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Grant Management

General Information on NEH Awards For Faculty

The deadline for accepting 2014-2015 NEH Awards for Faculty is February 21, 2014.  To accept the award, please complete, sign, and return the acceptance form to the NEH Awards for Faculty Program by either scanning and e-mailing it to or faxing it to (202) 606-8204 by this deadline. If you have questions, contact the Awards for Faculty Program at (202) 606-8200.  Hearing-impaired applicants can contact NEH via TDD at 1-866-372-2930.


PART ONE of this document describes the terms and conditions governing NEH Awards for Faculty.

PART TWO provides specific information on term dates, stipends, and instructions for completing the acceptance form.


Terms and Conditions of Award

A.   Time Commitment:  Your Award for Faculty term must be continuous; that is, no breaks from work on the project are allowable for the duration of your award.  Awards may be held full time, part time, or a combination of the two.  Part-time study is defined as any amount of release time between half time and full time.  In any case, you must complete your award within two years of the start date you choose.  During your term, you may also attend conferences related to your award and give presentations on it.  If you are contemplating any additional activity, you must first consult with the NEH program staff to determine whether the proposed activity is permissible.

B.  Project Changes:  You may make minor changes to your proposed project without consulting the Endowment.  However, any significant change must be approved in advance.  You should describe and justify the changes to the Endowment in writing so that the Endowment can determine whether the new plans fall within the intent of the award.

C.  Work Leading toward Degrees:  You may audit courses and seminars pertinent to your fellowship project, but you may not enroll in a degree program or engage in work you intend to apply toward a degree either now or later.

D.  Resignation or Termination:  Your award may be terminated by the Endowment if, for any reason, you resign or discontinue the proposed program before the end of your fellowship term or fail to observe the award’s terms and conditions.  If you resign before the end of your term, you must return any funds received over and above those to which you are entitled.

If during the course of your award you are unable to meet the terms of the award, then you are obliged to inform the Endowment immediately so that appropriate action may be taken.  Because stipend payments are made in advance, it may be determined that a portion of the stipend must be returned to the Endowment; if this is the case, the Endowment will inform you of the amount that must be repaid, the basis for the calculation, and the date by which repayment must be made.

E.  Final Report: You must submit a final performance report on activities accomplished with your NEH award. This report must be submitted electronically via eGMS, the NEH's online grant management system at   When accessing eGMS for the first time, enter your eGMS username , which appears in parentheses next to your name in the "Award Recipient” box of the Official Notice of Action that will be included with your award letter. Then click the “reset password” button. An e-mail message will be sent to you with a link to create a new password.  A user guide containing additional instructions is available at the above eGMS site.

The final performance report is due within 90 days after the conclusion of your term.  A final financial report is not required.

F.  Prohibition on the Use of Funds for Lobbying Activities:  The Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment, 31 U.S.C. 1352, prohibits recipients of federal contracts, awards, cooperative agreements, and loans from using appropriated funds to influence the Executive or Legislative Branches of the federal government in connection with a specific contract, award, cooperative agreement, loan, or any other award covered by §1352. 18 U.S.C. 1913 makes it a crime to use funds appropriated by Congress to influence members of Congress regarding congressional legislation or appropriations. Finally, the following are unallowable charges to award funds or cost sharing: certain electioneering activities, financial support for political parties, attempts to influence federal or state legislation either directly or through grass-roots lobbying, and some legislative liaison activities.

The NEH is required by the provisions of its appropriations act to include the text of 18 U.S.C. 1913 in all of its award, cooperative agreement, and contract documents.

Text of 18 U.S.C. 1913:

No part of the money appropriated by any enactment of Congress shall, in the absence of express authorization by Congress, be used directly or indirectly to pay for any personal service, advertisement, telegram, telephone, letter, printed or written matter, or other device, intended or designed to influence in any manner a Member of Congress, a jurisdiction, or an official of any government, to favor, adopt, or oppose, by vote or otherwise, any legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriation, whether before or after the introduction of any bill, measure, or resolution proposing such legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriation; but this shall not prevent officers or employees of the United States or of its departments or agencies from communicating to any such Member or official, at his request, or to Congress or such official, through the proper official channels, requests for any legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriations which they deem necessary for the efficient conduct of the public business, or from making any communication whose prohibition by this section might, in the opinion of the Attorney General, violate the Constitution or interfere with the conduct of foreign policy, counter-intelligence, intelligence, or national security activities. Violations of this section shall constitute violations of section 1352(a) of title 31.

G.  Research Misconduct:  NEH will take appropriate action against individuals or organizations upon a determination that misconduct has occurred in proposing, performing, or reviewing research or reporting results from research activities funded by NEH in accordance with the NEH Research Misconduct Policy.  

H.  Publishing as a Result of Your NEH Award:  Although there is no formal requirement that you publish the results of your investigations, most recipients intend to do so.  You may copyright any material produced as a result of award activities, and you may make the results of your work available to the public without restriction. 

All materials publicizing or resulting from activities accomplished under an award (for example, books or articles) must contain an acknowledgment of NEH support.  The acknowledgment must also include the following statement: “Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this (publication) (program) (website) do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.”

One copy of all award products should be forwarded to NEH soon as they are available, no matter how long after grant completion the publication may appear. 

After  the award period and in accordance with information disclosure laws, the narrative and bibliography that you submitted with your application may be made available to the public among the samples of successful applications published on  NEH’s website or at workshops that staff members periodically conduct for prospective applicants.              

I.  Medical Insurance and Other Fringe Benefits:  The Endowment provides neither medical insurance nor any other fringe benefits for awardees. It is therefore recommended that you continue the benefit programs in which you are participating.  Unemployment compensation and Social Security insurance are not covered because recipients are not employees of the U.S. Government.

J.   Income Tax:  The tax laws governing awards were amended by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the courts decide the extent to which a particular award is taxable.  The Endowment does not withhold taxes from stipends.  Neither does the Endowment send to recipients an IRS form W-2 or IRS form 1099.  You should familiarize yourself with the tax laws to determine the tax liability of your award and whether you are entitled to deduct any expenses in connection with it.  The IRS has not advised the Endowment concerning tax treatment of awards, and NEH cannot provide tax advice or answers to tax questions.

K. Activities Outside the United States: Prior to undertaking activities outside the United States, recipients shall secure the necessary passports, visas, or other required documents for entry into foreign countries. Recipients shall also obtain the appropriate licenses, permits, or approvals. The recipient must notify the NEH if a permit is denied or revoked after an award has been issued, or if an unforeseen circumstance, such as a natural disaster or political turmoil, prevents or threatens to prevent the recipient from carrying out project activities.

The NEH does not assume responsibility for recipient compliance with the laws and regulations of the country in which work is to be conducted.

Recipients should consult the updated travel advisories and warnings issued by the State Department through the American Citizens Services at 202-647-5225 or fax service 202-647-3000 or at the State Department’s Web site.

L.  Payment Procedures: Once your completed and signed acceptance form is received by NEH (see Part Two below), you will be sent an award letter that includes the payment schedule and instructions explaining how to submit your banking information to the NEH Accounting Office.  Do not submit your banking information until you receive your award letter.   At that time you will be required to submit to the NEH Accounting Office the ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form (Standard Form 3881).  To do this, you will complete the form and print a copy for signature (the signature must be hand written, not typed) by the authorized certifying official at your institution’s bank (if you choose deposit to your institution’s account) or at your own bank (if you choose deposit to a personal account).  Return the signed form to the NEH Accounting Office either by scanning and e-mailing it to or by faxing it to 202-688-2613.  Your NEH-assigned award number (beginning with HB) must be on the ACH form (under “Agency Information”) for payment to be made. 



Instructions for the Acceptance Form

The acceptance form is used to accept an NEH Award for Faculty, and to indicate the exact term dates of your award.  You should retain a copy of the completed form for your records and notify the program whenever you make modifications to the arrangements agreed to by the Endowment.  The acceptance form must include the following information:

1.  Application Number:  Your application number, a combination of a two-letter prefix (HB) plus five digits, can be found on your offer letter.

2.   Name

3.  Social Security Number

4.   Mailing Address, Home and Office Phone Numbers, and E-Mail Address

5.   Award for Faculty Term Dates:  Please note that your Award for Faculty term must begin on the first day of your chosen first month and end on the last day of your chosen final month.  Indicate the month and year in which you will begin your fellowship term and the month and year in which you will end your term.  You may start any month during the 21-month window from January 2014 through September 2015.  Remember that you must complete your Award for Faculty term within two years of the initial month you choose.

The final amount of the stipend is based on the number of months of your term.  For each full month of your term, NEH provides $4,200.  Thus, a full-time fellowship for 12 months carries a stipend of $50,400 ($4,200 x 12 months), while a half-time fellowship for 12 months  carries a stipend of $25,200 ($ 2,100 x  12).  The term dates you provide on the acceptance form may differ from the dates you originally requested in your application.  You may not increase the length of your term beyond your original request, but you may decrease it.  Please be certain of the term dates you enter on the acceptance form so that no changes will be required later.

Your Award for Faculty term must be continuous, that is, no breaks from work on the project are allowable for the duration of your award.  Awards may be held full time, part time, or a combination of the two.  Part-time study is defined as any amount of release time between half time and full time.  In any case, you must complete your award within two years of the start date you choose.    

Example: You could combine half and full time work to design an Award for Faculty term covering 20 months from January 2013 through August 2014:

–January 2014 through June 2014, teaching half time.  Total time on your NEH project: 6 months @ .5 commitment = 3 months full-time equivalent

–July 2014 through August 2014, no teaching.  Total time on your NEH project: 2 months @ 1.00 commitment = 2 months full-time.

–September 2014 through June 2015, teaching half time.  Total time on your NEH project: 10 months @ .5 commitment = 5 months full-time equivalent.

–July 2015 through August 2015, no teaching.  Total time on your NEH project: 2 months @ 1.00 commitment = 2 months full-time.

This term is equivalent to 12 full-time months.

The acceptance form includes a worksheet for plotting your award term.  Be sure to account for the entire term you have selected.  Periods should be listed chronologically.  This information will be used to establish a payment schedule for your entire term, so accuracy is important. 

While you may hold other fellowships (for example, sabbaticals and supplemental grants) or grants during your Award for Faculty term, you may not hold other awards from the NEH Division of Research Programs during the fiscal or calendar year or years in which you hold an NEH Award for Faculty.

6.  How would you like the stipend paid?  Awards for Faculty are paid in installments and prorated according to the term length.  Typically, the first payment is made at the beginning of the term period and subsequent payments are made every third month through the fellowship term.  The payment schedule and amounts for your particular award will be provided with the letter officially making the award.

All payments are made electronically by the U.S. Treasury Department and can be deposited either in your bank account or in your employing institution’s bank.  Please indicate the option you prefer.  Please choose only one

      Option 1: Payments electronically deposited into your personal checking or savings account using the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system.

      Option 2:  Payments electronically deposited into an account of your employing institution also using the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system.  Some institutions are willing to continue paying fringe benefits if payments are made through them.  Please consult with your institution about this option.  NOTE:  If  this option is selected, institutions are authorized to return any unspent award funds to the fellowship recipient at the end of the award period to cover additional costs not administered through the institution.

Please note that payments cannot be sent to foreign addresses or deposited in non-U.S. banks.

7.  Do you need your first payment early?  You may receive your first payment 30 days before your term begins if, for example, you anticipate major travel expenses early in your term.  However, no payment can be made before January 1, 2014. 

8.  Do you need a larger first payment?  If you have particularly high initial expenses, you may receive a larger first payment to cover them. 

9.  Acceptance and Certification:  You must accept or decline the offer of a 2013-2014 NEH Award for Faculty not later than February 21, 2014.  To accept the award, please complete, sign, and return the acceptance form to the NEH Faculty Awards Program by either scanning and e-mailing it to or faxing it to (202) 606-8204 by this deadline.