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A small stream with green banks on both sides.

Wyoming Fisheries and Aquatics Partnerships

BLM Wyoming has a very strong and long-standing partnership with Trout Unlimited (TU). 

An example is their work on the Gooseberry Fish Passage Project. It is the first step in an ongoing effort to improve the Sage Creek watershed and increase the range and population of the imperiled Colorado River cutthroat trout (CRCT) as well as aquatic and riparian habitat within the Greater Little Mountain area.  In 2013, two fish ladders were constructed on Gooseberry Creek. The ladders were designed to improve passage and directly benefit native fish populations by allowing them to access additional spawning habitat. 

TU helped on another project to construct a permanent fish barrier on the Henrys Fork River in southwestern Wyoming to prevent passage of non-native aquatic species from the Flaming Gorge Reservoir.   

The Gooseberry Fish Passage Project and the Henry’s Fork River project are examples of types of cooperative partnerships and combined conservation efforts to improve, protect, and restore CRCT watersheds, one of Wyoming’s valued resources.