NCPEA - National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
Elder Care

Welcome to NCPEA

The National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NCPEA) is an association of researchers, practitioners, educators, and advocates dedicated to protecting the safety, security, and dignity of America's most vulnerable citizens. It was established in 1988 to achieve a clearer understanding of abuse and provide direction and leadership to prevent it. Since 1998. NCPEA has been a partner or participant in the National Center on Elder Abuse, funded by Congress to serve as the nation's clearinghouse and resource for abuse and neglect. To learn more about NCPEA, click here.

The Issue of Elder Abuse

Spiraling rates of elder mistreatment are reported by both practitioners and researchers.  In a recent national study of Adult Protective Services (APS), typically the agency of first report concerning elder abuse, there were 253,421 reports of abuse of adults age 60+ or 832.6 reports for every 100,000 people over the age of 60 (Teaster, Dugar, Otto, Mendiondo, Abner, & Cecil, 2006).  The National Elder Abuse Incidence Study (National Center on Elder Abuse, 1998) found that more than 500,000 persons aged 60+ were victims of domestic abuse and that an estimated 84% of incidents are not reported to authorities, denying victims the protection and support they need.  Given the significant underreporting, the Senate Special Committee on Aging estimated that as many as five million older Americans may be victims of abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation every year.  These vulnerable elders are subject to injury and to premature death (Lachs et al., 1998), often from caregivers and family members.  Elder financial exploitation—commonly linked with other forms of abuse and neglect—threatens the health, dignity, and economic security of millions of older Americans.  Elder abuse is estimated to cost Americans tens of billions of dollars annually in health care, social services, investigative and legal costs, and lost income and assets. 


Lachs, M.S., Willams, C., O’Brien, S., Pillemer, K., & Charlson, M.E.  (1998).  The mortality of elder mistreatment.  JAMA, 280, 428-432.

Teaster, P. B., Otto, J. M., Dugar, T. D., Mendiondo, M. S., Abner, E. L., & Cecil, K. A. (2006).

The 2004 survey of state Adult Protective Services: Abuse of adults 60 years of age and older.  Report to the National Center on Elder Abuse, Administration on Aging, Washington, D.C.

NCEA. (2005).  Fact Sheet, National Center on Elder Abuse.  Retrieved August 23, 2007 from