The Source for Crime and Justice Data

National Jail Census, 1999 (ICPSR 3318)

Principal Investigator(s): United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics


The 1999 Census of Jails is the seventh in a series of data collection efforts aimed at studying the nation's locally administered jails. Previous censuses were conducted in 1970, 1972, 1978, 1983, 1988, and 1993. The 1999 census enumerated 3,365 locally administered confinement facilities that held inmates beyond arraignment and were staffed by municipal or county employees. Among these were 47 privately operated jails under contract for local governments and 42 regional jails that were operated for two or more jail authorities. In addition, the census identified 11 facilities maintained by the Federal Bureau of Prisons that functioned as jails. The nationwide total of the number of jails in operation on June 30, 1999, was 3,376. For purposes of this data collection, a local jail was defined as a locally operated adult detention facility that receives individuals pending arraignment and holds them awaiting trial, conviction, or sentencing, readmits probation, parole, and bail-bond violators and absconders, temporarily detains juveniles pending transfer to juvenile authorities, holds mentally ill persons pending their movement to appropriate health facilities, holds individuals for the military, for protective custody, for contempt, and for the courts as witnesses, releases convicted inmates to the community upon completion of sentence, transfers inmates to federal, state, or other authorities, houses inmates for federal, state, or other authorities because of crowding of their facilities, relinquishes custody of temporary detainees to juvenile and medical authorities, operates community-based programs with day-reporting, home detention, electronic monitoring, or other types of supervision, and holds inmates sentenced to short terms. Variables include information on jail population by legal status, age and sex of prisoners, maximum sentence, admissions and releases, available services and programs, structure and capacity, facility age and use of space, expenditure, employment, staff information, and health issues, which include statistics on drugs, AIDS, and tuberculosis.

Series: National Jail Census Series

Access Notes

  • One or more files in this data collection have special restrictions ; consult the restrictions note to learn more. You can apply online for access to the restricted-use data. A login is required to apply.

    A downloadable version of data for this study is available however, certain identifying information in the downloadable version may have been masked or edited to protect respondent privacy. Additional data not included in the downloadable version are available in a restricted version of this data collection. For more information about the differences between the downloadable data and the restricted data for this study, please refer to the codebook notes section of the PDF codebook. Users interested in obtaining restricted data must complete and sign a Restricted Data Use Agreement, describe the research project and data protection plan, and obtain IRB approval or notice of exemption for their research.

    Any public-use data files in this collection are available for access by the general public. Access does not require affiliation with an ICPSR member institution.


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Study Description


United States Department of Justice. Bureau of Justice Statistics. National Jail Census, 1999. ICPSR03318-v3. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2009-07-09.

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  • RIS (generic format for RefWorks, EndNote, etc.)
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This study was funded by:

  • United States Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Bureau of Justice Statistics

Scope of Study

Subject Terms:    census data, correctional facilities, correctional system, corrections management, demographic characteristics, inmate populations, inmate programs, inmates, jail inmates, jails

Geographic Coverage:    United States

Time Period:   

Date of Collection:   

Universe:    All locally administered jails in the United States.

Data Type(s):    aggregate data


Data Source:

official records

Extent of Processing:  ICPSR data undergo a confidentiality review and are altered when necessary to limit the risk of disclosure. ICPSR also routinely creates ready-to-go data files along with setups in the major statistical software formats as well as standard codebooks to accompany the data. In addition to these procedures, ICPSR performed the following processing steps for this data collection:

  • Standardized missing values.
  • Performed recodes and/or calculated derived variables.
  • Checked for undocumented or out-of-range codes.


Original ICPSR Release:   2002-06-07

Version History:

  • 2009-07-09 Data modifications for disclosure risk have been made. The following variables were masked using -1 as the code and "Masked" as the value label: V333 MALE ILLNESS/NATURAL CAUSES, V335 FEMALE ILLNESS/NATURAL CAUSES, V337 MALE AIDS, V339 FEMALE AIDS, V341 MALE SUICIDE, V343 FEMALE SUICIDE,V345 MALE HOMICIDE BY OTHER INMATE,V347 FEMALE HOMICIDE BY OTHER INMATE, V349 MALE OTHER HOMICIDE,V351 FEMALE OTHER HOMICIDE, V354 MALE OTHER CAUSES OF INMATE DEATH, and V356 FEMALE OTHER CAUSES OF INMATE DEATH. The following variable was masked using MASKED as the value: V353 OTHER CAUSES OF INMATE DEATH SPECIFY. The following variables were masked by assigning a blank (" ") for all cases: V16p NAME OF THE ENTITY THAT OWNS THIS FACILI and V17p NAME OF THE ENTITY THAT OPERATES THIS FA.
  • 2005-11-04 On 2005-03-14 new files were added to one or more datasets. These files included additional setup files as well as one or more of the following: SAS program, SAS transport, SPSS portable, and Stata system files. The metadata record was revised 2005-11-04 to reflect these additions.
  • 2003-12-02 The principal investigator supplied a revised dataset, which was fully processed and released as the second edition of the collection. Corresponding changes were made to the codebook and data definition statements.
  • 2002-08-16 The first part of Appendix A, a statistical program, was deleted from the codebook.

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