCJ 236054
Reducing Drinking Among Underage Air Force Members in Five CommunitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the early findings of an evaluation of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) initiative in five Air Force communities. August 2011. 12 pages. NCJ 232616
OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . OJJDP's bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, fund opportunities, and upcoming events. August 2011. 0 pages. NCJ 235188
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Arrests for Child Pornography Production: Data at Two Time Points From a National Sample of U.S. Law Enforcement AgenciesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined trends in law enforcement responses to child pornography (CP) production. August 2011. 12 pages. NCJ 237466
Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2008: Selected FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Summarizes 2008 data from the biannual Juvenile Residential Facility Census, which collects information about the facilities in which juvenile offenders are held. July 2011. 12 pages. NCJ 231683
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America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Provides annual updates on the well-being of children and families in the United States across a range of domains. July 2011. 223 pages. NCJ 235151
Juvenile Court Statistics, 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Drawing on data from the National Juvenile Court Data Archive, the report profiles more than 1.6 million delinquency cases that U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction handled in 2008. July 2011. 150 pages. NCJ 236106
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Residential Treatment CentersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on residential treatment centers. July 2011. 7 pages. NCJ 249721
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Shelter CareTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on shelter care. July 2011. 3 pages. NCJ 249726
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Highlights of the 2009 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet provides an overview of findings from the 2009 National Youth Gang Survey. June 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 233581
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . OJJDP's bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. June 2011. 14 pages. NCJ 234318
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Federal Resources on Missing and Exploited Children: A Directory for Law Enforcement and Other Public and Private Agencies, Sixth EditionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. First published in 1996, this resource describes the federal services, programs, publications, and training sessions that address child sexual exploitation issues, child pornography, child abduction, Internet crime, and missing children cases. May 2011. 48 pages. NCJ 231619
Cuando su Niño está desaparecido: Unia guía de supervivencia familiar (4th Edition)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This Spanish-language version of When Your Child is Missing: A Family Survival Guide provides parents with insights into what families should do when a child is missing. May 2011. 103 pages. NCJ 232789
PDFPDF (English) 
El Delito del Secuestro Familiar: La perspectiva de hijos y padresTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This Spanish language version of Crime of Family Abduction: A Child's and Parent's Perspective provides the searching family, law enforcement, and mental health professionals with strategies to build a comprehensive, child-centered approach to recovery and healing. May 2011. 71 pages. NCJ 234086
Tribal Youth in the Federal Justice System, Final Report (Revised)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJS-Sponsored. This publication examines the Tribal Youth in the Federal Justice System project which explored issues surrounding the population of American Indian juveniles who are processed in the Federal justice system. May 2011. 205 pages. NCJ 234549
2010 AMBER Alert Report: Analysis of AMBER Alert Cases in 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children presents an analysis of AMBER Alert cases for 2010. May 2011. 43 pages. NCJ 236084
U.S. Gang Problem Trends and Seriousness, 1996-2009Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. This report presents new information on the long-term trend in street gang activity and violent crime in the United States. May 2011. 23 pages. NCJ 236305
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . OJJDP's bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. April 2011. 12 pages. NCJ 234084
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2009 Report to Congress: Title V Community Prevention Grants ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Reports on the Title V Community Prevention Grants program, which provides funds to help communities develop and implement delinquency prevention programs. April 2011. 24 pages. NCJ 234161
Highlights From Pathways to Desistance: A Longitudinal Study of Serious Adolescent OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Pathways to Desistance. Presents an overview of some major findings from the Pathways to Desistance Study, a project that followed 1,354 serious adolescent offenders for 7 years following their convictions. March 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 230971
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2008 Report to Congress: Title V Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Reports on the four delinquency prevention programs that were funded under Title V—the Community Prevention Grants program, the Tribal Youth Program, the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) program, and the Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) program. March 2011. NCJ 231131
Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Programs: 2008-2009 Report to CongressTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Presents data from local subgrantees on how their juvenile accountability programs performed during the 2008 and 2009 reporting periods. March 2011. 25 pages. NCJ 231990
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Guide for Implementing or Enhancing an Endangered Missing AdvisoryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes how a community can establish a task force to create an endangered missing advisory plan, which creates voluntary partnerships to rapidly recover missing persons who do not fit the AMBER Alert criteria but who may be in danger. March 2011. 37 pages. NCJ 232001
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue, the National AMBER Alert Symposium edition, highlights Symposium activities and AMBER Alert efforts in the U.S. and worldwide. March 2011. 12 pages. NCJ 234070
Juvenile Justice System and Risk Factor Data for Illinois: 2008 Annual ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This 2008 Annual Report by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority presents comprehensive juvenile justice data, along with an explanation of risk factors and their importance to the juvenile justice system, in order to assist juvenile justice policymakers and practitioners in developing informed planning and policy initiatives. March 2011. 248 pages. NCJ 236786
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Wilderness CampTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on wilderness camps. March 2011. 4 pages. NCJ 249731
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National Evaluation of the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Randomized Community Trial (Final Report)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This is the final report of the National Evaluation of the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Program Randomized Community Trial (CT), which covers the entire project period (2003-2009). February 2011. 196 pages. NCJ 236176
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Conflict Resolution/Interpersonal SkillsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on conflict resolution/interpersonal skills. February 2011. 5 pages. NCJ 249697
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: MentoringTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on mentoring. February 2011. 5 pages. NCJ 249713
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2011Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . Reports on a partnership to enable millions of Facebook users across the country to receive AMBER Alerts via their accounts. The issue also includes special features on First Lady Michelle Obama’s announcement at the National Mentoring Summit of The Corporate Mentoring Challenge, and on OJJDP’s two FY 2010 fellows in the areas of tribal youth and juvenile justice and children’s exposure to violence. January 2011. 12 pages. NCJ 233339
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Survey of Youth in Residential Placement: Youth's Needs and ServicesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The Survey of Youth in Residential Placement (SYRP) is the third component in the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP) constellation of surveys providing updated statistics on youth in custody in the juvenile justice system. 2010. 62 pages. NCJ 227660
Ten Things Every Juvenile Court Judge Should Know About Trauma and DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This technical assistance bulletin identifies and discusses 10 crucial concepts with which juvenile court judges should be familiar in order to assist traumatized youth in the juvenile justice system. 2010. 18 pages. NCJ 239558
National Evaluation of Safe Start Promising Approaches: Assessing Program OutcomesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents data that were gathered in experimental and quasi-experimental studies conducted to attempt to fill the gaps in understanding about the effectiveness of programs intended to improve outcomes for children exposed to violence. 2010. 83 pages. NCJ 248599
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Parent TrainingTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on parent training. 2010. 8 pages. NCJ 249714
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Youth's Characteristics and Backgrounds: Findings from the Survey of Youth in Residential PlacementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Survey of Youth in Residential Placement Series. Describes the characteristics, family and educational backgrounds, offense histories, and expectations of youth in residential placement. December 2010. 12 pages. NCJ 227730
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Findings From the Evaluation of OJJDP's Gang Reduction ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the findings from an independent evaluation of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP's) Gang Reduction Program—a comprehensive, multifaceted approach to gang reduction. December 2010. 20 pages. NCJ 230106
Gang Prevention: An Overview of Research and ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents an overview of gang research and programs in the United States and examines how gangs form and why youth join them. December 2010. 24 pages. NCJ 231116
Substance Use and Delinquent Behavior Among Serious Adolescent OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Pathways to Desistance. Part of the Pathways to Desistance Study series, this bulletin presents some key findings on the link between adolescent substance use and serious offending. December 2010. 16 pages. NCJ 232790
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The AMBER Advocate, Volume 4, Issue 3, December 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate highlights U.S. and international AMBER Alert efforts and activities. December 2010. 12 pages. NCJ 232942
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Teen/Youth CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on teen/youth courts. December 2010. 4 pages. NCJ 249728
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Truancy PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on truancy prevention. December 2010. 9 pages. NCJ 249729
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Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents concerns and recommendations from juvenile justice experts and career professionals from every State and territory in the United States. November 2010. 49 pages. NCJ 231620
OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . Reports on OJJDP's initiatives to prevent and intervene in girls' delinquency. The issue also includes special features on OJJDP's FY 2010 grant awards, an OJJDP survey of juvenile justice professionals to determine training and technical assistance needs, and the recent national AMBER Alert Symposium. November 2010. 18 pages. NCJ 232214
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Responding to Gangs in the School SettingTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. This bulletin presents an overview of action steps that schools can take in preventing, intervening in, and suppressing violent gang activity, and it provides guidance in developing crisis response plans that address violence in schools, including, but not limited to, gang activity. November 2010. 15 pages. NCJ 233820
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Restorative JusticeTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on restorative justice. November 2010. 9 pages. NCJ 249722
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Vocational/Job TrainingTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on vocational/job training. November 2010. 5 pages. NCJ 249730
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Best Practices To Address Community Gang Problems: OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model (Second Edition)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides guidance on how communities can best address an existing or emerging youth gang problem. October 2010. 63 pages. NCJ 231200
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Aftercare/ReentryTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on aftercare/reentry. October 2010. 5 pages. NCJ 249686
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Afterschool ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on afterschool programs. October 2010. 8 pages. NCJ 249687
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Community- and Problem-Oriented PolicingTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on community- and problem-oriented policing. October 2010. 8 pages. NCJ 249695
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Drug CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on drug courts. October 2010. 5 pages. NCJ 249702
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Gender-Specific ProgrammingTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on gender-specific programming. October 2010. 8 pages. NCJ 249705
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Mental Health CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on mental health courts. October 2010. 5 pages. NCJ 249712
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . Reports on the Attorney General's Defending Childhood initiative. The issue also includes special features on the September meeting of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; arts programs that help at-risk and delinquent youth replace destructive behavior with positive activities and interests; and the Office of Justice Programs' SMART Office, which supports the nation's efforts to register and monitor sex offenders. September 2010. 14 pages. NCJ 232007
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Cognitive-Behavioral TreatmentTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on cognitive-behavioral treatment. September 2010. 6 pages. NCJ 249693
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Correctional FacilitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on juvenile correctional facilities and youth in custody. September 2010. 4 pages. NCJ 249698
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: DiversionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on diversion programs. September 2010. 3 pages. NCJ 249701
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Gun CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on gun courts. September 2010. 3 pages. NCJ 249707
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Reentry CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on reentry courts. September 2010. 4 pages. NCJ 249719
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Residential ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on residential programs. September 2010. 5 pages. NCJ 249720
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The AMBER Advocate, Volume 4, Issue 2, August 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate was a special edition recognizing National Missing Children’s Day along with State, local, an international programs, trainings, and other activities related to AMBER Alert and missing children. August 2010. 12 pages. NCJ 231547
Effects of Federal Legislation on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Examines the effects of the Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act of 2000 on the prosecution of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) cases. July 2010. 12 pages. NCJ 228631
OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Reports on OJJDP's green detention and reentry programs for tribal youth. The issue also includes special features on the recent National Institute of Justice Conference on evidence-based practices to prevent and intervene in crime; the U.S. Department of Justice's Tribal Youth Summit; and recent OJJDP trainings to assist law enforcement and child protection professionals from Mexico and the United States in more effectively responding to cross-border abductions. July 2010. 15 pages. NCJ 230815
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America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well Being, 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Provides annual updates on the well-being of children and families in the United States across a range of domains. July 2010. 24 pages. NCJ 231179
2009 AMBER Alert Report: Analysis of AMBER Alert Cases in 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children presents an analysis of AMBER Alert cases for 2009. July 2010. 45 pages. NCJ 234209
Juvenile Transfer Laws: An Effective Deterrent to Delinquency?Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides an overview of research on the deterrent effects of transferring youth from juvenile to criminal courts, focusing on large-scale comprehensive OJJDP-funded studies on the effect of transfer laws on recidivism. June 2010. 12 pages. NCJ 220595
Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents estimates of the number of cases transferred from juvenile court to criminal court through the judicial waiver mechanism between 1985 and 2007. June 2010. 4 pages. NCJ 230167
Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics on delinquency cases processed between 1985 and 2007 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. June 2010. 4 pages. NCJ 230168
Person Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics on person offenses handled by juvenile courts between 1985 and 2007. June 2010. 2 pages. NCJ 230169
Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics on delinquency cases resulting in probation between 1985 and 2007. June 2010. 2 pages. NCJ 230170
Conditions of Confinement: Findings from the Survey of Youth in Residential PlacementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Survey of Youth in Residential Placement Series. Presents results from the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement (SYRP) on the characteristics of the facilities in which youth are confined and the programs provided to them. May 2010. 16 pages. NCJ 227729
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When Your Child Is Missing: A Family Survival Guide, Fourth EditionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides parents with the most current information on, and helpful insights into, what families should do when a child is missing. May 2010. 110 pages. NCJ 228735
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The Crime of Family Abduction: A Child's and Parent's PerspectiveTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Authored by survivors of family abduction, this publication provides the searching family, law enforcement, and mental health professionals with strategies to build a comprehensive, child-centered approach to recovery and healing. May 2010. 72 pages. NCJ 229933
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . Includes an article on the U.S. Department of Justice's commemoration of Missing Children’s Day on May 25. The issue also includes special features on the April meeting of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; the OJJDP-led Justice Working Group on Children and Disasters; and the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws conference scheduled for August. May 2010. 0 pages. NCJ 230172
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Suspect Confession of Child Sexual Abuse to InvestigatorsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined confessions of child sexual abuse and predictors of confession focusing on true confessions. May 2010. 10 pages. NCJ 230476
History of Street Gangs in the United StatesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. This bulletin examines the emergence and growth of gang activity in the Northeast, Midwest, West, and South regions of the United States. May 2010. 25 pages. NCJ 230569
Causes and Correlates of Girls' DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Girls Study Group Series. Provides a summary of the results of a review of more than 1,600 articles and book chapters from scientific literature on individual-level risk factors for delinquency and factors related to family, peers, schools, and communities. April 2010. 20 pages. NCJ 226358
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Suitability of Assessment Instruments for Delinquent GirlsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. Girls Study Group Series. Provides a comprehensive guide to help juvenile justice practitioners determine which standardized assessment instruments should be used when working with delinquent girls. April 2010. 12 pages. NCJ 226531
 More Girls Study Group Series
Youth's Needs and Services: Findings From the Survey of Youth in Residential PlacementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Survey of Youth in Residential Placement Series. Presents findings from the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement (SYRP) on how facilities have addressed youth's needs, what services youth receive, and where these services could be improved. April 2010. 12 pages. NCJ 227728
 More Survey of Youth in Residential Placement Series
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate reviews the history of the AMBER Alert through 2009, including data on its use for each year from 2004-09, its recent introduction in Indian Country, and its expansion into Ireland and the Netherlands. April 2010. 12 pages. NCJ 230405
Psychological Distress as a Risk Factor for Re-Victimization in ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined the role of psychological distress in predicting child re-victimization. April 2010. 9 pages. NCJ 230785
Introduction to the Survey of Youth in Residential PlacementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Survey of Youth in Residential Placement Series. Introduces the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement, reviewing its background, describing its design and methodology, discussing its strengths and limitations, and summarizing the questions it answers about the population of youth in custody. March 2010. NCJ 218390
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Highlights of the 2008 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. Reports findings from the 2008 National Youth Gang Survey. Based on survey results, it is estimated that more than 3,330 jurisdictions across the United States experienced gang activity in 2008. March 2010. 2 pages. NCJ 229249
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OJJDP Annual Report 2009 - How OJJDP Is Building a Better Future for America's YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP’s activities and accomplishments during fiscal year 2009. March 2010. 110 pages. NCJ 229305
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . Features a a lead article on the National Symposium on Indigent Defense. The issue also includes special features on the recent National Symposium on Child Protection in Indian Country; the third annual Blueprints Conference promoting evidence-based programs to prevent youth violence; and the upcoming Internet Crimes Against Children Conference. March 2010. 14 pages. NCJ 229711
 More News @ a Glance
Juvenile Court Statistics, 2006-2007Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Describes delinquency cases handled between 1985 and 2007 and petitioned status offense cases handled between 1995 and 2007 by more than 2,100 U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. March 2010. 170 pages. NCJ 230105
Girls' DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Article. In Focus. Examines rising trends in girls’ delinquency in the 1990s. February 2010. 4 pages. NCJ 228414
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Juveniles in Residential Placement: 1997-2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents information about juvenile offenders held in residential placement. February 2010. 2 pages. NCJ 229379
Effects of Adolescent Victimization on Self-Concept and Depressive SymptomsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study investigates victimization, self-concept, and mental health. February 2010. 15 pages. NCJ 229523
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . Features a media event held by Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington in partnership with the Office of Justice Programs celebrating National Mentoring Month. The issue also includes features on the recent activities and achievements of the AMBER Alert program; the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s approval of a 2010 workplan and identification of key areas of focus for the future; and updates to OJJDP’s online resources for preventing gang violence. January 2010. 15 pages. NCJ 229132
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The AMBER Advocate, Volume 3, Issue 4, January 2010Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The 12th edition of The AMBER Advocate reports on, among other issues, the 2009 National AMBER Alert Symposium, the impact of social networking sites on AMBER Alerts, the reasons why victims don't always flee, and Maine's first AMBER Alert, which helped bring a child home. January 2010. 12 pages. NCJ 229497
The Safe Start Center Series on Children Exposed to Violence: SchoolsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue brief discusses what schools can do to work with children who have been exposed to violence. January 2010. 12 pages. NCJ 243305
The Safe Start Center Series on Children Exposed to Violence: Homeless Shelters, Permanent/Supportive Housing, and Transitional HousingTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue brief discusses what service providers can do to meet the needs of children exposed to violence and living in homeless shelters or transitional housing. January 2010. NCJ 243306
Internet Safety 101: Rules 'N Tools Kit (2nd Edition)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This second edition (2009) of Internet Safety 101 contains a workbook and resource guide, a DVD, a booklet, and other resources designed to empower parents to protect their children from online pornography and predators who use the Internet as a tool for perpetrating emotional and sexual abuse of young internet users. 2009. 273 pages. NCJ 230954
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Community Awareness/MobilizationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on community awareness/mobilization. 2009. 6 pages. NCJ 249696
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Juveniles Who Commit Sex Offenses Against MinorsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Presents population-based epidemiological information about the characteristics of juvenile offenders who commit sex offenses against minors. December 2009. 12 pages. NCJ 227763
 More Crimes Against Children Series
Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2006: Selected FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Collects information about the facilities in which juvenile offenders are held including characteristics such as size, structure, type, ownership, and security arrangements. December 2009. 20 pages. NCJ 228128
 More National Report Series
Juvenile Arrests 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes 2008 juvenile crime and arrest data reported by local law enforcement agencies across the country and cited in the FBI report Crime in the United States 2008. December 2009. 12 pages. NCJ 228479
Hot Spots of Juvenile Crime: A Longitudinal Study of Arrest Incidents at Street Segments in Seattle, WashingtonTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. In order to determine whether juvenile crime in Seattle, WA, has been concentrated in certain geographic areas ("hot spots"), this study identified crimes for which a juvenile was arrested at street segments in the city, as well as the stability and variation in juvenile crime. December 2009. 25 pages. NCJ 229344
OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Features the Department of Justice priority on reentry programs for ex-offenders and OJJDP's commitment to ensuring a safe and successful reentry for juveniles; features the Obama Administration's meeting with tribal leaders to discuss public safety needs in Indian country; an historic gathering of former OJJDP Administrators to discuss their tenures, issues in the juvenile justice field, and the future of the Office; and an OJJDP-sponsored workshop on evaluating gender-sensitive programs. November 2009. 14 pages. NCJ 228602
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Pathways to Poly-VictimizationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study sought to determine whether there is evidence to support the contribution of various hypothesized pathways in the development of poly-victimization among children. November 2009. 14 pages. NCJ 228654
Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program (OJJDP In Focus)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. In Focus. Provides an overview of OJJDP’s Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) program, which helps States and communities develop and implement programs that hold youth accountable for delinquent behavior through the imposition of graduated sanctions that are consistent with the severity of the offense. October 2009. 4 pages. NCJ 226357
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Community Prevention Grants ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. In Focus. Provides an overview of OJJDP’s Community Prevention Grants program, which funds collaborative, community-based delinquency prevention efforts. October 2009. 4 pages. NCJ 227345
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Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Article. In Focus. Provides an overview of OJJDP’s Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws program, which supports and enhances efforts by States and local jurisdictions to reduce the availability of alcohol to minors. October 2009. 4 pages. NCJ 227469
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Formula Grants ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Article. In Focus. Provides an overview of OJJDP’s Formula Grants program, which supports efforts related to delinquency prevention and reduction, juvenile justice system improvement, research, evaluation, statistical analysis, and training and technical assistance. October 2009. 4 pages. NCJ 227470
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Children's Exposure to Violence: A Comprehensive National SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence Series. Presents findings from the National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence, the most comprehensive survey to date of children’s exposure to violence in the United States. October 2009. 12 pages. NCJ 227744
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Disproportionate Minority ContactTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Article. In Focus. Provides an overview of OJJDP’s efforts to reduce disproportionate minority contact (DMC). October 2009. 4 pages. NCJ 228306
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The AMBER Advocate, Volume 3, Issue 3, October 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate provides a preview of the 2009 National AMBER Alert Symposium (October 27-29) and reports on the implementation of the AMBER Alert internationally and in various areas of the United States. October 2009. 12 pages. NCJ 228585
2008 AMBER Alert Report: Analysis of AMBER Alert Cases in 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children presents an analysis of AMBER Alert cases for 2008. October 2009. 48 pages. NCJ 234208
Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contact: Preparation at the Local LevelTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes strategies that States and communities can use to reduce disproportionate minority contact with the juvenile justice system. September 2009. 12 pages. NCJ 218861
Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents concerns and recommendations from juvenile justice experts and career professionals from every State and territory in the United States. September 2009. 38 pages. NCJ 226967
OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . Highlights "Children’s Exposure to Violence: A Comprehensive National Survey", which summarizes the most comprehensive study to date on children’s exposure to violence; features the Recovery Act funds awarded by OJJDP; a new Web site launched to help Federal staff support comprehensive community initiatives; and a recently released publication highlighting model courts’ success in improving outcomes in child abuse and neglect cases. September 2009. 12 pages. NCJ 228325
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In Search of Evidence-Based Practice in Juvenile Corrections: An Evaluation of Florida's Avon Park Youth Academy and STREET Smart ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD)conducted an evaluation of the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Avon Park Youth Academy (APYA) and the STREET Smart program (SS). September 2009. 240 pages. NCJ 228804
Property Abatements—The Other Gang Injunction: Project T.O.U.G.H.Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. This National Gang Center Bulletin describes the use of Project T.O.U.G.H. (Taking Out Urban Gang Headquarters) by the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office. September 2009. 18 pages. NCJ 234961
Developmental Sequences of Girls Delinquent BehaviorTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Girls Study Group Series. This study examined the temporal ordering and patterning of girls’ delinquent behavior from childhood through adolescence. August 2009. 63 pages. NCJ 242663
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Understanding Children's Exposure to ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This Issue Brief describes core concepts—gleaned from research and program practice—used in designing and implementing programs that address children's exposure to violence. August 2009. 8 pages. NCJ 243301
The Safe Start Center Series on Children Exposed to Violence: Pediatric Care SettingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue brief discusses steps that health care workers in pediatric settings can take to address the needs of children exposed to violence. August 2009. NCJ 243307
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Provides annual updates on the well-being of children and families in the United States across a range of domains. July 2009. 216 pages. NCJ 226963
OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . Features a new report recommending comprehensive dependency court improvements for American Indian/Alaska Native children; information on the upcoming Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws conference; recent visits to OJJDP by delegations from the United Kingdom, Spain, and Brazil to learn more about the Office’s programs; and a Tribal Youth Program grant that enabled American Indian youth to travel to the Oregon Statehouse to view lawmakers at work. July 2009. 10 pages. NCJ 227625
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Lifetime Assessment of Poly-Victimization in a National Sample of Children and YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined the cumulative victimization experiences (poly-victimization) of children and compared these children to other victims and non-victims. July 2009. 9 pages. NCJ 228110
Gang Prosecution ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Prepared by working prosecutors and investigators from different States, this manual assists local prosecutors and investigators in preparing for a gang-related crime prosecution, from the initial crime-scene investigation to preparing and presenting the case, followed by sentencing specific to gang cases. July 2009. 121 pages. NCJ 228289
Peer Victimization in Schools: A Set of Quantitative and Qualitative Studies of the Connections Among Peer Victimization, School Engagement, Truancy, School Achievement, and Other OutcomesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the results of three studies that examined the connections among the variables of peer victimization, school engagement, truancy, school achievement, and school attendance. July 2009. 291 pages. NCJ 234135
Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics on delinquency cases resulting in probation in 2005. June 2009. 2 pages. NCJ 224536
Person Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics on person offense cases processed by juvenile courts in 2005. June 2009. 2 pages. NCJ 224537
Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics on delinquency cases handled in U.S. juvenile courts between 1985 and 2005. June 2009. 4 pages. NCJ 224538
Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics on petitioned delinquency cases waived to criminal court between 1985 and 2005. June 2009. 4 pages. NCJ 224539
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This AMBER Advocate newsletter provides articles and news in this National Missing Children's Day Edition. June 2009. 8 pages. NCJ 227603
OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. News @ a Glance . Includes a special feature on the Department of Justice’s commemoration of the 26th annual National Missing Children’s Day, OJJDP’s monthly focus groups, which are establishing an ongoing dialog with policymakers and practitioners on the most important issues facing the juvenile justice field; and an OJJDP-sponsored training course that educates law enforcement personnel on the best ways to approach and interact with adolescent girls during police calls. May 2009. 13 pages. NCJ 226641
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Court Performance Measures in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: Key MeasuresTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Outlines nine measures that have been identified as key to determining court performance in child abuse and neglect cases. April 2009. 44 pages. NCJ 223567
Court Performance Measures in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: Implementation GuideTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides practical advice on how to set up a performance measurement team, assess capacity, prioritize among measurement needs, plan data collection activities, and use the data generated through the performance measurement process to plan reforms. April 2009. 76 pages. NCJ 223568
Court Performance Measures in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: User's Guide to Nonautomated Data CollectionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Explains how to use nonautomated data collection methods (such as file review, court observation, interviews, and focus groups) to enhance performance measurement. April 2009. 48 pages. NCJ 223569
Court Performance Measures in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: Technical GuideTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes all 30 court performance measures for child abuse and neglect cases. April 2009. 310 pages. NCJ 223570
Court Performance Measures in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: Guide to Judicial Workload AssessmentTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents a method for obtaining data on judicial workloads in abuse and neglect cases, which includes an assessment of what is required for best practice in these cases. April 2009. 72 pages. NCJ 223571
Highlights of the 2007 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. Reports findings from the 2007 National Youth Gang Survey. April 2009. 2 pages. NCJ 225185
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Juvenile Arrests 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes 2007 juvenile crime and arrest data reported by local law enforcement agencies across the country and cited in the FBI report, Crime in the United States 2007. April 2009. 12 pages. NCJ 225344
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 3, Issue 1, April 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This AMBER Advocate newsletter includes articles on AMBER Alert Day and the AMBER International and Family Roundtable Report. April 2009. 8 pages. NCJ 226782
OJJDP Annual Report 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP’s activities and accomplishments during fiscal year 2008. March 2009. 101 pages. NCJ 225036
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Features OJJDP's participation in major national conferences on child abuse prevention and juvenile justice issues, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, updates on OJJDP's juvenile drug court initiative and efforts to reduce the disproportionate number of minority youth who come into contact with the justice system, an overview of the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement (SYRP) and upcoming OJJDP Bulletins describing the first national SYRP. March 2009. NCJ 225702
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Family Transitions and Later Delinquency and Drug UseTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined the impact of the number of family transitions on delinquent and drug-using behavior in a sample of 646 boys (73 percent) and girls (27 percent). March 2009. 15 pages. NCJ 226387
Juvenile Suicide in Confinement: A National SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides the results of a survey on juvenile suicides occurring in confinement between 1995 and 1999. February 2009. 55 pages. NCJ 213691
Characteristics of Juvenile Suicide in ConfinementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides the results of a survey on juvenile suicides occurring in confinement between 1995 and 1999. February 2009. 16 pages. NCJ 214434
OJJDP Annual Report 2006-2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents information on the activities and accomplishments of the Office during fiscal years 2006 and 2007. February 2009. 92 pages. NCJ 223612
Telling Interviewers About Sexual Abuse: Predictors of Child Disclosure at Forensic InterviewsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined characteristics that predict full disclosure by victims of sexual abuse during a forensic interview. February 2009. 14 pages. NCJ 226260
Resilient Girls-Factors that Protect Against DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Girls Study Group Series. Describes how four factors—presence of a caring adult, school connectedness, school success, and religiosity—affect girls’ propensity towards delinquency. January 2009. 16 pages. NCJ 220124
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Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2004: Selected FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Collects information about the facilities in which juvenile offenders are held. January 2009. 16 pages. NCJ 222721
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Title V Community Prevention Grants Program, 2006-2007 Report to CongressTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Reviews the background of the Community Prevention Grants Program; highlights State, local, and Federal activities in 2006–2007; and outlines OJJDP’s plans for enhancing the positive impact of limited Community Prevention Grants Program funds. January 2009. 32 pages. NCJ 225086
OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2009Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Features a farewell to the field from outgoing Administrator J. Robert Flores in which he provides an overview of accomplishments and highlights during his tenure. The issue also includes an evaluation of OJJDP’s Gang Reduction Program, a feature on a program to reduce underage drinking among Tribal Youth, and upcoming OJJDP training sessions. January 2009. 0 pages. NCJ 225359
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Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program: 2006/2007 Report to CongressTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Presents information on the program’s activities and accomplishments during fiscal years 2006 and 2007. January 2009. 32 pages. NCJ 225367
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Parent/Child Concordance about Bullying Involvement and Family Characteristics Related to Bullying and Peer VictimizationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined perspectives on bullying parent/child, concordance about bullying involvements, and family characteristics associated with bullying perpetration and peer victimization. January 2009. 22 pages. NCJ 226690
Analysis of Federally Prosecuted CSEC Cases Since the Passage of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report on a national analysis of Federal prosecutions of cases that involved the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth (CSEC) focused on whether relevant laws are being enforced, key features of successful CSEC prosecutions, whether courts have increased penalties for CSEC crimes, and the effects of CSEC legislation on service providers who work with victims. 2008. 164 pages. NCJ 222024
Youth Courts: An Empirical Update and Analysis of Future Organizational and Research NeedsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. After an overview of youth in the juvenile justice system, the cost of the juvenile justice system, and the philosophy/framework and goals of youth courts, this report provides an empirical update and analysis of future organizational and research needs. 2008. 48 pages. NCJ 222592
Trajectories of Acculturation and Enculturation in Relation to Heavy Episodic Drinking and Marijuana Use in a Sample of Mexican American Serious Juvenile OffendersTop  
 NIJ-Sponsored, OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined longitudinal relationships of multiple dimensions of acculturation (mutual influence of two cultures in interaction with one another) and enculturation (strong identification with one's ethnic cultural values against mainstream culture) regarding heavy episodic alcohol consumption and marijuana use in a sample of 300 male, Mexican-American serious juvenile offenders. 2008. 28 pages. NCJ 222688
Helping Child Victims of Family Violence Through School Personnel: An Evaluation of a Training ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This article reports on the methodology and effects of a domestic violence training program for school professionals presented in 18 locations throughout rural western New York. 2008. 20 pages. NCJ 224023
Parents' Guide to TruancyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide provides parents/guardians with strategies for preventing and intervening to reduce their children’s incidences of truancy. 2008. 36 pages. NCJ 226229
Internet Safety 101: Rules ‘N Tools Kit (1st Edition)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This first edition (2008) of Internet Safety 101 contains a manual, a DVD, and other resources designed to empower parents to protect their children from online pornography and predators who use the Internet as a tool for perpetrating emotional and sexual abuse of young internet users. 2008. 243 pages. NCJ 230953
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Group HomesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on group homes. 2008. 3 pages. NCJ 249706
 More Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This conference issue of The AMBER Advocate presents articles from Federal, State, local, and foreign government and nongovernmental agencies and organizations on child abduction initiatives and innovations under the AMBER Alert program. December 2008. 8 pages. NCJ 226075
Domestic Assaults by Juvenile OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Analyzes data reported to the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System by a large sample of law enforcement agencies from 30 States. November 2008. 8 pages. NCJ 219180
Co-Occurrence of Substance Use Behaviors in YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Examines the prevalence and overlap of substance-related behaviors among youth, making comparisons based on age group, gender, and race/ethnicity. November 2008. NCJ 219239
Juvenile Arrests 2006Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This report summarizes 2006 juvenile crime and arrest data reported by local law enforcement agencies across the country and cited in the FBI report, Crime in the United States 2006. November 2008. 12 pages. NCJ 221338
OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Highlights the Department of Justice’s launch of a month-long media campaign, as part of OJJDP’s Project Safe Childhood initiative to combat the online exploitation of children. The issue also includes features on the new Interstate Compact for Juveniles and OJJDP’s Court Coordination Program. November 2008. 10 pages. NCJ 224618
Girls Study Group--Charting the Way to Delinquency Prevention for GirlsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Girls Study Group Series. Provides an overview of the Girls Study Group’s research on female juvenile delinquency. October 2008. 8 pages. NCJ 223434
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Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents concerns and recommendations from juvenile justice experts and career professionals from every State and territory in the United States. October 2008. 65 pages. NCJ 223723
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 2, Issue 3, October 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate presents several articles from Federal, State, local, and foreign government and nongovernmental agencies and organizations on child abduction initiatives under the AMBER Alert program. October 2008. 8 pages. NCJ 224259
2007 AMBER Alert Report: Analysis of AMBER Alert Cases in 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children presents an analysis of AMBER Alert cases for 2007. October 2008. 42 pages. NCJ 234207
OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Highlights the OJJDP guide for child abduction survivors, You’re Not Alone: The Journey From Abduction to Empowerment, which was recently featured on a national television talk show. The issue also includes articles on the release of OJJDP’s Girls Study Group Bulletins, developed in response to the rising arrest rates for female juveniles in the 1990s. September 2008. NCJ 224013
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Sexually Assaulted Children: National Estimates and CharacteristicsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. NISMART Series. Provides information on the estimated number and characteristics of children who were sexually assaulted in the United States in 1999. August 2008. 12 pages. NCJ 214383
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OJJDP Annual Report 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's major activities and accomplishments during fiscal year 2005 (October 1, 2004, to September 30, 2005), which reflect the Office's continuing commitment to programs that have the greatest potential for reducing juvenile delinquency and the victimization of children as well as improving the juvenile justice system. August 2008. 88 pages. NCJ 215560
Caretaker Satisfaction With Law Enforcement Response to Missing ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. NISMART Series. Examines satisfaction with law enforcement from the perspective of all primary caretakers who contacted police when one or more of their children experienced a qualified event. August 2008. 8 pages. NCJ 217909
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Juvenile Arrests 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes and analyzes National and State juvenile arrest data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s report Crime in the United States 2005. August 2008. 12 pages. NCJ 218096
Evaluating Children's Advocacy Centers' Response to Child Sexual AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes an evaluation of the effectiveness of four prominent Children’s Advocacy Centers and comparison communities in coordinating child abuse investigations and providing victim services. August 2008. 12 pages. NCJ 218530
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 2, Issue 2, August 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate presents articles from Federal, State, local, Tribal, and foreign government and nongovernmental agencies and organizations on child abduction initiatives and innovations under the AMBER Alert program. August 2008. 8 pages. NCJ 226074
Highlights of the 2006 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. Reports findings from the 2006 National Youth Gang Survey. July 2008. 2 pages. NCJ 223347
 More Youth Gang Series
Highlights of the 2005 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. Reports findings from the 2005 National Youth Gang Survey. July 2008. 2 pages. NCJ 223349
 More Youth Gang Series
OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Features previews of the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Program conference and State Relations and Assistance Division (SRAD) conferences to be held in August 2008, and a summary of the Youth Gang Symposium held in June 2008. July 2008. 10 pages. NCJ 223613
Juvenile Court Statistics, 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Describes delinquency cases handled between 1985 and 2005 and petitioned status offense cases handled between 1995 and 2005 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. July 2008. 158 pages. NCJ 224619
Best Practices To Address Community Gang Problems: OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Provides guidance for communities that are considering how best to address a youth gang problem that already exists or threatens to become a reality. June 2008. 74 pages. NCJ 222799
Juvenile Justice System and Risk Factor Data: 2005 Annual ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This Annual Report of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for 2005 presents comprehensive data on juvenile justice in the State, as well as a brief explanation of risk factors and their importance to the juvenile justice system, which are intended to assist juvenile justice system policymakers and practitioners in developing informed planning and policy initiatives. June 2008. 139 pages. NCJ 225209
Violence by Teenage Girls: Trends and ContextTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. Girls Study Group Series. Examines the involvement of girls in violent activity (including whether such activity has increased relative to the increase for boys) and the contexts in which girls engage in violent behavior. May 2008. 24 pages. NCJ 218905
 More Girls Study Group Series
You're Not Alone: The Journey From Abduction to EmpowermentTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents several stories of child abduction survivors and how they have grown and developed from their traumatic experiences. May 2008. 76 pages. NCJ 221965
OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue includes features on Missing Children's Day 2008 and a child safety symposium. May 2008. NCJ 223021
 More News @ a Glance
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 2, Issue 1, April 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate presents articles from Federal, State, local, Tribal, and foreign government and nongovernmental agencies and organizations on child abduction initiatives and innovations under the AMBER Alert program. April 2008. 8 pages. NCJ 226073
Title V Community Prevention Grants Program, 2004-2005 Report to CongressTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Reviews the background of the Community Prevention Grants Program; highlights State, local, and Federal activities in 2004–2005; and outlines OJJDP’s plans for enhancing the impact of limited Community Prevention Grants Program funds. March 2008. 31 pages. NCJ 215559
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Features OJJDP conferences for faith-based and community organizations, the OJJDP Administrator’s and Deputy Administrator’s remarks at several events, training sessions for new and experienced disproportionate minority contact coordinators, and a preview of OJJDP’s national youth gang symposium. March 2008. 0 pages. NCJ 222388
 More News @ a Glance
Making Things Right: Meaningful Community Service for Juvenile OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This bulletin presents an overview of community service and provides tips for designing and implementing meaningful community service projects for juvenile offenders. March 2008. 20 pages. NCJ 230978
Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Courts, 2004Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on delinquency cases in juvenile court for the year 2004. February 2008. 2 pages. NCJ 221519
Petitioned Status Offense Cases in Juvenile Courts, 2004Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet discusses petitioned status offense cases in five major categories: running away, truancy, curfew law violations, ungovernability, and underage liquor law violations. February 2008. 2 pages. NCJ 221520
Drug Offense Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1985-2004Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides statistics on drug offense cases in juvenile courts from 1985 to 2004. February 2008. 2 pages. NCJ 221521
Analysis of Federally Prosecuted CSEC Cases since the Passage of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act of 2000Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This national analysis of Federal prosecutions of cases that involved the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth (CSEC) focused on whether existing laws related to CSEC are being enforced, the key features of successful CSEC cases, the factors that predict convictions, the factors that predict sentence length, whether U.S. courts have increased penalties for sexual crimes against children, and the effects of CSEC legislation on service providers who work with these victims. February 2008. 163 pages. NCJ 222023
Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program: 2005 Report to CongressTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Presents findings from the second round of performance measurement data (for the reporting period of April 1, 2004, through March 31, 2005) collected from the States and territories and analyzed by OJJDP. January 2008. 44 pages. NCJ 217458
 More Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series
Role of Violent Video Game Content in Adolescent Development: Boys PerspectivesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study explored how children, specifically boys perceived the uses and influence of violent video games. January 2008. 21 pages. NCJ 221022
Parents' and Sons Perspective on Video Game Play: A Qualitative StudyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Through focus groups, this study examined how parents perceived and attempted to regulate their children’s video game use and how children responded. January 2008. 21 pages. NCJ 221023
OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2008Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Features National Mentoring Month, AMBER Alert Awareness Day, and OJJDP’s involvement in numerous conference and training programs. January 2008. 0 pages. NCJ 221373
True Compassion: About MarijuanaTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This federally supported CD-ROM provides information necessary to understand the overall hazards of marijuana, as well as information about the science, the legalization agenda, societal impacts, and solutions for addressing drug addiction. 2007. 0 pages. NCJ 219773
Linking Youth Internet and Conventional Problems: Findings From a Clinical PerspectiveTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined various problematic Internet experiences to determine if they were distinctly different from or extensions of the conventional adolescent mental and behavioral health problems seen by clinicians. 2007. 20 pages. NCJ 221575
Building Capacity and Connectivity for Alternative Education: The Evolving Role of the Educational AdministrationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper proposes a uniform definition of “alternative education,” links classic education with modern alternative education, identifies the economic benefits and costs of alternative education, and discusses the challenges for administrators and curriculum developers to create quality programming. 2007. 17 pages. NCJ 226232
2006 AMBER Alert Report: Analysis of AMBER Alert Cases in 2006Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children presents an analysis of AMBER Alert cases for 2006. 2007. 39 pages. NCJ 234206
Healing the Invisible Wounds: Children's Exposure to Violence - Quick Reference GuideTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This pamphlet for parents was produced under the OJJDP-funded Safe Start Initiative - a cooperative federal, state, and local effort to prevent and reduce children's exposure to violence and its consequences - addresses the symptoms parents should look for and the help they can provide to children exposed to violence at the age levels of 0-6 years old, 7-11 years old, and adolescence. 2007. 6 pages. NCJ 249501
OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue includes a feature on the testimony of OJJDP Administrator Robert J. Flores at the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary's hearing on reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act and the Fifth Regional Conference on Helping America's Youth. November 2007. NCJ 220298
 More News @ a Glance
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 1, Issue 4, November 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate presents several articles from Federal, State, local, Tribal, and foreign government and nongovernmental agencies and organizations on child abduction initiatives and innovations under the AMBER Alert program. November 2007. 8 pages. NCJ 226072
Safe Start Initiative: Demonstration Project, Phase I Cross-Case Study I (2000-2005), Report # 2006 - 1Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings from the Safe Start Demonstration Project from 2000 to 2005. November 2007. 84 pages. NCJ 248600
Safe Start Initiative: Demonstration Project, Phase I Cross-Case Study II (2006), Report # 2007 - 1Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings from the Safe Start Demonstration Project. November 2007. 32 pages. NCJ 248601
Safe Start Initiative: Demonstration Project, Process Evaluation Report II, Report 2006 - 3Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings on the cross-site analysis for the Safe Start Demonstration Project. November 2007. 82 pages. NCJ 248605
Safe Start Initiative: Demonstration Project, Promising Practices III (2006), Report # 2007 - 3Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings on the cross-site analysis for the Safe Start Demonstration Project. November 2007. 30 pages. NCJ 248607
Safe Start Initiative: Demonstration Project, Phase I Case Studies III (2006), Report #2007-1Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings on the cross-site analysis for the Safe Start Demonstration Project. November 2007. 79 pages. NCJ 248610
Predictors of Receiving Counseling in a National Sample of Youth: The Relative Influence of Symptoms, Victimization Exposure, Parent-Child Conflict, and DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study identified factors that predict children’s use of counseling services within a 2-year period. October 2007. 16 pages. NCJ 220280
Child Forensic Interviewing in Children's Advocacy Centers: Empirical Data on a Practice ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The study presents an evaluation of Children’s Advocacy Centers’ (CACs) implementation of improved child forensic interviewing methods. October 2007. 22 pages. NCJ 221232
Which Sexual Abuse Victims Receive a Forensic Medical Examination?: The Impact of Children's Advocacy CentersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The study examined the impact of Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) and other factors, such as child’s age, alleged penetration, and injury on the use of forensic medical examinations as part of the response to reported child sexual abuse. October 2007. 16 pages. NCJ 221233
Do Children's Advocacy Centers Improve Families' Experiences of Child Sexual Abuse Investigations?Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The study examined whether the implementation of Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) improved caregivers’ and children’s satisfaction with investigations. October 2007. 17 pages. NCJ 221234
OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Includes a feature on a national leadership conference sponsored by the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Program, First Lady’s appearance at a Helping America’s Youth regional conference, the launch of Europe’s first peer panel, and an OJJDP State Relations and Assistance Division training conference. Available online only. September 2007. NCJ 219940
 More News @ a Glance
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 1, Issue 3, September 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate presents several articles from Federal, State, and local government and nongovernmental agencies and organizations on child abduction initiatives and innovations under the AMBER Alert program. September 2007. 8 pages. NCJ 226071
Creating Schoolwide Prevention and Intervention Strategies (Revised)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide is intended to put the issue of schoolwide violence prevention in context for educators, and outline an approach for choosing and creating effective prevention programs. September 2007. 55 pages. NCJ 229352
Ensuring Quality School Facilities and Security Technologies (Revised)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide helps educators and other members of the community understand the relationship between school safety and school facilities, including technology. September 2007. 69 pages. NCJ 229353
Fostering School, Family, and Community Involvement (Revised)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guidebook provides a perspective and resources for enhancing home, community, and school collaboration as part of comprehensive safe school and school improvement planning. September 2007. 133 pages. NCJ 229354
School Policies and Legal Issues Supporting Safe Schools (Revised)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide presents an overview of the legal and practical considerations concerning students of which school officials must be aware in developing and implementing efforts to prevent school violence with a focus on Federal law. September 2007. 71 pages. NCJ 229355
Role of Mental Health Services in Promoting Safe and Secure SchoolsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide describes the critical role of the mental health system for promoting and maintaining safe schools, discusses the emerging concept of family-driven care, and a review of Federal initiatives supporting the implementation of school-base mental health services. September 2007. 72 pages. NCJ 229356
ABCs of School-Based MentoringTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide explores the nuances of building a youth mentoring program in a school setting. September 2007. 88 pages. NCJ 229357
Generic Mentoring Program Policy and Procedure ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide provides advice and a customizable template for creating an operation manual for a local mentoring program. September 2007. 150 pages. NCJ 229358
Foundations of Successful Youth MentoringTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide offers a comprehensive overview of the characteristics of successful youth mentoring programs. September 2007. 114 pages. NCJ 229359
Building Relationships: A Guide for New MentorsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide provides mentors with 10 simple rules for being a successful mentor and quotes from actual volunteers and youth on what they have learned form the mentoring experience. September 2007. 48 pages. NCJ 229360
Training New MentorsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide provides ready-to-use training modules for mentoring programs in the training of new mentors. September 2007. 78 pages. NCJ 229361
Sustainability Planning and Resource Development for Youth Mentoring ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide book has been designed to help mentoring programs create a resource development plan. September 2007. 144 pages. NCJ 229362
Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The report reflects concerns and issues identified by governors and by those working on the front lines with this country’s juveniles as most in need of immediate attention, and presents 15 recommendations for the President and Congress. August 2007. 40 pages. NCJ 219500
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being 2007, Tenth Anniversary EditionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents detailed information on the welfare of children and families including such topics as family and social environment, economic circumstances, health care, physical environment and safety, behavior, education, and health. July 2007. 207 pages. NCJ 219130
OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Highlights Los Angeles’s launch of a $168 million antigang initiative modeled on OJJDP’s Gang Reduction Program and reports on OJJDP’s celebration of National Youth Court Month, news about Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC), and a number of OJJDP-sponsored conferences. July 2007. 0 pages. NCJ 219271
 More News @ a Glance
Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Juvenile Justice System: A Study of Differential Minority Arrest/Referral to Court in Three CitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Using information from three community studies of delinquency (Pittsburg, Rochester, and Seattle), this federally supported report examines disproportionate minority contact (DMC) and factors that might affect DMC at the police contact/court referral level. July 2007. 52 pages. NCJ 219743
Diagnostic Screening with Incarcerated Youths: Comparing the DPS and Voice DISCTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study compared the DISC Predictive Scales (DPS) and the Voice Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (V-DISC) in terms of their identification of mental health concerns in juvenile offenders. June 2007. 16 pages. NCJ 218742
Building Brighter Futures in Indian Country: What's on the Minds of Native Youth?Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the procedures and findings of focus groups and discussion groups for Native American youth (ages 10-17) from 20 tribes across the United States, meeting to discuss their life experiences, families, and communities, so as to aid the federal government in developing strategies and programs that are responsive to the needs of youth in Indian country. June 2007. 28 pages. NCJ 223353
What About Me? Coping With the Abduction of a Brother or SisterTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Written by siblings of children who have been abducted, this guide contains information to help and support children of all ages when their brother or sister is kidnapped. May 2007. 69 pages. NCJ 217714
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Highlights the Socioeconomic Mapping and Resource Topography (SMART) System, which helps decisionmakers target areas of need and allocate resources accordingly. May 2007. NCJ 218233
 More News @ a Glance
Portable Guides to Investigating Child AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Presents an overview of the 13 titles currently in OJJDP’s Portable Guides Series, which provides practical information on investigating child abuse and neglect. May 2007.
 More Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse
Re-Victimization Patterns in a National Longitudinal Sample of Children and YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study sought to discover the degree to which a broad range of childhood victimizations persist over the years. May 2007. 24 pages. NCJ 218953
Multiple Victimization Experiences of Urban Elementary School Students: Associations with Psychosocial Functioning and Academic PerformanceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined the victimization experiences of 689 urban elementary school students in an ethnically diverse district in the Northeast. May 2007. 13 pages. NCJ 218954
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 1, Issue 2 May 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate presents several articles from Federal, State, local, and foreign government and nongovernmental agencies and organizations on child abduction initiatives and innovations under the AMBER Alert program. May 2007. 8 pages. NCJ 226070
Issue Brief: Early Care and EducationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This first of a three-part examination of the critical issues, directions, and alternatives for the early care and education of children addresses trends in and assessments of the preschool care and education of children, followed by the authors’ recommendations for improving preschool care and education. April 2007. 18 pages. NCJ 226236
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . This issue’s lead article highlights a recent workshop on health care in the juvenile justice system, cosponsored by OJJDP and the Office of the Surgeon General. March 2007. 0 pages. NCJ 217676
 More News @ a Glance
Juvenile Court Statistics 2003-2004Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Describes delinquency cases handled between 1985 and 2004 and petitioned status offense cases handled between 1995 and 2004 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. March 2007. 172 pages. NCJ 218587
OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2007Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Highlights a gang prevention training session held in El Salvador, a new initiative seeking to reduce the commercial sexual exploitation of children and mentor recruitment training that focuses on faith- and community-based collaborations. February 2007. 0 pages. NCJ 217167
 More News @ a Glance
Tool Kit for Creating Your Own Truancy Reduction ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This toolkit outlines critical components of truancy programs such as family involvement, use of incentives and sanctions, developing a support network, and program evaluation. February 2007. 230 pages. NCJ 217271
HTMLPDF (By Chapter) 
A Family Resource Guide on International Parental KidnappingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents practical and detailed advice about preventing international kidnapping and increasing the chance that children who are kidnapped or wrongfully retained will be returned. January 2007. 164 pages. NCJ 215476
Addressing the Needs of Juvenile Status Offenders and Their FamiliesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Videotape. Teleconference Videotapes. The broadcast highlighted programs, practices, and policies that have shown promise in intervening with status offenders by reducing further offending, providing support to their families, and steering them toward a positive future. January 2007. NCJ 216888
 More Teleconference Videotapes
Truancy Case Management Handbook: Advice from the FieldTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide is intended to help truancy case managers learn what is working for their colleagues to aid them in improving their own practice. January 2007. 60 pages. NCJ 249096
Story Behind the Numbers: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Houston, TX Truancy Reduction Demonstration ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper presents a summary of findings from three focus groups held to help gauge the effectiveness of the Gulfton Truancy Reduction Demonstration Project in Houston, Texas. Focus groups included: high school and program staff (including police officers), the students receiving the services, and parents of those students. January 2007. 24 pages. NCJ 249108
Story Behind the Numbers: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Jacksonville, FL Truancy Reduction Demonstration ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper presents findings from an evaluation of the Truancy Interdiction Program in Jacksonville, Florida, one of the Truancy Reduction Demonstration Program sites. January 2007. 20 pages. NCJ 249109
The Story Behind the Numbers: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Seattle, WA Truancy Reduction Demonstration ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper presents findings from an evaluation of the Truancy Reduction Project, in Seattle, Washington, one of the Truancy Reduction Demonstration Program sites. January 2007. 22 pages. NCJ 249110
Intergenerational Roots of Early Onset Substance UseTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. In an attempt to better understand the origins of substance use, this study investigated intergenerational continuity in drug use across three successive generations. 2006. 28 pages. NCJ 213914
Evaluation of a Theater-Based Youth Violence Prevention Program for Elementary School ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study evaluated the impact of Urban Improv (UI), a theater-based youth violence prevention program for inner-city youth. 2006. 18 pages. NCJ 217918
Urban Improv for the Classrooms 4th Grade Teacher CurriculumTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This manual presents a teacher curriculum based on Urban Improv (UI), a school-based interactive and educational program that uses structured drama improvisation to teach decisionmaking, conflict resolution, problem solving, cooperation, leadership, and values clarification, while providing students the opportunity to deal creatively with major issues in their lives. 2006. 60 pages. NCJ 226221
True Compassion About MarijuanaTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This CD provides information about the science, the legalization agenda, and the societal impact regarding marijuana use and recommends a solution for addressing the marijuana legalization movement and the adverse impact of marijuana use and substance abuse in general. 2006. 0 pages. NCJ 227626
A Judicial Checklist for Children and Youth Exposed to ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This technical brief provides information about children's exposure to violence and is a useful reference tool for judges and practitioners in juvenile and family courts. 2006. 28 pages. NCJ 232144
Giving Back: Introducing Community Service Learning-Improving Mandated Community Service for Juvenile OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This practical manual is designed to help juvenile-justice professionals apply school-based service-learning principles, goals, and methods to court-mandated community service for juvenile offenders. 2006. 107 pages. NCJ 237389
Use of Computers in the Sexual Exploitation of Children, Second EditionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Describes the behavioral characteristics of sexual predators who target children and how these predators use computers, presents best practices for investigations involving computer evidence, and summarizes the legal principles governing the search and seizure of computer systems. December 2006. 40 pages. NCJ 214167
 More Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse
Juvenile Arrests 2004Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes and analyzes national and state juvenile arrest data presented in the FBI report Crime in the United States 2004. December 2006. 12 pages. NCJ 214563
OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2006Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. December 2006. NCJ 216684
 More News @ a Glance
Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2006Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. reflects concerns and issues identified by governors and by those working on the front lines with this country’s juveniles as most in need of immediate attention, and presents 18 recommendations for the President and Congress. December 2006. 45 pages. NCJ 218367
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2006Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This issue of The AMBER Advocate presents information and updates on the AMBER Alert system. December 2006. 8 pages. NCJ 226069
Lessons Learned From Four Truancy Demonstration SitesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents results and lessons learned from four of the seven Truancy Reduction Demonstration Program sites: Contra Costa County/Martinez, CA, Hawaii/Waianae Elementary Schools, Suffolk County New York/Bellport Middle School, and Tacoma, WA/Safe Streets Program & McIlvaigh Middle School. December 2006. 10 pages. NCJ 249107
Lessons Learned From Safe Kids/Safe StreetsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides results from an evaluation of the Safe Kids/Safe Streets program in six sites throughout the United States. November 2006. 12 pages. NCJ 213682
Psychosocial Correlates of Adolescent Drug Dealing in the Inner City: Potential Roles of Opportunity, Conventional Commitments, and MaturityTop  
 NIJ-Sponsored, OJJDP-Sponsored. This study tested a model of the simultaneous and interactive influence of social context, psychosocial attitudes, and individual maturity on the prediction of urban adolescents' drug dealing. November 2006. 30 pages. NCJ 216373
Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2002Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on delinquency cases in juvenile court for the year 2002. November 2006. 2 pages. NCJ 217181
Person Offenses in Juvenile Court, 1985-2002Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet discusses the person offense caseload in juvenile court for 1985 through 2002. November 2006. 2 pages. NCJ 217182
Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 1985-2002Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents summary information on the juvenile delinquency probation caseload for the period 1985 through 2002. November 2006. 2 pages. NCJ 217183
Safe Start Initiative: Demonstration Project, Process Evaluation Report I (2005), Report # 2006 - 4Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings on the cross-site analysis for the Safe Start Demonstration Project. November 2006. 50 pages. NCJ 248606
OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2006Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. October 2006. NCJ 215775
 More News @ a Glance
Guidelines for Juvenile Information SharingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides comprehensive guidelines for State and local efforts to improve information sharing among key agencies involved with at-risk youth and juvenile offenders. October 2006. 37 pages. NCJ 215786
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's Evaluation of the Truancy Reduction Demonstration Program: King County, Washington Successfully Reduces Unexcused AbsencesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report is an outcome evaluation of the King County truancy reduction effort in Washington State, which was funded by OJJDP. October 2006. 6 pages. NCJ 249065
Update on Teen Court LegislationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This bulletin presents an overview of teen-court legislation in the United States in order to assist States interested in reviewing or drafting their own legislation, to identify those States that have existing teen-court legislation, and to review and discuss the common components of such legislation. September 2006. 12 pages. NCJ 237390
Re-Engaging Youth in School: Evaluation of the Truancy Demonstration ProjectTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents evaluation data for the seven demonstration sites of the "Evaluation of the OJJDP Truancy Reduction Demonstration Program" project sponsored by the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. August 2006. 86 pages. NCJ 212158
National Evaluation of the Title V Community Prevention Grants ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from a national evaluation of the Title V Community Prevention Grants Program that examined sites in six states. August 2006. 241 pages. NCJ 212214
National Youth Gang Survey: 1999-2001Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. Youth Gang Series. Provides results from the 1999, 2000, and 2001 National Youth Gang Surveys and, when available, preliminary results from the 2002 survey. July 2006. 80 pages. NCJ 209392
 More Youth Gang Series
AMBER Alert: Best Practices Guide for Public Information OfficersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the public information officer’s (PIO’s) job responsibilities and provides tips to maximize the PIO’s effectiveness before, during, and after an AMBER Alert activation. July 2006. 16 pages. NCJ 212703
Interviewing Child Witnesses and Victims of Sexual AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Provides practical information for law enforcement officers, child protection workers, child abuse investigators, and others who need to obtain information from children who may be victims or witnesses of child sexual abuse. This publication is not available online. July 2006. 24 pages. NCJ 214124
 More Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse
America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2006Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents statistics about children’s economic security, health, behavior, social environment, and education. July 2006. 18 pages. NCJ 214787
Law Enforcement and School Partnership as a Solution to Truancy: Recommendations From Gulfton's Truancy Reduction ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents recommendations from the Gulfton Truancy Reduction Program in Houston, Texas, one of the sites involved in the OJJDP-funded Truancy Reduction Demonstration Program. July 2006. 5 pages. NCJ 249106
Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2002: Selected FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Presents findings from the 2002 Juvenile Residential Facility Census. June 2006. 15 pages. NCJ 211080
 More National Report Series
OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2006Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Include a special feature highlighting the U.S. Department of Justice’s 2-part webcast, “Preventing Gangs in Our Communities,” which was supported by OJJDP and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. June 2006. NCJ 214512
 More News @ a Glance
Safe Start Initiative: Demonstration Project, Phase I Case Studies II (2000 - 2005), Report #2006-2Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings on the cross-site analysis for the Safe Start Demonstration Project. June 2006. 296 pages. NCJ 248609
How Does the Juvenile Justice System Measure Up? Applying Performance Measures in Five JurisdictionsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report describes a performance measures system which reports to the public on how well a juvenile justice system is performing and operating and whether it is achieving its goals. May 2006. 24 pages. NCJ 215163
Implementing Balanced and Restorative Justice: A Guide for Law Enforcement OfficersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, BJA-Sponsored. This guide for law enforcement officers presents information for implementing balanced and restorative justice for juveniles throughout the State of Illinois. May 2006. 28 pages. NCJ 244068
Psychiatric Disorders of Youth in DetentionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Examines the prevalence of alcohol, drug, and mental disorders among youth at the Cook County (Illinois) Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, by gender, race/ethnicity, and age. April 2006. 16 pages. NCJ 210331
Highlights of the 2004 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. Reports findings from the 2004 National Youth Gang Survey, the tenth annual survey conducted by the National Youth Gang Center. April 2006. 2 pages. NCJ 214068
 More Youth Gang Series
Photodocumentation in the Investigation of Child AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Provides pointers on the selection and use of camera equipment, film, and photographic techniques that are most appropriate for use in cases of suspected child abuse. April 2006. 24 pages. NCJ 214123
 More Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse
Criminal Investigation of Child Sexual AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Offers helpful suggestions for interviewing the child and other possible victims, relatives, friends, nonoffending caregivers, and suspects and provides specific questions about the child, the suspect, and their relationship. April 2006. 24 pages. NCJ 214371
 More Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse
Guide to the State Juvenile Justice ProfilesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This bulletin presents the history, content, and design of the State Juvenile Justice Profiles Web site, which features descriptive information and analysis on each State's juvenile justice system. April 2006. 8 pages. NCJ 215403
Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 2006 National ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents comprehensive information on juvenile crime, violence, and victimization and on the juvenile justice system. March 2006. 260 pages. NCJ 212906
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2006Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Includes a special feature on OJJDP’s recently released Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 2006 National Report March 2006. 0 pages. NCJ 213462
 More News @ a Glance
OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2006Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. February 2006. 5 pages. NCJ 212789
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Race and Alternative SchoolsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined the relationship between the percentage of racial/ethnic minorities in a school district and the presence of at least one alternative school, as well as the traits/focus of these schools. February 2006. 38 pages. NCJ 226234
Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Offers advice to the President and Congress about state perspectives on the operation of OJJDP and on federal legislation pertaining to juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. January 2006. 37 pages. NCJ 212757
Evaluation of the Gulfton Truancy Reduction Demonstration ProjectTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report details the evaluation outcomes of two components of the Gulfton Truancy Reduction Demonstration Project: police visits to the homes of truant students and case management for truants. January 2006. 58 pages. NCJ 249064
NISMART-2 Household Survey: Household Survey Methodology Technical ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report documents the methodology used in the following components of the Second National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children (NISMART-2): the National Household Survey of Adult Primary Caretakers and the National Household Survey of Youth. 2005. 492 pages. NCJ 211385
NISMART-2 Household Survey: Data List and DescriptivesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document presents the data list and descriptive statistics for the adult and youth questionnaires of the Second National Incidence of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children (NISMART-2) Household Survey. 2005. 222 pages. NCJ 211386
NISMART-2 Household Survey: Public Data User's GuideTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide assists analysts in using the NISMART-2 (Second National Incidence of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children) Household Survey Adult and Youth public data files. 2005. 52 pages. NCJ 211387
NISMART-2 Household Survey: Interviewer ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This manual for interviewers selected to work on the Second National Incidence of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children Household Survey (NISMART-2) describes procedures for completing each task of the interviewing assignment. 2005. 702 pages. NCJ 211388
NISMART-2 Household Survey: Frequency Codebooks Adult and Youth DataTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document contains the frequency codebooks for adult and youth data from the NISMART-2 (Second National Incidence of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children) Household Survey. 2005. 1119 pages. NCJ 211389
NISMART-2 Household Survey: Adult & Youth Follow-Up Questionnaire Matrix and Questionnaire ErrataTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document presents the Adult and Youth Follow-up Questionnaire Matrix and questionnaire errata for the NISMART-2 (Second National Incidence of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children) Household Survey. 2005. 134 pages. NCJ 211390
NISMART-2 Household Survey: Adult and Youth QuestionnairesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document presents the scripts for interviewers in administering the adult and youth questionnaires to respondents in the NISMART-2 (Second National Incidence of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children) Household Survey. 2005. 916 pages. NCJ 211391
Innovations in Truancy Prevention Practice: An Inventory of Selected Collaborations From Around the United StatesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study used an online database and information obtained from 12 in-depth interviews to identify typical practices of truancy-reduction programs throughout the Nation and determine what court-based program staff believe are promising tactics for reducing truancy. 2005. 107 pages. NCJ 212163
Finding Hidden Value Through Mixed-Methodology: Lessons From the Discovery Program's Holistic Approach to Truancy AbatementTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This article describes the evaluation methodology used to assess the success of a truancy abatement program in South Carolina. 2005. 22 pages. NCJ 212465
Families, Neighborhoods, and Juvenile VictimizationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This brief report presents findings from the Pittsburgh Youth Study on the association between family composition, community of residence, and youth victimization. 2005. 11 pages. NCJ 216001
How the Justice System Responds to Juvenile Victims: A Comprehensive ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Introduces the concept of a juvenile victim justice system, identifying the major elements of the system by delineating how cases move through it. December 2005. 12 pages. NCJ 210951
 More Crimes Against Children Series
OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. December 2005. NCJ 211992
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Juvenile Court Statistics 2001-2002Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Profiles more than 1.6 million delinquency cases handled by juvenile courts in 2002 and reviews trends since 1985. December 2005. 154 pages. NCJ 216251
Refining the Construct of School Safety: An Exploration of Correlates and Construct Validity of School Safety MeasuresTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study evaluated the internal consistency of and relationships among four measures of school climate and safety: the Oregon School Safety Survey (OSSS), the Effective Behavior Support Survey 1.5 (EBS), the School-Wide Evaluation Tool (SET), and the Oregon School Climate and Safety Survey (OSCSS). December 2005. 89 pages. NCJ 226237
Building Resiliency and Vocational Excellence (BRAVE) Program: A Violence-Prevention and Role Model Program for Young, African American MalesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This article describes the features and improvements over time of the Building Resiliency and Vocational Excellence Program (BRAVE), which is a substance-abuse and violence-prevention program for 16-20 year-old African-American youths who are at risk for involvement with drugs and violence. November 2005. 11 pages. NCJ 226228
OJJDP News @ a Glance, September/October 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Includes a special feature on the upcoming national conference “Building on Success: Providing Today’s Youth With Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow. Available online only. October 2005. NCJ 211153
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Alternatives to the Secure Detention and Confinement of Juvenile OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Justice Practices Series. Recommends developing objective, valid, and reliable tools to make placement decisions among alternative programs and expanding the existing range of alternatives for juvenile offenders. September 2005. 41 pages. NCJ 208804
 More Juvenile Justice Practices Series
Project PACT: Partnering To Assess and Counteract Truancy Program and Student Success StoriesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource describes how Hawaii's Project PACT, part of the OJJDP-funded National Truancy Prevention Demonstration Project, works and provides examples of student successes. September 2005. 6 pages. NCJ 212161
Safe Start Initiative: Demonstration Project, Process Evaluation Report I (2004), Report # 2005 - 2Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings on the cross-site analysis for the Safe Start Demonstration Project. September 2005. 59 pages. NCJ 248602
Safe Start Initiative: Demonstration Project, Process Evaluation Report I (2004), Report # 2005 - 2Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings on the cross-site analysis for the Safe Start Demonstration Project. September 2005. 20 pages. NCJ 248603
Safe Start Initiative: Demonstration Project, Promising Practices I (2004), Report # 2005 - 3Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings on the cross-site analysis for the Safe Start Demonstration Project. September 2005. 50 pages. NCJ 248604
Safe Start Initiative: Demonstration Project, Phase I Case Studies I (2004), Report #2005-1Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings on the cross-site analysis for the Safe Start Demonstration Project. September 2005. 191 pages. NCJ 248608
Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program: 2004 Report to CongressTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Provides an update on how OJJDP has implemented its Congressional mandate to meet the goals of the Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) Program August 2005. 43 pages. NCJ 208362
 More Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series
Statutory Rape Known to Law EnforcementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Draws on data from the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System to provide a comprehensive look at the patterns of and response to statutory rape. August 2005. 4 pages. NCJ 208803
Planning Community-Based Facilities for Violent Juvenile Offenders as Part of a System of Graduated SanctionsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Justice Practices Series. Presents basic information relevant to planning smaller, community-based or regional facilities to provide secure confinement for serious, violent, and/or chronic juvenile offenders. Available online only. August 2005. 39 pages. NCJ 209326
 More Juvenile Justice Practices Series
Juvenile Arrests 2003Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes and analyzes national and state juvenile arrest data presented in the FBI report Crime in the United States 2003. August 2005. 12 pages. NCJ 209735
Investigating Child FatalitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Provides concise, practical information to assist law enforcement officers in investigating child fatalities in which investigators believe abuse or neglect caused or contributed to the fatal injury. August 2005. 36 pages. NCJ 209764
 More Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse
OJJDP News @ a Glance, July/August 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Includes special features on OJJDP’s recently enhanced online Model Programs Guide, OJJDP’s participation in the Federal Partnership for Disadvantaged Youth, and other topics. Available online only. August 2005. NCJ 210414
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Jacksonville, Florida Case Study: Evidence of Effectiveness in Reducing TruancyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This resource reports the results of a six-year evaluation of an OJJDP-funded truancy reduction program in Jacksonville, Florida. August 2005. 18 pages. NCJ 212167
National Estimates of Children Missing Involuntarily or for Benign ReasonsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. NISMART Series. Provides information on the numbers and characteristics of two groups not often recognized in the literature on missing children: children involuntarily missing because they were lost or injured and those missing because of a benign explanation such as a miscommunication or mistaken expectation. July 2005. 12 pages. NCJ 206180
 More NISMART Series
Mathematics of Risk Classification: Changing Data into Valid Instruments for Juvenile CourtsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents information to help juvenile courts develop practical risk-screening instruments for use in classifying youth as an aid in program assignment. July 2005. 44 pages. NCJ 209158
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents statistics about childrens economic security, health, behavior, social environment, and education and provides features on children with asthma, children with specified blood lead levels, and parental reports of children's emotional and behavioral difficulties. July 2005. 195 pages. NCJ 210533
Juvenile Delinquency Guidelines: Improving Court Practice in Juvenile Delinquency CasesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Provides a benchbook of best practices that was developed by a committee of judges, a Chief Justice, prosecutors, defense attorneys, juvenile justice practitioners, and other professionals representing key stakeholders in the juvenile justice system, through the support of OJJDP. July 2005. 308 pages. NCJ 210606
OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Includes a features on the U.S. Department of Justice's commemoration of Missing Children’s Day 2005, OJJDP’s participation in faith-based initiatives, and OJJDP’s new Court Coordination Program. Available online only. June 2005. NCJ 209734
 More News @ a Glance
Highlights of the 2002-2003 National Youth Gang SurveysTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This report presents highlights of the 2002-2003 National Youth Gang Surveys, which solicited information from police departments on gangs in their jurisdictions. June 2005. 2 pages. NCJ 210490
 More Youth Gang Series
Juvenile Firesetting: A Research OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Outlines research and theories related to juvenile firesetting, identifies limitations of the research, and recommends prevention strategies. May 2005. 8 pages. NCJ 207606
Title V Community Prevention Grants Program, 2003 Report to CongressTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Reviews the background of the Title V Program; highlights state, local, and federal activities in 2003; describes how states and communities responded to the loss of Title V funds in 2003; and outlines OJJDP’s plans for enhancing the positive impact of limited Title V funds in the future. May 2005. 32 pages. NCJ 207694
Effects of Neighborhood and Family Structure on Violent Victimization and Violent DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined the interaction of neighborhood and family structure on violent victimization and violent offending among youth. May 2005. 28 pages. NCJ 216000
AMBER Alert: Best Practices Guide for Broadcasters and Other Media OutletsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides state, regional, and local authorities with the information necessary for developing and improving AMBER Alert initiatives and procedures. April 2005. 10 pages. NCJ 208481
OJJDP News @ a Glance, March/April 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Includes a special feature on OJJDP’s Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Program. Available online only. April 2005. 0 pages. NCJ 209154
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La Alerta AMBER: Guia de las mejores practicas para radiodifusores y otros medios de comunicacionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides state, regional, and local authorities with the information necessary for developing and improving AMBER Alert initiatives and procedures. April 2005. 14 pages. NCJ 209519
Amber Alert: Bringing Abducted Children HomeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This brochure provides information about the Department of Justice's AMBER Alert program. April 2005. 2 pages. NCJ 221762
Effective Use of NCIC (National Crime Information Center)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides the critical steps involved in entering a child abduction, under the AMBER Alert plan, into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and strategies to improve the effective use of the NCIC. April 2005. 4 pages. NCJ 221763
U.S. Department of Justice Recommended AMBER Alert CriteriaTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This pocket card provides criteria on the Department of Justice's AMBER Alert program. April 2005. 2 pages. NCJ 247986
Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos Criterios recomendados para la Alerta AMBERTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This Spanish-language pocket card provides criteria on the Department of Justice's AMBER Alert program. April 2005. 2 pages. NCJ 247987
La Alerta AMBER: Dedicada a regresar a casa los ninos secuestradosTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This Spanish-language brochure provides information about the Department of Justice's AMBER Alert program. April 2005. 2 pages. NCJ 248021
Uso eficaz del NCIC Centro Nacional de Informacion CriminalTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This Spanish-language fact sheet provides the critical steps involved in entering a child abduction, under the AMBER Alert plan, into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and strategies to improve the effective use of the NCIC. April 2005. 4 pages. NCJ 248023
Implementation and Outcome Evaluation of the Intensive Aftercare Program, Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the findings from a 5-year, multisite evaluation of the implementation and outcomes of OJJDP’s Intensive Aftercare Program. March 2005. 110 pages. NCJ 206177
Graduated Sanctions: An Effective Intervention Strategy for Addressing Delinquency VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Highlights the efforts of OJJDP and the Juvenile Sanctions Center to support and implement effective graduated sanctions strategies. March 2005. NCJ 209017
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HTML (Broadcast Overview) 
Processing and Outcomes of Child Abuse and Neglect Cases in Three SitesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Utilizing case tracking, this federally supported draft report examines the processing and outcomes of child abuse and neglect cases in three of the Safe Kids/Safe Streets (SK/SS) communities, specifically, how the cases were handled, the types of service referrals and services received, and case dispositions. March 2005. 217 pages. NCJ 210274
State Ombudsman ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Justice Practices Series. Describes the role of an ombudsman and different types of ombudsman programs in several states. Available online only. February 2005. 21 pages. NCJ 204607
 More Juvenile Justice Practices Series
OJJDP News @ a Glance, January/February 2005Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events, includes a special feature on the national conference on truancy, titled "Partnering To Prevent Truancy: A National Priority." February 2005. 5 pages. NCJ 208700
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Strategies, Programs and Resources To Prevent Truancy VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Provids an overview of the issues addressed in the December 2004 conference "Partnering To Prevent Truancy: A National Priority." February 2005. NCJ 208807
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HTML (Broadcast Overview) 
Juvenile Court-Controlled Reentry: Three Practice ModelsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This bulletin examines three jurisdictions in which practice models have been introduced to enable local juvenile courts and their probation departments to directly oversee the reentry of juveniles after release from residential placements. February 2005. 12 pages. NCJ 210009
Joint Impact of Family and Community Structure on Violent DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings from the Rochester Youth Development Study on the association between family structure, neighborhood disadvantage, and youth violent offending. February 2005. 11 pages. NCJ 215999
Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2004Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Offers advice to the President and Congress about state perspectives on the operation of OJJDP and on federal legislation pertaining to juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. January 2005. 46 pages. NCJ 207500
Seven Steps to Develop and Evaluate Strategies to Reduce Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document describes seven steps for implementing a strategy of evaluation that will reduce disproportionate minority contact (DMC) at each stage of juvenile case processing. January 2005. 42 pages. NCJ 209585
Selected Topics on Youth Courts: A MonographTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Six papers address various aspects of youth courts and the types of cases they handle, including truancy and substance abuse, and they discuss various issues associated with court structure and operations. 2004. 125 pages. NCJ 208164
Addressing Truancy in Youth Court Programs (From Selected Topics on Youth Courts: A Monograph, P 1-24, 2004, Tracy Godwin Mullins, ed. -- See NCJ-208164) Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Based on a focus-group discussion, research, and promising practices related to truancy reduction, this paper provides an overview of the scope of the problem of truancy, benefits in addressing truancy in youth courts, effective strategies for working with truants, and possible benchmarks for youth courts to use when measuring success in truancy-reduction efforts. 2004. 24 pages. NCJ 208165
Underage Drinking and Other Substance Abuse: Opportunities for Prevention and Intervention by Youth Courts (From Selected Topics on Youth Courts: A Monograph, P 25-39, 2004, Tracy Godwin Mullins, ed. -- See NCJ-208164) Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper discusses strategies youth courts can use in working with youth referred to the court for alcohol-related problems, while acting as a partner in a comprehensive community approach for countering under-age drinking and other substance abuse. 2004. 15 pages. NCJ 208166
Overview of School-Based Youth Court Program Design Options (From Selected Topics on Youth Courts: A Monograph, P 41-63, 2004, Tracy Godwin Mullins, ed. -- See NCJ-208164) Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Based on interviews with staff that are currently operating school-based youth court programs in middle and high schools, this paper discusses the structure for such programs and offers suggestions for those interested in starting a school-based youth court. 2004. 23 pages. NCJ 208167
Building Culturally Relevant Youth Courts in Tribal Communities (From Selected Topics on Youth Courts: A Monograph, P 65-91, 2004, Tracy Godwin Mullins, ed. -- See NCJ-208164) Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. After a background review of tribal justice systems, this paper presents an overview of issues to address in the development and implementation of youth courts in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. 2004. 27 pages. NCJ 208168
Comparison of Statewide Youth Court Associations and Networking Groups (From Selected Topics on Youth Courts: A Monograph, P 93-105, 2004, Tracy Godwin Mullins, ed. -- See NCJ-208164)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper draws on lessons learned from existing State youth court associations and networking groups to provide information to other youth-court programs interested in forming a statewide association or group. 2004. 13 pages. NCJ 208169
Media Access Guidelines for Youth Courts (From Selected Topics on Youth Courts: A Monograph, P 107-118, 2004, Tracy Godwin Mullins, ed. -- See NCJ-208164) Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. These guidelines supplement the National Youth Court Guidelines of 2000 in assisting youth court programs in balancing competing interests and developing a framework for making sound policy related to media access. 2004. 12 pages. NCJ 208170
Communitywide Strategies to Reduce Child Abuse and Neglect: Lessons From the Safe Kids/Safe Streets ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents lessons learned from the federally supported Safe Kids/Safe Streets Program (SK/SS) designed to break the cycle of child abuse and neglect and the development of juvenile delinquency. 2004. 16 pages. NCJ 210275
Findings From the Safe Kids/Safe Streets National Evaluation: Safe Kids/Safe Streets, Sault Ste. Marie, MichiganTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report describes the planning and implementation and evaluation results from the Safe Kids/Safe Streets (SK/SS) national evaluation on the Building Strong Native American Families (BSNAF) demonstration project in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. 2004. 10 pages. NCJ 210277
Findings From the Safe Kids/Safe Streets National Evaluation: Safe Kids/Safe Streets, Toledo, OhioTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report describes the planning and implementation and evaluation results from the Safe Kids/Safe Streets (SK/SS) national evaluation on the Lucas County SK/SS program in Toledo, OH. 2004. 10 pages. NCJ 210278
Findings From the Safe Kids/Safe Streets National Evaluation: KIDSAFE, Kansas City, MissouriTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report describes the planning and implementation and evaluation results from the Safe Kids/Safe Streets (SK/SS) national evaluation on the, KIDSAFE project in Kansas City, MO. 2004. 10 pages. NCJ 210279
Findings From the Safe Kids/Safe Streets National Evaluation: KidSafe, Burlington, VermontTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report describes the planning and implementation and results from the Safe Kids/Safe Streets (SK/SS) national evaluation on the SK/SS, KidSafe program in Burlington, VT. 2004. 10 pages. NCJ 210280
Child Pornography: Patterns From NIBRSTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Presents findings from the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System. December 2004. 8 pages. NCJ 204911
 More Crimes Against Children Series
Screening and Assessing Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Among Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: A Resource Guide for PractitionersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents information on instruments that can be used to screen and assess youth for mental health- and substance use-related disorders at various stages of the juvenile justice process. December 2004. 90 pages. NCJ 204956
National Estimates of Missing Children: Selected Trends, 1988-1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. NISMART Series. Presents results of an analysis comparing selected findings from the second National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children (NISMART–2) and its predecessor, NISMART–1. December 2004. 8 pages. NCJ 206179
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OJJDP Annual Report 2003-2004Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP’s activities and accomplishments during fiscal years (FY) 2003 and 2004. December 2004. 66 pages. NCJ 206630
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume III, Number 6 (November/December 2004)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. December 2004. 4 pages. NCJ 207328
Juvenile Court Statistics 2000Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Profiles more than 1.6 million delinquency cases handled by juvenile courts in 2000 and reviews judicial trends since 1985. December 2004. 123 pages. NCJ 209736
National Evaluation of the Safe Kids/Safe Street Program: Final Report--Executive SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents a summary from a national evaluation and assessment of the federally funded Safe Kids/Safe Streets program sites in their attempt to break the cycle of child abuse and neglect leading to potential delinquent behavior. December 2004. 18 pages. NCJ 210269
National Evaluation of the Safe Kids/Safe Streets Program: Final Report Volume I: Cross-Site FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This final report presents cross-site findings from a national evaluation of the Safe Kids/Safe Streets program, examining the planning and implementation at the SK/SS sites. December 2004. 224 pages. NCJ 210270
National Evaluation of the Safe Kids/Safe Streets Program: Final Report Volume II: Case Studies of the Safe Kids/Safe Streets Demonstration SitesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This final report presents detailed case studies of the planning implementation and outcomes for each of the five sites from a national evaluation of the Safe Kids/Safe Streets program, examining the planning and implementation at the SK/SS sites. December 2004. 470 pages. NCJ 210271
National Evaluation of the Safe Kids/Safe Streets Program: Final Report Volume III: Findings From the 2003 Stakeholder SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This final report describes the methodology and findings of the final Stakeholder Survey conducted in 2003 from a national evaluation of the Safe Kids/Safe Streets program, examining the planning and implementation at the SK/SS sites. December 2004. 114 pages. NCJ 210272
National Evaluation of the Safe Kids/Safe Streets Program: Final Report Volume IV: Survey of Agency PersonnelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This final report describes the methodology and findings of the 2002 Survey of Agency Personnel from a national evaluation of the Safe Kids/Safe Streets (SK/SS) program, examining the planning and implementation at the SK/SS sites. December 2004. 65 pages. NCJ 210273
Juveniles, Illicit Drug Activity, and Homicides Against Law Enforcement OfficersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined juvenile involvement in police officer homicides during the period 1986 through 1991. November 2004. 23 pages. NCJ 207396
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume III, Number 5 (September/October 2004)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. October 2004. 6 pages. NCJ 206629
Evaluation of the Tucson Comprehensive Community-Wide Approach to Gang Prevention, Intervention and Suppression ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the methodology and findings of the evaluation of the Tucson (Arizona) Comprehensive Community-Wide Approach to Gang Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression Program, which was part of the national evaluation of the model gang program promoted under grants from the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). October 2004. 261 pages. NCJ 209190
Trends in the Murder of Juveniles: 1980-2000Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Draws on statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program—in particular, supplementary homicide report data—to analyze trends in the murder of juveniles between 1980 and 2000. September 2004. 8 pages. NCJ 194609
Disproportionate Minority Confinement: 2002 UpdateTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes developments in addressing disproportionate minority confinement (DMC) at the national, state, and local levels. September 2004. 42 pages. NCJ 201240
Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume IX, Number 1 (Causes and Correlates)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Focuses on research that assess how and why children become delinquent, including its value in preventing and combating delinquency. September 2004. 40 pages. NCJ 203555
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Juvenile Arrests 2002Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes and analyzes national and state juvenile arrest data presented in the FBI’s report Crime in the United States 2002. September 2004. 12 pages. NCJ 204608
OJJDP Formula Grants Program OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the Formula Grants program administered by OJJDP to support State and local juvenile delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements. September 2004. 2 pages. NCJ 207073
Overcoming Barriers to School ReentryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet discusses promising solutions to barriers to school reentry for youth leaving juvenile custody. September 2004. 2 pages. NCJ 207420
Four-One-One BullyingTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Following the provision of basic information on bullying, this report reviews the research on bullying and provides research-based practical guidance for schools, parents, and students in countering bullying. September 2004. 40 pages. NCJ 226235
Assessing the Mental Health Status of Youth in Juvenile Justice SettingsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Reports the results of a study that used the Voice DISC, a computerized, self-administered version of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC), to screen for psychiatric disorders in youth newly admitted to juvenile assessment centers. August 2004. 8 pages. NCJ 202713
Victims of Violent Juvenile CrimeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Analyzes the extent and nature of nonfatal violent victimizations committed by juvenile offenders, based on 1997–98 data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Incident-Based Reporting System. July 2004. 8 pages. NCJ 201628
Title V Community Prevention Grants Program, 2002 Report to CongressTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides an overview of the structure of the Community Prevention Grants Program and looks at its conceptual framework, including the importance of delinquency prevention, the research on risk and protective factors, and current knowledge about "what works" in delinquency prevention. July 2004. 48 pages. NCJ 202019
OJJDP Annual Report 2002Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP’s activities and accomplishments during fiscal year (FY) 2002. July 2004. 84 pages. NCJ 202038
Successful Program Implementation: Lessons From BlueprintsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents results of the process evaluation of Blueprints programs, identifying critical components of program implementation. July 2004. 12 pages. NCJ 204273
Blueprints for Violence PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the initiative, presents lessons learned about program implementation, and provides recommendations for program designers, funders, and implementing agencies and organizations. July 2004. 180 pages. NCJ 204274
America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2004Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents statistics about children’s economic security, health, behavior, social environment, and education. July 2004. 17 pages. NCJ 205911
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume III, Number 4 (July/August 2004)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events, includes a special feature on OJJDP’s training and technical assistance opportunities. July 2004. 6 pages. NCJ 205976
 More News @ a Glance
Theory and Research on Desistance From Antisocial Activity Among Serious Adolescent OffendersTop  
 NIJ-Sponsored, OJJDP-Sponsored. This article reviews the contributions of existing research to the understanding of the process of desistance from antisocial activity for serious adolescent offenders, identifies important areas warranting further research, and presents a framework in which such research can be developed and pursued. July 2004. 24 pages. NCJ 206173
Operational Lessons From the Pathways to Desistance ProjectTop  
 NIJ-Sponsored, OJJDP-Sponsored. This article outlines the methodology for the Pathways to Desistance study, a multisite, longitudinal study of serious juvenile offenders, and discusses the key operational decisions with the greatest impact on the study design. July 2004. 19 pages. NCJ 206174
Criminal Careers of Serious Delinquents in Two CitiesTop  
 NIJ-Sponsored, OJJDP-Sponsored. This study investigated the evolution of offending within a sample of adolescent offenders in two large cities referred to juvenile and adult courts for serious criminal offenses. July 2004. 17 pages. NCJ 206175
Contribution of Parent Report to Voice DISC-IV Diagnosis Among Incarcerated YouthsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study used a series of different algorithms to examine the contribution of a parent report to a youth report in defining psychiatric "caseness" for a sample of incarcerated youths. July 2004. 10 pages. NCJ 206303
Juveniles in CorrectionsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Presents the latest available national and state-level data from the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement (CJRP). June 2004. 24 pages. NCJ 202885
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Detection and Prevalence of Substance Use Among Juvenile DetaineesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Assesses substance use detection methods (self-report and urinalysis) and prevalence among high-risk youth detained in Cook County, IL. June 2004. 16 pages. NCJ 203934
Prostitution of Juveniles: Patterns From NIBRSTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Examines the prostitution of juveniles by analyzing incidents of this problem that come to the attention of law enforcement. June 2004. 12 pages. NCJ 203946
 More Crimes Against Children Series
Access to CounselTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Grant. Juvenile Justice Practices Series. Examines access to legal counsel in the juvenile justice system. Available online only. June 2004. 34 pages. NCJ 204063
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Evaluation of the San Antonio Comprehensive Community-Wide Approach to Gang Prevention, Intervention and Suppression ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the methodology and findings of the evaluation of San Antonio's (Texas) Comprehensive Community-Wide Approach to Gang Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression Program, which was part of the national evaluation of the model gang program promoted under grants from the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). June 2004. 230 pages. NCJ 209189
When Systems Collide: Improving Court Practices and Programs in Dual Jurisdiction CasesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper describes promising court-based or court-linked practices and programs that have effectively addressed the challenges presented by juvenile dual-jurisdiction cases. June 2004. 19 pages. NCJ 213879
Screening for Emergent Risk and Service Needs Among Incarcerated Youth: Comparing MAYSI-2 and Voice DISC-IVTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study examined associations between the Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument-Second Version (MAYSI-2) and the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children-Present State Voice Version (DISC-IV) and the extent to which MAYSI-2 subscales map onto DISC-IV disorders and conditions. May 2004. 11 pages. NCJ 205351
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume III Number 3 (May/June 2004)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events, includes a special feature on Big Brothers Big Sisters 100th anniversary celebration. May 2004. 6 pages. NCJ 205365
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Cuando su hijo desaparecido: una guía de supervivencia para la familia (Spanish, 2004 update, revised)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides parents with insights into what families should do when a child is missing. May 2004. 109 pages. NCJ 212870
Highlights of the 2002 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet presents an overview of results from the 2002 National Youth Gang Survey. April 2004. 2 pages. NCJ 204957
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Juvenile Suicides, 1981-1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Violence Research Series. Examines mortality statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, comparing the characteristics of juvenile suicides with those of juvenile murders. March 2004. 8 pages. NCJ 196978
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Youth Gangs in Indian CountryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Describes the nature and makeup of youth gangs in Indian Country. March 2004. 16 pages. NCJ 202714
 More Youth Gang Series
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume III, Number 2 (March/April 2004)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events, includes a special feature on OJJDP’s efforts to combat youth substance abuse. March 2004. 6 pages. NCJ 204171
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Building Community and Combating Hate: Lessons for the Middle School ClassroomTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This publication contains a set of 10 lessons for middle-school educators or youth service professionals to use in their existing curriculum. March 2004. 65 pages. NCJ 239718
Juvenile Suicide in Confinement A National SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document presents findings from a national survey on the scope and distribution of suicides by youth in public and private juvenile detention facilities. February 2004. 84 pages. NCJ 206354
Explanations for the Decline in Child Sexual Abuse CasesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Discusses the decline in the number of sexual abuse cases substantiated by child protective service agencies between 1992 and 2000. January 2004. 12 pages. NCJ 199298
 More Crimes Against Children Series
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume III, Number 1 (January/February 2004)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events, includes a special feature on OJJDP’s truancy reduction efforts. January 2004. 6 pages. NCJ 203557
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Empirical Portrait of the Youth Reentry PopulationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This article identifies and discusses some basic conceptual issues involved in defining the youth re-entry population and uses available data to estimate the magnitude and characteristics of youth who re-enter society from some type of secure confinement; also discussed is the need to provide re-entry services for youth in transition from various other types of out-of-home placements, such as foster care. January 2004. 17 pages. NCJ 203813
Juvenile Delinquency and Community Prosecution: New Strategies for Old ProblemsTop  
 BJA, OJJDP-Sponsored. This monograph explains community prosecution of delinquency cases, provides an overview of the potential interface between community prosecution and juvenile justice, discusses the legal and systemic issues that the APRI (American Prosecutors Research Institute) identified during its site visits, reviews some common issues between community prosecution and juvenile justice, and compares community prosecution with the emerging juvenile justice philosophy of balanced and restorative justice. January 2004. 39 pages. NCJ 205078
Sexual Development and Sexual Behavior Problems in Children Ages 2-12Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper provides information on sexual development and problematic sexual behavior in children ages 2-12. January 2004. 4 pages. NCJ 213186
What Research Shows About Female Adolescent Sex OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Based on the limited research available on female adolescent sex offenders (ages 13-17), this paper reports on the prevalence, characteristics, assessment, and treatment of these offenders. January 2004. 3 pages. NCJ 213187
Investigating Hate Crimes on the InternetTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This brief provides information about the growing problem of hate crimes on the Internet and guidelines in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes. 2003. 22 pages. NCJ 203459
Training New Mentees: A Manual for Preparing Youth in Mentoring Programs Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document discusses training for youth in need of mentoring. 2003. 82 pages. NCJ 204908
Second Annual National Youth Court Month: Action Kit, September 2003Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This kit provides suggestions and resources for youth courts to use in the Second Annual National Youth Court Month (September 2003), which provides youth courts an opportunity to share and celebrate their programs' successes, with a view toward improving and rewarding youth-court participation. 2003. 37 pages. NCJ 213215
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Classroom CurriculaTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on classroom curricula. 2003. 3 pages. NCJ 249692
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Juvenile Arrests 2001Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes and analyzes national and State juvenile arrest data presented in the FBI's report Crime in the United States 2001. December 2003. 12 pages. NCJ 201370
Working Together to Stop the Prostitution of Children VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Videotape. Teleconference Videotapes. This videoconference, which originally aired on December 11, 2003, examined the challenges faced by policymakers, juvenile justice officials, and other youth service professionals who are concerned with the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth. December 2003. NCJ 203280
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Protecting Our Children: Working Together to End Child ProstitutionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Provides a summary of the national summit Protecting Our Children: Working Together To End Child Prostitution, held December 13-14, 2002. December 2003. 11 pages. NCJ 204990
Program Activity Guide 2nd Edition: Helping Youth Resist Bias and Hate, Middle SchoolTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This publication provides parents, educators, and other adults with the tools and strategies to engage middle-school aged children in constructive discussions and activities about the causes and effects of prejudice and bias-motivated behavior, as well as to intervene with youth who engage in such behavior. December 2003. 104 pages. NCJ 239720
Juvenile Court Statistics 1999: Celebrating 100 Years of the Juvenile Court, 1899-1999Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Profiles nearly 1.7 million delinquency cases handled by juvenile courts in 1999 and reviews judicial trends since 1990. November 2003. 114 pages. NCJ 201241
How Families and Communities Influence Youth VictimizationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Examines how individual, family, and community factors influence the risk for nonlethal violence among U.S. youth ages 12–17. November 2003. 12 pages. NCJ 201629
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume II, Number 6 (November/December 2003)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events, includes a special feature on OJJDP's mentoring-related activities. November 2003. 6 pages. NCJ 202802
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Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol-II (J-SOAP-II) ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents an instrument for assessing risk factors in boys ages 12–18 who have been adjudicated for sexual offenses or who have a history of sexually coercive behavior. Available online only. October 2003. 31 pages. NCJ 202316
Prosecution of Child Abuse: A Meta-Analysis of Rates of Criminal Justice DecisionsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. A meta-analysis study was performed on the rates of criminal justice decisions in 21 identified studies of prosecution of child abuse October 2003. 18 pages. NCJ 202834
Maryland: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency ProceedingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report offers an assessment of access to counsel and quality of representation in delinquency proceedings for children in the State of Maryland. October 2003. 87 pages. NCJ 203599
Pennsylvania: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency ProceedingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study assessed access to legal counsel and the quality of legal representation for juveniles in Pennsylvania's juvenile justice system. October 2003. 116 pages. NCJ 204536
Maine: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency ProceedingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study assessed access to legal counsel and the quality of legal representation for indigent juveniles in Maine's juvenile justice system. October 2003. 84 pages. NCJ 204537
North Carolina: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency ProceedingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study assessed access to legal counsel and the quality of legal representation for juveniles in delinquency proceedings in North Carolina. October 2003. 80 pages. NCJ 204538
Montana: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency ProceedingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. In assessing juvenile defense practices in Montana, this study identified the systemic and institutional obstacles that impede the development of an improved legal service delivery system, noted innovative practices, and developed recommendations for improvement. October 2003. 80 pages. NCJ 204539
Washington: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Juvenile Offender MattersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the methodology and findings of an assessment of the quality of legal representation for juveniles processed in the justice system of Washington State. October 2003. 96 pages. NCJ 204540
Evaluation of the Riverside Comprehensive Community-Wide Approach to Gang Prevention, Intervention and SuppressionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the methodology and findings of the evaluation of Riverside's (California) Comprehensive Community-Wide Approach to Gang Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression Program, which was part of the national evaluation of the model gang program promoted under grants from the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). October 2003. 380 pages. NCJ 209188
Aftercare ServicesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Justice Practices Series. Describes aftercare services that provide youth with comprehensive health, mental health, education, family, and vocational services upon their release from the juvenile justice system. Available online only. September 2003. 31 pages. NCJ 201800
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume II, Number 5 (September/October 2003)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events; includes a special feature on the Gang Reduction Program. September 2003. 6 pages. NCJ 201826
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Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 1990-1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents estimates on delinquency cases judicially waived to criminal court for the period 1990-1999. September 2003. 2 pages. NCJ 203713
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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on delinquency cases in juvenile court for the year 1999. September 2003. 2 pages. NCJ 203715
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Person Offenses in Juvenile Court, 1990-1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet discusses the person offense caseload in juvenile court for 1990 through 1999. September 2003. 2 pages. NCJ 203716
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Juvenile Court Placement of Adjudicated Youth, 1990-1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet reports on the juvenile court placement of adjudicated youth between 1990 and 1999. September 2003. 2 pages. NCJ 203721
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Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 1990-1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents summary information on the juvenile delinquency probation caseload for the period 1990-1999. September 2003. 2 pages. NCJ 203726
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Detention in Delinquency Cases, 1990-1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet reports on the juvenile delinquency caseload ordered to detention between 1990 and 1999. September 2003. 2 pages. NCJ 203727
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Drug Offense Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1990-1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides statistics on drug offense cases in juvenile courts from 1990 to 1999. September 2003. 2 pages. NCJ 203728
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Holding Up Both Ends of the Sky: Juvenile Justice Partners in Indian Country VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Reviews the purpose, authority, background, and funding for OJJDP's Tribal Youth Program, which supports tribal efforts to prevent and control delinquency and improve juvenile justice systems. July 2003. NCJ 200540
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume II, Number 4 (July/August 2003)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events, includes special feature on a teleconference that addressed American Indian/Alaskan Native issues. July 2003. 6 pages. NCJ 201242
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Children with Sexual Behavior Problems: Common Misconceptions vs. Current FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Ten common misconceptions about children with problematic sexual behaviors (PSBs) are challenged with current relevant research findings. July 2003. 4 pages. NCJ 213184
Adolescent Sex Offenders: Common Misconceptions vs. Current EvidenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper identifies 12 common misconceptions about adolescent (ages 13 to 17) sex offenders (ASOs) based on relevant research findings. July 2003. 4 pages. NCJ 213185
Juvenile Court Statistics 1998Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Profiles more than 1.7 million delinquency cases handled by the juvenile courts during 1998 and examines trends in case processing since 1989. June 2003. 115 pages. NCJ 193696
Juveniles in CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Provides national numbers and an overview of how courts process cases involving juvenile offenders. June 2003. 32 pages. NCJ 195420
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Changes to OJJDP's Juvenile Accountability ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Presents an overview of recent changes in OJJDP's juvenile accountability program as a result of the Department of Justice Authorization Act for FY 2003. June 2003. 6 pages. NCJ 200220
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Child Delinquency: Early Intervention and PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Child Delinquency Series. Presents valuable information on the nature of child delinquency and describes early intervention and prevention programs that effectively reduce delinquent behavior. May 2003. 20 pages. NCJ 186162
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Community Correlates of Rural Youth ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Addresses the lack of knowledge of rural youth violence by applying social disorganization theory to community correlates of youth violence in nonmetropolitan communities in Florida, Georgia, Nebraska, and South Carolina. May 2003. 12 pages. NCJ 193591
OJJDP's Tribal Youth InitiativesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP's efforts to assist tribal communities in addressing risk factors for delinquency, including substance abuse and mental health issues. May 2003. 8 pages. NCJ 193763
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume II, Number 3 (May/June 2003)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . OJJDP's bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. This issue also includes special features on National Youth Service Day and National Missing Children's Day. May 2003. 4 pages. NCJ 199996
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Guidelines for Building Partnerships That Protect Our ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Guidelines are presented in the building of professional partnerships which respond to child abuse and neglect. May 2003. 36 pages. NCJ 202202
Latest Resources From OJJDPTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This resource provides information about the different types of products produced by OJJDP and presents a listing of materials released during 2001 and 2002. May 2003. 56 pages. NCJ 247895
Best Practices in Juvenile Accountability: OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Provides an indepth history of OJJDP's Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) Program, reviews the developmental perspective shaping juvenile accountability, and offers case histories illustrating effective practices that promote accountability. April 2003. 12 pages. NCJ 184745
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Race as a Factor in Juvenile ArrestsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This bulletin analyzes statistics from the FBI's National Incident-Based Reporting System for evidence of racial bias in police arrests of juveniles for violent crimes. April 2003. 8 pages. NCJ 189180
Risk and Protective Factors of Child DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Child Delinquency Series. Focuses on four types of risk and protective factors: individual, family, peer, and school and community. April 2003. 16 pages. NCJ 193409
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Community Responses to Truancy: Engaging Students in School VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Discusses truancy and reviews effective strategies that intervene with chronic truants, address root causes, and stop the progression from truancy to more serious and violent behaviors. View the broadcast on the Juvenile Justice Teleconferencing Web site. April 2003. NCJ 199584
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OJJDP National Training and Technical Assistance CenterTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes the products and services of the OJJDP National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC). March 2003. 2 pages. NCJ 188860
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Treatment, Services, and Intervention Programs for Child DelinquentsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Child Delinquency Series. Examines various treatments, services, and intervention programs designed to mitigate the disruptive behavior of child delinquents (offenders younger than age 13). March 2003. 16 pages. NCJ 193410
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Prevalence and Development of Child DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Child Delinquency Series. Provides information on very young offenders (those between the ages of 7 and 12) who become involved with the juvenile justice system. March 2003. 8 pages. NCJ 193411
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OJJDP Annual Report 2001Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP's major activities and accomplishments for fiscal year 2001. March 2003. 74 pages. NCJ 194819
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume II, Number 2 (March/April 2003)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Presents notices of agency activities, publications, funding opportunities, and events; also summarizes changes for OJJDP mandated by the Department of Justice reauthorization signed into law in November 2002 and discusses a town hall meeting on youth substance abuse. March 2003. 6 pages. NCJ 199269
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Education, Disability and Juvenile Justice VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Addresses the significance of prevention, education, and transition/aftercare in reducing the risk that youth with disabilities will become involved in the juvenile justice system. March 2003. NCJ 199595
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Highlights of the 2001 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet presents an overview of results from the 2001 National Youth Gang Survey. March 2003. 2 pages. NCJ 200139
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State of Juvenile Detention in Pennsylvania, 2003Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report examines the Pennsylvania Juvenile Detention Assessment Project, a statewide study of the condition and needs of the field, and reveals the current state of juvenile detention in Pennsylvania. March 2003. 12 pages. NCJ 200150
Ohio Justice Cut Short: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency ProceedingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study assessed the accessibility and quality of Ohio's legal representation for indigent juveniles processed in the State's juvenile justice system. March 2003. 80 pages. NCJ 204555
Mentoring Matters VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Highlights the importance of mentoring as an effective approach to delinquency prevention; examines mentoring in community, faith-based, school, and work settings; and shares strategies for recruiting mentors effectively. January 2003. NCJ 198416
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume II, Number 1 (January/February 2003)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents notices of OJJDP activities, publications, funding opportunities, and events; includes features on OJJDP priorities for 2003, National Mentoring Month, and the National Summit on Child Prostitution. January 2003. 6 pages. NCJ 198473
Risk Factors for Delinquency: An Overview Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. This article defines risk factors, explains why they are important, and briefly discusses some of the major risk factors linked to delinquency and violence. January 2003. 11 pages. NCJ 207540
Statistical Approaches to Assessing RiskTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report summarizes the contents and objectives of a recent OJJDP (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention) report that provides technicians with a statistical guide for preparing risk scales for practical application in juvenile courts. 2002. 2 pages. NCJ 193444
You Can Make a Difference Stories from Juvenile Court CD-ROMTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This CD-ROM features stories of people who made a difference in someone’s life and is presented by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. 2002. 0 pages. NCJ 194729
Youth Courts: Getting the Most Out of the Deliberation Process (Video)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This federally funded training video contains two youth court scenarios (shoplifting and assault) where the viewer or youth volunteer is presented with all the facts and circumstances surrounding each case and, as one of the jurors, applies what they learned to deliberate and determine the appropriate and fair disposition for the defendant/delinquent. 2002. 16 pages. NCJ 196021
Youth Courts: Young People Delivering JusticeTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document examines the structure and benefits of youth courts. 2002. 40 pages. NCJ 196944
Disproportionate Minority Confinement: A Review of the Research Literature From 1989 Through 2001Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Examines research found in professional academic journals and edited books from 1989 to 2001 regarding disproportionate minority confinement. Available online only. 2002. 24 pages. NCJ 198428
Technical, Business, and Legal Dimensions of Protecting Children from Pornography on the InternetTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This publication presents edited transcripts from a workshop designed to find effective methods of keeping children safe from Internet pornography and other inappropriate Internet materials. 2002. 142 pages. NCJ 199147
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Probation ServicesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on probation services. 2002. 5 pages. NCJ 249717
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Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Child Sexual AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Discusses how the presence of a sexually transmitted disease in a child can be used to assist in identifying or eliminating suspects in child sexual abuse cases. December 2002. 20 pages. NCJ 160940
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Battered Child Syndrome: Investigating Physical Abuse and HomicideTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Presents practical information on the circumstances that point to the willful rather than the accidental injury or death of an infant or child, the evidence required to prove it, and the techniques for obtaining such evidence. December 2002. 20 pages. NCJ 161406
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Violent Victimization as a Risk Factor for Violent Offending Among JuvenilesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Analyzes the relationships between violent victimization and violent offending among juveniles, using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. December 2002. 12 pages. NCJ 195737
Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2000: Selected FindingsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Presents findings from the inaugural 2000 Juvenile Residential Facility Census, focusing on facility crowding and facility-related deaths. December 2002. 4 pages. NCJ 196595
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OJJDP Report: A Discussion with J. Robert Flores VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Videotape. Teleconference Videotapes. Discusses research findings and initiatives, resources available through OJJDP, and program priorities, including child prostitution, disproportionate minority confinement, tribal youth programs, and truancy. December 2002. 0 pages. NCJ 198155
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A Comprehensive Bibliography of Scholarly Research and Literature Relating to Juvenile Sex OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This bibliography captures literature on juvenile male and female sex offenders as well as on general child growth and development. December 2002. 52 pages. NCJ 249751
Juvenile Arrests 2000Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides a summary and analysis of national and state juvenile arrest data reported in the FBI's 2000 Crime in the United States. November 2002. 12 pages. NCJ 191729
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume I, Number 6 (November/December 2002)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Newsletter: OJJDP News @ a Glance Series, November/December 2002. Presents notices of OJJDP activities, publications, funding opportunities, and events; includes a special feature on the appointment of Assistant Attorney General Deborah J. Daniels as AMBER Alert National Coordinator. 6 pages. NCJ 197613. November 2002. 6 pages. NCJ 197613
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Trends in Juvenile Violent Offending From 1980 to 1998: The NCVS PerspectiveTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents information on trends in juvenile violent offending over the past two decades, based on data collected from the victims of those offenses by the National Crime Victimization Survey. October 2002. 20 pages. NCJ 191052
Law Enforcement Guide on International Parental KidnappingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides guidance for local, state, and federal law enforcement authorities who are called on to respond to international parental kidnapping cases. This publication is not available online. October 2002. 116 pages. NCJ 194639
National Estimates of Missing Children: An OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. NISMART Series. Presents an overview of the Second National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children (NISMART–2). October 2002. 12 pages. NCJ 196465
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Children Abducted by Family Members: National Estimates and CharacteristicsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. NISMART Series. Presents national estimates of children abducted by family members in 1999, their demographic characteristics, and the characteristics of perpetrators and episodes. October 2002. 12 pages. NCJ 196466
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Nonfamily Abducted Children: National Estimates and CharacteristicsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. NISMART Series. Presents national estimates of children abducted by nonfamily perpetrators, based on surveys of households and law enforcement agencies. October 2002. 16 pages. NCJ 196467
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Runaway/Thrownaway Children: National Estimates and CharacteristicsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. NISMART Series. Presents national estimates of children who ran away from home or were thrown out of their homes, based on surveys of households and juvenile facilities. October 2002. 12 pages. NCJ 196469
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NISMART Questions and AnswerTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. NISMART Series. Provides a quick overview of the Second National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children (NISMART–2). October 2002. 2 pages. NCJ 196760
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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Project...ContinuedTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document describes the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Project in Pennsylvania. October 2002. 10 pages. NCJ 197882
Title V Community Prevention Grants Program, 2001 Report to CongressTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the activities and accomplishments of the Title V Community Prevention Grants Program in 2001. October 2002. 42 pages. NCJ 198482
Evaluation of the Mesa Gang Intervention Program (MGIP)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the methodology and findings of the evaluation of Mesa's (Arizona) Comprehensive Community-Wide Approach to Gang Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression Program, which was part of the national evaluation of the model gang program promoted under grants from the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). October 2002. 518 pages. NCJ 209187
Highlights From the NISMART BulletinsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. NISMART Series. This fact sheet highlights key findings from the first four National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children (NISMART) bulletins. October 2002. 2 pages. NCJ 247791
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Ensuring Quality School Facilities and Security Technologies (Guide 4 of Safe and Secure: Guides to Creating Safer Schools) Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. One in a series of eight guidebooks intended to assist schools in creating a safer learning environment, this guidebook aims to help educators and other members of the community understand the relationship between school safety and the features of school facilities, including security technology and safety audits. September 2002. 46 pages. NCJ 195664
Fostering School-Law Enforcement Partnerships (Guide 5 from Safe and Secure: Guides to Creating Safer Schools)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. One of eight guides designed to enhance school safety, this guide offers assistance in developing and implementing partnerships between schools and law enforcement agencies. September 2002. 56 pages. NCJ 195665
Instituting School-Based Links With Mental Health and Social Service Agencies (Guide 6 from Safe and Secure: Guides to Creating Safer Schools)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. One of eight guides designed to enhance school safety, this guide discusses how schools can improve their capacity to serve all students by linking with mental health and social service agencies. September 2002. 46 pages. NCJ 195666
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume I, Number 5 (September/October 2002)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Presents notices of OJJDP activities, publications, funding opportunities, and events; includes a special feature on the first White House Conference on Missing, Exploited, and Runaway Children. September 2002. 6 pages. NCJ 196856
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Virginia: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency ProceedingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The purpose of this assessment of access to counsel and quality of representation that children receive in delinquency proceedings in Virginia was to identify the systemic and institutional barriers that impede the development of an improved legal-service delivery system, to highlight innovative practices, and to offer recommendations for change. September 2002. 59 pages. NCJ 198148
Creating Schoolwide Prevention and Intervention Starategies (Guide 1 from Safe and Secure: Guides to Creating Safer Schools) Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide is intended to put the issue of school-wide violence prevention in context for educators and outline an approach for choosing and creating effective prevention programs. September 2002. 41 pages. NCJ 199507
School Policies and Legal Issues Supporting Safe Schools (Guide 2 from Safe and Secure: Guides to Creating Safer Schools)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Assists local school districts in developing comprehensive strategies to create safe learning environments; eight technical assistance guides are available. September 2002. 50 pages. NCJ 199508
Implementing Ongoing Staff Development to Enhance Safe Schools (Guide 3 from Safe and Secure: Guides to Creating Safer Schools)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. In an effort to create safer schools, this guide discusses the role of staff development within the context of school safety. It addresses how staff development should be an integral part of the educational planning process, and discusses what its relationship is to safety-related outcomes and overall student achievement. September 2002. 44 pages. NCJ 199509
Fostering School, Family, and Community Involvement (Guide 7 from Safe and Secure: Guides to Creating Safer Schools)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. In an effort to create safer schools, this guide provides an overview of the nature and scope of collaboration among school, family, and the community, explores barriers to effectively working together, and discusses the processes of establishing and sustaining the work. September 2002. 123 pages. NCJ 199510
Acquiring and Utilizing Resources to Enhance and Sustain a Safe Learning Environment (Guide 8 from Safe and Secure: Guides to Creating Safer Schools)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide provides practical information on a spectrum of resources that concerned individuals and organizations can use in the search to create safe schools. September 2002. 47 pages. NCJ 199511
Kentucky--Advancing Justice: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency ProceedingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This study assessed the accessibility and quality of Kentucky's legal defense services for indigent juveniles brought into the juvenile justice system. September 2002. 77 pages. NCJ 204551
Measuring the Quality of Mentor-Youth Relationships: A Tool for Mentoring ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This technical assistance packet is designed to help mentoring programs monitor mentor-youth relationships to insure positive matches. August 2002. 43 pages. NCJ 197001
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2002Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents official statistics that reflect both the promises and the difficulties confronting the nation's youth; the 2002 report of this annual series includes a feature on children with at least one foreign-born parent. July 2002. 143 pages. NCJ 195647
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume I, Number 4 (July/August 2002)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents notices of OJJDP activities, publications, funding opportunities, and events; includes a special feature on National Youth Court Month. July 2002. 6 pages. NCJ 195663
EPIC-SCAN: Educating Physicans in Their Communities -- Suspected Child Abuse and NeglectTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This newsletter reports on a community-based continuing medical education program, EPIC-SCAN, to change practice behavior at the office level of doctors, nurses, medical assistants, receptionists, administration, and support staff in the recognition of child physical and sexual abuse in Pennsylvania. July 2002. 7 pages. NCJ 196610
EPIC-SCAN: Educating Physicans In Their Communities -- Suspected Child Abuse and NeglectTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report describes Pennsylvania's continuing medical education program called EPIC-SCAN, which is designed to instruct the State's primary-care providers in signs of maltreatment in their child patients and in responding appropriately. July 2002. 8 pages. NCJ 208904
Modern-Day Youth GangsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Compares the characteristics of youth gangs in jurisdictions where gang problems began prior to 1991 with those in jurisdictions where gang problems began more recently. June 2002. 12 pages. NCJ 191524
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Juvenile Gun Courts: Promoting Accountability and Providing TreatmentTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Draws on the experiences of policymakers and practitioners involved with juvenile gun courts to describe the development of these courts. May 2002. 12 pages. NCJ 187078
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume I, Number 3 (May/June 2002)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents notices of OJJDP activities, publications, funding opportunities, and events; includes a special feature introducing OJJDP's Administrator, J. Robert Flores. May 2002. 6 pages. NCJ 194803
Burglary Cases in Juvenile Court, 1989-1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet details trends in offense rates and judicial handling of juvenile burglary offenders. May 2002. 2 pages. NCJ 195282
School-Wide Education for Violence Prevention VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Highlights elements of schoolwide strategies deemed effective for violence prevention, including anger management, conflict resolution, social skills training, communications skills, and use of mediation, law enforcement, and legal services. April 2002. NCJ 194032
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Impact of Teen Court on Youth OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This is the first report of findings from the Evaluation of Teen Courts (ETC) Project, which assessed teen courts in Alaska, Arizona, Maryland, and Missouri. April 2002. 58 pages. NCJ 237391
Juvenile Offenders in Residential Placement: 1997-1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents data from the 1997 and 1999 Censuses of Juveniles in Residential Placement. March 2002. 2 pages. NCJ 193436
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OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume I, Number 2 (March/April 2002)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents notices of OJJDP activities, publications, funding opportunities, and events; includes a special feature on National Missing Children's Day. March 2002. 4 pages. NCJ 194097
Family Resource Guide on International Parental KidnappingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents practical and detailed advice about preventing international kidnapping and increasing the chance that children who are kidnapped or wrongfully retained will be returned. February 2002. 139 pages. NCJ 190448
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Title V Community Prevention Grants Program, 2000 Report to CongressTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the activities and accomplishments of the Title V Community Prevention Grants Program in 2000. February 2002. 56 pages. NCJ 190635
Short- and Long-Term Consequences of Adolescent VictimizationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Centers for Disease Control an, Bulletin. Youth Violence Research Series. Analyzes National Youth Survey data to explore how being a victim of crime during adolescence affects the likelihood of certain negative outcomes in adulthood, including violent and property offending and victimization, domestic violence perpetration and victimization, drug use, and mental health problems. February 2002. 16 pages. NCJ 191210
 More Youth Violence Research Series
Going Home: Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Provides an overview of the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative and presents information about funding for the Initiative. February 2002. NCJ 193384
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Juvenile Court Placement of Adjudicated Youth, 1989-1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet reports on the juvenile court placement of adjudicated youth between 1989 and 1998. February 2002. 2 pages. NCJ 193437
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National Youth Gang Survey Trends From 1996 to 2000Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet highlights findings from the 1996-2000 National Youth Gang Surveys regarding patterns of gang activity, numbers of gangs and gang members, gang-related homicides, and the demographics of gangs and gang members. February 2002. 2 pages. NCJ 193439
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Robbery Cases in Juvenile Court, 1989-1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides data and information on the number and disposition of robbery cases in juvenile courts for the period 1989 through 1998. February 2002. 2 pages. NCJ 193440
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Highlights of the 2000 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet presents an overview of results from the 2000 National Youth Gang Survey. February 2002. 2 pages. NCJ 193445
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Guia de Recursos de la Familia Contra el Secuestro Parental Internacional (Spanish Version of Family Resource Guide on International Parental Kidnapping)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This guidebook offers assessments of available civil and criminal remedies, explains laws, identifies public and private resources, and identifies strategies for parents of abducted children taken to or retained in foreign countries. February 2002. 138 pages. NCJ 199832
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume I, Number 1 (January/February 2002)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Newsletter. News @ a Glance . Presents notices of OJJDP activities, publications, funding opportunities, and events; includes a special feature highlighting the agency's approach to information dissemination. January 2002. 6 pages. NCJ 190026
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Protecting Children in Cyberspace: The ICAC Task Force ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Discusses efforts by OJJDP's Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program that address emerging online threats, such as computer-facilitated sex crimes, directed at children and teenagers. January 2002. 8 pages. NCJ 191213
Detention in Delinquency Cases, 1989-1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet reports on the juvenile delinquency caseload ordered to detention between 1989 and 1998. January 2002. 2 pages. NCJ 193438
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Best Practices in Juvenile Corrections and DetentionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report discusses major issues confronting juvenile corrections and detention personnel, current practices associated with those issues, and "Best Practices" for the 21st century. 2001. 65 pages. NCJ 187856
Products and ServicesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center develops publications to assist States and communities in the enforcement of underage drinking laws; this is a catalog that contains the titles and brief summaries of the contents of these publications. 2001. 10 pages. NCJ 188075
Role of Restorative Justice in Teen Courts: A Preliminary LookTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper examines integration into teen courts of more restorative justice-based practices. 2001. 8 pages. NCJ 188356
Painful Secrets: Helping Traumatized Girls in Pennsylvania's Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper describes a 2-year effort to develop and field test a flexible but effective treatment response to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in delinquent female adolescents and to provide education regarding PTSD and its effects to virtually everyone in Pennsylvania's juvenile justice system whose responsibilities bring them into contact with girls. 2001. 8 pages. NCJ 189423
On-Line Storehouse of Information on Children and Youth: The Pennsylvania Electronic Juvenile Justice DatabookTop  
 NIJ-Sponsored, OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper describes the Pennsylvania Electronic Juvenile Justice Databook, which stores and disseminates county-by-county, year-by-year, youth-related data presented in user-friendly report templates and organized into nine broad information categories. 2001. 8 pages. NCJ 189753
Nontechnical Strategies To Reduce Children's Exposure to Inappropriate Material on the Internet: Summary of a WorkshopTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report summarizes proceedings from a workshop composed of researchers, educators, policymakers, and other key stakeholders, who met to consider and discuss nontechnical strategies for reducing children's exposure to inappropriate material on the Internet. 2001. 102 pages. NCJ 190174
NRCSS (National Resource Center for Safe Schools) School Safety CD-ROMTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This CD-ROM aims to inform educators and administrators about school safety and locate school safety resources in their State and community; the CD-ROM provides full-text versions of publications covering topics that include bullying, conflict resolution, social skills training, and violence prevention. 2001. 0 pages. NCJ 190487
Juvenile Accountability, Continued: Update on the JAIBG Program in PennsylvaniaTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This newsletter provides an update on the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) program in Pennsylvania, which is a large-scale effort, now in its third year, to promote juvenile accountability nationwide through Federal incentive grants to local communities. 2001. 7 pages. NCJ 192591
Juvenile Justice Program Evaluation: An OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This briefing was prepared to provide juvenile justice program managers with a seven-step program evaluation process that they can implement. 2001. 16 pages. NCJ 196055
Hiring and Working With an EvaluatorTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This briefing addresses how a juvenile justice program manager can go about hiring a qualified evaluator to assist in evaluating a program's performance. 2001. 16 pages. NCJ 196056
Strategies for Evaluating Small Juvenile Justice ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This article provides juvenile justice managers with information to help them evaluate their programs. 2001. 20 pages. NCJ 196057
School Safety & Youth Violence: A Legal PrimerTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This is a legal primer on the subject of school safety and youth violence. 2001. 18 pages. NCJ 198396
Balancing Information Sharing and Confidentiality: Providing Services for Children in the Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This is a report on the findings and recommendations of a Virginia project that explored issues and problems regarding information-sharing and confidentiality pertinent to juvenile offenders. 2001. 58 pages. NCJ 199020
Awakening to the Strength of Latino YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report on the Sixth Annual Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Training Conference documents the socioeconomic status of Latino families and youth in the United States and assesses how laws, court systems, and correctional facilities have responded to Latino youth. 2001. 25 pages. NCJ 199875
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Alternative SchoolsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on alternative schools. 2001. 3 pages. NCJ 249690
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The Criminal Justice System's Response to Parental AbductionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes findings of a study conducted for OJJDP by the American Bar Association's Center on Children and the Law and Westat to assess the criminal justice system's response to parental abduction. December 2001. 16 pages. NCJ 186160
The Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement ActTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, a uniform state law designed to deter interstate parental kidnapping and promote consistent jurisdiction and enforcement provisions in interstate child-custody and visitation cases. December 2001. 16 pages. NCJ 189181
Hybrid and Other Modern GangsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Describes the nature of modern youth gangs—in particular, hybrid gangs. December 2001. 8 pages. NCJ 189916
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Parental Abduction: A Review of the LiteratureTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Examines the extent of the problem of parental abduction, the characteristics of those involved in parental abductions, and the effect of the crime on children and parents; this document is a companion to the OJJDP Bulletin The Criminal Justice System's Response to Parental Abduction. December 2001. 13 pages. NCJ 190074
Issues in Resolving Cases of International Child Abduction by ParentsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents key findings from a study funded by OJJDP to identify barriers encountered by those seeking to resolve cases of international child abduction by parents. December 2001. 20 pages. NCJ 190105
Early Precursors of Gang Membership: A Study of Seattle YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Presents Seattle Social Development Project data on youth who join gangs. December 2001. 6 pages. NCJ 190106
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Offenders Incarcerated for Crimes Against JuvenilesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Describes a study that uses data from the 1997 Survey of Inmates in State Correctional Facilities to examine the characteristics of persons incarcerated for victimizing children and youth. December 2001. 12 pages. NCJ 191028
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Law Enforcement and Juvenile CrimeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Presents statistics on the extent and characteristics of juvenile arrests in 1999 and compares them with trends from the 1980s. 32 pages. December 2001. 32 pages. NCJ 191031
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The National Juvenile Court Data Archive Web SiteTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes the National Juvenile Court Data Archive web site, a repository of the most detailed information and data sets available on the activities of the Nation's juvenile courts, as well as the procedures for accessing the data. December 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 191392
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National Evaluation of the Title V Community Prevention Grants ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet assesses and evaluates Title V Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention Programs which provides grants to support State and community-based juvenile delinquency prevention programs. November 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 191170
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The 8% SolutionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet discusses California's 8% Solution study and the 8% Early Intervention Program that examined the needs of and made available treatment services for "at risk" juveniles. November 2001. NCJ 192272
Public/Private Ventures' Evaluation of Faith-Based ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet discusses Public/Private Ventures' evaluation of faith-based programs. November 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 192692
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Partners Against Hate Program Activity Guide: Helping Children Resist Bias and Hate, Elementary School EditionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This publication provides parents, educators, and other adults with tools and strategies for use with children who engage in bias-motivated behavior so they can better understand the causes of their behavior as well as techniques that will facilitate more positive attitudes toward those different from themselves. November 2001. 120 pages. NCJ 239719
Addressing Youth VictimizationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Explains that although violent crime has decreased significantly since the publication of Combating Violence and Delinquency: The National Juvenile Justice Action Plan in 1996, too many children continue to be victims of violent crime, child abuse and neglect, and exposure to violence. October 2001. 20 pages. NCJ 186667
Homicides of Children and YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Provides a statistical portrait of juvenile homicide victimization by drawing on FBI and other data. October 2001. 12 pages. NCJ 187239
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School Safety by Management and Design VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Videotape: OJJDP Teleconference Series, October 2001. Features three ongoing demonstrations of school safety programs that are coordinated by Eastern Kentucky University, the Morehouse School of Medicine, and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. October 2001. NCJ 191278
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Evaluation of the Bloomington-Normal Comprehensive Gang ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the methodology and findings of the evaluation of Bloomington-Normal's (Illinois) Comprehensive Community-Wide Approach to Gang Prevention, Intervention, and Suppression Program, which was part of the national evaluation of the model gang program promoted under grants from the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). October 2001. 446 pages. NCJ 209186
Animal Abuse and Youth ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes psychiatric, psychological, and criminal research linking animal abuse to interpersonal violence perpetrated by juveniles and adults. September 2001. 16 pages. NCJ 188677
Truancy Reduction: Keeping Students in SchoolTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Highlights major research findings regarding the problem of truancy and illustrates why communities should work to prevent and reduce its incidence. September 2001. 16 pages. NCJ 188947
Crimes Against Children by BabysittersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Presents information on the frequency and nature of crimes committed against children by babysitters. September 2001. 8 pages. NCJ 189102
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Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 1989-1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents summary information on the juvenile delinquency probation caseload for the period 1989-1998. September 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 189727
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Drug Offense Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1989-1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides statistics on drug offense cases in juvenile courts from 1989 to 1998. September 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 190337
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Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 1989-1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents estimates on delinquency cases judicially waived to criminal court for the period 1989-1998. September 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 190338
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Restorative Justice Conferences as an Early Response to Young OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes restorative justice conferencing, a promising form of early intervention for very young offenders that brings together an offending youth, his or her victim, and supporters of both the offender and victim with a trained facilitator. August 2001. 12 pages. NCJ 187769
Juvenile Delinquency and Serious Injury VictimizationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Draws on data from two OJJDP longitudinal studies on the causes and correlates of juvenile delinquency to explore the interrelationship between delinquency and victimization. August 2001. 8 pages. NCJ 188676
United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc.Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth in Action Series. Describes United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc., a nonprofit, national network organization promoting personal development, citizenship, and leadership among American Indian/Alaska Native youth. August 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 189412
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The National Center for Prosecution of Child AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet profiles the resources for countering child abuse that are offered by the National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse. August 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 189728
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Person Offenses in Juvenile Court, 1989-1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet discusses the person offense caseload in juvenile court for 1989 through 1998. August 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 189729
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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on delinquency cases in juvenile court for the year 1998. August 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 189730
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OJJDP Mental Health InitiativesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights OJJDP-funded initiatives addressing mental health problems among youth involved in the juvenile justice system. August 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 190130
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Blueprints for Violence PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides information on violence prevention and intervention programs that have proven to be effective in reducing adolescent violent crime, aggressive delinquency, and substance abuse and predelinquent aggression and conduct disorders. July 2001. 16 pages. NCJ 187079
Preventing Delinquency Through Improved Child Protection ServicesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Reviews research on the link between childhood maltreatment and juvenile and adult offending. July 2001. 20 pages. NCJ 187759
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2001Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents official statistics that reflect both the promises and the difficulties confronting the nation's youth; the 2001 report of this annual series includes special features on asthma prevalence and youth employment. July 2001. 141 pages. NCJ 188155
Gun Use by Male Juveniles: Research and PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Development Series. This bulletin examines patterns of gun ownership and gun carrying among adolescents, drawing on data from OJJDP's Rochester Youth Development Study. July 2001. 12 pages. NCJ 188992
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The National Center for Missing & Exploited ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes the purpose, services, and achievements of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). July 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 189122
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PEPNet: Connecting Juvenile Offenders to Education and EmploymentTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes the Promising and Effective Practices Network (PEPNet), which identifies and promotes effective youth development and employment programs, maintains an extensive database resource, has created a framework for developing quality program, and has developed a national recognition system. July 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 189558
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Burn Injuries in Child AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Assists in distinguishing between burns that were intentionally inflicted on a child and burns resulting from accidental contact with hot objects. June 2001. 24 pages. NCJ 162424
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Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume VIII, Number 1 (School Violence Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Examines the nature of school violence and reviews promising approaches to creating safe schools and resolving conflicts peacefully. June 2001. 40 pages. NCJ 188158
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Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Court in Florida: The 1994 ReformsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents and interprets data on Florida's juvenile transfers to criminal court between 1993 and 1995 to determine any impacts from the Florida legislature's 1994 expansion of State laws on juvenile transfers. June 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188295
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Healthy Families AmericaTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes Healthy Families America, a voluntary home visitation program designed to improve the parenting skills of parents with newborns or small children, encourage child health and development, and prevent child abuse and neglect. June 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188296
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OJJDP Annual Report 2000Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP's major accomplishments of 2000 and discusses the philosophy that guided program plans. June 2001. 84 pages. NCJ 188419
Balanced and Restorative Justice VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Highlights some of the key principles involved in the balanced and restorative justice model. June 2001. NCJ 188420
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Teens, Crime, and the Community InitiativeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information on the Teens, Crime, and the Community (TCC) initiative developed to prevent the victimization of teens and to engage them as resources for community safety. June 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188499
Addressing the Problem of Juvenile BullyingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This paper addresses the prevalence, nature, and effects of bullying, as well as strategies for addressing the problem. June 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188500
JRSA Helps States Determine Local JAIBG AllocationsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheets describes the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants (JAIBG) Technical Support Center, which assists states in calculating the amount of JAIBG funds to distribute to, or expend for the benefit of, eligible local jurisdictions. June 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188501
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The Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center ProjectTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes the Federal Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center Project, which provides resources and practical technical assistance to strengthen the ability of local and State policymakers, program administrators and staff, and evaluators as they implement and use evaluation studies and their findings. June 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188572
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Supporting MentorsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This manual provides guidelines and suggestions for developing and implementing program strategies that support mentors, help them build trusting relationships with their mentees, and contribute to positive outcomes for the mentees. June 2001. 30 pages. NCJ 195722
Juvenile Drug Court ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Shares the perspectives of practitioners and policymakers who have helped to establish juvenile drug courts—intensive treatment programs that provide specialized services for drug-involved youth and their families. May 2001. 16 pages. NCJ 184744
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YouthARTS Development ProjectTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes a project that brought together federal agencies, national art organizations, and a consortium of local art agencies to develop and assess arts-based prevention programs for at-risk youth. May 2001. 16 pages. NCJ 186668
OJJDP Research 2000 ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes representative achievements of OJJDP's Research and Program Development Division in the areas of research, evaluation, and statistics from August 1999 to the present. May 2001. 71 pages. NCJ 186732
Child Abuse Reported to the PoliceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Describes the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) and its role in depicting police experiences with child abuse and reports key findings derived from NIBRS data. May 2001. 8 pages. NCJ 187238
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The Career Academy ConceptTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes the career academy concept as a strategy to reduce delinquent behavior and enhance protective factors among at-risk youth. May 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188061
An Overview of the Title V Community Prevention Grants ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides an overview of OJJDP's Title V Community Prevention Grants Program, which focused on reducing risks and enhancing protective factors to prevent youth from entering the juvenile justice system. May 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188258
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YouthBuild U.S.A.Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth in Action Series. Describes the YouthBuild program, which harnesses the positive energies of unemployed young adults to rebuild their communities and their own lives through a commitment to work, education, responsibility, and family. May 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188259
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The "Green Book" DemonstrationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides an overview of the Green Book Initiative, an interagency demonstration project supporting the implementation of recommended policy and practice guidelines that address domestic violence and child maltreatment. May 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188260
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YMCA's Teen Action AgendaTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information on YMCA's Teen Action Agenda, a nationwide campaign to help teens become contributing members of their communities through afterschool and other youth programs. May 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188293
Expansion of OJJDP's Comprehensive StrategyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet discusses the Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders and the expansion of training and technical assistance to support this effort. May 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188294
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Substance Abuse: The Nation's Number One Health ProblemTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet reports on a study that examined trends in patterns of adult and youth smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use over a period of three decades. May 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188497
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The Missing and Exploited Children's Program (Update)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides updated information on OJJDP programs and activities addressing missing and exploited children. May 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188498
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A Treatment Study of Children With Attention Hyperactivity DisorderTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information on the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to assess the effectiveness of different treatment protocols for children with ADHD. May 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 247989
The Growth of Youth Gang Problems in the United States: 1970-98Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides information on statistical trends in the development and growth of youth gang problems in the United States during the quarter century preceding December 1995 by examining changes in the numbers, types, and localities reporting the presence of gang problems. April 2001. 143 pages. NCJ 181868
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Youth for JusticeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the Youth for Justice program, through which OJJDP works with nonprofit organizations to support law-related education projects. April 2001. 12 pages. NCJ 186161
An Overview of the JAIBG ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sjeet provides an overview of OJJDP's Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants program (JAIBG), including eligibility requirements, program focus areas, and the allocation of funds. April 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 187529
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OJJDP's Program of Research for Tribal YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet summarizes OJJDP's tribal youth research activities, under the Tribal Youth Program (TYP), which are designed to provide empirical evidence about juvenile justice and delinquency prevention policies and practices and their impact on tribal youth. April 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 187530
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Culinary Education and Training Program for At-Risk YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This paper describes the Culinary Education and Training Program for At-Risk Youth. April 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 187683
Children's Exposure to Violence: The Safe Start InitiativeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. In response to emerging statistics and research on the prevalence and impact of children's exposure to violence, the Safe Start Initiative was established to prevent and reduce the impact of family and community violence on young children (primarily from birth to age 6) and their families. April 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 187935
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Mental Health Issues and Juvenile Justice VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Highlights the inadequacy of mental healthcare in juvenile correctional facilities, barriers to providing adequate services, and ways in which the juvenile justice and mental health systems can collaborate to increase the level and quality of services. April 2001. NCJ 188036
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The National Center on Child Fatality ReviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the National Center on Child Fatality Review, which serves to prevent severe and fatal child abuse and neglect and bring offenders to justice. April 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 188089
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Building Relationships: A Guide for New MentorsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This guide describes 10 important features of mentor attitudes and styles that facilitate the building of positive relationships with mentees. April 2001. 35 pages. NCJ 195720
Child Neglect and Munchausen Syndrome by ProxyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Defines the concept of parental duty, explores the linkds between poverty and neglect, describes the ways in which children are neglected and in which cases of neglect may be detected, and discusses Munchausen syndrome by proxy. This publication is not available online. March 2001. 20 pages. NCJ 161841
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Law Enforcement Response to Child AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Provides information needed by law enforcement personnel to ensure consistency in child abuse investigations and offers useful suggestions on how police officers can work with physicians, respond to domestic disturbance calls, and place children in protective custody. March 2001. 24 pages. NCJ 162425
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Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Program: A Compendium of ResourcesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides practical information to states and units of local government to help them determine how to use federal funds most effectively to combat underage drinking. March 2001. 52 pages. NCJ 178263
Juveniles Who Have Sexually Offended: A Review of the Professional LiteratureTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Reviews the research literature pertaining to juveniles who have committed sex offenses, providing a comprehensive and annotated account of the characteristics of these juveniles and the types of offenses they commit. March 2001. 86 pages. NCJ 184739
Early Identification of Risk Factors for Parental AbductionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the design and findings of four OJJDP-funded projects on preventing family abductions: a documentary study, a criminal sanctions study, an interview study, and an intervention study. March 2001. 12 pages. NCJ 185026
Anticipating Space Needs in Juvenile Detention and Correctional FacilitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides juvenile justice policymakers with information to help them project detention and corrections populations. March 2001. 20 pages. NCJ 185234
Choosing and Using Child Victimization QuestionnairesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Presents information on questionnaires designed to elicit information about child victimization. March 2001. 16 pages. NCJ 186027
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Keeping Children Safe: OJJDP's Child Protection DivisionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP's Child Protection Division and its efforts to safeguard children by supporting research and programs on child victimization and exposure to violence; providing information and training and technical assistance to state, local, and community-based agencies; and developing and demonstrating effective child protection initiatives. March 2001. 8 pages. NCJ 186158
Female Gangs: A Focus on ResearchTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Summarizes research on female gangs and draws attention to programmatic and research needs. March 2001. 12 pages. NCJ 186159
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School Resource Officer Training ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. After describing the role of the school resource officer (SRO), this fact sheet describes Federal efforts to assist in the training of SROs. March 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 187241
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Highlights of the Youth Internet Safety SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet reports on the findings of the Youth Internet Safety Survey, which collected information about incidents of possible online victimization of youth. March 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 187416
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Missing and Exploited Children's Training ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet reviews the OJJDP-funded training and technical assistance programs offered through the Missing and Exploited Children's (MEC) Training and Technical Assistance Program for juvenile justice professionals handling and responding to cases involving missing, exploited, and abused children. March 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 187672
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Training New MentorsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This manual provides material for training new mentors, including suggested activities for two workshops that, together, require between 5 and 6 hours of training. March 2001. 52 pages. NCJ 195721
Judicial Views on Confidentiality and Information Sharing in the Juvenile Justice System: A Survey of Virginia Juvenile Court JudgesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. As part of a larger review and examination of confidentiality and information-sharing laws and practices among courts and agencies that serve juvenile offenders in Virginia, the University of Virginia Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy conducted a survey of 41 Virginia Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court judges regarding information-sharing among involved agencies, confidentiality concerns, interpretations of relevant Virginia Code provisions, and proposed policy changes. March 2001. 49 pages. NCJ 199019
Youth Gang Homicides in the 1990’sTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. Discusses the results of a study of youth gang homicides in U.S. cities in the 1990s, which was conducted by OJJDP's National Youth Gang Center; the list of references cited in this Fact Sheet are available in the ASCII text file only. March 2001. 2 pages.
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Comparison of Four Restorative Conferencing ModelsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Focuses on four restorative conferencing models: victim-offender mediation, community reparative boards, family group conferencing, and circle sentencing. February 2001. 20 pages. NCJ 184738
Employment and Training for Court-Involved Youth VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Grant. Teleconference Videotapes. Discusses key findings from the OJJDP Report Employment and Training for Court-Involved Youth, provides guidance in designing and implementing training programs that meet the needs of employers, and highlights promising programs and effective strategies for linking court-involved youth to the job market. February 2001. 21 pages. NCJ 186403
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Youth Groups and Gangs in Europe: Research and Policy, Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document details the characteristics of gangs and delinquent youth groups in the United States and Europe. February 2001. 27 pages. NCJ 192522
Recruiting Mentors: A Guide to Finding Volunteers to Work With YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Drawing on effective practices used by volunteer-based organizations and on research findings about mentoring, this manual describes recruitment strategies that programs can adapt to meet their particular circumstances. February 2001. 50 pages. NCJ 195723
Family Abductors: Descriptive Profiles and Preventive InterventionsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Discusses parental abduction, which encompasses a broad array of illegal behaviors that involve one parent taking, detaining, concealing, or enticing away his or her child from the parent having custodial access. January 2001. 8 pages. NCJ 182788
The Decline in Child Sexual Abuse CasesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Analyzes statistics concerning reported and substantiated cases of child sexual abuse. January 2001. 12 pages. NCJ 184741
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Planning of New Institutions: Workshops for Juvenile FacilitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet examines planning for new secure juvenile facilities and renovating or expanding existing facilities. January 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 186264
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Assessing Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Disorders in Juvenile DetaineesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet addresses the issue posed that a significant percentage of youth involved in the juvenile justice system have unmet needs for mental health and substance abuse services. Without effective treatment, many youth will continue to engage in behaviors that endanger themselves and their communities, and go on to become part of the adult criminal justice system January 2001. 2 pages. NCJ 186367
Vietnamese Youth Gang InvolvementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes findings from the final report of a study that examined factors related to gang involvement by Vietnamese American youth. 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 181085
Pennsylvania's School Resource OfficersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This article examines Pennsylvania's School Resource Officers program. 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 186780
National Youth Court GuidelinesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. These guidelines provide a structure from which to build a solid youth court. 2000. 155 pages. NCJ 187709
Handle With Care: Serving the Mental Health Needs of Young OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents findings from a year-long investigation into the scope of mental health concerns and services in the juvenile justice system. 2000. 124 pages. NCJ 194916
Tribal Court CASA: A Guide to Program DevelopmentTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This document describes the development process of a Tribal Court CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) program. 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 196400
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Academic Skills EnhancementTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on academic skills enhancement. 2000. 5 pages. NCJ 249685
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Leadership and Youth DevelopmentTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on leadership and youth development. 2000. 4 pages. NCJ 249710
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on prevention. 2000. 3 pages. NCJ 249716
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Model Programs Guide Literature Review: School/Classroom EnvironmentTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Model Programs Guide Literature Reviews. This literature review provides practitioners and policymakers with relevant research and evaluations on programs in a school/classroom environment. 2000. 4 pages. NCJ 249725
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Jurisdictional Technical Assistance Package for Juvenile CorrectionsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides jurisdictions with guidance in assessing local needs for corrections technical assistance and committing available resources to address those needs. Available online only. December 2000. 273 pages. NCJ 179194
Increasing School Safety Through Juvenile Accountability ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Describes activities in support of OJJDP's commitment to promote school safety by holding students accountable for their behavior. December 2000. 16 pages. NCJ 179283
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State Custody Rates, 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents state-by-state statistics on custody rates for juvenile delinquents and status offenders held in public and private facilities. December 2000. 4 pages. NCJ 183108
Juvenile Victims of Property CrimesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Bulletin: Crimes Against Children Series, December 2000. Presents data on juvenile victims of property crimes. 12 pages. NCJ 184740. December 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 184740
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Functional Family TherapyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Chronicles the 30-year evolution of Functional Family Therapy; sets forth the program's core principles, goals, and techniques; and reviews its research foundations. December 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 184743
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Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume VII, Number 3 (Parenting Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Highlights the importance of parent-child relationships and features ways to strengthen the capacity of families to make crucial contributions to their children's welfare. December 2000. 36 pages. NCJ 184746
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Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume VII, Number 2 (American Indian Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Presents three feature articles, each of which provides a compendium of information on preventing and combating delinquency among American Indian youth. December 2000. 40 pages. NCJ 184747
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Juvenile Arrests 1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides a summary and analysis of national and state juvenile arrest data reported in the FBI's 1999 Crime in the United States. December 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 185236
Coordinating Council Promotes Federal CollaborationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, which encourages Federal agencies to collaborate on programs that improve juvenile justice systems, prevent juvenile delinquency, and focus on missing and exploited children. December 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 185637
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Assessing Detained Youth in PennsylvaniaTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This article examines Pennsylvania's efforts to gather information on the mental health status of youth in detention and to improve facilities' handling of mental health issues. December 2000. 7 pages. NCJ 186779
Nurturing Parenting ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Describes the Nurturing Parenting Programs, a family-centered parenting initiative designed to address the generational cycle of violence in which parents rear children in the context of the violence they experienced as children. November 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 172848
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Co-occurrence of Delinquency and Other Problem BehaviorsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Development Series. Examines the co-occurrence or overlap of serious delinquency with drug use, problems in school, and mental health problems. November 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 182211
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Employment and Training for Court-Involved YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents a compendium of the opinions and concerns of an OJJDP task force about current conditions that affect court-involved youth and identifies the most promising strategies for connecting court-involved youth to the labor market. November 2000. 106 pages. NCJ 182787
Safe From the Start: Taking Action on Children Exposed to ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This Action Plan contains information on resources available to address the issue of children's exposure to violence. November 2000. 76 pages. NCJ 182789
National Youth Gang Survey, 1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from the 1998 National Youth Gang Survey, which is designed to facilitate analysis of changes and trends in the nature of youth gangs and their activities. November 2000. 86 pages. NCJ 183109
Comprehensive Responses to Youth at Risk: Interim Findings From the SafeFutures Initiative: SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the lessons learned over the first 3 years of OJJDP's SafeFutures initiative, which focuses on preventing and controlling juvenile delinquency and violence based on research on risk and protective factors and experience with promising strategies. November 2000. 91 pages. NCJ 183841
Law Enforcement Referral of At-Risk Youth: The SHIELD ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes an innovative program that facilitates early identification and treatment of at-risk youth. November 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 184579
Juveniles and the Death PenaltyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Examines the history of capital punishment and Supreme Court decisions related to its use with juveniles. November 2000. 16 pages. NCJ 184748
Female Delinquency Cases, 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information on female delinquency cases in 1997, covering counts and trends, offender characteristics, offenses, detention, intake decisions, waiver to criminal court, and adjudication and disposition. November 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 184992
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Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 1988-1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents summary information on the juvenile delinquency probation caseload for the period 1988-1997. November 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 185197
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Detention in Delinquency Cases, 1988-1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet reports on the juvenile delinquency caseload ordered to detention between 1988 and 1997. November 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 185231
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Highlights of the 1999 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet presents an overview of results from the 1999 National Youth Gang Survey. November 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 185315
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Child Delinquency: Early Intervention and Prevention VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Presents key findings of OJJDP's Study Group on Very Young Offenders, features effective and promising intervention and prevention programs, analyzes the implications of dealing with seriously disruptive children in the preschool and early elementary school years. View the broadcast on the Juvenile Justice Teleconferencing Web site. November 2000. NCJ 185594
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Resources for Juvenile Detention ReformTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about resources that focus on juvenile detention reform. November 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 185688
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Offenders in Juvenile Court, 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from the Report Juvenile Court Statistics 1997, which reports on cases handled by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. October 2000. 16 pages. NCJ 181204
High/Scope Perry Preschool ProjectTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Reviews the High/Scope Perry Preschool Project, an early childhood education program established in 1962; reviews the results of an ongoing study of the program; explains how and why the program was successful on several outcome measures; and examines the implications for future policy decisions. October 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 181725
Teen Courts: Focus on ResearchTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the results of a national survey of teen courts that was conducted as part of OJJDP's Evaluation of Teen Courts Project by researchers at The Urban Institute. October 2000. 16 pages. NCJ 183472
Comprehensive Framework for School Violence Prevention VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Grant. Teleconference Videotapes. Presents a comprehensive approach to school safety that was developed by the Hamilton Fish Institute after extensive examination of and research on an array of approaches to preventing school violence and promoting school safety. View the broadcast on the Juvenile Justice Teleconferencing Web site. October 2000. 20 pages. NCJ 184177
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Counting America's Youth: Easy Access to Population DataTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about Easy Access to Juvenile Populations, an online interactive data dissemination tool that provides demographic information on juveniles by State and county. October 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 184505
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Juvenile Court Placement of Adjudicated Youth, 1988-1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet reports on the juvenile court placement of adjudicated youth between 1988 and 1997. October 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 184772
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Pathways to Success Summative Evaluation ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the findings of the national summative evaluation of the Pathways to Success Demonstration Project, which is a special-emphasis juvenile delinquency prevention program. October 2000. 156 pages. NCJ 185249
Involving Youth in Civic LifeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth in Action Series. This article describes two activities that enhance the civic involvement of youth: Youth Advisory Councils and Youth Town Hall Meetings. October 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 185309
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School Safety: Annual Report, 2000Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Describes the nature and extent of crime and violence on school property; the 2000 Report in this annual series discusses student discipline and includes data on harassment and hate crime among students. October 2000. 159 pages. NCJ 193163
Juvenile Mentoring Program: A Progress ReviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Lists the parameters under which OJJDP's JUMP programs operated in 2000, describes the scope and methodology of JUMP's ongoing national evaluation, and presents preliminary evaluation findings. September 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 182209
Preventing Adolescent Gang InvolvementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Provides information on the history of American youth gangs and current knowledge about gangs. September 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 182210
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Fighting Juvenile Gun ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the implementation of OJJDP's Partnerships To Reduce Juvenile Gun Violence Program at demonstration sites in Baton Rouge and Shreveport, LA; Oakland, CA; and Syracuse, NY. September 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 182679
Combating Underage Drinking VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Highlights health and social problems associated with underage drinking, shares model approaches to reduce underage drinking, and discusses federal funding opportunities and the roles of governmental and nongovernmental agencies. September 2000. NCJ 184175
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Interstate Compact on JuvenilesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes the characteristics and implementation of the Interstate Compact on Juveniles (ICJ), a multi-State agreement that provides the procedural means to regulate the movement across State lines of juveniles who are under court supervision. September 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 184298
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Innovative Information on Juvenile Residential FacilitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information on the first Juvenile Residential Facility-Census (JRFC), an effort to collect information about the facilities in which juvenile offenders are held. September 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 188862
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ABCs of School-Based MentoringTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This technical assistance guide provides information for youth-serving organizations that want to implement new school-based mentoring programs or strengthen existing mentoring programs. September 2000. 96 pages. NCJ 189141
Youth Gang Programs and StrategiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. Youth Gang Series. Outlines programs that have been and are being used to break the appeal of gangs and reduce gang crime violence. August 2000. 86 pages. NCJ 171154
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Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Court in the 1990's: Lessons Learned From Four StudiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the findings of four studies of juvenile transfers to adult criminal court conducted by the National Center for Juvenile Justice. August 2000. 68 pages. NCJ 181301
Competency Training: The Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Provides information on the Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10–14, a 7-week curriculum designed to bring parents together with their children to reduce substance abuse and other problem behaviors. August 2000. 11 pages. NCJ 182208
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Youth Gangs in SchoolsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Presents results of analyses of gang-related data gathered by the 1995 School Crime Supplements. August 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 183015
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The Incredible Years Training SeriesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Describes the Incredible Years Parents, Teachers, and Children Training Series developed by Dr. Carolyn Webster-Stratton. July 2000. 24 pages. NCJ 173422
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Special Education and the Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and analyzes their relevance to the juvenile justice process. July 2000. 16 pages. NCJ 179359
Kidnaping of Juveniles: Patterns From NIBRSTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Examines data from the National Incident-Based Reporting System on kidnaping of juveniles. July 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 181161
 More Crimes Against Children Series
OJJDP Annual Report 1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP's major accomplishments of 1999 and discusses the philosophy that guided program plans. July 2000. 64 pages. NCJ 181205
Implementation of the Intensive Community-Based Aftercare ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides an overview of the Intensive Aftercare Program model—the goal of which is to reduce recidivism among high-risk juvenile parolees—and describes its implementation in participating sites. July 2000. 20 pages. NCJ 181464
Title V Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention Programs Report to Congress, 1999Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the experiences and accomplishments of states and communities that implement the Community Prevention Grants Program in 1999. July 2000. 55 pages. NCJ 182677
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2000Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents official statistics that reflect both the promises and the difficulties confronting the nation's youth; the 2000 report of this annual series includes special features on kindergartners' knowledge and skills and youth participation in volunteer activities. July 2000. 77 pages. NCJ 182680
Juvenile Vandalism, 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on nationwide juvenile vandalism cases for 1997 and the number of vandalism cases involved in formal court processing between 1988 and 1997. July 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 188863
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Developing a Policy for Controlled Substance Testing of JuvenilesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Presents an overview of the issues involved in developing and implementing a substance-testing program for juveniles. June 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 178896
 More Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series
Ten Steps for Implementing a Program of Controlled Substance Testing of JuvenilesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Presents a detailed discussion of a 10-step process for developing and implementing a substance-testing program. June 2000. 28 pages. NCJ 178897
 More Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series
Characteristics of Crimes Against JuvenilesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Examines data from the National Incident-Based Reporting System on the characteristics of crimes committed against juveniles. June 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 179034
 More Crimes Against Children Series
Juvenile Court Statistics 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Profiles delinquency cases and status offense cases handled by the juvenile courts in 1997. June 2000. 118 pages. NCJ 180864
Race, Ethnicity, and Serious and Violent Juvenile OffendingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending Series. Discusses racial and ethnic differences in the rates of serious and violent offending among juveniles. June 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 181202
 More Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending Series
How Shall We Respond to the Dreams of Youth? VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Highlights effective interventions and model programs that serve the needs of troubled youth. June 2000. NCJ 182438
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Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement DatabookTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement (CJRP) Databook, an online interactive data dissemination tool developed for OJJDP. June 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 182521
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Millennium Conference 2000: Launching Improved Court Practice in Child Abuse & Neglect Cases into the Next Century, Report and ResultsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The November 1999, Millennium Conference held in Washington D.C. with government and humanitarian leaders shared information and ideas on how to best serve an estimated 520,00 abused and neglected children in foster care in the United States. The Conference was designed to coordinate, integrate, and improve the Nation’s response to child victims in foster care. June 2000. 82 pages. NCJ 186175
An Overview of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides an overview of the work of the divisions and units of OJJDP. June 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 188864
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Children as Victims (From Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1999 National Report, 1999, by Howard N. Snyder and Melissa Sickmund)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Presents an overview of statistics on juveniles as victims of crime and maltreatment. May 2000. 24 pages. NCJ 180753
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Second Chances: Giving Kids a Chance To Make a Better ChoiceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents profiles of 12 individuals who were petitioned into juvenile court as delinquents when they were young and then went on to lead successful lives. May 2000. 28 pages. NCJ 181680
Person Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 1988-1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents characteristics of offenders and case processing of person offense cases in juvenile court for the period 1988-1997. May 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 182022
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National Youth Court CenterTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes the National Youth Court Center, established by OJJDP in 1999 to serve as a central point of contract for youth court programs. May 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 182182
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Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume VII, Number 1 (Mental Health Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Presents three feature articles, each exploring mental health issues related to youth in the juvenile justice system. April 2000. 44 pages. NCJ 178256
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Prevention of Serious and Violent Juvenile OffendingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending Series. Describes some developmental precursors to serious and violent juvenile offending and outlines effective approaches to prevention of such offending. April 2000. 16 pages. NCJ 178898
 More Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending Series
Creating Publications: Write To Fight CrimeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Describes how youth can create publications to help inform, persuade, and motivate their audience. April 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 179000
 More Youth in Action Series
Does Your Youth Program Work?Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Helps youth get started in evaluating their youth programs. April 2000. 6 pages. NCJ 179001
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Predictors of Youth ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending Series. Presents findings of OJJDP's Study Group on Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders, which spent 2 years analyzing data collected by long-term studies of juvenile violence. April 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 179065
 More Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending Series
Second Comprehensive Study of Missing ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the Second National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children, which measures the incidence of each of eight categories of missing children. April 2000. 6 pages. NCJ 179085
Brief Strategic Family TherapyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Describes brief strategic family therapy, an intensive, short-term, problem-focused intervention that addresses minority youth and families in Miami, FL. April 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 179285
 More Family Strengthening Series
Family Skills Training for Parents and ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Family Strengthening Series. Features the Strengthening Families Program, which serves culturally and geographically diverse families and their children throughout the nation. April 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 180140
 More Family Strengthening Series
Effective Intervention for Serious Juvenile OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending Series. Presents the results of a meta-analysis (a systematic synthesis of quantitative research results) that posed two questions: (1) Can intervention programs reduce recidivism rates among serious delinquents? and (2) If so, what types of programs are most effective? April 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 181201
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Juveniles Facing Criminal Sanctions: Three States That Changed the RulesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Report, April 2000. Examines state laws that target serious juvenile crime by expanding eligibility for criminal court processing and sanctioning and reducing confidentiality protections for a subset of juvenile offenders. 66 pages. NCJ 181203. April 2000. 66 pages. NCJ 181203
Crowding in Juvenile Detention: A Problem Solving Approach VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Grant. Teleconference Videotapes. Addresses various approaches to solving the problem of crowding in juvenile detention facilities. April 2000. 21 pages. NCJ 182295
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Strengthening America's Families: Model Family Programs for Substance Abuse and Delinquency PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This booklet describes 35 model family programs for preventing substance abuse and delinquency. April 2000. 84 pages. NCJ 187877
Diagnostic Imaging of Child AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse Series. Provides guidelines for the use of diagnostic imaging in medical evaluations designed to determine whether an injury is evidence of child abuse. March 2000. 16 pages. NCJ 161235
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Forming a Multidisciplinary Team To Investigate Child AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Delineates the benefits of forming a multidisciplinary team of professionals from law enforcement, child protective services, prosecution, medicine, counseling, and related fields to investigate cases of child abuse and neglect. March 2000. 28 pages. NCJ 170020
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System Change Through State Challenge Activities: Approaches and ProductsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes problems in the juvenile justice system (e.g., inadequate services for youth with special needs, poor conditions of confinement, overrepresentation of minorities, insufficient use of alternatives to incarceration, inadequate aftercare services, and gender bias) and Congress's response to these problems—the State Challenge Activities Program. March 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 177625
Violent Neighborhoods, Violent KidsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings of research that examined the types of delinquent behavior found among boys living in the three most violent neighborhoods in Washington, DC, and the role that institutions such as families, schools, churches, and youth-serving organizations play in the boys' lives. March 2000. 16 pages. NCJ 178248
The Comprehensive Strategy: Lessons Learned From the Pilot SitesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Offers an overview of the Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders, which was developed by OJJDP to assist states and local communities in prevention and intervention efforts. March 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 178258
Establishing and Maintaining Interagency Information SharingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Presents the necessary elements to develop and maintain an interagency information-sharing program to be used by representatives from juvenile courts, probation, social services, education, law enforcement, prosecution, and other juvenile justice partners who serve at-risk and delinquent youth. March 2000. 16 pages. NCJ 178281
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From the Courthouse to the Schoolhouse: Making Successful TransitionsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Out of the Education Mainstream Series. Youth Out of the Education Mainstream Series. Presents strategies for helping youth make the transition from juvenile justice system settings back to their schools and communities. March 2000. 16 pages. NCJ 178900
 More Youth Out of the Education Mainstream Series
Seattle's Effective Strategy for Prosecuting Juvenile Firearm OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes successful strategies implemented by the Seattle Police Department and the King County (WA) Prosecutor's Office that improved the effectiveness of both the police investigation and the prosecution of juvenile firearm offenders. March 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 178901
The Community Assessment Center ConceptTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Informs juvenile justice practitioners and other youth service providers about OJJDP's work in developing and demonstrating a Community Assessment Center model. March 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 178942
Challenging the MythsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Evaluates the "superpredator" theory, which concluded that a new breed of violent juveniles was emerging in the early 1990s and predicted a wave of violent juvenile crime that would continue into the next decade. March 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 178993
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Kids and GunsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Presents an overview of statistics indicative of the impact of gun availability on the lives of youth. March 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 178994
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Making the Most of Your PresentationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Describes how youth can create a presentation that will get their message across effectively to those who need to hear it. March 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 178997
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Working With the MediaTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Describes how youth can publicize their message by working with the media. March 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 178998
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Want To Resolve a Dispute? Try MediationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Describes how youth can create a mediation program in their communities that will help prevent violence. March 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 178999
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Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 1988-1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents estimates on delinquency cases judicially waived to criminal court for the period 1988-1997. March 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 181084
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Self-Reported Delinquency by 12-Year-Olds, 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, which was used to determine if young people engaged in delinquent or other behaviors that might lead to future delinquency. March 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 181140
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Curriculum for Training Educators of Youth in ConfinementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet summarizes the nine modules of the National Training Curriculum for Educators of Youth in Confinement Facilities (Educator's Curriculum). March 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 181355
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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on delinquency cases in juvenile court for the year 1997. March 2000. 2 pages. NCJ 188861
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Overview of the Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse: Update 2000Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Updates Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse: An Overview, the original Bulletin summarizing OJJDP's Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse, a series designed for detectives, police officers, social workers, psychologists, attorneys—anyone who works on child victimization issues. February 2000. 12 pages. NCJ 178893
 More Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse
Model Court Practices in Abuse and Neglect Cases VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Shares model court practices for abused and neglected children, encourages the improvement of permanency planning for children, and presents methods of improved collaboration between the child welfare system and the dependency courts by illustrating working program models. February 2000. NCJ 180961
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Teenage Fatherhood and Delinquent BehaviorTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Development Series. Presents findings from the Rochester Youth Development Study and the Pittsburgh Youth Study on risk factors for teenage paternity, specifically the role of delinquency in early fatherhood. January 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 178899
 More Youth Development Series
Raising Awareness and Educating the PublicTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Describes how youth can use a public awareness or education project to bring an important issue to their community's attention. January 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 178926
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Arts and Performances for PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Teaches youth how to use music, drama, dance, and visual arts programs to draw attention to problems in their communities, educate others on the benefits of crime prevention, and suggest ways to prevent crime. January 2000. 8 pages. NCJ 178927
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Construction, Operations, and Staff Training for Juvenile Confinement FacilitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Provides practitioners practical guidance on best practices under Program Purpose Area 1 of the Juvenile Accountability Block Grants program. January 2000. 28 pages. NCJ 178928
 More Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series
Strategies for Success: Combating Juvenile DUITop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Describes the comprehensive Juvenile DUI Enforcement Program developed by the Police Executive Research Forum, with support from OJJDP and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 1999. 126 pages. NCJ 167250
School Violence Prevention in PennsylvaniaTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper describes Pennsylvania programs intended to prevent school violence, including the use of school resource officers, school-based probation, student assistance programs, Safe Schools Grants, and the "Blueprints" programs. 1999. 8 pages. NCJ 180396
Juvenile Accountability in Pennsylvania: The Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This is an account of the way first-year funds of Pennsylvania's Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Program (JAIBG) are being distributed among local governments; it describes the range of accountability-promoting programs the funds are helping support. 1999. 7 pages. NCJ 180842
Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume VI, Number 2 (Juvenile Court Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Presents three articles on the juvenile court, which celebrates its centennial anniversary this year. December 1999. 40 pages. NCJ 178255
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Youth Gang Drug TraffickingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Presents nationally representative data on the extent and nature of youth gang involvement in drug trafficking, based on results from the 1996 National Youth Gang Survey. December 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 178282
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National Youth Gang Survey, 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from the 1997 National Youth Gang Survey, which is designed to facilitate analysis of changes and trends in the nature of youth gangs and their activities. Available online only. December 1999. 82 pages. NCJ 178891
Workload Measurement for Juvenile Justice System Personnel: Practices and NeedsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Reviews workload measurement methods and related issues for juvenile court judges, court-appointed defenders, probation officers, and pretrial services employees. December 1999. 8 pages. NCJ 178895
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Enhancing Prosecutors' Ability To Combat and Prevent Juvenile Crime in Their JurisdictionsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Features two of the three Juvenile Accountability Block Grants program purpose areas that focus on enhancing the ability of prosecutors to address juvenile crime. December 1999. 20 pages. NCJ 178916
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Enabling Prosecutors to Address Drug, Gang, and Youth ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Features one of the three Juvenile Accountability Block Grants program purpose areas that focus on enhancing the ability of prosecutors to address juvenile crime. December 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 178917
 More Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series
Juvenile Justice: A Century of ChangeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Reviews developments in juvenile justice system structure and process from the establishment of the nation's first juvenile court in 1899 through the present, including transfers of juveniles to criminal court. December 1999. 20 pages. NCJ 178995
 More National Report Series
Minorities in the Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. National Report Series. Presents information on overrepresentation of minority youth in the juvenile justice system in comparison to their proportion in the general population, with a focus on disproportionate confinement of minorities. December 1999. 16 pages. NCJ 179007
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Juvenile Arrests 1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides a summary and analysis of national and state juvenile arrest data reported in the FBI's 1998 Crime in the United States. December 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 179064
OJJDP Formula Grants ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet summarizes the amounts, eligibility requirements, program areas, and award process for the Formula Grants program administered by OJJDP to support State and local juvenile delinquency prevention and intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements. December 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 179136
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Highlights of the 1998 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet presents an overview of results from the 1998 National Youth Gang Survey. December 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 194005
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Families and Schools Together: Building RelationshipsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Describes the Families and Schools Together program that addresses youth violence and juvenile delinquency by building relationships between youth, their families, peers, teachers, school staff, and other members of the community. November 1999. 20 pages. NCJ 173423
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Reporting Crimes Against JuvenilesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Crimes Against Children Series. Bulletin: Crimes Against Children Series, November 1999. Presents an analysis of National Crime Victimization Survey data on reports of crimes against juveniles to police and other authorities (e.g., school officials). 8 pages. NCJ 178887. November 1999. 8 pages. NCJ 178887
 More Crimes Against Children Series
OJJDP Annual Report 1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Report, November 1999. Describes OJJDP's major accomplishments of 1998 and discusses the philosophy that guided program plans. 64 pages. NCJ 178892. November 1999. 64 pages. NCJ 178892
Violence After SchoolTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. National Report Series. Presents information on temporal patterns (time of day, school-day versus non-school-day) of violent crimes committed by and against juveniles; excerpted from Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1999 National Report. November 1999. 8 pages. NCJ 178992
 More National Report Series
Online Safety for Children: A Primer for Parents and Teachers VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Addresses growing concerns about online safety and provides important information that parents and teachers can use to ensure that children are safe while they use the Internet. November 1999. NCJ 178996
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A Compendium of Programs That Work for YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes "MORE Things That DO Make a Difference for Youth: A Compendium of Evaluations of Youth Programs and Practices," a resource from the American Youth Policy Forum that lists the nine program principles that lead to positive outcomes for young people. November 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 179139
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Child Welfare National Data Analysis SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights the National Data Analysis System, an online service where practitioners can find child welfare data for all states and covering multiple subject areas. November 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247723
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School and Community Interventions To Prevent Serious and Violent OffendingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending Series. Describes school and community interventions shown to reduce risk factors for drug abuse and serious and violent juvenile offending. October 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 177624
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Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume VI, Number 1 (Focus on Girls Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Presents three feature articles, each exploring issues related to girls in the juvenile justice system. October 1999. 40 pages. NCJ 178254
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Family Disruption and DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Development Series. Examines the impact that multiple changes in family structure have on an adolescent's risk of serious problem behavior. October 1999. 6 pages. NCJ 178285
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Initiatives To Improve Child Welfare OutcomesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about initiatives to measure the effectiveness of child welfare services. October 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247842
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Teen Courts in the United States: A Profile of Current ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents trends in the development of teen court programs, also known as youth courts, and summarizes results of a survey sent to every known teen court program in 1998. October 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247968
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Detention Diversion Advocacy: An EvaluationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides an overview of diversion programs and evaluation findings from the Detention Diversion Advocacy Project, a disposition case advocacy program operating in San Francisco, CA, and sponsored by the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice. September 1999. 16 pages. NCJ 171155
Meetings--Make Them Work!Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Describes the characteristics of a good meeting and provides youth with straightforward advice on how to conduct productive meetings and keep meetings moving in a positive direction. September 1999. 8 pages. NCJ 171692
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Youth Out of the Education Mainstream: A North Carolina ProfileTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Out of the Education Mainstream Series. Describes an initiative by the Center for the Prevention of School Violence in Raleigh, NC, that focuses on promising and effective programs and on innovative strategies to reach youth out of the education mainstream. September 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 176343
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Developing and Administering Accountability-Based Sanctions for JuvenilesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Describes Congress's attempt, through the Juvenile Accountability Block Grants program, to encourage states to develop and administer sanctions that are accountability based. September 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 177612
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Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1999 National ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents comprehensive information on juvenile crime, violence, and victimization and on the juvenile justice system. September 1999. 236 pages. NCJ 178257
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Promising Practices for Safe and Effective Schools VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Provides information on effective approaches and practices that can improve school discipline, safety, and related academic results. September 1999. NCJ 178908
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Juvenile Offenders and Victims: National Report 1999 (CD-ROM)Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report discusses juvenile crime and victimization and the justice system's response. September 1999. NCJ 178991
Teens, Crime, and the CommunityTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth in Action Series. This fact sheet provides an overview of the OJJDP-funded Teens, Crime, and the Community program, a national program that combines education and action to reduce teen victimization. September 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247969
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Residential Placement of Adjudicated Youth, 1987–1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides information on adjudicated delinquency cases from 1987 to 1996 that resulted in out-of-home placement. September 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247992
Reintegration, Supervised Release, and Intensive AftercareTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Examines what has worked in reintegrating juvenile offenders, what has not worked, and why. August 1999. 24 pages. NCJ 175715
OJJDP Research: Making a Difference for JuvenilesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes key initiatives undertaken by OJJDP's Research and Program Development Division in research, evaluation, and statistics. August 1999. 55 pages. NCJ 177602
Focus on Accountability: Best Practices for Juvenile Court and ProbationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Series. Describes what it means to hold juvenile offenders accountable, details the role of the juvenile court and probation department, identifies the key elements of programs that promote accountability, and presents examples of exemplary community-based initiatives. August 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 177611
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A Study of Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Court in FloridaTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides an overview of the four components of a study of Florida's juvenile transfers to criminal court. August 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 177896
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Job Training for Juveniles: Project CRAFTTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes Project CRAFT, a vocational training program for high-risk youth and juvenile offenders. August 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 178006
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Detention in Delinquency Cases, 1987-1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet reports on the juvenile delinquency caseload ordered to detention between 1987 and 1996. August 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 178007
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Guide to Combating Juvenile DUITop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about a guide developed to present instructions and resources for developing a local, systemwide response to juvenile impaired driving. August 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247788
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Juvenile Court Statistics 1996Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Profiles delinquency cases and status offense cases handled by the juvenile courts in 1996 113 pages. July 1999. 113 pages. NCJ 168963
Two Generations -- Partners in PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Defines intergenerational programs and explains how youth can work with and assist senior citizens in their communities. July 1999. 8 pages. NCJ 171687
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Cross-Age TeachingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Describes cross-age teaching programs for youth, in which youth share their skills and knowledge with persons either younger or older than they are. July 1999. 8 pages. NCJ 171688
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Plan a Special EventTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Explains how youth can plan special events or activities to focus community attention on important issues such as child safety or drug abuse prevention. July 1999. 8 pages. NCJ 171689
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Community CleanupTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Defines community cleanup projects as those that bring together volunteers to clean, repair, and improve public spaces or other areas that have been neglected, vandalized, or misused. July 1999. 6 pages. NCJ 171690
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Make a Friend -- Be a Peer MentorTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Presents peer mentoring programs for youth (those that match older youth with young students in one-on-one relationships) as a way to prevent or reduce crime. July 1999. 8 pages. NCJ 171691
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Preparing for the Drug Free YearsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Provides an overview of the Preparing for the Drug Free Years program, which was created to equip parents with skills that they could use to prevent their 8- to 14-year-old children from becoming involved with drugs. July 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 173408
 More Family Strengthening Series
National Youth Gang Survey, 1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from the 1996 National Youth Gang Survey, which is designed to facilitate analysis of changes and trends in the nature of youth gangs and their activities. July 1999. 96 pages. NCJ 173964
Offenders in Juvenile Court, 1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from the Report Juvenile Court Statistics 1996, which reports on cases handled by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. July 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 175719
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 1999Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents official statistics that reflect both the promises and the difficulties confronting the nation's youth; the 1999 report of this annual series includes a special feature on children who have difficulty performing everyday activities. July 1999. 79 pages. NCJ 176366
Report to Congress on Juvenile Violence ResearchTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Report, July 1999. Provides a brief overview of the findings of three existing studies and four new violence studies examining the causes and correlates of serious and violent juvenile offending in urban and rural settings. 41 pages. NCJ 176976. July 1999. 41 pages. NCJ 176976
Hands Without GunsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Provides information on Hands Without Guns, a public health and education campaign designed to combat gun violence by providing a forum for positive youth voices. July 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 177527
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Implementing the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights programs at OJJDP-funded sites working to address gang crime and violence. July 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247840
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Community Assessment CentersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about Community Assessment Centers which bring together fragmented elements of service delivery in a collaborative, timely, cost-efficient, and comprehensive manner. June 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 176918
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Blueprints: A Violence Prevention InitiativeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the programs identified by the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence as ones that could provide the nucleus for a national violence prevention initiative. June 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 176919
Strategies to Reduce Underage Alcohol Use: Typology and Brief OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document provides a conceptual framework for understanding the array of strategies available to prevent underage alcohol use; it also provides an assessment of the level of effect that might be expected from each strategy, based on existing research and evaluation. June 1999. 32 pages. NCJ 187415
Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights OJJDP's Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) program. May 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 176216
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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on delinquency cases in juvenile court for the year 1996. May 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 176217
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Report to Congress, 1998: Title V Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention Programs; Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as Amended in 1992 (PL 93-415; 42 U.S.C. 5601 Et Seq)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the experiences and accomplishments of states and communities that implement the Community Prevention Grants Program in 1998. May 1999. 58 pages. NCJ 176342
What About Girls? Females and the Juvenile Justice System VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Videotape. Teleconference Videotapes. Discusses gender-specific services that address the needs of at-risk girls and female juvenile offenders, examines various approaches and promising program models for girls, and identifies available resources that support gender-specific programming. May 1999. 0 pages. NCJ 176364
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Parents Anonymous: Strengthening FamiliesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Discusses the effectiveness of Parents AnonymousSM, which responds to the diverse needs of families by providing group meetings in communities across the country. April 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 171120
 More Family Strengthening Series
Preventing Violence the Problem-Solving WayTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Describes the use of interpersonal cognitive problem-solving skills by Raising a Thinking Child, a primary prevention program for parents and their children. April 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 172847
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Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 1987-1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents estimates on delinquency cases judicially waived to criminal court for the period 1987-1996. April 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 175560
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Causes and Correlates of Delinquency ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet summarizes the research design and samples used in the Program of Research on the Causes and Correlates of Delinquency, which includes the Denver Youth Survey in Colorado, the Pittsburgh Youth Study in Pennsylvania, and the Rochester Youth Development Study in New York. April 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 175561
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Juvenile Court Processing of Delinquency Cases, 1986-1995Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides national data on the processing of delinquency cases in juvenile court from 1986-1995, specifically cases formally processed, adjudicated, and the transferred to criminal court. April 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 175562
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Tribal Youth ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. The Tribal Youth Program (TYP) is the first Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) program dedicated to juvenile delinquency prevention and control and juvenile justice system improvement in Native American communities. April 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 176218
Highlights of Findings From the Rochester Youth Development StudyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents highlights from the Rochester Youth Development Study, a longitudinal study that investigated the causes and consequences of adolescent delinquency and drug use. April 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 181861
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Report to the Attorney General on International Parental KidnappingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Report, April 1999. Describes current federal responses to international parental kidnapping, describes shortcomings in the current responses, and makes recommendations to close the gaps and more effectively engage federal agencies. 47 pages. NCJ 189382. April 1999. 47 pages. NCJ 189382
Juvenile Court Processing of Delinquency Cases, 1987-1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides national data on the processing of delinquency cases in juvenile court from 1987-1996, specifically cases formally processed, adjudicated, and the transferred to criminal court. April 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 198496
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Employment and Training for Court-Involved Youth: An OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides an overview of the OJJDP report, Employment and Training for Court-Involved Youth. April 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247767
Highlights of Findings From the Denver Youth StudyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents highlights of findings from the Denver Youth Survey, a longitudinal study of urban youth aimed at identifying social conditions, personal characteristics, and developmental patterns linked to sustained involvement in delinquency and drug use. April 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247792
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Investing in Youth for a Safer FutureTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This bulletin provides information about the Investing in Youth for a Safer Future public education campaign. April 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247853
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Training and Technical Assistance for Indian Nation Juvenile Justice SystemsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) funded a training and technical assistance program seeking to increase the capacity of Indian Nations to provide adequate and appropriate juvenile justice responses to youth crime, violence, and victimization. April 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247993
Highlights of the 1997 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet presents an overview of results from the 1997 National Youth Gang Survey. March 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 175559
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Juvenile Offenders in Residential Placement, 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides data on the number of accused or adjudicated juveniles in residential placement as of the October 1997 Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement. March 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247892
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Promising Strategies To Reduce Gun ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents profiles of 60 programs that address the problem of gun violence, examines the nature of the problem from a national perspective, and discusses the process of developing a solution. February 1999. 262 pages. NCJ 173950
Highlights of Findings From the Pittsburgh Youth StudyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents highlights from the Pittsburgh Youth Study, a longitudinal study looking at how and why boys become involved in delinquency and other problem behaviors. February 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 175085
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Guidelines for Screening Care ProvidersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes the OJJDP-published guidelines for the screening of care providers who work with children, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities. February 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 175086
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Juvenile Arson, 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides data on juvenile arrests and adjudications in 1997 that were related to arson. February 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 175088
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Costs and Benefits of Early Childhood InterventionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about "Investing in Our Children: What We Know and Don't Know About the Costs and Benefits of Early Childhood Interventions," a RAND report. February 1999. 4 pages. NCJ 247732
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Strategies to Reduce Gun ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights findings from the Department of Justice report, Promising Strategies to Reduce Gun Violence, which describes 60 different strategies and programs. February 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 247967
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Youth Gangs, Drugs, and Violence ConnectionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Describes the relationship among youth gangs, drugs, and violence. January 1999. 12 pages. NCJ 171152
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Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants: Strategic Planning GuideTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes how states and local units of government can use funds from the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants (JAIBG) program to build correctional/detention facilities, hire court staff, address drugs and gang violence, establish speciality courts, and conduct related activities. January 1999. 62 pages. NCJ 172846
Youth Crime Watch of AmericaTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth in Action Series. Describes Youth Crime Watch of America, Inc. (YCWA), a nonprofit organization that establishes Youth Crime Watch programs throughout the United States and in other countries. January 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 175084
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Model Courts Serve Abused and Neglected ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the Victims Act Model Courts initiative of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, a nationwide effort to improve how courts handle child abuse and neglect cases. January 1999. 2 pages. NCJ 175087
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Peer Justice and Youth Empowerment: An Implementation Guide for Teen Court ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides juvenile justice agencies with baseline information to assist them in developing, implementing, and enhancing teen court programs as a viable alternative for juvenile offenders in their communities. 1998. 296 pages. NCJ 162782
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Responding to Alcohol and Other Drug Problems in Child Welfare: Weaving Together Practice and PolicyTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Drawing on the experience of several models of child welfare practice, this guidebook sets forth a policy framework that can assist child welfare agencies in responding to welfare parents who are users and abusers of alcohol and other drugs (AOD), the effects of which impair their parenting skills and threaten the safety of their children. 1998. 190 pages. NCJ 171669
Coach's Playbook Against Drugs: Portable GuideTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, ONDCP. Equips high school, junior high school, and middle school coaches with valuable information on why students use drugs, how drugs affect performance, and what coaches can do to keep students and players drug free. 1998. 22 pages. NCJ 173393
Cuando su Nino Desaparece: Una Guia Para la Supervivencia de la FamiliaTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This guide to family survival was prepared to help parents who have suffered the trauma of a missing child. 1998. 89 pages. NCJ 178902
Personal Safety for Children: A Guide for ParentsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Advises parents how to talk to children about safety and how to keep children safe and provides tips to children about how they can protect themselves. 1998. 16 pages. NCJ 196166
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Guide for Implementing the Balanced and Restorative Justice ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Establishes an alternative philosophy for a more balanced approach to juvenile justice that emphasizes restorative justice in which offenders make amends to their victims and the community. December 1998. 95 pages. NCJ 167887
Wipe Out Vandalism and GraffitiTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Defines vandalism—emphasizing that it is a crime and not a prank—and provides youth with practical and straightforward advice on how to wipe out vandalism and graffiti in their communities. December 1998. 8 pages. NCJ 171122
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Stand Up and Start a School Crime Watch!Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Encourages youth to set up school crime watch programs and tells them exactly how to get such programs up and running in their schools. December 1998. 8 pages. NCJ 171123
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Youth Preventing Drug AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Encourages youth to set up drug prevention projects in their communities. December 1998. 8 pages. NCJ 171124
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Innovative Approaches to Juvenile Indigent DefenseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes promising approaches that ensure quality legal services for young people and describes the collaboration between the American Bar Association and OJJDP to further the goal of ensuring effective legal representation for juvenile defendants. December 1998. 8 pages. NCJ 171151
Trying Juveniles as Adults in Criminal Court: An Analysis of State Transfer ProvisionsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Analyzes the principal statutory mechanisms and criteria by which juveniles are placed in the criminal justice system at the state level for serious and violent crimes. December 1998. 29 pages. NCJ 172836
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Disproportionate Minority Confinement: Lessons Learned From Five StatesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This bulletin explains OJJDP's Disproportionate Minority Confinement initiative. December 1998. 12 pages. NCJ 173420
Treatment Foster CareTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Describes an alternative to residential and group care placements for serious and chronic juvenile offenders. December 1998. 12 pages. NCJ 173421
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Juvenile Mentoring Program (JUMP), 1998 Report to CongressTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Reviews the principles guiding OJJDP's approach to juvenile crime prevention and the community environment impacting that approach. December 1998. 65 pages. NCJ 173424
Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume V, Number 2 (Substance Abuse Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Describes efforts to combat substance abuse by youth. December 1998. 38 pages. NCJ 173425
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Juvenile Arrests 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides a summary and analysis of national and state juvenile arrest data reported in the FBI's 1997 Crime in the United States. December 1998. 12 pages. NCJ 173938
Juveniles and the Criminal Justice System VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Examines trends in the prosecution of juveniles as adult criminal offenders and presents recent research on the impact of these trends on the justice system and incarcerated youth and implications for the future. December 1998. NCJ 173944
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Families and Schools TogetherTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights Families and Schools Together (FAST), a program that addresses youth violence and chronic juvenile delinquency by building and enhancing youth's relationships with families, peers, school staff, and others. December 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247769
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Title V: Community Prevention Grants ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Community Prevention Grants program focuses on reducing risks and enhancing protective factors to prevent youth from entering the juvenile justice system. December 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247994
Effective Family Strengthening InterventionsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Family Strengthening Series. Focuses on OJJDP's Strengthening America's Families Initiative. November 1998. 16 pages. NCJ 171121
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State Legislative Responses to Violent Juvenile Crime: 1996-97 UpdateTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Analyzes state laws enacted in 1996 and 1997 to target serious and violent juvenile crime, including laws related to juvenile court jurisdictional authority and disposition options, corrections programming, confidentiality, and victims of juvenile crime. November 1998. 16 pages. NCJ 172835
Prenatal and Early Childhood Nurse Home VisitationTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the nurse home visitation program and explains how it successfully reduces the risks for early development of antisocial behavior and maternal and juvenile offending. November 1998. 12 pages. NCJ 172875
Peer Justice and Youth Empowerment: An Implementation Guide for Teen Court Programs, November 1998 UpdateTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides juvenile justice agencies with baseline information to assist them in developing, implementing, and enhancing teen court programs as a viable alternative for juvenile offenders in their communities. November 1998. 297 pages. NCJ 173957
Highlights of the 1996 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet presents an overview of results from the 1996 National Youth Gang Survey. November 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247803
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The Youngest Offenders, 1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents age-specific data on juvenile arrests. November 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247995
Gang Membership, Delinquent Peers, and Delinquent BehaviorTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Describes the findings of OJJDP-funded longitudinal research involving juveniles in Seattle, WA, and Rochester, NY. October 1998. 12 pages. NCJ 171119
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Gang Members on the MoveTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Examines whether gang migration has been a major influence in the proliferation of gangs. October 1998. 12 pages. NCJ 171153
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White House Conference on School Safety: Causes and Prevention of Youth ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Videotape. Teleconference Videotapes. Covers the 1998 White House Conference on School Safety, including a policy address by President Clinton, panel discussions, and an audience participation session that explores best practices and model school safety strategies. October 1998. 0 pages. NCJ 173399
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Guiding Principles for Promising Female Programming: An Inventory of Best PracticesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Outlines the promising practices in programming for girls who are already involved in the juvenile justice system or those who are at risk of delinquency. October 1998. NCJ 173415
Juvenile Female Offenders: A Status of the States ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Describes state efforts to develop and implement programs and policies to address issues related to female juvenile offenders and female juveniles at risk of delinquency and status offenses. October 1998. 121 pages. NCJ 174464
Juvenile Vandalism, 1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on nationwide juvenile vandalism cases for 1996 and the number of vandalism cases involved in formal court processing between 1986 and 1995. October 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 198527
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Juvenile Felony Defendants in Criminal Courts: State Court Processing Statistics, 1990-94Top  
 BJS, OJJDP-Sponsored. Compares juvenile felony defendants tried as adults with those formally processed in juvenile courts, based on findings from the State Court Processing Statistics program and juvenile court data collected by the National Center for Juvenile Justice. September 1998. 12 pages. NCJ 165815
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Disproportionate Minority Confinement: 1997 UpdateTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes the strategies OJJDP promotes to combat disproportionate minority confinement in juvenile facilities and minority overrepresentation at all points of the juvenile justice system. September 1998. 12 pages. NCJ 170606
Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders: Risk Factors and Successful Interventions VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Examines a research report by OJJDP's Study Group on Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders that discusses what is known about serious and violent offenders and how we can best prevent offending among high-risk youth and intervene in the lives of serious and violent juvenile offenders. September 1998. NCJ 172860
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Update on the Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents findings from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) testing for the prevention and graduated sanctions components of the OJJDP guide, Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders. September 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247996
What About Girls?Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet addresses the needs of juvenile female offenders and at-risk girls. September 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247997
OJJDP Annual Report 1996-1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes OJJDP's major accomplishments from 1996–1997 and discusses the philosophy that guided program plans. August 1998. 58 pages. NCJ 166597
Youth Gangs: An OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Gang Series. Reviews data and research on youth gangs, outlines the history of youth gangs and their demographic characteristics, and assesses the scope of the problem. August 1998. 20 pages. NCJ 167249
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Early Warning, Timely Response: A Guide to Safe SchoolsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes the research on violence prevention and intervention as well as crisis response in schools. August 1998. 40 pages. NCJ 172854
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents official statistics that reflect both the promises and the difficulties confronting the nation's youth; the 1998 report of this annual series presents data on six key demographic measures and two measures of safety/well-being. July 1998. 123 pages. NCJ 171150
An Assessment of Space Needs in Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facilities, Report to Congress, July 1998Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Assesses present and future needs for space in the nation's juvenile detention and correctional facilities. July 1998. 118 pages. NCJ 188796
Mental Health Disorders and Substance Abuse Problems Among JuvenilesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights steps that make up a comprehensive effort to effectively address the mental health needs and substance abuse problems facing youth. July 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247897
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Cultural Explanations for Vietnamese Youth Involvement in Street Gangs-- Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Examines gang involvement among Vietnamese American youth in Westminster, CA, and provides recommendations for the development of effective community-based programs to prevent gang membership and delinquency. June 1998. 97 pages. NCJ 180955
Conflict Resolution and the ArtsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the development of the Partnership for Conflict Resolution Education in the Arts, a collaborative effort of the National Endowment for the Arts and OJJDP. June 1998. 4 pages. NCJ 247730
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Drug Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 1986-1995Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides statistics on drug offense cases in juvenile courts from 1986 to 1995. June 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247765
Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume IV, Number 1, May 1998 (Juvenile Justice at the Crossroads)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Describes the proceedings of OJJDP's national conference, "Juvenile Justice at the Crossroads," and presents many of the program concepts discussed in the conference workshops, including juvenile crime, responses to juvenile crime, and delinquency prevention. Available online only. May 1998. 121 pages. NCJ 165926
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Drug Identification and Testing in the Juvenile Justice System: SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from two projects funded by OJJDP to demonstrate innovative ways to identify and intervene with juvenile drug abusers and offers recommendations to assist juvenile justice agencies seeking to develop programs to identify, screen, and test youth for illicit drug use. May 1998. 90 pages. NCJ 167889
Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume V, Number 1 (Child Protection Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Describes dangers that children face today and offers practical steps that parents can take to protect their children. May 1998. 35 pages. NCJ 170025
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Serious and Violent Juvenile OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides information on serious and violent juvenile offenders, who are substantially different from typical juveniles involved in delinquent conduct and who are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime. May 1998. 8 pages. NCJ 170027
Juvenile Court Statistics 1995Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Profiles delinquency cases and status offense cases handled by the juvenile courts in 1995. May 1998. 112 pages. NCJ 170607
Youth Courts: A National Movement VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Videotape. Teleconference Videotapes. This videoconference, which originally aired in May 1998, examines the youth court concept as a potentially effective strategy in a graduated sanctions model for juvenile offenders and highlights effective practices in youth court programs. May 1998. 0 pages. NCJ 171149
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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1995Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on delinquency cases in juvenile court for the year 1995. May 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247758
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Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy ActTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the Family Educational Right and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law which restricts disclosure of information from a student's education record. May 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247789
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Guidelines for the Screening of Persons Working With Children, the Elderly, and Individuals With Disabilities in Need of SupportTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents a logical decision model to guide the screening decisions of individuals and organizations that hire employees or recruit volunteers to work with children, the elderly, or the disabled. April 1998. 61 pages. NCJ 167248
Combating Fear and Restoring Safety in SchoolsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Out of the Education Mainstream Series. Focuses on the national effort to reach young people who are absent or truant from school because of school-related fear and intimidation. April 1998. 16 pages. NCJ 167888
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Protecting Children Online (2 part video)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Grant. Teleconference Videotapes. Enables viewers to recognize the dangers posed by emerging online technology, find resources to assist law enforcement officials in resolving online crimes against children, and identify critical components of successful prevention programs. April 1998. 11 pages. NCJ 170023
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Planning a Successful Crime Prevention ProjectTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth in Action Series. Offers youth guidance on how to plan a successful community crime prevention project, identifies possible project activities, and cites examples of projects youth have planned and implemented. April 1998. 28 pages. NCJ 170024
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Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about OJJDP's Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants (JAIBG) program, which is designed to promote greater accountability in the juvenile justice system. April 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247863
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Person Offenses in Juvenile Court, 1986-1995Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet discusses the person offense caseload in juvenile court for 1986 through 1995. April 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247940
RESTTA (Restitution Education, Specialized Training, and Technical Assistance) National Directory of Restitution and Community Service ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes 500 individual programs of restitution and community service for juveniles throughout the United States. March 1998. 570 pages. NCJ 166365
Title V Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention Programs, Report to Congress, 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the experiences and accomplishments of states and communities that implement the Community Prevention Grants Program in 1997. March 1998. 72 pages. NCJ 170605
National Youth NetworkTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth in Action Series. This fact sheet provides information about the history, mission, and organizational structure of the OJJDP-founded National Youth Network. March 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247911
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Comprehensive Juvenile Justice in State LegislaturesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Focuses on the concerns and strategies of state legislators in developing effective juvenile justice policy and highlights state legislative action, research findings, and promising programs that contribute to a comprehensive juvenile justice system. February 1998. NCJ 169593
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Combating Underage DrinkingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights efforts being conducted to prevent and address underage drinking. February 1998. 2 pages. NCJ 247726
Beyond the Walls: Improving Conditions of Confinement for Youth in CustodyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Sets forth six ideas for improving conditions of confinement and the quality of care received by juveniles in training schools and detention centers. January 1998. 120 pages. NCJ 164727
Counting What Counts: The Census of Juveniles in Residential PlacementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement, which focuses on juvenile detention, corrections, and placement. January 1998. 4 pages. NCJ 247733
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Developmental Pathways in Boys' Disruptive and Delinquent BehaviorTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Development Series. Summarizes longitudinal research from the Pittsburgh Youth Study, which has documented three developmental pathways that boys follow as they progress to more serious problem behaviors. December 1997. 20 pages. NCJ 165692
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Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume IV, Number 2 (Making a Difference Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Highlights efforts to "make a difference" in the juvenile justice system and examines drug trafficking and homicides involving youth gangs. December 1997. 32 pages. NCJ 166823
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Capacity Building for Juvenile Substance Abuse TreatmentTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Discusses drug testing in the juvenile justice system, youth case management, capacity building in the juvenile justice system, and a project to provide technical assistance in identifying substance-abusing youth and providing appropriate intervention. December 1997. 12 pages. NCJ 167251
Offenders in Juvenile Court, 1995Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from the Report Juvenile Court Statistics 1995, which reports on cases handled by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. December 1997. 12 pages. NCJ 167885
Juvenile Offenders and Drug Treatment: Promising ApproachesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Publicizes promising strategies based on research in the field of substance abuse treatment for juvenile offenders and identifies the most important factors needed to treat drug-involved youth and prevent recovering youth from returning to drug abuse. December 1997. NCJ 168617
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Youth GangsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents a series of questions and answers related to youth gangs; references are provided separately in formats. December 1997. 2 pages.
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Performance Measures: What Works?Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides excerpts from A Guide to Developing and Using Performance Measures in Results-Based Budgeting, a resource from The Finance Project. December 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247925
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Responsible FatherhoodTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about Map and Track: State Initiatives to Encourage Responsible Fatherhood, a resource that examines the role of States in promoting responsible fatherhood. December 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247942
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Welfare-to-Work Grants and Juvenile Justice AgenciesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights juvenile justice and workforce development agencies need to join in addressing the employment, education, and training needs of young people involved in the juvenile justice system. December 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247998
Juvenile Arrests 1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides a summary and analysis of national and state juvenile arrest data reported in the FBI's 1996 Crime in the United States. November 1997. 12 pages. NCJ 167578
States at a Glance: Juveniles in Public Facilities, 1995Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents 1995 data on juveniles held in public juvenile facilities, which include secure and nonsecure facilities used to hold pre- and postadjudicated individuals under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court. November 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247966
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Juvenile Justice Reform Initiatives in the States: 1994-1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Identifies and analyzes issues and trends associated with state juvenile justice reform initiatives that took place between 1994 and 1996; issues examined include juvenile violence, street gangs, delinquency prevention, boot camps, and juvenile transfer. October 1997. 93 pages. NCJ 165697
Expert Panel Issues Report on Serious and Violent Juvenile OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights a report from OJJDP's Study Group on Serious and Violent Juvenile (SVJ) Offenders which offers an assessment of research-based knowledge about these offenders. October 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247768
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Juvenile Arrests for Driving Under the Influence, 1995Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data and details on juvenile arrests for driving under the influence during 1995. October 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247865
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Boot Camps for Juvenile Offenders: Program SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents background information and interim evaluation results for three pilot juvenile boot camp programs in Cleveland, OH; Denver, CO; and Mobile, AL. September 1997. 53 pages. NCJ 164258
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Youngest Delinquents: Offenders Under Age 15Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the findings of a study that examined data on juvenile arrests and delinquency cases processed by U.S. juvenile courts. September 1997. 12 pages. NCJ 165256
Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume III, Number 2 (Youth Violence Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Presents two different, but complementary, articles about encouraging progress in reducing youth gun violence and in the overall effort to combat juvenile violence and delinquency. September 1997. 31 pages. NCJ 165925
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Mentoring for Youth in Schools and CommunitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Provides community-based organizations with information and resources to build successful mentoring programs. September 1997. NCJ 166376
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National Youth Gang Survey, 1995Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from the 1995 National Youth Gang Survey, which is designed to facilitate analysis of changes and trends in the nature of youth gangs and their activities. August 1997. 53 pages. NCJ 164728
In the Wake of Childhood MaltreatmentTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Development Series. Presents findings on the relationship between childhood maltreatment and subsequent adolescent problem behaviors as determined by the Rochester Youth Development Study. August 1997. 16 pages. NCJ 165257
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Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1997 Update on ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents comprehensive information on juvenile crime, violence, and victimization and on the juvenile justice system. August 1997. 55 pages. NCJ 165703
Balanced and Restorative Justice for Juveniles: A Framework for Juvenile Justice in the 21st CenturyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes how jurisdictions are balancing competency development, accountability, and public safety goals in an effort to restore victims, communities, and juvenile offenders as well as rebuild broken relationships. August 1997. 70 pages. NCJ 169691
National Juvenile Court Data Archive: Collecting Data Since 1927Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the National Juvenile Court Data Archive, which is used to collect, store, and analyze data about young people referred to U.S. courts for delinquency and status offenses. August 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247909
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America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 1997Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. The 1997 report, the first in the series of annual reports on the well-being of children, features a special indicator on child abuse. July 1997. 107 pages. NCJ 165472
Mobilizing Communities To Prevent Juvenile CrimeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Bulletin, July 1997. Provides promising prevention approaches, summarizes risk factors facing youth, features effective programs supported by OJJDP, and describes planning, training, and technical assistance opportunities available through OJJDP. 8 pages. NCJ 165928. July 1997. 8 pages. NCJ 165928
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Keeping Young People in School: Community Programs That WorkTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Highlights dropout prevention initiatives, with a particular focus on the Communities In Schools (CIS) initiative and its evaluation conducted by The Urban Institute. June 1997. 12 pages. NCJ 162783
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Sharing Information: A Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and Participation in Juvenile Justice ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides directions to educators and other youth-serving professionals regarding how to share information necessary for delinquency intervention and prevention while complying with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. June 1997. 53 pages. NCJ 163705
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Epidemiology of Serious ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Development Series. Examines the varying levels of juveniles' involvement in violent acts according to age, gender, and ethnicity and recommends a public health model of prevention, treatment, and control. June 1997. 22 pages. NCJ 165152
 More Youth Development Series
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Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse: An OverviewTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Portable Guide. Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse. Summarizes OJJDP's Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse, a series of publications that addresses a different aspect of investigating suspected cases of child abuse or neglect and that is designed for detectives, police officers, social workers, psychologists, attorneys, and others. June 1997. 8 pages. NCJ 165153
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Gang Members and Delinquent BehaviorTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Development Series. Presents the findings from the Rochester Youth Development Study concerning what portion of delinquency in American society can be attributed to gang members; it also discusses OJJDP's response to the youth gang problem. June 1997. 6 pages. NCJ 165154
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Preventing Drug Abuse Among Youth: An Overview of Community-, Family-, and School-Based ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Features three proven community-based, family strengthening, and school-based initiatives that are being implemented to empower young people to avoid drug use: Life Skills Training Program, Strengthening Families Program; and San Bernardino Communities Against Drugs, Inc. June 1997. NCJ 165583
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Allegheny County, PA: Mobilizing to Reduce Juvenile CrimeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the development of the communitywide collaborative process designed to reduce juvenile crime and violence in Allegheny County, documents examples of the program's achievements, and examines the reasons for the program's success. June 1997. 12 pages. NCJ 165693
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Treating Serious Anti-Social Behavior in Youth: The MST (Multisystemic Therapy) ApproachTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Highlights evaluations of several programs that have implemented the multisystemic therapy approach to the treatment of serious anti-social behavior in adolescents. May 1997. 8 pages. NCJ 165151
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Special Joint Report: Federal Agency Task Force for Missing and Exploited ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Details the steps taken by the Federal Agency Task Force for Missing and Exploited Children in 1996 to fulfill its basic purpose of coordinating federal services for missing children. May 1997. 30 pages. NCJ 166595
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Mentoring--A Proven Delinquency Prevention StrategyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Discusses OJJDP's Juvenile Mentoring Program and the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America program and provides preliminary findings and evaluation results of both programs. April 1997. 8 pages. NCJ 164834
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Highlights of the 1995 National Youth Gang SurveyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Fact Sheet. Youth Gang Series. This fact sheet presents an overview of results from the 1995 National Youth Gang Survey. April 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 186268
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Juveniles in Private Facilities, 1991-1995Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on juveniles held in private residential facilities for the period 1991-1995. April 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247894
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Permanency Planning for Abused and Neglected ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes how the juvenile justice system and other agencies that serve children must look beyond foster care and plan for permanent placement for those who have been abused or neglected. April 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247926
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Child Development-Community Policing: Partnership in a Climate of ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes a collaborative program, developed by the police in New Haven, CT, and the Child Study Center at the Yale University School of Medicine, that offers a national model for partnerships among police and mental health professionals to address the impact of chronic exposure to community violence on children and families. March 1997. 8 pages. NCJ 164380
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Court Appointed Special Advocates: A Voice for Abused and Neglected Children in CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes the role of Court Appointed Special Advocates, volunteers who work in conjunction with child protective services and the juvenile justice system to meet the needs of abused and neglected children for safety and for suitable, permanent homes. March 1997. 4 pages. NCJ 164512
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Youth Gangs in America: An Overview of Suppression, Intervention, and Prevention ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Videotape. Teleconference Videotapes. Explores promising gang prevention, intervention, and suppression strategies being implemented throughout the nation. March 1997. 25 pages. NCJ 164937
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Delays in Juvenile Court Processing of Delinquency CasesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This paper examines delays in juvenile court processing of delinquency cases. March 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 186267
Juvenile Delinquency Probation Caseload, 1985-1994Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents summary information on the juvenile delinquency probation caseload for the period 1985-1994. March 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 198526
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Accountability-Based SanctionsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides information on the accountability-based sanctions requirement of the Innovative Local Law Enforcement and Community Policing program. March 1997. 2 pages.
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Comprehensive Response to America's Youth Gang ProblemTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the prevalence of youth gangs and strategies aimed at reducing youth gang violence. March 1997. 5 pages. NCJ 247727
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Conflict ResolutionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about how conflict resolution education can reduce juvenile violence in juvenile facilities, schools, and communities, while providing lifelong decisionmaking skills. March 1997. 4 pages. NCJ 247729
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Detention and Delinquency Cases, 1985-1994Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This document examines detention in delinquency cases during the period 1985 to 1994. March 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247763
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Jimmy Ryce Law Enforcement Training Center ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights the Jimmy Ryce Law Enforcement Training Center Program, designed to enhance the investigative response to missing children cases. March 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247854
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Juvenile Court Processing of Delinquency Cases, 1985-1994Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides national data on the processing of delinquency cases in juvenile court from 1985-1994, specifically cases formally processed, adjudicated, and the transferred to criminal court. March 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247887
Juvenile Drug Court MovementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about drug court funding and the history and future of juvenile drug courts. March 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247890
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Missing and Exploited Children's ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information on OJJDP programs and activities addressing missing and exploited children. March 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247905
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Juvenile Arrests 1995Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides a summary and analysis of national and state juvenile arrest data reported in the FBI's 1995 Crime in the United States. February 1997. 12 pages. NCJ 163813
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Reaching Out to Youth out of the Education MainstreamTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Out of the Education Mainstream Series. Describes a program that addresses the needs of youth who do not attend school regularly because they are truants or dropouts, afraid to attend, suspended or expelled, or in need of help to be reintegrated into regular schools from juvenile detention and correctional settings. February 1997. 12 pages. NCJ 163920
 More Youth Out of the Education Mainstream Series
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Drug Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 1985-1994Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides statistics on drug offense cases in juvenile courts from 1985 to 1994. February 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 198495
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Delinquency Cases Waived to Criminal Court, 1985-1994Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents estimates on delinquency cases judicially waived to criminal court for the period 1985-1994. February 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247760
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Healing the Hate: A National Hate Crime Prevention Curriculum for Middle SchoolsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Designed for middle school teachers and other professionals who work with youth, this curriculum addresses the extent of hate crime in America and instructs youth in strategies that are proving effective in reducing hate crimes, which are motivated by the offender's bias against race, religion, ethnic/national origin, or sexual orientation. January 1997. 218 pages. NCJ 165479
Adolescent Motherhood: Implications for the Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Discusses the findings of Kids Having Kids: A Robin Hood Foundation Special Report on the Costs of Adolescent Childbearing, a report on a major research project that provides extensive information about the consequences of adolescent childbearing, including implications for the field of juvenile justice. January 1997. 2 pages.
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Due Process AdvocacyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about and findings from an OJJDP-supported study on legal representation of juvenile delinquents. January 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247766
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Juvenile Firesetting and ArsonTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides data on firesetting behavior by juveniles. January 1997. 2 pages. NCJ 247891
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Evaluation of the Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) Initiative: Arizona Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The DMC mandate of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act requires the development and implementation of strategies to address and reduce the overrepresentation of minority youth in secure facilities. In an effort to facilitate compliance with the mandate, OJJDP sponsored demonstration projects in five pilot states. This is the final evaluation report for the Arizona project. 1996. 136 pages. NCJ 161564
Title V Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention Programs Report to Congress, 1996Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the experiences and accomplishments of states and communities that implement the Community Prevention Grants Program in 1996. 1996. 62 pages. NCJ 165694
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Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume III, Number 1 (Community-Based Juvenile Justice Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Describes community-based efforts to institute restorative justice measures and to provide aftercare services to juvenile offenders. December 1996. 39 pages. NCJ 161410
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Juvenile Court Statistics 1994Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Report, December 1996. Profiles delinquency cases and status offense cases handled by the juvenile courts in 1994. 110 pages. NCJ 163709. December 1996. 110 pages. NCJ 163709
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Has the Juvenile Court Outlived Its Usefulness?Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Grant. Teleconference Videotapes. Examines the public debate over whether the juvenile justice system remains a relevant response to juvenile delinquency. Videotape. December 1996. 11 pages. NCJ 163929
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SafeFutures: Partnerships To Reduce Youth Violence and DelinquencyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the SafeFutures project, which assists communities with efforts to reduce youth violence and delinquency. December 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 247943
Conflict Resolution Education: A Guide to Implementing Programs in Schools, Youth-Serving Organizations, and Community and Juvenile Justice SettingsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Designed for educators, juvenile justice practitioners, and others in youth-serving organizations to heighten awareness of conflict resolution education and its potential to help settle disputes peacefully in various settings. October 1996. 144 pages. NCJ 160935
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Desktop Guide to Good Juvenile Detention PracticeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides comprehensive information on the principles, concepts, and daily practices of juvenile detention. October 1996. 237 pages. NCJ 161408
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Truancy: First Step to a Lifetime of ProblemsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Bulletin. Youth Out of the Education Mainstream Series. Describes seven promising community programs that are reducing truancy and juvenile delinquency by enlisting and coordinating a broad array of local resources. October 1996. 8 pages. NCJ 161958
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Offenders in Juvenile Court, 1994Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from the Report Juvenile Court Statistics 1994, which reports on cases handled by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. October 1996. 12 pages. NCJ 162423
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Federal Efforts To Prevent and Reduce Juvenile Delinquency: FY 1995 Delinquency Development StatementsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Examines how 12 federal agencies and their departments, branches, or divisions are working to address the problems associated with juvenile delinquency, with emphasis on specific agency policies and programs aimed at reducing or preventing juvenile crime and criminal behavior. October 1996. 160 pages. NCJ 162781
Youth Out of the Education MainstreamTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Grant. Teleconference Videotapes. Discusses three components of the Youth Out of the Education Mainstream initiative—truancy, dropping out, and reintegration of youth—and showcases effective and promising programs that give youth the opportunity to become productive members of society. October 1996. 30 pages. NCJ 163386
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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1994Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on delinquency cases in juvenile court for the year 1994. October 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 198493
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Person Offenses in Juvenile Court, 1985-1994Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet discusses the person offense caseload in juvenile court for 1985 through 1994. October 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 198528
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Delinquency Development Statements for Fiscal Year 1995Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the report, Federal Efforts To Prevent and Reduce Juvenile Delinquency: FY 1995 Delinquency Development Statements (DDS 95). October 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 247761
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State Challenge ActivitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Discusses eligibility criteria for State Challenge Grants under the 1992 reauthorization of the JJDP Act of 1974 and outlines the 10 Challenge Activities set forth in the law. Each Activity is described further in separate online Bulletins ("activity papers"), a link to which is found below. Note: In 2003, the State Challenge program was dissolved; the activity papers linked to below are therefore being replaced by online Bulletins in the Juvenile Justice Practice Series. September 1996. 8 pages. NCJ 163055
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Creating Safe and Drug-Free Schools: An Action GuideTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents background information on school safety; action steps for schools, parents, students, and community and business groups; and information briefs on topics such as truancy, alternative education programs for expelled students, and conflict resolution. September 1996. 97 pages. NCJ 163064
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Reducing Youth Gun ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Videotape. Teleconference Videotapes. Summarizes the problem of juvenile gun violence, risk factors related to gun violence, and possible strategies to curb gun violence and illustrates promising programs. View the broadcast on the Juvenile Justice Teleconferencing Web site. August 1996. 30 pages. NCJ 162421
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Gould-Wysinger Awards: A Tradition of ExcellenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes the 1995 recipients of the OJJDP-sponsored Gould-Wysinger Award. August 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 247775
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Guide for Implementing Teen Court ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the OJJDP-sponsored resource, Peer Justice and Youth Empowerment: An Implementation Guide for Teen Court Programs. August 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 247776
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Serious Habitual Offender Comprehensive Action ProgramTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the Serious Habitual Offender Comprehensive Action Program (SHOCAP), which seeks to improve public safety by involving law enforcement, court, and corrections personnel, as well as educators and social service providers in a cooperative process to share information and manage juvenile justice cases. August 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 247955
Offenders in Juvenile Court, 1993Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from the Report Juvenile Court Statistics 1993, which reports on cases handled by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. July 1996. 12 pages. NCJ 160945
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State Responses to Serious and Violent Juvenile CrimeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Analyzes state laws enacted during 1992–1995 to target serious and violent juvenile crime, including laws related to juvenile court jurisdictional authority and disposition options, corrections programming, confidentiality, and victims of juvenile crime. July 1996. 75 pages. NCJ 161565
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Balanced and Restorative Justice Project (BARJ)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Explains the balanced and restorative justice model, which underscores the importance of the victim (individual or community) in the justice process and requires the offender to actively pursue restoration of the victim by paying restitution or performing community service, or both. July 1996. 2 pages.
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Information Sharing and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy ActTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about information sharing efforts as they relate to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. July 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 247841
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Introduction to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides an overview of OJJDP, its history, mission, and organizational components. July 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 247843
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Training of Staff in Juvenile Detention and Correctional FacilitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet assesses the need for enhanced training for juvenile justice practioners, pariculary for juvenile caseworkers. July 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 247999
Juvenile Court Statistics 1993: Statistics ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Profiles delinquency cases and status offense cases handled by the juvenile courts in 1993. June 1996. 75 pages. NCJ 159535
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Youth Environmental Service in Action: Program SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides background for the Youth Environmental Service (YES) initiative, which enhances delinquent youth's skills through work and education programs, and indepth descriptions of the development and operation of six YES pilot sites. June 1996. 48 pages. NCJ 159762
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Youth Environmental Service: Technical Assistance PackageTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Assists communities in deciding whether to implement a Youth Environmental Service (YES) program and in developing a YES program; YES enhances delinquent youth's skills through work and education programs. June 1996. 66 pages. NCJ 159763
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Female Offenders in the Juvenile Justice System: Statistics SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Analyzes patterns in the arrests, judicial management, and correctional placement of female juvenile offenders and notes that females are entering the juvenile justice system more often and at younger ages than in past years. June 1996. 40 pages. NCJ 160941
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Juvenile Boot Camps: Lessons LearnedTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about juvenile boot camp demonstration projects, their evaluations, and lessons learned. June 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 176463
Fact-Finding Report on Community Assessment Centers (CACs): Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Provides information and recommendations on the concept of the Community Assessment Center (CAC), based on visits to selected programs. June 1996. 63 pages. NCJ 180609
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YES: Youth Environmental Service InitiativeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. The Youth Environmental Service (YES) initiative is designed to increase the capacity of States and communities to treat and rehabilitate delinquent youth and to prevent at-risk youth from entering the juvenile justice system. June 1996. 1 pages. NCJ 248000
Reducing Youth Gun Violence: An Overview of Programs and InitiativesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Discusses a wide range of youth violence prevention strategies and includes relevant research, evaluation, and legislation to provide a context for successful violence prevention program implementation. May 1996. 85 pages. NCJ 154303
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Conflict Resolution for Youth: Programming for Schools, Youth-Serving Organizations, and Community and Juvenile Justice SettingsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Grant. Teleconference Videotapes. Promotes conflict resolution strategies for schools, youth-serving organizations, and community and juvenile justice settings; discusses conflict resolution training and consultation resources; and highlights different approaches discussed in Conflict Resolution Education: A Guide to Implementing Programs in Schools, Youth-Serving Organizations, and Community and Juvenile Justice Settings. May 1996. 21 pages. NCJ 161416
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Evaluation of the Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) Initiative: Oregon Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The DMC mandate of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act requires the development and implementation of strategies to address and reduce the overrepresentation of minority youth in secure facilities. In an effort to facilitate compliance with the mandate, OJJDP sponsored demonstration projects in five pilot states. This is the final evaluation report for the Oregon project. May 1996. 88 pages. NCJ 161560
Evaluation of the Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) Initiative: North Carolina Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The DMC mandate of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act requires the development and implementation of strategies to address and reduce the overrepresentation of minority youth in secure facilities. In an effort to facilitate compliance with the mandate, OJJDP sponsored demonstration projects in five pilot states. This is the final evaluation report for the North Carolina project. May 1996. 128 pages. NCJ 161561
Evaluation of the Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) Initiative: Iowa Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The DMC mandate of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act requires the development and implementation of strategies to address and reduce the overrepresentation of minority youth in secure facilities. In an effort to facilitate compliance with the mandate, OJJDP sponsored demonstration projects in five pilot states. This is the final evaluation report for the Iowa project. May 1996. 143 pages. NCJ 161562
Evaluation of the Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) Initiative: Florida Final ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The DMC mandate of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act requires the development and implementation of strategies to address and reduce the overrepresentation of minority youth in secure facilities. In an effort to facilitate compliance with the mandate, OJJDP sponsored demonstration projects in five pilot states. This is the final evaluation report for the Florida project. May 1996. 105 pages. NCJ 161563
Juvenile Detention Training Needs AssessmentTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Discusses ways to enhance the job-related knowledge, skills, and abilities of juvenile detention personnel. April 1996. 75 pages. NCJ 156833
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Curfew: An Answer to Juvenile Delinquency and Victimization?Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Examines recent developments in curfew ordinances, legal issues related to curfews, how jurisdictions have responded to legal challenges, the elements of sound community-based curfew programs, and examples of curfew programs and services from seven jurisdictions. April 1996. 12 pages. NCJ 159533
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Using Agency Records To Find Missing Children: A Guide for Law Enforcement; Program SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides law enforcement officers with practical information on how to use agency records in the recovery of missing children and discusses parental consent and parental abduction. March 1996. 31 pages. NCJ 154633
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Combating Violence and Delinquency: The National Juvenile Justice Action Plan SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes the National Juvenile Justice Action Plan, an eight-point statement of objectives and strategies designed to strengthen state and local initiatives to reduce juvenile violence and victimization, increase the capacity of the juvenile justice system to respond, and prevent delinquency. March 1996. 41 pages. NCJ 157105
Combating Violence and Delinquency: The National Juvenile Justice Action Plan ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides a framework and strategy for action to address juvenile violence and victimization that face community members—including youth—and the juvenile justice system. March 1996. 2 pages. NCJ 157106
Juvenile Probation: The Workhorse of the Juvenile Justice SystemTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Discusses the work of juvenile probation officers and probation departments, the characteristics of youth on probation, and challenges to probation. March 1996. 6 pages. NCJ 158534
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Report to Congress, 1995: Title V Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention Programs, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as Amended in 1992 (PL 93-415; 42 U.S.C. 5601 ET SEQ.)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents the experiences and accomplishments of states and communities that implement the Community Prevention Grants Program in1995. March 1996. 98 pages. NCJ 160942
Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1996 Update on ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents comprehensive information on juvenile crime, violence, and victimization and on the juvenile justice system. February 1996. 40 pages. NCJ 159107
Juvenile Boot CampsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Grant. Teleconference Videotapes. Explores the characteristics, operational concepts, and implementation issues of juvenile boot camps; examines the Youth Development Program; and assesses the results of an OJJDP-funded evaluation, illustrating some changes that have been made as a result of the evaluation. View the broadcast on the Juvenile Justice Teleconferencing Web site. February 1996. 25 pages. NCJ 160949
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Resource Guidelines: Improving Court Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect CasesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. These guidelines aim to set forth the essential elements of properly conducted family court proceedings in cases involved child abuse and neglect by describing family court functions, outlining the efficient maintenance of court calendars, explaining court staffing and organizational issues, and clarifying associated costs with these procedures. 1995. 170 pages. NCJ 156842
Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume II, Number 2 (JJDP Act Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Presents four articles that review the effects of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act of 1974, including deinstitutionalization of status offenders. December 1995. 36 pages. NCJ 152979
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Youth-Oriented Community Policing: National Satellite TeleconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Grant. Teleconference Videotapes. Discusses the characteristics of youth-oriented community policing and how it differs from general community-oriented policing and illustrates three unique and effective youth-oriented community policing programs. December 1995. 32 pages. NCJ 160948
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Community Assessment Centers: A Discussion of the Concept's EfficacyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Discusses the potential benefits of Community Assessment Centers, examines how OJJDP currently addresses issues of importance in intervening with at-risk and delinquent youth, and discusses how OJJDP may address the concept of Community Assessment Centers in fiscal year 1996. November 1995. 19 pages. NCJ 161858
Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, which was established as part of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act. November 1995. 4 pages. NCJ 247731
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Parental KidnappingTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the prevalence and impact of parental kidnappings and strategies to prevent such crimes. November 1995. 2 pages. NCJ 247924
Effective Programs for Serious, Violent and Chronic Juvenile Offenders: An Examination of Three Model Interventions and Intensive Aftercare Initiatives: National Satellite TeleconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored, Grant. Teleconference Videotapes. Highlights three unique intervention strategies and provides information on the importance of effective intensive aftercare programs. October 1995. 21 pages. NCJ 160947
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Gould-Wysinger AwardsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the OJJDP-sponsored Gould-Wysinger Awards, which recognize exceptional state and local achievements in advancing juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. October 1995. 2 pages. NCJ 247774
National Center for Missing & Exploited ChildrenTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides details on how the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) has worked in partnership with OJJDP. October 1995. 2 pages. NCJ 247906
Juveniles Taken into Custody: Fiscal Year 1993 Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Report, September 1995. Presents demographic information and other statistics on juveniles involved with state juvenile corrections agencies and is based on data from OJJDP's State Juvenile Corrections System Reporting Program. 141 pages. NCJ 154022. September 1995. 141 pages. NCJ 154022
Juvenile Offenders and Victims: A Focus on ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents comprehensive information on juvenile crime, violence, and victimization and on the juvenile justice system. This publication is not available online. Click here for ordering information. August 1995. 33 pages. NCJ 153570
Hate CrimeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents information and data on hate crime and includes an overview of the Juvenile Hate Crime Study. August 1995. 2 pages. NCJ 247790
Minorities and the Juvenile Justice System: Research SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Concludes a 15-month project examining the role that minority status plays in the processing of youth by the juvenile justice system. July 1995. 25 pages. NCJ 145849
Bridging the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice SystemsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes four programs that present opportunities for collaboration between the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. June 1995. 4 pages. NCJ 152155
Communities Working Together VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Reviews the collaborative process and provides examples of programs that communities that use the process in preventing or intervening in delinquency, violence, substance abuse and other problems. June 1995. NCJ 160946
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Text (Participant Packet) 
Juvenile Admissions to State Custody, 1993Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides data on juvenile admissions and releases reported as part of the State Juvenile Corrections System Reporting Program. June 1995. 2 pages. NCJ 247864
VOCA: Helping Victims of Child AbuseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights the 1990 enactment of the Victims of Child Abuse (VOCA) Act. June 1995. 1 pages. NCJ 248001
Guide for Implementing the Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile OffendersTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides guidance and resources to help states, cities, and communities implement OJJDP's Comprehensive Strategy for Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders May 1995. 269 pages. NCJ 153681
Juveniles Taken Into Custody: Fiscal Year 1992Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents demographic information and other statistics on juveniles involved with state juvenile corrections agencies and is based on data from OJJDP's State Juvenile Corrections System Reporting Program. May 1995. 180 pages. NCJ 153851
Matrix of Community-Based InitiativesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Briefly describes major federal and private initiatives that focus on violence prevention and economic development and identifies jurisdictions throughout the nation that are implementing these initiatives. May 1995. 55 pages. NCJ 154816
Juvenile Delinquency Development StatementsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about juvenile delinquency development statements, which describe policies, programs, and practices that correspond to Federal juvenile delinquency prevention and treatment goals and policies. May 1995. 2 pages. NCJ 247888
Child Sexual Exploitation: Improving Investigations and Protecting Victims: A Blueprint for ActionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, OVC-Sponsored. Presents guidelines for collaboration among federal, state, and local agencies involved in the investigation and prosecution of child pornography and prostitution cases and in the provision of services to young victims of these crimes. January 1995. 64 pages. NCJ 153527
JJDP Act Mandates: Rationale and SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet summarizes four system reform mandates of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974. January 1995. 2 pages. NCJ 247862
The MandatesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet discusses the mandates established through the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974: deinstitutionalization of status offenders and nonoffenders; sight-and-sound separation of juveniles from adults in correctional facilities; removal of juveniles from adult jails and lockups; and demonstration of efforts to reduce the disproportionate confinement of minority youth. 1994. 2 pages. NCJ 247896
Violent Families and Youth ViolenceTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet examines the extent of family violence, particularly its effects on children growing up in violent families. December 1994. 1 pages. NCJ 248002
What Works: Effective Delinquency Prevention and Treatment ProgramsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet identifies juvenile programs that effectively address the needs and problems of juvenile offenders. December 1994. 1 pages. NCJ 248004
Gang Suppression and Intervention: Community Models, Research SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents a prototype for the design and mobilization of community efforts to counter youth gangs through efforts by police, prosecutors, judges, probation and parole officers, corrections officers, schools, employers, community-based agencies, and a range of grassroots organizations. October 1994. 35 pages. NCJ 148202
Gang Suppression and Intervention: Problem and Response, Research SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Summarizes the results of a study team's assessment of youth gang problems and responses across the United States that demonstrates the need for effective gang suppression and intervention programs. October 1994. 36 pages. NCJ 149629
Balanced and Restorative JusticeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Discusses community supervision of juvenile offenders based on the balanced approach mission and the restorative justice philosophy. October 1994. 21 pages. NCJ 149727
Offenders in Juvenile Court, 1991Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This bulletin profiles the 1,338,100 juvenile delinquency cases that came before the juvenile courts of the United States in 1991. October 1994. 12 pages. NCJ 149729
Offenders in Juvenile Court, 1992Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from the Report Juvenile Court Statistics 1992, which reports on cases handled by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. October 1994. 12 pages. NCJ 150039
Juvenile Intensive Supervision: Planning GuideTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Offers practitioners the tools they need to implement community-based intensive supervision programs as alternatives to long-term institutional confinement for designated juvenile offenders. October 1994. 95 pages. NCJ 150065
How Juveniles Get to Criminal CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Uses data from the National Juvenile Court Data Archive to present state and aggregate information on the diverse mechanisms by which juveniles arrived in criminal court in 1992. October 1994. 6 pages. NCJ 150309
Improving Literacy Skills of Juvenile DetaineesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Describes programs designed to teach illiterate youth to read and write by using a nontraditional, motivational approach that provides students with immediate positive feedback and then encourages them to strive for success. October 1994. 6 pages. NCJ 150707
What Works: Promising Interventions in Juvenile Justice, Program ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Represents the results of a national survey of 3,000 juvenile justice professionals who nominated more than 1,100 successful prevention and treatment programs. October 1994. 258 pages. NCJ 150858
Juvenile Correctional Education: A Time for ChangeTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Recommends several changes in juvenile correctional education based on the findings of an 18-month study conducted for OJJDP by the National Office for Social Responsibility. October 1994. 4 pages. NCJ 151264
Intensive Aftercare for High-Risk Juveniles: An AssessmentTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Reports the interim results of OJJDP's research and development initiative to assess, test, and disseminate information on intensive community-based aftercare program models that are theory driven and based on risk assessment. September 1994. 32 pages. NCJ 144018
Intensive Aftercare for High-Risk Juveniles: Policies and ProceduresTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides assistance to corrections agencies as they develop juvenile aftercare programs to meet the needs of chronic and serious juvenile offenders. September 1994. 41 pages. NCJ 147712
Conditions of Confinement: Juvenile Detention and Corrections Facilities -- Research ReportTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Provides assessed conditions of confinement for juveniles throughout the nation, determines the extent to which those conditions conform to recognized national professional standards, and outlines recommendations for improvement. Because of its length, this Report was broken up into 17 separate PDF files. August 1994. 370 pages. NCJ 145793
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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 1992Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet is a summary of juvenile court statistics, providing key statistics for the juvenile justice courts in the United States for 1992. July 1994. 2 pages. NCJ 198480
Juvenile Victimization: 1987-1992Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on juvenile victimization for the period 1987-1992. June 1994. 2 pages. NCJ 247893
Are Juveniles Driving the Violent Crime Trend?Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. Presents national data on Violent Crime Index offenses between 1965 and 1992 and concludes that although juveniles are not driving the violent crime trends, their responsibility for the growth in U.S. violent crime has increased. May 1994. 2 pages.
Violent Crimes Cleared by Juvenile ArrestsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights juveniles account for 1 in 8 violent crimes cleared by arrest. May 1994. 1 pages. NCJ 248003
1992 Juvenile ArrestsTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides juvenile arrest data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Crime in the United States, 1992 report. May 1994. 2 pages. NCJ 248022
Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume II, Number 1 (Serious Problems Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Describes OJJDP's Program of Research on the Causes and Correlates of Juvenile Delinquency, outlines OJJDP's Disproportionate Minority Confinement Program, and explores issues related to the court-ordered placement of children who have suffered from abuse or neglect. April 1994. 32 pages. NCJ 148407
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Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1991Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on delinquency cases in juvenile court for the year 1991. April 1994. 3 pages. NCJ 247759
Disproportionate Minority ConfinementTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about and strategies to reduce disproportionate minority confinement. April 1994. 2 pages. NCJ 247764
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights findings from a literature review of research on gangs. April 1994. 2 pages. NCJ 247773
Person Offense Cases in Juvenile CourtTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data on the number of person offense cases in juvenile courts for the year 1991. April 1994. 2 pages. NCJ 247927
Urban Delinquency and Substance Abuse: Initial Findings Research SummaryTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. Presents findings from three longitudinal surveys being conducted in Denver, CO; Pittsburgh, PA; and Rochester, NY that are examining the causes and correlates of juvenile delinquency and juvenile drug use. March 1994. 37 pages. NCJ 143454
Family Strengthening for High-Risk YouthTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet highlights the programs reviewed as part of OJJDP's Effective Parenting Strategies for Families of High-Risk Youth initiative. March 1994. 2 pages. NCJ 247770
Delinquency PreventionTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency. February 1994. 2 pages. NCJ 247762
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Annual Report, 1993Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. This document responds to the 14 annual reporting requirements specified by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974. Five requirements pertain to juvenile justice and delinquency prevention, and nine pertain to the Missing Children Program within the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). 1993. 108 pages. NCJ 152981
Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume I, Number 1 (Inaugural Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Presents an examination of the conditions of confinement for juvenile offenders, an interview with a leading juvenile court judge, and highlights of research on the obstacles to the recovery of parentally abducted children. 1993. 36 pages. NCJ 199876
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Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume I, Number 2 (National Agenda for Children Issue)Top  
 OJJDP-Produced, Journal. Juvenile Justice Journal. Presents an interview with Attorney General Janet Reno in which she outlines the need for a national agenda for children. December 1993. 40 pages. NCJ 145300
 More Juvenile Justice Journal
Conditions of Confinement in Juvenile Detention and Corrections VideoconferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Teleconference Videotapes. Reviews the findings and recommendations of the 1993 Abt report on a nationwide study of confinement conditions in juvenile correctional facilities. September 1993. NCJ 147531
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Serious, Violent, and Chronic Juvenile Offenders: A Comprehensive StrategyTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet describes OJJDP's comprehensive strategy for dealing with serious, violent, and chronic juvenile offenders. August 1993. 2 pages. NCJ 152142
Children in Custody 1991: Private FacilitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data highlights from the 1991 Children in Custody Census on youth in private facilities. April 1993. 3 pages. NCJ 247724
Children in Custody 1991: Public Juvenile FacilitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet presents data highlights from the 1991 Children in Custody Census on youth in public facilities. April 1993. 2 pages. NCJ 247725
Conditions of Confinement in Juvenile Detention and Correctional FacilitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This fact sheet provides information about the OJJDP-supported grant report "Conditions of Confinement: A Study to Evaluate Conditions in Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facilities." April 1993. 3 pages. NCJ 247728
Police Technical Assistance ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Youth Gang Series. This police manual presents guidelines for implementing a model devised to intervene and control the youth gang problem. 1992. 67 pages. NCJ 142665
 More Youth Gang Series
Probation: Technical Assistance ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Youth Gang Series. This manual provides an overview of how a probation department can implement a promising youth gang suppression and intervention program. 1992. 84 pages. NCJ 142667
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Prosecutor: Technical Assistance ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Youth Gang Series. This manual is designed to assist prosecutors and their staffs in crafting and instituting a communitywide response to youth gangs. 1992. 56 pages. NCJ 142669
 More Youth Gang Series
Technical Assistance Manual ParoleTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This manual outlines a six-stage parole antigang planning process: preassessment, assessment, development of program goals and objectives, strategy selection, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. 1992. 86 pages. NCJ 142723
Community-Based Youth Agency: Technical Assistance ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This manual is designed to guide community-based youth agency personnel, citizens, and professionals from communities with documented gang problems through a series of steps that will result in the design and implementation of a multifaceted gang suppression and intervention program. 1992. 82 pages. NCJ 142962
Community Mobilization: Technical Assistance Manual Top  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This manual identifies key steps in the community mobilization process to confront the youth gang problem. 1992. 87 pages. NCJ 142964
Corrections: Technical Assistance ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This manual is designed to enhance the ability of correctional staff to control youth gang problems within the institution, develop correctional services that promote positive behavior change by gang youths, and strengthen the linkages between the institution and community agencies that contribute to the achievement of institutional mission responsibilities. 1992. 71 pages. NCJ 142966
General Community Design: Technical Assistance ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This manual identifies the key steps to be taken by the planner in the design of a community approach to dealing with the youth gang problem. 1992. 80 pages. NCJ 142968
Grassroots Organization: Technical Assistance ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This manual describes the principles and steps involved in organizing a local neighborhood to confront the youth gang problem. 1992. 75 pages. NCJ 142970
Youth Employment ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This paper proposes a model employment program for gang youth designed to develop a series of entry-level jobs that provide adult status, adequate income, and good interpersonal relations skills; this should reduce gang crime. 1991. 17 pages. NCJ 142675
National Youth Gang Suppression and Intervention Program: A School-Based ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper proposes a school-based model for intervention to address the problem of youth gangs in a school and community. 1991. 19 pages. NCJ 142677
Prosecutors ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The proposed prosecution model for countering youth gangs would implement a number of strategies in conjunction with other actors not only in the criminal justice system, but in the community-based service agency system and the local community. 1991. 14 pages. NCJ 142679
Police ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The broad functions through which the police address the problem of youth gangs are investigation, intelligence, suppression, community relations, and training. 1991. 21 pages. NCJ 142683
Judges ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper proposes a model of juvenile court judges' responsibilities for addressing the youth gang problem in a community. 1991. 15 pages. NCJ 142687
Grassroots Organization ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This paper presents a model of grassroots organization designed to counter the youth gang problem in communities. 1991. 16 pages. NCJ 142689
Community Mobilization ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The proposed model identifies key issues for conducting a community mobilization process to address the problem of youth gangs in a community, with a focus on the interrelationship of agency and grassroots efforts and the distinctive role of the coordinator or organizer. 1991. 20 pages. NCJ 142697
School: Technical Assistance ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, Youth Gang Series. This manual discusses how to assess an individual school gang problem and plan intervention. 1991. 116 pages. NCJ 142717
 More Youth Gang Series
Youth Employment: Technical Assistance ManualTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, Report. Youth Gang Series. This manual details how to implement an employment program for gang youth and reviews steps for the development and planning of an employment program that targets gang youth. 1991. 106 pages. NCJ 142719
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Youth Gangs: Problem and ResponseTop  
 OJJDP-Produced. This draft report presents the results of an extensive review of the research literature on the youth-gang phenomenon. 1991. 210 pages. NCJ 145313
Executive Summary: Prototype ModelsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents a set of policies and practices for the design and mobilization of community efforts to prevent and control juvenile gangs. 1991. 33 pages. NCJ 146555
Corrections ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This model for a correctional facility's gang suppression and intervention program describes basic strategies and their components, analyzes selected issues in the social control of youth gangs, and discusses differences in the application of these strategies and ways to handle gang-related issues in correctional contexts with chronic and emerging gang problems. 1991. 17 pages. NCJ 147633
Probation ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. A probation model for countering youth gangs requires a multidimensional strategy that implements probation's dual mission of protecting the community and reintegrating gang youth into normative patterns of community behavior. 1990. 16 pages. NCJ 142681
Parole ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. This parole model for youth gang members provides an appropriate mix of suppression and intervention programming to reduce the parole problems that their gang membership can cause. 1990. 14 pages. NCJ 142685
Community-Based Youth Agency ModelTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. The proposed model uses a community-based youth agency (CBYA) as the core organization for coordinating the control and prevention of youth gang crime through other community- based, criminal justice, and grassroots organizations. 1990. 52 pages. NCJ 142695
Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children in AmericaTop  
 OJJDP-Produced, OJJDP-Sponsored. Estimates the incidence of children who were abducted by family members, abducted by nonfamily members, runaways, throwaways, and missing because they had gotten lost or injured. May 1990. 407 pages. NCJ 123668
Client Evaluations of Gang Services: An Analysis of Client Responses Gathered During the National Youth Gang Suppression and Intervention Project Top  
 OJJDP-Produced. Data from 124 former gang members and clients of gang programs in six program sites and two conference sites were used to determine what services were received, how effective participants felt the services to be, and reasons for leaving gangs. May 1990. 39 pages. NCJ 147406
Law Enforcement Youth Gang Definitional ConferenceTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This report presents the edited transcript of a conference intended to achieve an understanding and clarification of local applications of gang-related terms. 1989. 87 pages. NCJ 146488
Report of the Law Enforcement Youth Gang SymposiumTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This document presents an edited transcript of a symposium held on March 1, 1988 to describe and assess various law enforcement and community-based approaches to gang problems in cities. 1988. 70 pages. NCJ 147404
When Tortured Children Strike BackTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. In 1982, 16 days apart on opposite sides of the country, two sons shot and killed their fathers because of parental abuse. 1983. 6 pages. NCJ 119890
Standards Relating to Noncriminal BehaviorTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These juvenile justice standards deal with juvenile court jurisdiction over status offenses, juveniles in circumstances endangering safety, runaways, services for juveniles in family conflict, alternative residential placements, and emergency services for juveniles in crisis. 1982. 93 pages. NCJ 83576
Standards Relating to Abuse and NeglectTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. This volume proposes and comments on standards for each major decision made regarding child abuse and neglect: the scope of mandatory reporting laws, the basis for coercive court intervention, the grounds for removing children from and returning them to their homes, both pre- and postadjudication, and the basis for termination of parental rights. 1981. 217 pages. NCJ 85418
Standards Relating to MonitoringTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. This volume of American Bar Association juvenile justice standards pertains to monitoring, which includes observation and evaluation, the formation of a minimum baseline of useful data, the assurance of compliance with applicable norms and standards, and the implementation of change. 1980. 111 pages. NCJ 82486
Standard Relating to Transfer Between CourtsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. This volume of American Bar Association juvenile justice standards addresses waiver, the process by which the juvenile court releases certain juveniles from its jurisdiction and transfers them to the criminal courts. 1980. 70 pages. NCJ 82487
Standards Relating to Corrections AdministrationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. These juvenile justice standards for corrections administration focus on jurisdiction of the department responsible for the administration of juvenile corrections, organization and personnel, required program features, modification of dispositions, nonresidential and residential programs, the disciplinary system, and accountability. 1980. 223 pages. NCJ 83566
Standards Relating to Architecture of FacilitiesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These standards, part of a series of volumes of standards relating to juvenile justice administration, provide a comprehensive set of evaluative criteria for the development and realization of architectural programs for juvenile detention and corrections facilities. 1980. 103 pages. NCJ 83567
Standards Relating to Dispositional ProceduresTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These standards for juvenile dispositional procedures focus on dispositional authority, dispositional information, parties present, custody awaiting disposition, predisposition conference and disposition agreements, the formal disposition hearing, and the imposition and correction of disposition. 1980. 72 pages. NCJ 83568
Standards Relating to DispositionsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These juvenile justice standards deal with the choice of disposition within the maxima, as well as with the characteristics of each type of disposition and the situations in which dispositions, once imposed, may be modified. 1980. 144 pages. NCJ 83569
Standards Relating to Interim Status - The Release, Control, and Detention of Accused Juvenile Offenders Between Arrest and DispositionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These juvenile justice standards delineate the characteristics and structure of decisionmaking affecting a juvenile between arrest on criminal charges and final disposition of the case. 1980. 137 pages. NCJ 83570
Standards Relating to Juvenile Records and Information SystemsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. These juvenile justice standards deal with general policies on information and specific standards for juveniles' social and psychological histories, records of juvenile courts, and police records. 1980. 175 pages. NCJ 83571
Standards Relating to Planning for Juvenile JusticeTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. These standards for juvenile justice planning, part of a series of volumes of standards for various aspects of juvenile justice administration, focus on general planning principles for juvenile justice agencies, organization of the planning network, functions of the juvenile justice planner, and roles for external participants in the planning process. 1980. 129 pages. NCJ 83572
Standards Relating to Youth Service AgenciesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These juvenile justice standards for youth service agencies (YSA's) cover the establishment of YSA's, objectives, decision structure, access to YSA's, the service system, monitoring and assessment, and organization and administration. 1980. 144 pages. NCJ 83574
Standards Relating to Juvenile Delinquency and SanctionsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These juvenile justice standards defining juvenile delinquency and juvenile sanctions cover jurisdiction, general principles of liability, sanctions, and limits on the type and duration of delinquency sanctions. 1980. 60 pages. NCJ 83575
Standards Relating to Police Handling of Juvenile ProblemsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These standards apply to the role and authority of the police in handling juvenile problems, implications of this role for police organization and personnel, and the need for incentives and accountability in the police handling of juveniles. 1980. 171 pages. NCJ 83577
Standards Relating to Rights of MinorsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored. These standards for the rights of minors, part of a series of volumes of standards for various aspects of juvenile justice administration, focus on relationships between the child and the parents and between the child and third parties, against a background of family interests. 1980. 137 pages. NCJ 83578
Standards Relating to Appeals and Collateral ReviewTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These standards for juvenile appeals and collateral review focus on the nature of the appellate structure, reviewability, the right to counsel and records, procedures, stays of orders and release pending appeal, and collateral and supplementary proceedings. 1980. 59 pages. NCJ 83579
Standards Relating to AdjudicationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. Following a presentation of standards for the phases of juvenile adjudication, part of a series of volumes with standards for various aspects of juvenile justice administration, commentary is provided for each standard. 1980. 102 pages. NCJ 83580
Standards Relating to Pretrial Court ProceedingsTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These standards for pretrial juvenile court proceedings cover report, petition, and summons; notification of rights; discovery; the right to a probable cause hearing; respondent's right to counsel; waiver of the juvenile's rights; and juvenile court calendaring. 1980. 151 pages. NCJ 83581
Standards Relating to Counsel for Private PartiesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These juvenile justice standards for counsel for private parties focus on the lawyer-client relationship, the initial stages of representation, advising and counseling the client, preadjudication proceedings, adjudication, transfer proceedings, disposition, and postdisposition. 1980. 236 pages. NCJ 83582
Standards Relating to ProsecutionTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These standards for the prosecution of juveniles cover the organization of the juvenile prosecutor's office, the preadjudication phase, uncontested adjudication proceedings, the adjudicatory phase, the dispositional phase, and postdisposition proceedings. 1980. 99 pages. NCJ 83583
Standards Relating to Court Organization and AdministrationTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These juvenile justice standards deal with the organization of juvenile courts, the court functions of judicial and chief administrative personnel, court functions, and the responsibility of the family court division to effectuate its duties and orders. 1980. 60 pages. NCJ 83584
Standards Relating to the Juvenile Probation Function - Intake and Predisposition Investigative ServicesTop  
 OJJDP-Sponsored, American Bar Association. These juvenile justice standards focus on juvenile court intake, predisposition investigations and reports, organization and administration of juvenile intake and predisposition investigative services, and intake and investigative personnel. 1980. 163 pages. NCJ 83585