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Dealer Permits

Seafood dealers who purchase Federally managed species from vessels require a permit to purchase the following species: Atlantic mackerel, squid, butterfish, Atlantic sea scallop, Northeast multispecies, monkfish (goosefish), summer flounder (fluke), scup, black sea bass, Atlantic bluefish, Atlantic herring, spiny dogfish, Atlantic deep-sea red crab, Atlantic bluefin tuna, other Atlantic tunas (yellowfin, bigeye, skipjack, albacore); NE skate, American lobster, Atlantic hagfish, surfclam and ocean quahog processors or dealers; Atlantic herring processors or dealers; and/or Atlantic mackerel at-sea processors [50 CFR 648.6 and 50 CFR 697.6].

How to Apply

  1. Request a Dealer Permit Application be Mailed to you.
    You may request that a dealer permit application be mailed to you from the NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Region Permit Office by calling (978) 281-9370 ext. 6442. Once you receive the package, complete the application and include all supplemental documents required. Mail it to the address provided on the application. If the package is complete and correct, NOAA Fisheries will then mail your permit to you within 30 days of receiving your complete application. Note: Renewal dealer permit applications are pre-populated with individual dealer information and mailed out prior to the expiration of the current dealer permit.

    Additional Regulations for Dealers of Atlantic Tunas.

  2. Download an Initial Dealer Permit
    You may also Download this Initial Dealer Permit Application from the NMFS Permit Office Web Page. The download package is an Adobe Acrobat PDF (Portable Document Format) file. Note: Instructions and application are included on the form. This form can be filled out online, but must still be printed and mailed as directed in the instructions.

    Once you print the package, complete the application and include all supplemental documents required. Mail it to the address provided on the application. If the package is complete and correct, NOAA Fisheries will then mail your permit to you within 30 days of receiving your complete application.

Note: Information on Dealer Electronic Reporting requirements can be obtained by reading our DER Requirements Factsheet, visiting the Northeast Dealer Reporting Webpage or by contacting your Local Field Office.

For further information please call 978-281-9370 ext. 6438.