Two BLM employees reintroduce Bear River Bonneville Cutthroat into Randolph Creek.

After nearly eight years, a project started in 2008 by BLM-Utah, Utah-DWR and Trout Unlimited to continues to successfully increase native fish populations in northern Utah.  In fact, the partnership’s proactive approach to native fish conservation has helped keep Bear River Bonneville Cutthroat trout from listing as a threatened or endangered species!  On October 15, 2015, a team of fish experts reintroduced 5,600 young cutthroat into seven miles of Randolph Creek in beautiful Rich County.

The reintroduction would not have been possible without the support of private landowners in the area, and the 5,600 released are just the beginning of a larger-scale project that will reintroduce several native fish species to 40 miles of the stream system. Partnerships drive ongoing conservation efforts like this one and BLM-Utah looks forward to more team efforts in the years ahead.  Good news for anglers—the cutthroat are expected to be large enough to fish Fall 2016 or Spring 2017!

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