View of the trees and Headwaters Reserve, California, photo by Bob Wick, BLM


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Freedom of Information Act

BLM FOIA Program

The Freedom of Information Act or FOIA provides the public the right to request access to Bureau of Land Management records.  The BLM will disclose any information requested under the FOIA unless it falls under one of nine exemptions which protect interests such as personal privacy, national security, and law enforcement.

Before Submitting a FOIA Request

Before making a request, first look to see if the information you are interested in is already publicly available.  You can find a lot of useful information on a range of BLM topics on our website.  You can also search our FOIA Reading Room for frequently requested information we have already posted online.

How to Make a FOIA Request

If the information you want is not publicly available, you can submit a FOIA request to the BLM’s FOIA Office.  The request simply must be in writing and reasonably describe the records you seek.  We accept FOIA requests electronically by e-mail or fax, and by mail.  You can find more details about making a request on our How to Make a FOIA Request page.


There is no initial fee required to submit a FOIA request, but the BLM is authorized to charge fees to requesters in order to recover the direct costs of search, review and duplication of requested records.  If the total costs of supplying the requested information are less than $50, we will waive any applicable fees.  If the total costs will exceed $250, you may be required to pay before we begin the search.

Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled answers to some of our most Frequently Asked Questions.  If you have a question that you don't see listed, please feel free to contact us.

Right Sidebar Content: 

Contact Information

National FOIA Office
Bureau of Land Management
Attn: FOIA Office (WO-640)
1849 C St. N.W.
Washington, DC  20240


Phone: 202-912-7560

Fax: 202-245-0050  (Please call to confirm receipt.)

Contact information for the BLM’s FOIA Officer and FOIA Coordinators located in each of the BLM’s State Offices is available on our FOIA Contacts page.