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Documents for Comment

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The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) affords the public opportunities to comment on proposed rules and policies, licensing actions, and draft technical documents. Toward that end, the NRC announces public comment opportunities in the Federal Register, here on the Documents for Comment page, and sometimes through press releases, and places all public comments into the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) and into a docket for the action on regulations.gov.

The following types of documents are available for comment:

Some of the links on this page are to non-NRC servers and websites and are provided solely as a reference for the convenience of users. NRC cannot guarantee the authenticity of documents or the validity of information obtained at these non-NRC websites. See our Site Disclaimer for more information.

Rulemaking-Related Documents

The NRC began managing rulemaking-related actions on the Government-wide Regulations.gov Web site in January 2008. The public can submit comments on NRC rulemaking actions through that site; see Navigating Rulemaking-Related Documents.

Docket ID Title Comment Period
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NRC-2016-0182 Individual Monitoring Devices for Industrial Radiographic Personnel (PRM-34-7) 01/23/2017
NRC-2016-0204 Power Reactors in Extended Shutdowns (PRM-50-114) 02/22/2017

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License Applications/Amendments

The following table lists notices of license applications received by the NRC and proposed amendments to NRC-licensed facility operations available for comment. For information regarding opportunities for public involvement in these licensing actions, see Hearing Opportunities and License Applications.

Docket ID Title Comment Period
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NRC-2016-0258 Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving Proposed No Significant Hazards Considerations and Containing Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information and Safeguards Information and Order Imposing Procedures for Access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information and Safeguards Information 02/02/2017
NRC-2016-0273 Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations 02/02/2017
NRC-2017-0004 Request to Amend a License to Import Radioactive Waste 02/06/2017
NRC-2017-0005 Request to Amend a License to Export Radioactive Waste 02/06/2017
NRC-2016-0272 Tennessee Valley Authority; Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 02/06/2017
NRC-2017-0002 Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations 02/16/2017
NRC-2016-0277 Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2; Consideration of Approval of Transfer of License and Conforming Amendment 02/22/2017
NRC-2016-0231 Waste Control Specialists LLC’s Consolidated Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility Project 02/28/2017

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Generic Communications

The following Generic Communications documents have been issued for public comment and noticed in the Federal Register.

Docket ID Title Comment Period
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NRC-2016-0255 Draft Regulatory Issue Summary 2016-XX; Administration of 10 CFR Part 72 Certificate of Compliance Corrections and Revisions 03/20/2017

Draft Regulatory Guides for Public Comment

The NRC issues regulatory guides in draft form to solicit public comment and involve the public in developing the agency's regulatory positions. Draft regulatory guides have not received complete staff review and, therefore, they do not represent official NRC staff positions.

Docket ID Title Comment Period
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NRC-2016-0233 Pressurized Water Reactor Control Rod Ejection and Boiling Water Reactor Control Rod Drop Accidents (DG-1327) 02/21/2017
NRC-2016-0270 Guidance for Implementation of 10 CFR 50.59, 'Changes, Tests, and Experiments' 02/21/2017
NRC-2016-0268 Spent Fuel Heat Generation in an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation 02/21/2017
NRC-2016-0224 Restart of a Nuclear Power Plant Shut Down by a Seismic Event (DG-1337) 02/28/2017

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Draft NUREG-Series Publications

The following NUREG-series documents have been issued for public comment and noticed in the Federal Register.

Docket ID Title Comment Period
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NRC-2016-0122 Consolidated Guidance About Material Licenses:  Program-Specific Guidance About Medical Use Licenses (NUREG-1556, Volume 9, Revision 3) 02/06/2017
NRC-2016-0158 Program-Specific Guidance About Possession Licenses for Production of Radioactive Material Using an Accelerator (NUREG-1556, Volume 21, Revision 1) 02/24/2017
NRC-2012-0010 Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Advanced Boiling Water Reactors (NUREG-2104, Rev. 0) 12/31/2018

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Policy Statements

The following policy statements have been issued for public comment and noticed in the Federal Register.
Docket ID Title Comment Period
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There are currently no policy statements available for comment.

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Draft Interim Staff Guidance

Interim Staff Guidance documents are issued to clarify or to address issues not discussed in a Standard Review Plan.

Docket ID Title Comment Period
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There are currently no draft interim staff guidance documents available for comment.

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Information Collections

The following information collections have been issued for public comment and noticed in the Federal Register.

Docket ID Title Comment Period
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NRC-2016-0132 Information Collection: NRC Form 314, Certificate of Disposition of Materials 01/23/2017
NRC-2016-0024 Information Collection: Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance (3150-0035) 01/27/2017
NRC-2016-0064 Information Collection:  NRC Form 850A, "Request for NRC Contractor Building Access," NRC Form 850B, "Request for NRC Contractor Information Technology Access Authorization," and NRC Form 850C, "Request for NRC Contractor Security Clearance" (3150-0218) 01/27/2017
NRC-2016-0062 NRC Form 327, Special Nuclear Material (SNM) and Source Material (SM) Physical Inventory Summary Report, and NUREG/BR, Instructions and Guidance for Completing Physical Inventory (3150-0139) 02/10/2017

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Other Documents For Comment

The following technical documents have been issued for public comment and noticed in the Federal Register.

Docket ID Title Comment Period
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NRC-2016-0276 Category 3 Source Security and Accountability 03/10/2017

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, January 23, 2017