Living With a Star

Earth resides in the vast atmosphere of a star – and that star creates a dynamic and complex space environment that can sometimes interfere with space technology, communications and navigation systems, and utility grids. The Living With a Star, or LWS, program focuses on the science necessary to understand aspects of the sun and Earth's space environment that affect life and society. The goal is to provide the comprehensive research needed to understand the many factors affecting the sun-Earth system and thus provide the information necessary for improved forecasting of space weather.

LWS missions have been formulated to answer specific science questions about the links between the various solar, Earth and space systems that affect space weather. The coordinated LWS program includes strategic missions, targeted research and technology development, a space environment test bed flight opportunity, and partnerships with other agencies and nations.

Living With a Star Objectives

Living With a Star is a cross-disciplinary program with links to the following:

  1. Space Science: LWS quantifies the physics, dynamics, and behavior of the sun-Earth system over the 11-year solar cycle.
  2. Earth Science: LWS improves understanding of the effects of solar variability and disturbances on terrestrial climate change.
  3. Human Exploration and Development: LWS provides data and scientific understanding required for advanced warning of energetic particle events that affect the safety of humans.
  4. Aeronautics and Space Transportation: LWS provides detailed characterization of radiation environments useful in the design of more reliable electronic components for air and space transportation systems.


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