Climate Change Communication Toolkit

Welcome to the Climate Change Communication Toolkit! The toolkit is intended to complement the NPS National Climate Change Interpretation and Education Strategy by providing support for climate change communicators. Within you will find some resources you need to get started in effectively communicating climate change to the public in your park or protected area.
Scientist studying coral reef
Understand Your Story and Science
Learn the story of climate change at your site, whether it's a story of science or a story of people. Themes address specific impacts being observed and many implications that those impacts represent. This is a starter set of studies to jump start your research and help you find a sound basis for your communication efforts.
Ranger speaking to group
Best Practices
To communicate effectively, it can be helpful to see completed examples of exhibits, publications and other products. Find graphics to use in your programs and presentations and videos to learn more. Communication guides and resources for educators are also available.
Visitors at Rocky Mountain National Park
Who's Your Audience?
Make your programs and products relevant to those you serve by knowing a bit about your audience: where they’re from, what they’re interested in, and what they might like to learn. Communicators seek out social science research to inform them about their visitors' perspectives on climate change and examine strategies for successfully connecting.
Solar panels on roof in John Day Fossil Beds
What We're Doing
Learn about the climate change strategies and policies that guide the National Park Service and other agencies and organizations. Discover NPS sustainability practices that mitigate climate change and ways find out how parks are adapting to changes.
Ranger looking through binoculars
Learn and Engage
Finding good resources is an on-going task. Keep your finger on the pulse of climate change in national parks and stay engaged with this community of practice. Here are some resources to help you to stay current through training, webinars, newsletters, and more.

What are we missing? Submit a resource that you think would make a great addition to the toolkit.


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