University Research

09.24.14University Research

Finding Answers to Basic Questions About the UniverseExternal link

UC Riverside graduate students make significant contributions to particle physics research at CERN. Read MoreExternal linkage

09.23.14University Research

Sparkling Threads With Exceptional PropertiesExternal link

Penn State University researchers create super-strong, super-thin diamond nanothreads. Read MoreExternal linkage

09.23.14University Research

Stanford Researchers Create 'Evolved' Protein That May Stop Cancer From SpreadingExternal link

Experimental therapy stopped the metastasis of breast and ovarian cancers in lab mice, pointing toward a safe and effective alternative to chemotherapy. Read MoreExternal linkage

09.23.14University Research

Graphene Flaws Key to Creating Hypersensitive ‘Electronic Nose’External link

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have discovered a way to create a highly sensitive chemical sensor based on the crystalline flaws in graphene sheets. Read MoreExternal linkage

09.22.14University Research

UChicago-Argonne National Lab Team Improves Solar-cell EfficiencyExternal link

Researchers identified a new polymer—a type of large molecule that forms plastics and other familiar materials—that improved the efficiency of solar cells. Read MoreExternal linkage

09.22.14University Research

Nuclear Spins Control Current in Plastic LEDExternal link

University of Utah physicists are making steps toward quantum computing, spintronic memory, and better displays. Read MoreExternal linkage

09.19.14University Research

Oxides Discovered by CCNY Team Could Advance Memory DevicesExternal link

Researchers at The City College of New York led by chemist Stephen O’Brien have discovered new complex oxides that exhibit both magnetic and ferroelectric properties. Read MoreExternal linkage

09.17.14University Research

Scientists Refine Formula for Nanotube TypesExternal link

Rice University theorists determine factors that give tubes their chiral angles. Read MoreExternal linkage

09.16.14University Research

Stanford Engineers Help Describe Key Mechanism in Energy and Information StorageExternal link

Work could inform research that leads to longer-lasting batteries or higher-capacity memory devices. Read MoreExternal linkage

09.10.14University Research

PPPL Scientists Take Key Step Toward Solving a Major Astrophysical MysteryExternal link

Understanding how reconnection transforms magnetic energy into explosive particle energy has been a major unsolved problem in plasma astrophysics. Read MoreExternal linkage

Last modified: 1/3/2017 12:52:10 PM