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Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Working for Youth Justice and Safety
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     OJJDP News @ a Glance

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OJJDP's award winning bimonthly electronic newsletter OJJDP News @ a Glance highlights agency activities, publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events.

Subscribe to OJJDP News @ a Glance and browse through past issues below.

2016 Archives

November/December 2016. In this issue's video message, Administrator Listenbee discusses how OJJDP has helped reform the juvenile justice system during his nearly 4-year tenure. The top story highlights the Office's activities to promote youth justice and safety in 2016. Other features include a recap of the OJJDP-convened Institute for Police-Youth Engagement, a summary of the Justice Department's panel on community-based approaches to juvenile justice, and an article about the OJJDP-funded Big Brothers Big Sisters of America's police-youth mentoring program. 
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September/October 2016. This issue's top story and video Q&A between Administrator Listenbee and OJJDP Associate Administrator Kellie Blue highlight President Obama's proclamation of October 2016 as National Youth Justice Awareness Month and OJJDP's efforts to reform the juvenile justice system to ensure better outcomes for system-involved youth. Other features include a recap of the launch of Changing Minds, a public awareness campaign to address children's exposure to violence; a summary of the Office's fiscal year 2016 grant awards; highlights of OJJDP-sponsored research at the American Society of Criminology's annual meeting; and an article on the Justice Department's Violence Reduction Network.
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July/August 2016. Features highlights from the OJJDP-organized National Summit on Preventing Youth Violence. Explores the upcoming Defending Childhood public awareness campaign; the needs of at-risk and justice-involved lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning/queer, intersex, or gender nonconforming youth; tribal child protection; an OJJDP-sponsored research symposium on youth violence prevention; and the Office's support for youth who have pledged to end violence in their communities.
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May/June 2016. Highlights OJJDP's commitment to ensure that every youth involved with the juvenile justice system has early access to well-qualified counsel and quality postdisposition representation. Features a summary of the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention's Fifth National Summit, an overview of a national campaign to end the use of isolation in facilities that house youth, highlights of OJJDP's Supporting the Role of Law Enforcement in Juvenile Justice Reform roundtable, highlights of Administrator Listenbee's remarks at the Coalition for Juvenile Justice conference, and a recap of the Justice Department's National Missing Children's Day observance.
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March/April 2016. Focuses on the April observance of National Child Abuse Prevention Month and OJJDP's ongoing efforts to promote the safety and well-being of our nation's children. Highlights OJJDP's roundtable discussion of the unintended consequences of mandatory and pro-arrest policies on girls, the Office's support for tribal youth, the addition of three new Violence Reduction Network sites, and the Department of Justice designation of April 24-30 as National Reentry Week.
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January/February 2016. Focuses on January's National Mentoring Summit and OJJDP's ongoing efforts to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system. Highlights the AMBER Alert program, Department of Justice officials' visit to reentry demonstration sites, and Administrator Listenbee's reflections on the legacy of the Models for Change initiative.
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2015 Archives

November/December 2015. Highlights some of OJJDP’s major accomplishments in 2015. Examines the Office’s policy guidance on girls and the juvenile justice system, violence prevention efforts in Baltimore and other cities, assistance to states in support of their juvenile justice reform efforts, efforts to improve relationships between youth and law enforcement, and participation in the Second Chance Act and Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program conference.
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September/October 2015. Highlights President Obama’s proclamation of October as National Youth Justice Awareness Month and features a video discussion between OJJDP Administrator Listenbee and a juvenile justice youth advocate on the proclamation’s significance. Showcases the youth and law enforcement leaders recognized as “Champions of Change,” new sites added to the Violence Reduction Network, OJJDP’s recently held family drug court listening session, and highlights of OJJDP’s fiscal year 2015 awards.
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July/August 2015. Highlights the White House Tribal Youth Gathering and OJJDP’s efforts to encourage and learn from youth voices. Features OJJDP’s efforts to help rethink school discipline; encourage children to stand against violence; train youth leaders of the juvenile justice system; remind the nation’s chief justices, state court administrators, and juvenile and family court judges of its priorities; and spread the word on current best practices for using data to reform the juvenile justice system.
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May/June 2015. Highlights the Office’s efforts to address and prevent youth violence and victimization. Features DOJ’s commemoration of National Missing Children’s Day, the Coalition for Juvenile Justice Conference, the OJJDP-sponsored National Law Enforcement Training on Child Exploitation, and more.
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March/April 2015. Highlights the Office’s Smart on Juvenile Justice Initiative. Features OJJDP evaluations of delinquency prevention models, the launch of TTA360—the Office’s training and technical assistance request system—the Children’s Advocacy Centers’ child abuse response model, and more.
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January/February 2015. Highlights the new OJJDP National Mentoring Resource Center and, in light of National Mentoring Month in January, the impact of evidence-based mentoring practices. Features the launch of the White House Asian American and Pacific Islander Bullying Prevention Task Force; Departments of Justice and Education release of a correctional education guidance package to improve the quality of educational services for confined youth; Justice Department partnership with Facebook and Bing to expand the reach of AMBER Alerts; and more.
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2014 Archives

November/December 2014. Highlights the release of "Ending Violence So Children Can Thrive," a report with comprehensive policy recommendations from the Advisory Committee of the Attorney General’s Task Force on American Indian and Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence. Features OJJDP’s fiscal year 2014 grant awards; an OJJDP-convened roundtable on mentoring; OJJDP’s sessions at the International Association of Chiefs of Police annual meeting; and more.
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September/October 2014. Highlights the 40th anniversary of the passage of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. Includes special features on the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice to expand opportunities for youth; OJJDP’s “Smart on Juvenile Justice” awards to promote systemwide reform and reduce racial and ethnic disparities; and more.
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July/August 2014. Highlights a Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention meeting on strategies for successfully transitioning youth from juvenile justice systems to communities. Includes special features on President Obama’s announcement of new AmeriCorps partnerships to expand opportunities for youth; a guide released by the National Academies for providers of support services to young victims of commercial sexual exploitation; OJJDP’s “Today’s Native Leaders”  initiative; upcoming events; and more.
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May/June 2014. Highlights OJJDP Administrator Robert L. Listenbee’s testimony at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the reauthorization of the JJDP Act.  The issue also includes special features on the release of a new Council of State Governments school discipline report; the final public hearing of the Task Force on American Indian and Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence; OJJDP’s new Smart on Juvenile Justice solicitations; and more. HTML | Abstract

March/April 2014. Highlights OJJDP Administrator Robert L. Listenbee's keynote speech at the Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development Conference, includes special features on Child Abuse Prevention Month; exposure to trauma among youth in the juvenile justice system; the third public hearing of the Attorney General's Task Force on American Indian and Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence; the Justice Department's new National Center for Building Community Trust and Justice Initiative; and an OJJDP-sponsored listening session on racial and ethnic disparities. HTML | Abstract

January/February 2014. Features the National Mentoring Summit held in Arlington, VA. The issue also includes special features on the second public hearing of the Attorney General’s Task Force on American Indian and Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence; a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Grand Rounds session on youth violence prevention; a released by the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education; the launch of an AMBER Alert Twitter account; and more.  HTML | Abstract

2013 Archives

November/December 2013. Highlights the first of four public hearings that the Task Force on American Indian/Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence will hold to examine the impact of violence on children in Indian country. The issue also includes special features on OJJDP research presentations at the 2013 American Society of Criminology meeting; OJJDP’s fiscal year 2013 awards; OJJDP’s participation in a conference on girls and trauma at Georgetown University; and more.  HTML  |  Abstract

September/October 2013. Highlights a listening session organized by the White House Domestic Policy Council and OJJDP on how to improve or enhance mentoring services for children of incarcerated parents. Also includes articles on the Third Annual Summit on Preventing Youth Violence an OJJDP-commissioned Institute of Medicine report on the commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking of minors; and more.  HTML  |  Abstract

July/August, 2013. This issue of OJJDP’s bimonthly highlights a presentation by members of the National Research Council on an OJJDP-funded report on recent advances in scientific understanding of adolescent brain development that should be more fully incorporated into juvenile justice policies and practices. The newsletter also includes articles on an OJJDP report on four listening sessions, OJJDP’s national training and technical assistance resources, and more. HTML | Abstract

May/June 2013. This issue of OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter features an interview with Administrator Robert L. Listenbee, articles on the U.S. Department of Justice's Missing Children’s Day ceremony, an OJJDP-supported publication that outlines best practices for family drug courts, and more. HTML | Abstract

March/April 2013. This issue highlights defense attorney Robert L. Listenbee’s assumption of the leadership of OJJDP in March 2013; the Justice Department’s launch of a task force to address violence against children in tribal communities; and more. HTML | Abstract

January/February 2013. This issue highlights OJJDP's ongoing efforts to combat child sex trafficking in the United States; the third annual National Mentoring Summit; OJJDP’s new "Beyond Detention" publication series; and more. HTML | Abstract

2012 Archives

November/December 2012. This issue describes the Defending Childhood Task Force's release of recommendations for launching a coordinated national response to children's exposure to violence. The issue also includes special features on the following topics: OJJDP's FY 2012 awards, the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention's working session, and a National Research Council report supporting a developmental approach to juvenile justice. HTML | Abstract

September/October 2012. This issue features highlights of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s fall 2012 meeting, which focused on girls and the juvenile justice system; OJJDP’s announcement of a $1.5 million grant to reduce youth violence in Philadelphia; Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders; and more. HTML | Abstract

July/August 2012. This issue of OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter features highlights of the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) National Intertribal Youth Summit, the Supreme Court ban on mandatory life without parole for juveniles convicted of homicide, the third Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summit, and more. HTML | Abstract

May/June 2012. This issue of OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter features offers highlights of the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) National Missing Children’s Day ceremony, DOJ’s joint project with the U.S. Department of Education to keep youth in school and out of court; National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day, and more.  HTML | Abstract

March/April 2012. This issue of OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter features an indepth interview with Melodee Hanes, OJJDP’s Acting Administrator; features on the second annual summit of the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention; findings of an OJJDP-supported study on serious juvenile offenders; and more. HTML | Abstract

January/February 2012. Reports on the White House designation of Melodee Hanes as OJJDP's Acting Administrator, the 10th anniversary of OJJDP News @ a Glance, the National Mentoring Summit, the public awareness campaign highlighting teen dating violence, and more. HTML | Abstract

2011 Archives

November/December, 2011. The latest issue of "OJJDP News @ a Glance" reports that in fiscal year 2011, OJJDP awarded $393 million to numerous programs. HTML | Abstract

September/October, 2011. This issue's lead article reports on OJJDP's 2011 National Conference on Children's Justice and Safety, held on October 12–14, 2011. HTML | Abstract

July/August 2011. The latest issue of "OJJDP News @ a Glance" features articles on CrimeSolutions.gov, a special feature on a new joint initiative by the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education to address school disciplinary practices, and a story on the recent National Intertribal Youth Summit in Santa Fe, NM. HTML | Abstract

May/June 2011. The latest issue of "OJJDP News @ a Glance" features the Attorney General's public service announcement to raise awareness about the problem of children's exposure to violence and about the Justice Department's Defending Childhood initiative. The issue also features the 2011 National Missing Children's Day observance, and the May 2011 meeting of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. HTML | Abstract

March/April 2011. The latest issue reports on the recent op-ed stating that research has proven "Scared Straight" programs to be ineffective as means of deterring juvenile delinquency. The issue also features Child Abuse Prevention Month, the National Girls Institute's launch of listening sessions nationwide, and OJJDP's National Conference in October 2011. HTML | Abstract

January/February 2011. This issue reports on a partnership that will enable millions of Facebook users across the country to receive AMBER Alerts through their accounts. It also features articles on First Lady Michelle Obama's announcement at the National Mentoring Summit and OJJDP's FY 2010 fellows in tribal youth and juvenile justice and children's exposure to violence. HTML | Abstract

2010 Archives

November/December 2010. This issue reports on OJJDP's initiatives to prevent and intervene in girls' delinquency. The issue also includes special features on OJJDP's FY 2010 grant awards, an OJJDP survey of juvenile justice professionals to determine training and technical assistance needs, and the recent national AMBER Alert Symposium. HTML | Abstract

September/October 2010. This issue reports on the Attorney General's Defending Childhood initiative, and includes special features on the September meeting of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; arts programs that help at-risk and delinquent youth replace destructive behavior with positive activities and interests; and the Office of Justice Programs' SMART Office, which supports the nation's efforts to register and monitor sex offenders. HTML | Abstract

July/August 2010. This issue features OJJDP’s green detention and reentry programs for tribal youth and reports on the National Institute of Justice Conference, which featured evidence-based practices in addressing crime; DOJ's Tribal Youth Summit; and AMBER Alert training on cross-border abductions. HTML | Abstract

May/June 2010. This issue includes an article on the U.S. Department of Justice's commemoration of Missing Children’s Day on May 25. The issue also includes special features on the April meeting of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; the OJJDP-led Justice Working Group on Children and Disasters; and the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws conference scheduled for August. HTML | Abstract

March/April 2010. This issue presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. This issue includes a lead article on the National Symposium on Indigent Defense. The issue also includes special features on the recent National Symposium on Child Protection in Indian Country; the third annual Blueprints Conference promoting evidence-based programs to prevent youth violence; and the upcoming Internet Crimes Against Children Conference. HTML | Abstract

January/February 2010. This issue includes a special feature on a media event held by Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington celebrating National Mentoring Month; highlights recent activities and achievements of the AMBER Alert program; the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s approval of a 2010 workplan and identification of key areas of focus for the future; and updates to OJJDP’s online resources for preventing gang violence. HTML | Abstract

2009 Archives

November/December 2009. This issue includes a special feature on the Department of Justice priority on reentry programs for ex-offenders and OJJDP’s more than two decades of commitment to ensuring a safe and successful reentry for juveniles. The issue also includes features on the Obama Administration’s meeting with tribal leaders to discuss public safety needs in Indian country; an historic gathering of former OJJDP Administrators to discuss their tenures, issues in the juvenile justice field, and the future of the Office; and an OJJDP-sponsored workshop on evaluating gender-sensitive programs. HTML | Abstract

September/October 2009. This issue highlights "Children's Exposure to Violence: A Comprehensive National Survey", which summarizes the most comprehensive study to date on children's exposure to violence; features the Recovery Act funds awarded by OJJDP; a new Web site launched to help Federal staff support comprehensive community initiatives; and a recently released publication highlighting model courts' success in improving outcomes in child abuse and neglect cases. HTML | Abstract

July/August 2009. This issue features a new report recommending comprehensive dependency court improvements for American Indian/Alaska Native children; information on the upcoming Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws conference; recent visits to OJJDP by delegations from the United Kingdom, Spain, and Brazil to learn more about the Office's programs; and a Tribal Youth Program grant that enabled American Indian youth to travel to the Oregon Statehouse to view lawmakers at work. HTML | Abstract

May/June 2009. This issue includes a special feature on the Department of Justice's commemoration of the 26th annual National Missing Children's Day, OJJDP's monthly focus groups, which are establishing an ongoing dialog with policymakers and practitioners on the most important issues facing the juvenile justice field; and an OJJDP-sponsored training course that educates law enforcement personnel on the best ways to approach and interact with adolescent girls during police calls. HTML | Abstract

March/April 2009. This issue includes a feature on OJJDP's participation in major national conferences on child abuse prevention and juvenile justice issues, describes the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, provides updates on OJJDP's juvenile drug court initiative and efforts to reduce the disproportionate number of minority youth who come into contact with the justice system. An overview of the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement (SYRP) and upcoming OJJDP Bulletins describing the first national SYRP is also included. HTML | Abstract

Newsletter Achievements

Image of Communicator Award

OJJDP's Newsletter received two awards:

  • OJJDP's News @ a Glance bimonthly newsletter received top honors in the 2009 National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC) Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards competition. News @ a Glance took first place in the Gold Screen E-Newsletter category.

  • In addition News @ a Glance received a Communicator Award in the Government Category.