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Office of Workers' Compensation Programs

Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)

Gary A. Steinberg
Acting Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs

Gary A. Steinberg, Acting Director

Mr. Steinberg was named as the Acting Director for the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) on February 3, 2011. He had been the OWCP Deputy Director since November 2010. OWCP provides over 4.5 billion dollars annually in wage replacement benefits, medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation, and other benefits to federal workers, nuclear energy workers, longshore and harbor workers, civilian contractors working overseas, coal miners and certain other employees who are injured at work or acquire an occupational disease. The annual operating budget for OWCP is $345,000,000 with a federal staff of over 1,700.

Previously, Mr. Steinberg served as a Senior Executive at the Department of Health and Human Services for three years. He was the Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources where he was responsible for strategic human capital and performance management programs. He was also involved with patient civil rights and healthcare privacy matters.

He served for nine years at the Department of Veterans Affairs. In 2005, he was appointed Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration where he had oversight responsibility for human resources, labor management relations, diversity programs, EEO resolution management, and Central Office administration and led a staff of 540. In this capacity, he also served as the Chief Operating Officer responsible for budget development, information systems, facilities management, and human resources. As PDAS for HR&A, Mr. Steinberg successfully led the planning and implementation of a major reengineering of VA's Workers' Compensation and Safety programs. He served as the chair for the Department's Workers Compensation Steering Committee that provided oversight for all VA Workers Compensation activities and initiatives. The VA was recognized government-wide for its improvements in case processing and management, reduction in lost production days, and focus on return to work. He also served as the DAS for Planning and Evaluation where he was responsible for all strategic planning, program evaluation, organizational assessments, and management improvement programs for the Department. He was awarded VA's Distinguished Career Award and Meritorious Service Award.

He began his career with the government at NASA where he served as Director for Strategic Management and Director for Continual Improvement Programs. He led the development of NASA's strategic and performance plans, the agency's strategic management system, and many of NASA's quality improvement initiatives. During his 8-years with the agency, he was awarded NASA's Exceptional Service Medal and Group Achievement Awards for Strategic Management and Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management.

Mr. Steinberg was a leader on several White House and National Academy for Public Administration (NAPA) studies that identified best practices in customer-driven strategic planning and performance planning and measurement. He also led a White House, OMB, OPM, NASA effort that produced a training video that was used across the government to support GPRA implementation.

Prior to joining the federal government, Mr. Steinberg spent ten years in private industry where he had management responsibilities in the areas of strategic and business planning, international marketing, management controls and quality, and contracts administration.

Mr. Steinberg graduated from the University of Connecticut, cum laud earning a Bachelor of Science degree and from the University of Hartford with a masters in business administration. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University's Center for Continuing Education.