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First Look at the Quality Performance Report Data for FY 2012

Published: October 22, 2013
Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) Reporting
Reporting, States/Territories

The first summary data for the FY 2012 Quality Performance Report (QPR) have been released. The annual QPR captures State and Territory progress on improving the quality of child care. Specifically, the report:

  • Provides a national assessment of State and Territory progress toward improving the quality of child care, including a focus on program quality and child care workforce quality;
  • Tracks State and Territory annual progress toward meeting high-quality indicators and benchmarks, including those that they set for themselves in their CCDF Plans and those that are of interest to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in measuring CCDF program performance;
  • Assists national, State, and Territory technical assistance efforts to help States and Territories make strategic use of quality funds; and
  • Assists with program accountability.

OCC collected this information as one part of our overall effort to better understand State and Territory activities to improve the quality of child care. OCC recognizes that the data requested in the QPR will provide only part of that picture. Because State and Territorial efforts vary based on each Lead Agency’s system, we recognize that the data may not be comparable across States and Territories. OCC intends to work with the States and Territories to gather any additional contextual information necessary in order to fully understand the data.

Learn more about the results by reading the following fact sheets:

Early Learning Guidelines First Look
Health and Safety First Look
Quality Improvement First Look
Workforce First Look

Also, visit the QPR FY 2013 page for guidance and instructions on submitting the QPR for FY 2013 by the December 31, 2013 deadline.

Last Reviewed: June 10, 2016