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Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area

The Royal Gorge Field Office is preparing a Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement to guide management of 668,000 acres of public lands and 6.6 million acres of federal mineral estate in eastern Colorado. The Eastern Colorado RMP will reflect the changing needs of the planning area over the next several decades and will replace the current Royal Gorge and Northeast Colorado RMPs that were developed in 1996 and 1986, combining both of the original planning areas under one cohesive plan. The Eastern Colorado RMP planning area does not include the new Browns Canyon National Monument, which will undergo its own planning effort.

1. Planning Assessment Phase


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

2. Notice of Intent


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

3. Scoping Phase


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

4. Preliminary Alternatives

In Progress

Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

5. Draft RMP: Notice of Availability

Not Initiated

Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

6. Proposed RMP: Notice of Availability

Not Initiated

Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

7. Record of Decisions: Notice of Availability

Not Initiated

Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.