National Environmental Policy Act

National Environmental Policy Act

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to evaluate environmental impacts into their decision making processes and ensures that environmental information is available to public officials and citizens before decisions are made and actions are taken. To fulfill this responsibility, Wildlife Services (WS) prepares analyses of the environmental effects of program activities.

Select this link to view Environmental Documents and Public Notices of Availability / Involvement Opportunities

This link takes you to Wildlife Services Environmental Documents which include Environmental Assessments (EA), Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI), and Records of Decision (ROD) that are available and organized by State. Documents will be added as they become available.

Select this Link to View October 12, 2016 Notice Regarding APHIS-Wildlife Service’s Reliance on the 1994 Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (“PEIS”) and 1995 Record of Decision.

In the 21 years since the PEIS Record of Decision was issued, APHIS-Wildlife Services has initiated the phase out of any reliance on the 1994 PEIS. Today, most of APHIS-Wildlife Services National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) documents are not tiered to the PEIS. No new APHIS-Wildlife Services NEPA documents signed after the date of this Notice will be tiered to the 1994 PEIS. In the future, APHIS-Wildlife Services intends to revise or redo all of its NEPA documents that are currently tiered to the 1994 PEIS.

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