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Enacted: 11/1/2010
Updated: February 28, 2010

Treasury Policy on Voluntary Disclosure of Meetings on Dodd-Frank Implementation

The Department of the Treasury strongly supports increased transparency in government. In particular, the Secretary has committed to implementing the historic Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in an open and transparent manner. This voluntary policy is an important step forward in fulfilling that goal.

Treasury voluntarily commits to disclosure of meetings with private sector individuals or entities and nongovernmental organizations, with the exception of members of the media, that are set up for the purpose of discussing policy implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act. This disclosure policy will apply to in-person meetings participated in by Treasury Departmental Offices employees who are Deputy Assistant Secretaries or Treasury officials of equal or higher rank, including Counselors to the Secretary and Special Advisors to the Secretary.

Meeting disclosures will be posted to the Treasury Department’s website and shall include: (1) the date of the meeting; (2) the names of all covered Treasury participants; (3) the names and affiliations of all non-Treasury participants, and; (4) a list of the primary topics of conversation related to Dodd-Frank implementation.

This voluntary disclosure policy is effective immediately and applies to all meetings going forward. Treasury will respond to individual requests for information about meetings that occurred prior to the effective date of this policy through the standard Freedom of Information Act process.

In limited circumstances, Treasury may delay the disclosure of particularly sensitive meetings, if disclosing the meetings could cause market speculation or result in substantial harm to the government or financial system. Treasury will disclose each month the number of records withheld on this basis, and it will release information regarding such meetings once the information is no longer sensitive.

Meeting disclosures will be posted to the Treasury website by the last day of each month, covering meetings that took place during the previous month. For example, the first posting will occur at the end of the year, on December 31, 2010, and cover meetings that took place in November 2010. This short lag time will allow Treasury to continue to conduct business, while still providing the American people with an unprecedented amount of information about the implementation of this legislation.


Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (November 2010)​

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (December 2010)​​​​​​​

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (January 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (February 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (March 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (April 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (May 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (June 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (July 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (August 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (September 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (October 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (November 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (December 2011)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (January 2012)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (February 2012)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (March 2012)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (April 2012) 

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (May 2012)  

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (June 2012)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (July 2012)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (August 2012)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (September 2012)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (October 2012)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (November 2012)

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (December 2012)​​

Disclosure of Dodd-Frank Implementation Meetings (January 2013)​​

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Last Updated: 2/28/2013 4:56 PM