BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) obtains information on the age of victims who experienced violent crimes or personal thefts. For property crimes the age of household members who respond to the questions is obtained. The appropriate age category is determined by the respondent’s age on the last day of the month before the interview. 

Publications & Products

Co-Offending Among Adolescents in Violent Victimizations, 2004-13 Presents estimates of nonfatal violent victimizations perceived by the victim to be committed by adolescents ages 12 to 17 during 2004-13.
  Press Release | Summary (PDF 257K) | PDF (502K) | ASCII file (41K) | Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format 25K)

Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2015 Presents data on crime and safety at school from the perspectives of students, teachers, and principals.
  PDF (4M) | Tables (available at NCES) (Other)
Part of the Indicators of School Crime and Safety Series

Criminal Victimization, 2014 Presents 2014 estimates of rates and levels of criminal victimization in the United States.
  Press Release | PDF (745KB) | ASCII file (42KB) | Comma Separated Values (CSV) (Zip format)
Part of the Criminal Victimization Series

Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2014 Presents data on crime and safety at school from the perspectives of students, teachers, and principals.
  Summary (PDF 172K) | Full Report (PDF 3.2M)
Part of the Indicators of School Crime and Safety Series

Crimes Against the Elderly, 2003-2013 Presents estimates on property and fatal and nonfatal violent victimization against persons age 65 or older from 2003 to 2013.
  Press Release | PDF (2.2M) | ASCII file (44K) | Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format 42K)
Part of the Crimes against Persons Age 65 or Older Series

Criminal Victimization, 2012 Presents 2012 estimates of rates and levels of criminal victimization in the U.S. This bulletin includes violent victimization (rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault) and property victimization (burglary, motor vehicle theft, and property theft).
  Press Release | PDF (836K) | ASCII file (38K) | Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format 48K)
Part of the Criminal Victimization Series

Criminal Victimization, 2012 FOR SECOND CONSECUTIVE YEAR VIOLENT AND PROPERTY CRIME RATES INCREASED IN 2012 Increases driven by simple assaults and crime not reported to police
  Press Release
Part of the Criminal Victimization in the United States Series

Measuring the Prevalence of Crime with the National Crime Victimization Survey Presents comparisons of victimization rates and prevalence rates of nonfatal violent crime and household property crime from 1993 to 2010.
  Press Release | PDF (1.18K) | ASCII file (55K) | Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format)

Measuring the Prevalence of Crime with the National Crime Victimization Survey NEW BJS REPORT ON CALCULATING THE PREVALENCE OF CRIME IN THE U.S.
  Press Release

Violent Crime Against Youth, 1994-2010 Presents patterns and trends in violent crime against youth ages 12 to 17 from 1994 to 2010.
  Press Release | PDF (1.25M) | ASCII file (29K) | Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format 62K)

Terms & Definitions

Age category The appropriate age category is determined by the respondent's age on the last day of the month preceding the interview.