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Mapping and Charting Support

CO-OPS’ Mapping and Charting Services Program is based on NWLON and its primary purpose to accurately collect water level data to meet NOAA’s mission and goal requirements for water level information. CO-OPS installs and operates long term and short-term water level stations in support of a variety of programs, including hydrographic surveys, shoreline mapping projects, marine boundary determinations, dredging projects, and other mapping efforts. Read more about "Mapping and Charting Support"

NWLON - Water Levels - The National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON) is the foundation of the comprehensive system for observing, communicating, and assessing the impact of changing water levels nationwide. With a network of 210 long-term, continuously operating water level stations throughout the US and its territories, the NWLON is the “go to” source for government and commercial sector navigation, recreation, and coastal ecosystem management. Read more about "NWLON - Water Levels"

Hydrographic Survey Support - Following assessment of requirements for water level data acquisition and datum determination, CO-OPS’ Hydrographic Planning Team (HPT) provides input for hydrographic and shoreline mapping survey project instructions to ensure vertical control in accordance with National Ocean Service standards. Consultation is provided to OCS’ Hydrographic Surveys Division (HSD) and Navigation Services Division (NSD) and NGS’ Remote Sensing Division (RSD) for both in-house and contract surveys. Read more about "Hydrographic Survey Support"

Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network (TCOON) - The TCOON became an entity of the State of Texas to facilitate the collection of environmental data for the purposes of studying, planning for, and managing human uses of the Texas Coast. The ongoing partnership between the National Ocean Service (NOS), the Texas General Land Office (GLO), and the Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science (CBI) at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi over the last 25 years ensures that NOS data collection standards are used and updated with advances in technology. Read more about "Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network (TCOON)"

Vertical Datum Transformation (NOAA VDatum) - VDatum is designed to vertically transform geospatial data among a variety of tidal, orthometric and ellipsoidal vertical datums - allowing users to convert their data from different horizontal/vertical references into a common system and enabling the fusion of diverse geospatial data in desired reference levels. Read more about "Vertical Datum Transformation (NOAA VDatum)"

Maritime Services

CO-OPS Maritime Services provides information that improves the safety and efficiency of maritime commerce and coastal resource management through the integration of real-time environmental observations, forecasts and other geospatial information. CO-OPS measures and disseminates observations, predictions and nowcast/forecasts of water levels, currents, salinity, and meteorological parameters (e.g., winds, atmospheric pressure, and air and water temperatures) that mariners need to navigate safely.CO-OPS Maritime Services is made up of several programs that aid mariners in transporting safely and efficiently. Read more about "Maritime Services"

PORTS - Real Time Observations - PORTS® is a decision support tool that improves the safety and efficiency of maritime commerce and coastal resource management through the integration of real-time environmental observations and predictions. Read more about "PORTS - Real Time Observations"

NCOP - Currents - CO-OPS manages National Current Observation Program (NCOP) to collect, analyze, and distribute observations and predictions of currents. The program's goals are to ensure safe, efficient and environmentally sound maritime commerce, and to support environmental needs such as HAZMAT response. Read more about "NCOP - Currents"

NOCMP - Modeling - The primary objective of the National Operational Coastal Modeling Program (NOCMP) is to develop a national network of Operational Nowcast and Forecast Hydrodynamic Model Systems (called OFS), which consists of the automated integration of observing system data streams, hydrodynamic model predictions, product dissemination and continuous quality-control monitoring. Read more about "NOCMP - Modeling"

Coastal Oceanographic Applications and Services of Tides and Lakes (COASTAL)

The Coastal Oceanographic Applications and Services of Tides and Lakes (COASTAL) leverages precise water level information for monitoring, management, planning applications that include coastal development and engineering, habitat restoration, long-term sea level assessments, storm surge monitoring, tsunami warning support, emergency preparedness, and HAZMAT response. Read more about "Coastal Oceanographic Applications and Services of Tides and Lakes (COASTAL)"

St. Charles Parish Real-Time Monitoring System - Established through a partnership between the NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS and St. Charles Parish, Louisiana, St. Charles real-time water-level monitoring system will provide critical information to save lives, protect property, and restore the environment in this community. Read more about "St. Charles Parish Real-Time Monitoring System"

Storm QuickLooks - The Storm QuickLook product provides a real-time synopsis of oceanographic information when coastal areas are threatened by a tropical storm or hurricane. The product integrates water level and meteorological observations with National Weather Service tropical cyclone track and intensity information. Read more about "Storm QuickLooks"

1-Minute Water Level Data - CO-OPS provides real-time access to 1-minute water level data to support tsunami detection, warning, and modeling, and support warning and mitigation of other coastal hazards. Data can be viewed numerically or graphically. Read more about "1-Minute Water Level Data"

Harmful Algal Bloom Operational Forecast System (HAB-OFS) - The Harmful Algal Bloom Forecast System (HAB-FS) provides advance notice of harmful algal blooms, including possible impacts to the public, location, extent, and the potential for HAB development or movement. Read more about "Harmful Algal Bloom Operational Forecast System (HAB-OFS)"

Sea Level Trends - CO-OPS has been measuring sea level for over 150 years, with tide stations of the National Water Level Observation Network operating on all U.S. coasts. Changes in Mean Sea Level (MSL), either a sea level rise or sea level fall, have been computed at 128 long-term water level stations using a minimum span of 30 years of observations at each location. These measurements have been averaged by month to remove the effect of higher frequency phenomena (e.g. storm surge) in order to compute an accurate linear sea level trend. The trend analysis has also been extended to 240 global tide stations using data from the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL). Read more about "Sea Level Trends"

Marsh Restoration - Three categories of water-level analyses are conducted for each marsh restoration project under the COASTAL Program: (1) local tidal datums are computed; (2) long-term sea-level change is assessed; and (3)the frequency and duration of inundation are analyzed. Read more about "Marsh Restoration"

Marsh Restoration Tool (MAPTITE) - an ArcGIS add-in tool MAPTITE for coastal restoration planning, which aids in the selection of vegetation types for different restoration elevations based on a combination of a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from GPS observations, local tidal datums, and grass species tolerances. By delineating planting areas and providing point data that can be uploaded to GPS receivers for those areas, MAPTITE allows users to accurately plant appropriate species during restoration, promoting growth of native species in order to successfully create or restore ecosystem functions of the marsh. Read more about "MAPTITE"

Inundation Analysis - Frequency and duration of inundation statistics above a specified elevation threshold are now available using observed and historical data from NOAA Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services' tide stations. Read more about "Inundation Analysis"

Extreme Water Levels - Exceedance Probability Statistics on Extreme Water Levels now available for select water level stations in California, Oregon, Washington, and the Pacific Islands. Read more about "Extreme Water Levels"

Revised: 10/15/2013
NOAA / National Ocean Service
Web site owner: Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services