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What is LMI (Labor Market Information)? 

The VIDOL (Virgin Islands Department of Labor) collects, analyzes, and publishes information about the Territory’s labor market. This information provides a snapshot of Virgin Islands economy, job market, businesses, and its workforce. Data on jobs and workers, including labor force, employment and unemployment, industrial growth, occupational trends, and wage rates, are increasingly important to remaining competitive in the global marketplace.  

 Virgin Islands Unemployment Initial Claims (Unadjusted) (Initial Claims data) 

Initial claims for unemployment insurance are a component of leading economic indicators. Claims represent the number of workers filing for unemployment benefits following the loss of a job. Claims are sensitive to changing economic conditions and are a good predictor of turning points. In the initial stages of economic recovery, layoffs are slow and hiring accelerates with the result that claims drop. In the later stages of an expansion, as the economy begins to decelerate and the labor market softens, layoffs occur at the margins of the work force, hiring slows, and initial claims increase.

 Labor Force Estimates (Unadjusted)

Provides a comprehensive body of data on the: labor force, employment, unemployment. This data is produced on a monthly basis. The labor force is comprised of persons 16 and older who show up in our unemployment insurance wage data working full time or part time and actively seeking employment through VIDOL. This data set is not comparable with labor force estimates developed as part of the national cooperative program. Virgin Islands estimates reflect the use of prescribed BLS methodology but are not adjusted to an independent estimate provided through the CPS (Current Population Survey).Source: Virgin Islands Department of Labor unemployment insurance claims data and the current employment statistics monthly survey of establishments. 

Occupational Safety and Health Statistics

Data sets that represent annual counts and incidence rates of both non-fatal and fatal work related injuries and illnesses in the Virgin Islands. The Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) collects data on nonfatal injuries and illnesses that private industry employers report based on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) “Log of Work- Related Injuries and Illnesses.” The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) collects data on work- related fatalities. CFOI uses multiple sources, such as news reports, death certificates, police reports, and workers’ compensation reports to identify, verify, and describe work-related fatalities.   

Employment Industry Data         

The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program publishes a quarterly count of employment and wages reported by employers by industry. It serves as a sampling frame and employment benchmark for numerous programs at both the state and federal level. The QCEW also serves important actuarial functions for SESAs and the U.S. Employment and Training Administration.  

Current Employment Statistics    

Each month the Current Employment Statistics (CES) program surveys businesses and government agencies, in order to provide detailed industry data on employment, hours, and earnings of workers on non-farm payrolls within the Virgin Islands.  

Occupational Employment Statistics

The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program produces employment and wage estimates for over 800 occupations. These are estimates of the number of people employed in certain occupations, and estimates of the wages paid to them. Self-employed persons are not included in the estimates. These estimates are available for the nation as a whole, for individual States, and for metropolitan areas; national occupational estimates for specific industries are also available. This information assists employment and training planners, guidance and career counselors and others to match workers with jobs. The data are also used by the Employment and Training Administration's Alien Labor Certification (ALC) staff to determine prevailing wage levels.





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