National Wildlife Research Center

National Wildlife Research Center

The National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) is the research arm of the USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services program. Scientists and support staff are dedicated to finding solutions to challenging wildlife damage management problems related to agriculture, natural resources, property, and human health and safety.        

Human-wildlife conflicts, wildlife damage, nuisance and pest animals, wildlife disease, invasive species, overabundant wildlife, and overall ecosystem health are just some of the topics studied by researchers at the NWRC.

                                               Research Areas     
                                        Scientific Integrity Policies

Population and Reproductive Control
Aviation Safety                               Predation  
Chemistry-Based Tools      
Repellent Applications    
Economics of Damage Management
Wildlife Disease Research and Surveillance 
Feral Swine
Registration Products
Forest and Crop Protection
Library  &  Archives   
Invasive Species                             

Research Spotlight
Bait Preferences of Free-Ranging Feral Swine

Complementary Content